A Long Time Coming

: Chapter 19

I owe Lottie and Kelsey a medal of honor because I know for a fact the reason Lia texted me earlier about wanting to sit on my face is because of them. I know they had a knitting club thing tonight because JP was bitching about how he wanted to go ravage his wife but couldn’t.

Lia’s participated in everything I’ve initiated so far, which has been out-of-this-world amazing. But then I read . . . I really want to sit on your face. Fuck, did that send an enormous smile to my lips. Does that mean she’s starting to feel more comfortable with the idea of us? So soon? Fuck yes, I hope so. There is no doubt in my mind that the girls have convinced her to step outside of her comfort zone.

And I’m fucking grateful.

Lia is at her place now, changing, not sure into what, but she’s changing, and I’m waiting impatiently for her to get here. I’ve thought about how I want to approach this because I want her to feel like she can take charge, but I also know that she’s most likely going to be shy, so I’m going to have to read her.

I pace my living room, and when I hear a door next door shut, I hold my breath. I stare down my door, and after a few seconds, the knob twists open.

“Hey,” she calls out.

I glance toward the entryway and catch her in a pair of green silk shorts and a white tank top. She’s not wearing a bra. That’s evident by how hard her nipples are.

“Hey,” I say as I come into view.

Immediately, her eyes fall to my chest. I’ve noticed she’s spent more time checking me out in the recent week than ever before, and I’m eating it up. It’s why I keep going shirtless when I’m around her.

I walk right up to her, slip my hand around her waist and pull her into my chest, then kiss the top of her head.

Have I wanted to kiss her on the lips? Every goddamn second I’m around her, but I’m waiting. That first kiss, it’s going to be a special moment, one I want to fucking remember forever, so I’ve held off even though it’s pained me.

“How was knitting club?” I ask her calmly. Difficult, because my body is buzzing from her text.

“It was fun,” she says as she pulls away. I can tell right away that she isn’t displaying as much confidence as she was with her text, so I’ll need to take charge.

Not a problem at all.

I take her hand in mine and move her to the couch, where I take a seat. I have her sit between my legs so her back is to my chest. We stretch our legs out along the couch, and because I already have music playing and the lights are dimmed, the mood is set.

Her head rests on my shoulder, and I circle her waist while one hand moves under her shirt so I’m touching her stomach.

“Did you see that the Blue Man Group was coming to LA?” I ask.

“They are?” she asks. “Please tell me we’re going.”

I chuckle. “You know, I could always take you to Vegas to see them. I’m rich after all. Hell, I can host our own private show here at the apartment.”

“Flashing your money, are we?”

I like her lighthearted tone, so I go with it. “I feel like I need to impress.”

“Do you know how you can impress?” she asks. “Recite all of the characters in Harry Potter in alphabetical order with corresponding house—if they have one.”

“Hmm, something to work on.” I smooth my hand over her stomach and then work my way up to her breast, barely skimming it with my fingers. “Do you know what JP told me today?”

“What?” she asks, her voice sounding breathless.

“Huxley apparently has a soft spot, and I’m not talking about Lottie.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well,” I say while dragging my fingers along her stomach, loving how it dips and expands with every breath she takes and every touch I make. “Huxley was in his office, and JP walked in on him and saw his eyes were teary.”

“No, I don’t believe it,” she says while shaking her head. “Huxley doesn’t cry.”

“I know, that’s what I said. And when JP asked him what was going on, Huxley shut down.”

“Yeah, as if the man would share his feelings.”

“Exactly,” I say, loving how much Lia knows about my family. “But you know JP, he’s relentless, and he irritated Huxley so much that he finally spilled and said he was watching a video Lottie sent him of a baby hearing for the first time after not being able to hear since birth. Huxley ended up showing JP the video, and they teared up together. Then of course JP donated half a million dollars to a foundation that helps families who can’t afford the equipment needed to help their children hear.”

“Oh my God, that’s so sweet,” Lia says. “I thought you were going to say something ridiculous like . . . JP’s pigeon craze.”

“That’s where I thought it was going too,” I say as I bring my hand back up to her breast. This time, I lightly cup it and drag my thumb over the bottom. “But I was surprised to hear that it was about a kid. It makes me think they’re hiding something.”

“What do you mean?” she asks.

“I don’t know. I think Lottie might be pregnant.”

“No.” Lia shakes her head. “She had drinks with us the other night.”

“Yeah, but JP also said he’s seen some nonalcoholic knockoffs. Or she’s skipped the booze portion of the drink.”

Lia twists so she sits on my lap now, her back against the couch and her legs draping off the edge of the couch. “No, she can’t be pregnant. I’m sure I would have been able to tell.”

“Do you have uterus X-ray vision I don’t know about?” I ask.

She presses her palm to my face, causing me to laugh. “You know what I mean.”

“I really don’t. I think she is. The signs are there. Huxley has been extra protective around her lately. More than usual. And he’s canceled a few appointments. JP told me about it. He thinks they’ve been going to see the doctor.”

I place my hand on her thigh as she stares off in wonderment. “I can’t fathom it, Huxley being a father. Then again, I never, and I mean never, thought he would get married.” She turns toward me now, straddling my lap. I accommodate the switch in position and slip my hands under her shorts, all the way up to the juncture of her hips. “But here he is, proving me wrong with every turn. Lottie really has domesticated him.”

“Yeah, I’m glad they bumped into each other. I like Lottie a lot.”

“Me too,” Lia says. “And Kelsey, for that matter. Are she and JP trying to get pregnant?”

“I didn’t ask, but from the look in JP’s eyes when he was talking about Lottie possibly being pregnant, I could see the desire in his eyes. I think JP would make a great dad.”

“I think so as well.” She places her hands on my chest. “I like gossiping about your siblings. They present such an austere image that seeing behind the scenes of these powerful men is fun.”

“What about me?”

“I know everything about you already,” she says.

“Not everything,” I answer.

She smooths her hands over my chest and asks, “What do I not know?”

“That the first night you came to my dorm, I told myself halfway through Scrabble that I was going to ask you out when all was said and done.”

Her head tilts to the side. “No, you weren’t.”

I nod. “Yes, I was. I was gathering the courage to do so.”

“Why didn’t you?” she asks, confused.

“Because you said you wanted a friend, and I didn’t want to ruin our connection, so I said okay, I’ll be your friend.”

She wets her lips and asks, “So why now? Why have you changed that way of thinking?”

“Because,” I answer as I grab the hem of her shirt and slowly drag it up and over her head. “I realized that seeing you marry another man was my absolute worst-case scenario because I have deep-rooted feelings for you, Lia.” My hands go to her breasts, and she lifts her chest in a gasp as she moves her ass along my growing erection. “Do you think you could feel the same way?”

She glides her teeth over her bottom lip, and when her eyes connect with mine, she says, “I think so.”

“Good,” I answer before I pick her up and stand from the couch. Her arms wrap around my neck, and her breasts press against my bare chest. It’s such a delicious feeling that I almost feel sad that I’m going to break the contact soon.

“This is all so . . . weird and new to me,” she admits. “It’s hard for me to wrap my head around it.”

I carry her into my bedroom and lay her on the bed before I reach for her waist and take off her shorts, leaving her completely naked. Being able to see her naked whenever I want is like a goddamn dream. “I’m still trying to wrap my head around it as well,” I say as I push my shorts down and grip my erection at the base. I squeeze it and let out a hiss as I take in her perfect body.

The swell of her hips.

The way her nipples are pebbled all the fucking time.

The slight part of her lips as she watches me stroke myself.

“Tell me this, Lia, how did you like having my cock in your mouth yesterday?”

She swallows deeply before saying, “I liked it . . . a lot.”

“Good answer.” I stroke my length, running my hand over the head while Lia’s eyes remain transfixed on what I’m doing. “Did you play with the vibrator after?”

“No.” She shakes her head.

“Why not?” I ask.

“Because.” Her hand floats over her breasts, and I watch in jealousy as she plays with them. “I didn’t think I was allowed to play . . . without you.”

I swear my dick gets even harder from her response.

Wetting my lips, I then lower to the bed, where I hover over her with one hand on either side.

“That’s an even better answer,” I say as I lower my mouth to her chest, where I nip along her skin. “Feel free to play whenever you want without me, but . . .”—I lift to look her in the eyes—“always think about me.” And then I pepper her chest with kisses, going from one side to the other, sucking on her skin, nibbling, leaving my mark so when she wakes up tomorrow and looks in the mirror, she knows exactly who she belongs to.

Her hands drag up my back and to my neck, where she plays with the short strands of my hair. “Do you . . . do you really find me attractive?” she asks, surprising me.

She hasn’t said very much during our last encounters, other than to tell me she was enjoying what I was doing, but today is different. She’s bolder today, she’s more open. More inquisitive.

To answer her question, I take her hand and place it on my hard-on. “You tell me,” I answer.

She strokes lightly, and her touch feels like fire, stoking the flames with every move of her hand.

“And . . . and you really want me?” she asks.

I pull her nipple into my mouth and suck hard, causing her chest to lift off the bed. When I release the little nub, I say, “I think about you every second of every day, Lia. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.”

I kiss down her stomach and hover there, loving how she’s squirming for my touch. “Any other questions?”

She wets her lips and nods.

“Hurry up, because I’m fucking starving.” I lower and dip my tongue against her pussy, causing her to moan.

Her eyes squeeze shut, and on a breathy moan, she asks, “Is this just fun for you . . . or is it something more?”

I bring my mouth to her pussy, and I spread her. I don’t lick her just yet, I only hover, and when she glances down at me, I say, “This is so much fucking more.” And then I dive my tongue against her clit.

“Oh my God,” she says as her legs spread and her hands fall to my hair.

This is my fucking happy place, right here, between her legs, making her moan my name. And I’m so fucking mad at myself for taking this long to realize it. Sure, I was always attracted to her, but it took a goddamn second for me to figure out that I wanted her. And that makes me infuriated. Because I nearly lost her. I would have hated myself forever if I’d lost her.

I press my tongue along her clit, sliding it slowly, and when she lightly breathes out my name, I know it’s time. I move away, and as she protests, I flip her to her stomach.

“Wh-what are you doing?” she asks.

I drag my hand down her spine and over the curve of her ass. After smoothing my hand over the round globe, without thinking, I smack her ass, leaving a red handprint.

“Fuck.” She grips the comforter beneath her but doesn’t protest. So I do it again. “Breaker,” she breathes heavily.

“What?” I ask as I smooth my hand over the red spot.

“I . . . I don’t know.”

I spank her again, and this time, she lets out a hiss. “You like it, don’t you?”

On a light moan, she says, “Yeah.”

“But you weren’t expecting to like it?”

She shakes her head.

Smiling, I spank her again . . . and again. The sound reverberates through my bedroom, and I know it’s a sound I’m going to commit to memory because it’s so sweet, hearing her softly moan with each slap.

I rub my hand along her ass, massaging it lightly, letting the sting of the spank be smoothed by my palm. And then after a few more seconds, I spank her again.

“Breaker,” she cries out.

I smile and then prop her ass up into the air, where I slip my hand between her legs and feel just how wet she is.

“That’s fucking right, Lia.” I fun my finger along her slit. “You’re ready for me.”

I release my hand, walk around the bed, and then lie down. I put my hands behind my head and say, “Okay, come here.”

She peeks up from where her head is resting on the mattress and asks, “What do you mean?”

“You wanted to sit on my face. So come sit on it.”

“Oh.” Her cheeks redden to a dangerous shade of embarrassment. “I, well . . . we don’t have to.”

My eyes narrow. “You said you wanted to. Therefore, you will do it. Get over here. Now.”

“Breaker, I just . . . I’ve never—”

I lift, grab her arm, and tug her toward me. Then I turn her around so her back is facing my front, and I position her to straddle my chest.

“What are you doing?” she asks.

I press my hand to her back and lower her down and then bring her ass right up to my face.

“Oh my God, Breaker,” she says right before I slip two fingers inside her. “Fuck,” she grinds out, and I can feel her breath on my erection.

Would I love for her to pull me into her mouth while I do this? Of course. But am I going to make her? Never.

I tilt her pelvis up more, and I bring her closer so my mouth is right against her drenched pussy. That’s when I start swiping. Her legs clench around me, and she falls forward, her mouth right next to my cock.

As I lick her, her hands run up and down my inner thighs, so I spread them for her, and that’s when she reaches under and cups my balls.

“Shit, Lia,” I mumble as my head falls for a second.

“You like that?” she asks.

“Fuck yes,” I answer and so she continues to cup them while her other hand grips my cock. “You don’t have to,” I say in a rush, even though I desperately want her mouth again.

“I want to,” she answers before she sucks the tip into her wet, warm mouth.

Fucking heaven.

“So fucking good,” I say as I continue to drive my tongue over her clit.

She gets comfortable, and while I play with her, she plays with me, and it’s so sexy. I’ve never done this with anyone before, and I can honestly say I’m glad it’s with Lia, because she’s so damn perfect. Everything about this is.

She brings me in and out of her mouth while she plays with my balls. Immediately, my spine begins to tingle while my orgasm builds.

It’s going to be quick. Really quick, so I focus on making her come. I harden my tongue and make short, quick flicks against her clit, causing her to moan against my cock.

“Jesus,” I say. “Do that again, and I’m coming in your mouth.”

She hums along my cock, and my toes curl while my balls draw tight. Shit, I need her to come.

I move my tongue faster, but it’s no match for what she’s doing to me, and my mind can only focus on one thing, and that’s the orgasm that’s teetering.

With one final squeeze of my balls and a pull with her teeth, my body stiffens. “Fuck, I’m coming,” I say as I pump up into her mouth, and she swallows against the head of my cock. “Uhhhh, fuck,” I yell as pleasure rips through me.

She laps at my cock once my hips stop moving, and that’s when I realize that she hasn’t come yet. So I flip her off me and onto her back. She looks up at me, a devilish grin in her expression. She’s so satisfied with herself that I can’t even be mad about how she took over.

“You’re in trouble,” I say as I spread her legs.

“Why?” she asks, her smile stretching from ear to ear.

“Because.” I reach up and pinch her nipple, causing her to wince. “That was supposed to be for you. You weren’t supposed to suck me into that beautiful mouth of yours.”

“But I wanted to.” Her satisfied eyes meet mine. “I wanted your cock, Breaker.”

And Jesus fuck . . . I might just be hard again.

“HERE,” I say to Lia, offering her one of my shirts. “Wear this tonight.”

She takes the shirt with a Rubik’s cube on the front and says, “You know, I could just walk back to my place and get clothes.”

I help her put the shirt on over her naked body and say, “You could, but that would require you to walk around naked in a public place, and that’s not approved by me. That would also mean you would have to leave, which is also not approved by me.”

She chuckles and presses her hand to my chest. “No one told me you’re the one in charge.”

“Well, I am.” I kiss the top of her head, so desperate to claim her mouth. “Which also means, sorry, but you’re sleeping here tonight.”

“And why is that?” Her hands fall to my waist, and even though I just made her come a few minutes ago, I have this needy urge to do it all over again.

“Because I’ve let you sleep at your place the last two nights, and it’s about time you spent the night here so I can wake up next to you first thing in the morning.”

“I thought I was a pillow hog?” she asks as her hands smooth up my chest.

“You are, but it’s something I can look past.”

“Wow, you’re a real hero.” She chuckles and then pulls me into a hug. I smooth my hand over the back of her head.

“Everything okay?” I ask.

She nods against my chest but doesn’t pull away.

“You sure? You just went really quiet on me.”

“I’m sure. Just thinking.”

“Tell me what you’re thinking about,” I say as I run my hand down her back and then back up.

“Just how crazy this is.” She glances up at me. “I never would have expected to be in this position with you or in that position we were in a few moments ago. I suppose I’m still trying to grasp it all.”

“You seem open to it, though.”

“I am.” She now pulls away enough so we’re looking at each other. “I like you, Breaker, a lot. And I seem to have this full-blown attraction for you that I never knew I had. And when you’re touching me, commanding me, it makes me feel safe, protected, like I’m . . . home. I just don’t want anything to mess that up, you know?”

“I understand.” I slip my finger under her chin and say, “I promise, I will do everything in my goddamn power to make sure nothing is messed up. Got it?”

She nods. “Yes.”

“You trust me?”

“You’re the person I trust the most,” she answers.

“Good.” I pull her into a hug again. “Then I need to ask you something.”

“What?” she asks.

I lead her to the edge of my bed, and we both sit.

“You’re making me nervous,” she says as I take her hands in mine.

“Don’t be nervous. I just have a question to ask you.” With a smile, I say, “Will you go on a date with me tomorrow?”

“Stop . . . that is not your question.”

“It is,” I reply. “I’m serious, Lia. I want to date you, and now that I know you’re open to it, I want to make it official.”

“Really?” I nod, and she glances away.

“What’s wrong?” Something is clearly on her mind. “Is that not something you want? Did I read you all wrong?”

She shakes her head. “No, not at all. You didn’t read me wrong. It’s just that . . . this is all so sudden. I just broke things off with Brian and canceled the wedding. If I started dating you, don’t you think that would, I don’t know . . . look bad?”

“To whom?” I ask.

“I don’t know . . . just people.”

I slowly nod. “And who are these people you talk about?”

“Stop.” She chuckles. “You know what I mean.”

“I do, but I’m wondering when you started caring about what other people think? Because as long as I’ve known you, you really haven’t cared at all.”

“You’re right. I haven’t. I guess I just still have that fear.”

“Well, if you’re not ready, I’ll wait. I can wait for as long as you want me to wait,” I say. “I’m not going anywhere, Lia. If you want me to slow down, I’ll slow down. If you want me to give you some space to think about things, I will do that too because I want you in this just as much as I am.”

She bites her bottom lip and says, “I want this too, Breaker.” She groans and then flops back on the bed while covering her eyes with her hands. “God, I’m so annoying.”

I laugh and lie down next to her while settling my hand on her stomach. “Why do you say that?”

“Doesn’t it seem obvious? That I should just be with you and not have any reservations holding me back? You’re the clear choice, yet I’m so scared to take that step toward dating, because that would mean . . . that would mean our friendship is over.”

“Uh . . . excuse me?” I ask. “What do you mean our friendship is over?”

“If we take that first step toward dating, Breaker, then this could end in two vastly different ways. We are together forever, which just seems crazy to even think about. Or we break up, and I doubt we can be friends after breaking up.”

I scratch my cheek. “Why does being together forever seem crazy to you?”

“Well, do you even want to get married one day? Ever since I’ve known you, you haven’t had a serious girlfriend, so is that something you want? Doesn’t getting involved with me freak you out at all?”

“Not in the slightest,” I answer. “And I think it’s because in my mind, I’ve always been with you. You’ve always been mine.”

“That’s annoyingly sweet.”

I chuckle and then cup her face. “You said you trust me, right?”


“Then let me lead the way, okay? Can you do that? I promise I won’t push too hard.”

She swallows and nods. “Okay, yeah, I can do that.”

“Good girl.” I smirk and then say, “Now, if you want to go back to your place and sleep, you are more than welcome to. Just borrow some pants of mine first. If you want to stay here, that’s good too. But the choice is yours.”

“I want to stay here,” she says, her eyes on mine.

“Then let’s get ready for bed because I’m exhausted.” I lift from the bed and pull her up as well.

After taking turns going to the bathroom and brushing our teeth, I walk her to her side of the bed, pull down the covers, and help her in.

Once everything’s locked up and my phone is charging, I slip in behind her, the cool sheets a stark contrast to her heated body. I slip my arm around her waist and pull her into my chest.

“You good?”

“Very,” she says. “This is my favorite way to sleep. Ever.”

I lay a kiss on her neck. “Mine too.”

“Breaker?” she asks after a light pause.


“Tomorrow . . . is that date still an option?”

I smile against her silky hair. “It is.”

“Okay. I think I want to go on it.”

“You think, or you know?”

“I know, but can it not be some awkward date where you wear a suit and I get dressed up? That’s not really us.”

“Trust me, I know. I have something entirely different planned. Something I’ve been thinking about for a while.”

“Really? What is it?”

“It’s a surprise.” I slip my hand under her shirt. “Now go to sleep.”

“You’re just going to leave me hanging like that?”

“Yup.” I kiss the top of her head. “But block out your day tomorrow because you’re mine.”

“The whole day?” she asks.

“Yes. The whole day. I might not make you dress fancy, but I’m still going to make a lasting impression. Consider this your last first date ever.”

“Awfully confident, don’t you think?”

“It’s not confidence, Ophelia,” I whisper. “It’s facts.”

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