A Long Time Coming

: Chapter 17

Smiling to myself, remembering last night as if it was just a minute ago, I stretch my arm out to the side to bring Lia in close to me, but when my arm hits the empty mattress, I crack my eyes open to find nothing but an empty bed.

“Fuck,” I mutter as I press the heel of my palm to my eye.

She ran.

I should have fucking known.

In the moment—God, it was amazing—she was right there with me.

But after, even though she didn’t want to admit it, I felt her running as fast as she could. Mentally, she was checking out of the possibility of an us and freaking out over the fact that there could possibly be an us.

I sit up in my bed and look around the room for any trace of her. Maybe, if I’m lucky, she’s in the kitchen or the living room with her favorite cup of coffee, but then again, I don’t smell it.

I quickly go to the bathroom as a dull throb starts pounding at the base of my skull, reminding me of the many drinks I had last night.

I’d like to say mistakes were made all around, but to me, last night wasn’t a mistake. The only thing I regret is not talking this out and not following my gut instinct that she wasn’t okay afterwards.

But I don’t regret teasing her.

I don’t regret biting my way across her supple chest.

I don’t regret the way her warm center felt sliding over my length.

And I don’t fucking regret hearing her moan as she brought herself to orgasm.

I wash my hands and move toward the living room and kitchen, which is completely empty.

Just what I suspected. So without another thought, I walk out of my apartment, down the hall, and knock on her door.

I wait a few moments, and when she doesn’t open, I knock again.

A few more seconds and nothing.

Panic starts to set in.

“Lia, you in there?” I knock.

Dead silent.


I go back to my apartment, and I find my phone. I consider calling her, but for some reason, I have a feeling that will go straight to voicemail, so I text her instead, trying to keep it light and not clingy or pathetic at all, even though that’s how I’m feeling.

Breaker: Morning, here I thought I was going to have to make you breakfast. Looks like I lucked out.

I set my phone down and go to the kitchen, where I make a pot of coffee, grab the Ibuprofen from my cabinet, and toss a frozen breakfast burrito in the microwave. While everything is cooking and brewing, I grip the kitchen counter and stare down at my phone, willing it to ding with a text.

When my coffee finishes brewing and the breakfast burrito is done, and I don’t have a response, sheer panic sets in.

“Fuck,” I whisper as I push my hand through my hair.

What did I do?

Huxley and JP were right. I should have just been the friend she needed last night. I should have kept my hands to myself. I should never have ripped her shirt and sucked on her tits.

That was so fucking—


“Oh, thank fuck!” I shout as I lift my phone and see it’s a text from her.

Lia: What would you have made?

Relief washes over me at her lighthearted response.

On a sigh, I sit down with my burrito, Ibuprofen, and coffee and text her back.

Breaker: Currently eating a breakfast burrito from the freezer, so maybe that.

Lia: Really, you would have heated up a breakfast burrito? Wow.

Breaker: What would you have wanted?

Lia: A Danish at least.

Breaker: Well, if you’d have asked, I would have retrieved.

Lia: Shame. Now we’ll never know.

Breaker: Why did you leave? Was I not letting you hog the bed?

Lia: Early morning meeting.

Ehh, why don’t I believe that?

Probably because I know her schedule, and she never, and I mean never, has an early morning meeting. That’s just not how she operates. If she has a meeting with clients, it’s always midmorning or afternoon. Early morning isn’t in her vocabulary.

Breaker: You lying to me?

Lia: Do you really think I’d lie to you?


I do.

And she is.

So I can either sit back and go with her lie, or be the person I’ve always been with her and be honest. The easier way out is to go with the lie. But the best things in life are never easy, so I decide to call her out.

Breaker: After what happened last night, you’d lie.

It takes her a few moments to text back, but she does thankfully.

Lia: Can we not talk about last night?

Breaker: Why, do you regret it?

Please say no. Please say no.

Lia: I . . . I don’t know, Breaker. It was . . . weird.

Breaker: Wow, can’t hear that enough.

Lia: Not like that. I mean . . . the during part was, well, it was amazing, but you’re *you* and that makes this weird.

Breaker: I get that, but that doesn’t mean you need to pull away.

Lia: I’m not, I’m just taking a second to digest what happened. I mean a lot happened. We learned a lot about each other in a few short minutes.

Breaker: I didn’t learn anything, just confirmed a lot of things in my head. Fucking amazing tits that taste like heaven.

I know I shouldn’t say it, but I don’t want her thinking that I believe any of that was a mistake because it wasn’t. It was . . . it was the start of something new, and I don’t want to shy away from it.

Lia: Breaker, I’m being serious.

Breaker: Yeah, so am I. I always knew you had amazing tits, but sucking on them last night? Fuck, it was one of the hottest things I’ve ever done, and I can still taste you on my tongue.

Lia: I . . . I don’t know what to say.

Breaker: You don’t need to say anything. Just know that there’s nothing to regret, at all. And it doesn’t change anything. I’m still your best friend. Always will be.

I wait for another text, but it doesn’t come in.

After I finish my breakfast and take Ibuprofen to combat my raging headache, I take a shower and then check my phone again.


So I decide to sleep off the headache. When I wake up an hour later.

Still nothing.

I think I might have fucked up.

“THANKS to all the evidence you provided us and the due diligence of the team, we put together a strong case to counteract the lawsuit and force Gemma to extend an apology through the media,” Taylor, our lawyer, says.

Huxley clasps me on my suit-clad shoulder, clearly happy about the news.

Me, on the other hand, I can barely muster a yippee.

After I woke from my nap, I received a text from Huxley—I thought it was Lia, and I swore up a storm—asking me to come into the office at two. Since he was asking me to step foot into Cane Enterprises, I knew it had to be the end of the lawsuit.

And it is, but given the last twenty-four hours with Lia, I honestly couldn’t care less about whatever is going on with the crazy Shoemacher lady.

“That’s fantastic,” JP says. “Does she have a written statement she’ll read?”

“She’s working on it with her lawyer now, and we’ll approve it before she goes live with the apology,” Taylor answers.

“Please send it directly to me when it comes in,” Huxley says before lending his hand out to Taylor. “Your hard work on this case will not go unnoticed. Thank you, Taylor.”

“It was my pleasure, Mr. Cane,” Taylor says as he snaps his briefcase closed. He offers JP and me a handshake before he heads out of the conference room, his two assistants at his side.

When the door shuts, Huxley turns toward me while gripping the conference table. “Are you happy?”

“Yeah,” I say as I lean back in my chair, clearly not showing the kind of excitement they were expecting.

“Are you?” JP asks. “Because it looks like someone ran over your dick, and you’re mourning the loss.”

“I assumed you’d be thrilled to come back to work,” Huxley says. “Which, we should have a company-wide conference about this. We need to set the record straight. Those who can’t attend in person will be required to attend online.”

“Probably best we do that,” JP says. “But I want to know what’s going on in Breaker’s head right now. I want to know why he’s not pumping his fist in the air and saying huzzah like he normally would be.”

Both my brothers stare me down, their reluctant gaze not faltering as I let the room sit in silence. After a few seconds, Huxley says, “Did you fuck things up yesterday with Lia?”

“What?” I ask, playing dumb. “What would make you think that?”

“Great observation,” JP says, patting Huxley on the back. “Handsome, smart, and observant. That’s why he’s at the helm.”

“I didn’t fuck things up with Lia,” I groan in annoyance. Even though, yeah, I did, big time. I’ve been checking my phone through this entire meeting and not one single text message from her.

“You didn’t?” JP asks, now pacing around me. “So tell me, what did you do yesterday with Lia?”

“Just hung out,” I say. “Ate some pizza. Played some games. Had a few ciders.”

“A few? HA!” JP rips. “Look at those bags under his eyes, Hux. Does it look like he had a few ciders?” JP points at me with a pen he picked up off the conference table.

Huxley leans forward and examines me. “They look sunken.”

“Precisely,” JP says with a dramatic flair. “Which means he had a lot to drink last night. So tell us, Breaker, how many ciders exactly?”

I roll my eyes. “I don’t know, like ten.”

“Ten?” Huxley asks. “That’s a lot for you.”

JP leans in and says, “Hence the dark circles under his eyes. And check out his hair. It’s all disheveled, even though there seems to be product in it.” JP walks behind me and threads his pen through my hair. “Unkept, which is a result of . . .”

Huxley scratches the side of his jaw and says, “Running his hand through it.”

“Aha,” JP replies, making me want to punch him right in the stomach from how annoying he’s being. “And why would he have sunken eyes and be running his hand through his hair?”

Huxley sits across from me. Looking smug, he says, “Because he fucked things up with Lia.”

“You guys are so fucking wrong,” I say as I lean into my chair. “This was fun, though.”

“Are we?” JP continues to pace behind me. “Then why are you wearing two different colored socks?”

“What?” I glance down at my legs and then back up at JP. “I’m not wearing socks.”


“What?” I ask, so confused.

JP pauses, turns to Huxley, and says, “I might have lost track about what I’m doing.”

With a giant eye roll, Huxley looks at me. “Give me your phone.”

“Why?” I ask, sweat starting to form on the back of my neck.

“I want to see it.”

“Look at your own phone,” I reply.

“No, I want to look at yours because if I’m not correct about you fucking up with Lia, then there’s nothing to hide, right?” He wiggles his fingers. “Hand over your phone.”

“Yeah, good one,” JP says, now taking a seat next to Huxley. “Hand him your phone.”

“No, that’s stupid.” I fold my arms, knowing they’re closing in on me.

“What’s stupid is your denial,” Huxley says. “So hand us the fucking phone or admit you fucked things up.”

“I didn’t fuck things up,” I shout, and then quietly add, “Just perhaps, made things a touch complicated.” I break because there’s no point. They’re going to figure it out, so I might as well get their abuse over and done with so I can figure out what to do with Lia.

“Complicated.” JP slaps the conference room table. “We knew it.”

Jesus, did he have a lot of coffee before he came in? He’s extra fucking annoying.

“What the hell did you do?” Huxley asks, looking annoyed. Why is he annoyed? This is my life, not his.

I pull my hand through my hair, and JP quickly points at me. “See, anguish. He’s tousling his hair with anguish. We were right all along. Huzzah!”

“Don’t fucking say huzzah. It’s bad enough when Breaker does it,” Huxley says. He then turns to me and continues, “I don’t have time to fuck around with you growing a pair to tell us what you did wrong. I’m taking Lottie out tonight, and I don’t need you two messing it up. So just fucking tell us so we can tell you how you’re an idiot and then help you find a solution.”

“Fine,” I groan. “We got drunk last night, she went to my bed to sleep, I cuddled with her and somehow ended up with my hand up her shirt and touched her tits. She moaned and grabbed my dick. We dry-humped, and then afterward, she freaked out and left in the middle of the night. We spoke for a brief second this morning through text, and she has yet to respond to me.”

“You fucking idiot,” Huxley says.

JP pinches his nose. “We told you not to do anything, and you deliberately disobeyed us. How do you think that makes us feel?”

“This isn’t about you, JP,” I say.

“You’re right, you’re right.” JP looks me in the eyes. “You’re an idiot.”

“Well aware.” I slouch in my chair and press my fingers to my forehead. “What the hell am I supposed to do now?”

“How about not dry-hump your best friend?” Huxley says and leans back in his chair as well. “Let me ask you this. In the moment, did she love it?”

“Yes,” I answer. “She was so into it, asking for more. But afterward, she freaked herself out.”

“Probably because you’re the only person she has in her life, and she’s afraid she just messed that up,” JP says with some helpful insight. I know, I’m shocked too.

“Fuck, you’re so stupid,” Huxley says. “We told you not to do anything other than be a friend.”

“Yeah . . . well, easier said than done, okay?” I drag my hand over my face. “It was impossible not to touch her. Especially after she took off her bra, and she smelled so fucking good, and I just . . . fuck, I want her.”

“Ever heard of patience?” JP asks. “Because if you exercised patience, you wouldn’t be in this mess.”

“Wow, thanks for pointing out the obvious.”

“Hey.” JP holds up his hands. “Don’t get mad at me. I’m not the one who messed up. You are.”

“Yeah, but you’re not being helpful.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Did we miss the part when you asked us for help?”

I grind my teeth together and then say through clenched teeth. “Help.”

JP turns to Huxley. “He wants our help.”

“Yeah, I heard him. Not sure we can help him, though,” Huxley says, grating on my nerves as well.

“Because we offered him help yesterday, and he didn’t take it,” JP continues. “And isn’t that the worst, when someone specifically asks you for advice and then they don’t take it, especially when it’s solid advice?”

“It is.” Huxley runs his finger over his chin. “Not sure he deserves more advice.”

“Jesus Christ,” I mutter before standing. I’m over this. I’m happy about being able to get back to work, but I’m not going to sit through this torture.

As I head toward the door to the conference room, Huxley calls out, “Fuck her.”

“What?” I ask as I glance over my shoulder.

He turns his chair and looks me dead in the eyes. “Fuck her. Make it impossible for her to say no. You’ve already made the move, so live with that. You can’t go back to being just friends, so show her exactly why she wouldn’t want to be just friends. Fuck her. Fuck her hard. Fuck her good.”

JP peeks his head over Huxley’s shoulder and says, “Trust me, if he can get Lottie to fall for him, then listen to his advice.” JP grips Huxley’s shoulder. “He’s right. You have the friendship down. Now show her why she can’t resist you.”

“She said it was weird because it was me.”

“Then I suggest you introduce her to that side of you just like you introduced her to the sensitive, best friend side. You know how to fuck, so prove it.”

I pull on the back of my neck as I say, “You think that will work?”

“Only one way to find out,” JP says. “But for the love of God, use protection.”

“Wow, thanks for that,” I say as I open the door to the conference room and head to the elevator to leave.

I hate to admit it, but they might be right. Lia is comfortable being my friend because that’s how she knows me. But boyfriend? Being intimate? She’s not comfortable with that side of me just yet, so I might as well introduce her and make her comfortable.

BREAKER: Are you home?

Breaker: You can either answer, or I can walk in on you doing whatever the hell it is you’re doing in your apartment. Either way, I’m seeing you tonight.

Lia: I’m taking a walk. Be home in ten.

Breaker: I’ll be waiting for you.

I LEAN BACK on her couch, wearing nothing but a pair of athletic shorts—got to show her the goods even if she didn’t ask for them—and I listen as she unlocks her door. Not sure she’s expecting to see me on her couch, but either way, I’m not fucking moving.

I gave Huxley’s advice some thought, and I agree with him completely, but I don’t want to fuck her right away. That would be far too aggressive. I need to ease her into it, which is exactly what I plan on doing.

Her front door opens and she walks in, headphones on her head, a light sheen of sweat coating her skin from the ninety-degree weather outside. She’s wearing a pair of pink athletic shorts and a Smurfs T-shirt that I’m pretty sure is from her youth. When she glances up, she stutters back from the shock of seeing me and presses her hand to her chest.

“Jesus, Breaker.” She removes her headphones and sets her phone down on the kitchen counter. “You could have told me you were in here.”

“I said I’d be waiting for you.”

“Well, I didn’t think in my place.”

I walk over to her. “How was the walk?”

Her eyes fall to my chest but quickly rise to my face. “It was fine.”

I cross my arms and lean against the wall. “What did you think about?”

Her eyes scan me again before she moves toward her bathroom. “Nothing in particular.”

“Oh, I see.” I follow. “So you didn’t think about the way I sucked on your tits last night?”

She stumbles into the bathroom door before looking over her shoulder. “Oh my God, Breaker.”

“What?” I smile. “It happened, might as well talk about it.”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

She steps into the bathroom and goes to shut the door when I stop her. “Why not? Was it so good that reminiscing will only make you hot again?”

Her eyes grow angry, and it takes everything in me not to burst out in laughter. “No. I don’t want to talk about it because it was awkward. I don’t know how to be around you now, so bringing that up only makes it worse.”

“Interesting. I thought bringing it up makes it better.”

“It doesn’t.” She shuts the door and turns on the shower.

After a few seconds, I knock on the door and say, “Need help in there?”

“Go away, Breaker.”

I chuckle and move over to her bedroom, where I sprawl across her bed and place my hands behind my head. I wait there for a few minutes, and when I hear the shower turn off, I prepare myself. It might be awkward for her, but I’m going to make it way less awkward.

The bathroom door opens, and she walks into the bedroom wearing nothing but a towel around her torso. Her hair isn’t wet, but little droplets careen down her chest.

“Oh my God,” she shouts as she stumbles back into the bedroom door. “I thought you left.”

“Lia, you know me better than that.” I let my eyes travel down her body and back up. “New outfit? I like it.”

She rolls her eyes and goes to her dresser, where she pulls out a pair of shorts and a shirt. I hop off the bed and walk up behind her just as she’s shutting her second drawer. She stills when she feels me.

“What are you doing?” she asks as I drag my finger over the slope of her neck.

“You had some water right here,” I say, my voice growing deeper than usual from a simple touch of her soft skin.

She turns around so her back is against the dresser, and she’s facing me. “That’s what towels are for,” she says. Her chest is rising and falling at a more rapid rate.

“Seems like you missed it,” I say and then move my finger along her collarbone. “And here, you missed some water here.”

“I was quick with drying off,” she says as she leans back against the dresser.

“Yeah, why was that?”

“I don’t know,” she answers as she wets her lips.

“Well, you did a shit job, because you have some water here too,” I say as I move my finger along the swell of her breast.

Her teeth roll over the bottom of her lip as her chest rises against my finger. I take that as a good sign and continue to push forward. I move my hand to where the towel is tucked under her arm and toy with it, seeing what her reaction would be. When she doesn’t say anything, I give it a soft tug, loosening the terrycloth.

“What are you doing?” she asks.

“Helping you dry off,” I say. “Unless you don’t want me to help. I’d be more than happy to just watch.”

“Why, uh, why would you want to watch?” she asks. She slips into the mood, just like that. Easier than I thought, but I still want to move at a snail’s pace with her because I don’t want to fuck this up. I have one chance to make her mine, one fucking chance, and I’m not going to forget patience this time.

“Because,” I answer as I tug on the towel again, loosening it all the way. The reason it’s still on her is because I’m holding it up, yet she makes no move to stop me. “I didn’t get a good look at those tits last night.”

And then, I release the towel, letting it fall to the ground between us. My eyes immediately fall to her breasts, and I grow hard instantly as I take all of her in.

Firm yet supple breasts with light pink nipples beaded to a point, entice my mouth. Her body curves in at her waist and flares at her hips. Petite, but just enough to grab on to. Her pussy is bare, which makes my mouth water even more, and as I drag my gaze back up to her face, I see the hunger she has in her mossy-green eyes.

“I need a better look,” I say as I take her hand in mine.

“Better look at what?” she asks as I walk her to the window of her bedroom and flip open the curtains. “Breaker,” she says as she recoils against my chest.

“They’re tinted. No one can see,” I whisper against her ear. That seems to relax her enough for me to gather both of her hands in mine and then lift them above her head and pin them against the floor-length window.

A gasp falls past her lips before she says, “Wh-What are you doing?”

“Drying you off,” I answer and then press her hands against the window. I speak directly into her ear as I say, “Don’t move these. Got it?”


“Got it?” I repeat, this time sterner.

She nods her head as she shakily says, “Yes.”

Satisfied she won’t move, I pick up her towel from near the dresser and walk back toward the window where she’s waiting.

I don’t rush. I take my time as I consume every inch of her with my eyes. This woman has absolutely captivated me from day one, and the fact she’s letting me see her like this and touch her is enough to make me go fucking crazy with desire.

I place the towel over my hand and step up behind her. “I’m just going to dry you off, okay?”

She nods so I bring my towel-covered hand to her front as I press my bare chest to her back. I slowly move it over her stomach and then up to her breasts. When I connect with them, her head rolls to the side as a light moan fills the silence of the room. I move to the other breast and make sure to twist her nipple to cause her to gasp. I drag the towel up to her neck, where I grip her tightly, not choking her but enough to show her I’m in command.

I place my lips close to her ear as I say, “Spread your legs.”

“Breaker . . .” she whispers right before I feel her swallow.

“Spread them, Ophelia,” I repeat, and this time, she listens. “Good girl.” I drag the towel down, between her breasts, past her stomach, and straight between her legs. Her head falls back against my chest as she groans.

I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face as I move the towel back up her stomach only to lower my body so her ass is right in front of my face. I bring the towel to the two round globes and act like I’m drying them off, but in reality, I’m giving them a gentle squeeze.

Her ass is so perfect, and I’ll be a happy man the day I get to spank it. But not today.

I drag the towel down her left leg and then all the way back up, where I briefly pass over her pussy, and then drag the towel down her other leg. Meanwhile, she holds still, her hands propped against the window.

“There,” I say as I toss the towel to the side. “Let’s see how I did.” I place both hands at her ankles and then slowly drag them up the sides of her legs, using my fingertips rather than my palm. Goosebumps break out over her skin as I continue to work my way up until I’m standing and my hands are at her waist. “Dry so far,” I say as I walk my hands up her stomach, and then with my chest against her back, I cup each breast and pass my thumbs over her nipples.

“Fuck,” she whispers as her head once again falls back.

“You like your tits being played with, don’t you?” When she doesn’t answer, I squeeze her nipple and say, “Don’t you?”

“Yes,” she breathes out heavily.

“I thought so.” I keep hold of one breast, lightly massaging it, while I drag my other hand up to her throat and grip it firmly. “You also like it when I hold you like this, don’t you?”

She nods against my chest, and her confirmation turns me on more.

“Good answer. Seems like you’re dry, but I just have one more place to check.” I keep my hand at her throat, my thumb pressed into her jaw, as my other hand floats down her stomach, past her belly button, and straight to the spot between her legs. I slip one finger over her slit and revel with just how fucking turned on she is. “Ophelia, I thought I dried you off.” I drag my finger over her clit, causing her to moan. “But you’re incredibly wet. How could that be?”

I remove my finger and bring it up to my mouth, where I let her hear me suck on it, while still holding her by the neck. “Fuck, you taste so good.” I place my hand on her hip as I speak softly to her. “Now, you have two choices. I can either lick you clean or bring the towel between your legs again. You tell me what you want.”

She gasps for air, and I let up on my hold only a touch.

“What’s it going to be?”

“I . . . I don’t know,” she responds, too shy to ask for it. Well, that’s not what I want to hear, so I’m going to have to force her to beg for it. I know she wants me, and I know she wants this. It’s getting her out of her comfort zone that I need to work on.

“Okay, then I will decide for you. I’ll use the towel.”

I release her neck and reach for the towel just as she says, “No.”

I pause and ask, “No, what?”

“I . . . I don’t want the towel.”

I smirk and then bring my hands up to her breasts where I gently play with them, letting my fingers pinch and tug on her nipples. “Then what do you want?”

She takes a few shallow breaths before she says, “Your . . . your tongue.”

I moan into her ear, letting her know I’m pleased, as I say, “Good choice.”

And then without warning, I spin her around so her ass is against the window now, and I pin her hands up again. “Keep these there and spread your legs wider.”

She does as she’s told, and when I think she’s ready, I press a kiss to the swell of her breast, and then drag my tongue to her nipple where I lap at it a few times. She writhes against my mouth, wanting more, but I take my time. I go at my own pace, and when I’m ready, I move down her stomach, kissing the entire way until I’m kneeling in front of her.

Her breaths are short and jagged now, her stomach completely hollowed out, her pelvis leaning toward me as I kiss her pubic bone and then her hip flexor and then her inner thigh. She groans in anticipation, so I move to the other side, driving her wild with desire, and when she’s had enough, I spread her with two fingers and then bring my tongue to her clit, lapping her up in one long stroke.

“Oh my God,” she nearly screams as her legs tremble in front of me.

“So fucking good,” I say as I dive my tongue against her clit, loving every goddamn second of this. She tastes so good. She feels so good.

So right.

As if this is where I’m supposed to be.

This is what I’m supposed to be doing.

I spread her even wider and use my tongue to flick against her clit.

“Oh . . . oh, Breaker,” she cries as one of her hands falls to my head. Normally, I’d tell her to put her hand back where I put it, but I allow her to touch me because I feel like she needs that connection.

Her fingers sift through my hair and tug on the short strands as I continue to lap at her clit over and over again, loving the way her grip on my hair grows tighter as I bring her closer and closer to the edge.

“Feels . . . feels so good,” she says as her body slides against the window. She must need a better position, so I lift, grip her around the waist, and then slowly lower her to the floor. I press my hands against her inner thighs and spread her even wider, giving me much better access.

I slide my tongue along her slit in a long, slow motion, and she tries to clench her legs together, but I don’t allow it.

“Oh my God,” she whispers as her hand finds my hair again.

With my nose pressed against her mound, I flatten my tongue against her arousal and slide it up and down, watching as her breathing picks up, her mouth falls open, and she tugs on my hair.

“Fuck, Breaker. Jesus, I’m . . . I’m . . .”

I pick up my pace, once again, flicking fast at her clit repeatedly, watching her excitement grow. Her pelvis arches, both of her hands fall to my head where they keep me in place, and she voluntarily spreads her legs as her chest rises and lets out a deep moan.

“Oh God!” she screams as she comes, her pussy drenched. I lap it all up, licking her until she has nothing left to give.

Her hands loosen in my hair, and they fall to her sides as she attempts to catch her breath.

Satisfied, I lift from the floor, and as I stare down at her, my erection painfully in need of some attention, I say, “Get dressed and meet me at my place in ten. I’ll order food, and we can play a game.”

And with that, I head back to my apartment to jack off in the shower.

Holy fuck.

Holy fucking fuck.

Now it makes sense why I’ve held out.

It’s her taste.

Her body.

Her everything that I’ve wanted . . . probably for longer than I think.

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