A Life Beyond The Mirror

Chapter 8

No dreams came and I couldn’t help but feel the slightest bit of relief. The sound of tapping on my window woke me. I rub my eyes to clear my vision. Len.

“Okay, I’m up.” I shout. I look at the alarm clock on my dresser. Seven thirty. Not too shabby. I think to myself as I pat myself o the shoulder. I had a shower, got dressed and headed downstairs with plenty of time to spare. Grandma was sat at the Kitchen table, Len on the work top, nibbling at seeds she left in a dish for him.

“I see you send your minions to wake me now.” She laughed into her teacup.

“Len was growing concerned for your lateness. He didn’t want it to become a regular thing.” She smiled, placing a teacup in from of me and pouring the tea. “Now how was your sleep?” she said before turning and popping bread in the toaster.

“Uneventful. No dreams to report.” Her gaze softened.

“I’m glad to hear. Now, this picture you showed me yesterday. May I see it again?” I took out the picture and handed it over, trying not to scrunch it. “As I had thought. This is the symbol of the Unseelie.” She said, pointing to the symbol in the flames.

“You think the Unseelie Princess is behind the burning?” I ask and she nods once in response, not lifting her gaze from the picture.

“I fear so. We need more information. And you need to be able to protect yourself.” I sipped my tea.

“Dad made me take all those kickboxing and self-defence classes back in Chester. I can take care of myself. Well, somewhat.” She shook her head.

“If your dreams are correct, you might not be able to get out without a fight. A real fight. ‘Somewhat’ won’t be good enough.” She said, rising from her chair. “Come with me.” I followed her to her bedroom, she opened up her wardrobe and parted the clothes, revealing a small hidden door. She unlatched the small hook and pushed the door open with a hard shove, uncovering a small alcove, filled with a range of weapons. A crossbow, a bow, so many arrows, a sword and a set of daggers.

“Grandma! What the hell?” my eyes bulging.

“These were my past time when we lived in the Seelie Realm.” She said stroking one of the blades.

“I thought you said you were a healer?”

“I was, primarily, but I loved a good battle. As the royal healer, I was required to go to any battles and in my time, there were a few. To go to a battlefield and not know how to fight is beyond stupidity. I want you to learn. The classes your dad made you attend are good, if you’re in that situation, but in this case, you will need this.” She says handing me the sword, my arm dropping from the weight.

“I didn’t realise you were such a bad ass!”

“I will make some calls. Your friend Rowan has been training to be in the Royal guard. Maybe you could ask him for a lesson this evening?”

“I’m going to the palace tonight. Finn has said he will get the dressmaker to make mine and Hali’s dress for the ball.” A grin spread across her face, her eyes sparkling with knowing as I spoke his name.

“Sounds lovely. Maybe you could get a lesson at the castle from the prince himself?” she smiled.

“Maybe. I don’t think I have it in me to kill anyone. It’s crazy.” I pass her back her sword.

“Dear, it’s about knowing how to protect yourself if you need to, not about killing people. The Unseelie are known for their ruthlessness. I don’t want you to be unprepared. Sometimes, in our world, its kill or be killed.” She said, taking my hand and squeezing it. “The Summer Ball is a grand event. I will be there also.” Changing the subject as pulled a large silver gown out of her hidden room.

“It’s beautiful. You got invited as well?”

“Of course. I would never miss it.” she smiled. “I am looking forward to seeing what you choose to wear.”

“I don’t really have a clue.”

“I’d go with red. It always looked good on you.” She smiled, twirling my hair in her fingers.

“Red it is.” I said and the familiar honk sounded, telling me Hali was outside.

“I am so excited about our dresses tonight.” She said. “I have drawn up some ideas that came to me last night.” She handed me a book out of her bag and pulled away from the house.

“These are amazing.” Two dresses on either side of the page, she had named each page to show who the dress was for. Hali’s was blue, with a sparkly grey tulle layered over it. the neckline was a plunging one and there were tied ribbons at the shoulders that flowed down her arms. “You’re going to look amazing in this.” I said when I turned to look at mine. It was a shiny material, silk maybe? With a cowl neckline and a split up the leg and the material hugged then waist then flowed out into the skirt. She had coloured it in lavender.

“Do you like it? I thought you might want to choose the colour. Lavender is just the colour I had in my hand.” She searched my face for clues.

“I love it! I was thinking a red. I didn’t know you could draw.” I said shoving her a little.

“Great idea, very femme fatale.” She said pouting her lips at me.

“Of course.” I gave my best smoulder. “Thank you these are amazing.”

“It’s no biggie. I had mine already down, but then last night I thought of you and your ‘situation’ and I thought, I am going to make you the sexiest bitch there.” She nodded, approvingly.

“Thank you.” I said, giving her a car hug. An idea hit me. “Hey, do you know how to fight?” she took a little double take.

“Why?” she asked bemused.

“Well, my grandma is worried something is coming. She wants me to be ready to protect myself.”

“If she said it then it must be true. I trust that women more than myself. Yes, I can fight. More long-range stuff than up close. I’m good with a bow and throwing daggers. We could ask Finn about using the armoury at the castle.” She says eyes ablaze.

“You think he would let us?”

“He would most probably let you do anything.” She winks at me. “But yes, he loves a good fight. He would want to help. We all know you could do with it.” looking me up and down assessing me.

“Thanks, I guess.” We pulled into the car park, Rowan running to the car as soon as he saw us. Finn walking behind him.

“Someone has it bad.” I gestured to him.

“Good. Because so do I.” she sighs, pulling up the handbrake. Rowan opens her door. Finn comes around to my side, but I open it before he gets there.

“I was going to get that.” He smiled.

“I’m an independent woman. I can get my own door.” I joked.

“But it sure is nice having it done for me.” Hali says her eyes glassy like an anime character as she kisses Rowan’s cheek. “Hey Finn, Thea wants to learn to fight. Can we use your armoury after the dress fitting?”

“Sure, but why?” he said, looking puzzled at me.

“Althea said she thinks something bad is coming. She wants Thea to be ready for fight. After her dream about your wedding and all.” She shrugged. I flash her a killer gaze. I hadn’t told him yet.

“What dream?” his eyes filled with worry as he searches mine.

“Oops. She can show you. Bye.” She says waving and walking away dragging Rowan behind her.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you yesterday.”

“Can I see?” he asked, holding out his hand. I take it and he closes his eyes. He grimaces as the dream ends and he open those gorgeous eyes back up. “This is bad.” He whispers as he rakes his fingers through his hair. “What did your grandma say?”

“She’s worried. We were practicing last night, and she asked me to look for my mother, that was easy, then you, which was also easy, and then the Princess. I couldn’t really see anything and then my eyes bled.”

“A barrier charm.” He said. “Are you okay?” he asked, pulling my chin up so he could look at me. The movement sends a pleasant shiver down my body. Tingling my senses. The smell of him making me feel a little dizzy. Cool mint and fresh grass.

“I’m fine. She pulled me out before it got bad.” Trying to keep myself, from looking into his gorgeous eyes. I pull away a little. “There is one more thing. I found this in the Seers tower that night.” I took out the drawing from my bag. His eyes wide with shock. “She said that the symbol of the Unseelie, which you probably know already, but the purple flames?”

“Too much to be a coincidence.” I nodded in agreement. “I must bring this to the King and Queen. This will make them reconsider.” The bell sounds but he runs opposite direction.

“Aren’t you coming?” I shouted after him.

“I have more pressing matters.” He said waving the picture in the air, when the cast is clear, flashing out of existence.

“Alright everyone! Time for your presentation on Welsh Folklore! I have put all the groups into this bowl and will pull them out to see who will go first.” She roots around in the fishbowl of names and finally lands on one. “The tale of King Arthur. Thea and Hali are you ready?” Of course, we would be first. We gather our notes and head to the front. “Your 2 minutes starts now.” She turns the egg timer.

“King Arthur was a legendary King of Britain, the one true king, though the history around his rein is shrouded in mystery. Firstly, was he even the king at all? Or merely a story, told so many times that fiction becomes history? Where was Camelot? Legends and folklore of King Arthurs rein is filled with magic from Merlin, the wizard and wiseman who helped Arthur Pendragon to dragons, Druids and Morgana, the evil witch you waged war against him. His magical sword, Excalibur, is said to be from Bosherston here in Pembrokeshire.” I looked over to Hali to carry on.

“He was known for his ruling being a fair and just one. He brought about the round table for his knights, so everyone in his council was of equal status.

One of the most well-known stories of Arthur revolves around the love triangle between himself, Guinevere his wife and one of his Knights’ Sir Lancelot. This leading to the quest of the holy grail and his death”

“Thank you for listening.” We said together.

“Lovely girls. 1:48 seconds. Well done.” Miss Russell clapped.

“Seen as it only took us 5 minutes to google.” Hali whispered.

“Shhh!” I laughed. I had only been her a week, what more did she expect?

The bell finally rang for the end of the day. The classroom erupts in cheers as the crowds swarm for the door.

“Please remember your summer reading! Have a great summer!” she shouts as we head out the classroom.

“Thea! Hali!” Finn shouts, weaving through the crowd to get to us.

“How did talking to your parents go?” I ask, trying not to sound concerned.

“They were out and apparently won’t be back until tomorrow morning before the ball.” He shrugged. “I was thinking though, if you guys are coming over anyway why don’t you guys stay and get ready for the Ball at the castle? Rowan has said he will help us later at the armoury.”

Before I can say a word, Hali shouts “Sure! We would love to. I will just take Thea home to get her stuff.” She pulls me away quickly towards the car.

“Just come through the mirror!” he shouts after us.

“Why were you going to say no?” she whisper-shouts at me.

“It’s a little weird right?”

“No! We always stay there! Plus, how are you ever going to win unless you put yourself out there?” she prods me in the shoulder.

“I don’t want to win him. He isn’t a prize to be won. I want him to do what he feels is right. He has more at stake.” She rolls her eyes and her head to show how idiotic she thought I was.

“There is nothing more important. I am not going to stand by and let him, my friend, marry someone he doesn’t even know. Someone he doesn’t love.” She scowls. “He has been there for me since before I can remember. Me, Him and Rowan. He closed off when this wedding was announced. He has never wanted it and I won’t let it happen.” She walks faster, storming towards her car.

“Okay, okay. He just seems so confused. I just don’t want to add to the burden.” I shout across the car roof before sliding in.

“I understand what you’re trying to say but you’re wrong. He needs us to be there for him. Not push him away.”

“Okay I’m sorry.” I put a hand on her shoulder. “I do have an idea for tonight. Have you ever watched Pretty woman?” I smiled.

“Duh. I love movies. Why?” she asked.

“Can we watch movies at the castle? Finn hasn’t seen it.”

“Well, we could bring a laptop and a DVD if you have one. That should work. There isn’t any electricity in the castle, unless you count the romantic sparks.” I gave the shut-up look as she made a zapping motion with her fingers.

“We can have a movie night after our busy day.”

“That sounds nice. Get his frustration out with the fighting then a chilled night. I like that idea. Plus, I can cuddle.” She started dancing. “Because I have a guy now.”

“Yeah, yeah. Just focus on you driving. I want to get home in one piece.”

“Good day dear?” Grandma asked as we approached the house.

“Yeah. We are going to the palace now and we are staying over, if that’s alright?”

“Oh, are we now?” She said with a smile. My cheeks pinken. “I’ll tell your mother you are at Hali’s.” she winked.

“Thanks Althea. I will make sure she stays out of trouble.” Hali winked back. “And teach her a few of my moves.” She slices the air with a flat palm. Gran quirks an eyebrow.

“Good! Now you best head off! If you are going through the mirror, make sure you are holding hands. Because of the charm we put on it, no one will be able to step through apart from our bloodline. Now get going. I will see you tomorrow at the ball.”

“Would you like to see the dresses I drew?” Hali says digging through her bag.

“No dear. I prefer surprises!” she smiled and shooed us into the house.

In my bedroom I begin to pile the things into a holdall. I grab my laptop, placing it in gently and look through my drawers for pjs.

“Can you look on that shelf for ‘Pretty Woman?’ it should be there.” Pointing to the shelf under the window. While grabbing some clothes to change into. Some leggings, a sports bra and a t-shirt. Ready for battle, I suppose.

“Got it!” she said placing it into my bag. “You are not bringing these pjs are you?” she said pointing to an oversized t-shirt and bottoms.

“Why not?”

“You at least want to look presentable, for Neptune’s sake.” She harrumphed, digging through my drawers again. “How about this?” she pulled out a black vest and shorts.

“I am not wearing those shorts in a Palace.” Shaking my head. Could you imagine the queen catching me? She would have a field day!

“Fine wear this top and those bottoms.” She said shoving in the top before I could argue.

“Will I need to come back here for a shower in the morning?”

“Funny enough, they have wash facilities at the palace. Good ones too.” The sarcasm making me scowl, but I nodded and took the toiletry bag off the shelf and went to fill it up. After a minute or two we were ready to step through the portal. I held out my hand for her to take.

“How come you put a charm on it?”

“I woke up one night and someone was watching me through it and then they had been in my room. I think it might have been Finn, but I didn’t want to say. My Gran insisted on the charm.” I shrugged.

“He has it bad for you!” she laughed.

“Come on!” I shoved her shoulder, then pulled her through the mirror.

“Great! You’re here!” Finn says as we enter the Seers Tower.

“Have you been waiting for us?” I asked

“Or trying to spy?” Hali laughed, I prodded her in the shoulder.


“You have been spying on Thea, like a stalkery stalker. Sneaking into her room. Watching her though the mirror.” She laughed even harder, bending over to rest on her knees, trying to catch her breath. I feel my cheeks flush with colour.

“What?” he asked again more concerned.

“Look, it’s not a big deal, she saw you.” Hali laughed playful shoving him. His face tenses and he closes his eyes tightly. Hali immediately stops laughing, colour draining from her face. Mine too, by the feel of shock racing through my system.

“If someone was spying on you, it wasn’t me.” he says almost angrily. “Someone was in your room?” anger spilling from him. “When?” he steps forwards and reaches for the mirror, but its blocked. I place my hand on his chest. His anger and concern spreading through me and the hair on the back of my neck stands on end.

“A couple of days ago. There’s a spell on it now so only I can go in and out of it.” I reassure him. He settles somewhat. “It really wasn’t you?” he shakes his head.

“Then who in Neptune’s name has been watching you?” Hali asked. Her eyes wide.

“Let’s not get into this now. The charm is on the mirror. No one can get into my room. We have a lot to do so let’s go.” I gently shove them both from the room. They looked at each other concerned. “Please. Can we drop it for now?” I whisper, the coolness in my voice shaking slightly. It was more of a hope thinking it was Finn, but now it seems more sinister. A shiver travels up my spine.

“Okay.” Hali finally spoke. “Take us to the royal dress maker. I have our orders.” She smiled wearily at me and then Finn. He turned and headed for the door, without a word, leading us to his sitting room.

“She’s waiting for you in there.” He said showing us in, then turning and walking down the hall.

“We will meet you in the armoury in 20 minutes?” I asked after him. He stopped, turned his head to the side and nodded before carrying on. His curt response concerned m, but after what we found out about the mirror it had shaken us all. Hali somehow had already pushed it aside,

her attention was already fixed on the dressmaker, placing her drawings under her nose. The dressmaker had a tall slender figure, with long blonde hair similar to Hali’s. Soft features with long spindly fingers like individual wands. Both of them made me feel out of place with my curves.

“Could you make us these?” Hali said, pointing out her the drawings, following the lines of the skirts. The dressmaker nodded gracefully then beckoned Hali to the pedestal. She immediately began waving her hands around Hali, a silver cloud shrouding her. It was like watching the fairy godmother in Cinderella. It took everything in me not to sing the bippity boppity boo song. After a few minutes the cloud dispersed, leaving behind Hali, in her gown. The colours were gorgeous, like the Caribbean Sea, the tulle overlaying the blue was a light grey, almost silver with sparkles of spirals imbedded into it. Exactly like her drawing.

“It’s gorgeous.” I say, hands on my cheeks. As I stared at her in awe. “Your absolutely breath-taking.” I smiled.

“Yeah? Do you think Rowan will like it?” she asks sheepishly.

“If he doesn’t, he will have me to deal with.” I smiled. she stepped off the pedestal and did a quick spin in front of a mirror.

“Don’t forget these.” The dressmaker waved one hand over the other, revealing a pair of silver stilettos. “The good thing about magical heels is they never hurt.” She whispered as if it were a secret. Hali made a high-pitched squeal and took them excitedly. “Right your turn.” She said and once more, graceful pointing to the pedestal. The silver cloud grew around me as the dressmaker waved her arms once more, dancing with the magic in the air. My skin tingled as the magic swept over it and the smell of peonies filled the atmosphere. I panicked for a split second but seeing Hali’s excitement it soon melted away. After a few minutes she lowered her hands and the cloud dispersed. Leaving behind the scarlet dress. The cowl neckline modestly hid my cleavage, corset style top that flowed out at the waist into a gorgeous box pleat skirt. I was worried about the split though. With my thighs, it seemed to widen rather high up my leg. As if reading my face, the dressmaker waved her hand over it, lowering it slightly. I smiled gratefully shifting my dress from side to side, watching it shine in the light.

“You look amazing!” Hali said, almost as a whimper.

“Thanks to you both.” I said stepping down. After the wave of her magical hand the dressmaker handed me a pair of red stilettos with straps that wrapped around my ankle. “Thank you.” I said taking them gingerly.

She curtsied. “If that will be all?” We both nodded and thanked her again as she went out the door and closed it behind her. Her pedestal magically disappearing with her.

“Where did our normal clothes go?” I asked, looking around. Hali pointed to the small pile on the coffee table, and I began to change back.

“We will have to hide these.” She said, hanging hers up. She takes mine and heading out of the room.

“Where did you put them?” I asked pulling back on my leggings.

“Where no one will find them.” She smiled, zipping her lips. “Now let’s get you fighting fit. Follow me.”

We head down the golden corridor and turn into what I think is the entrance hall. Where Finn brought me after the sea hag attack. An ornate staircase curves up on either side of the grand hall with a waterfall falling behind leading to a stream below. We headed towards it and I stopped before taking a cold shower. Hali chuckled under her breath, pressing on as the waterfall splits for her allowing her passage behind, I ran through behind her just in case, slamming into her back when I moved too quickly.

“Sorry.” I mumbled and she laughed harder. This hallway was made of grey stone. Not as bright as the rest of the castle. Blue and gold cloths draped the walls like an old Tudor castle. The double doors on the end were open and the sound of clashing metal echoed towards us.

“Seems they have started without us.” Hali said, starting to jog. The room was huge. High ceilings with weapons on three walls, the other were multiple heavy glass doors all leading out into a garden. There was a space in the centre where Rowan and Finn were sparring. Sweat dripping off them as their sword clash and clanged together. Swinging at each other with such force I thought one was going to take the others head off. I gasped a few times; Hali laughed every time I did. “You will start off with me then.” She heads over to the wall and grabs a bow, daggers and a quiver of arrows and nodded for me to follow her our into the garden.

“Put this quiver on your back.” She says, placing the leather strap over my head and one shoulder. “Right. First of all, you can see the target, right?” she nods towards the suit of Armor stuffed with straw and about a thousand holes in about 200 yards away. I nod in response. “Good. Glad you’re not blind.” She smirks and I scowl. “Get a feel for the bow. Pull the string back a few times.” She demonstrates then hands it over, I copy what she does. “Good, now take an arrow out of the quiver and aim it.” I gave her a suspicious look. “Just do it.” I raised the bow. “Now, you want to be able to see the length of the arrow. Elbow higher than your hand. Draw and release.” I do as she says and miss completely.

“You need to aim it!” Rowan shouts. Him and Finn are headed towards us.

“She’s hopeless.” Hali laughs.

“It was my first go!” I shout incredulously.

“Prove me wrong then.” She stands beside me arms folded. Great now I have an audience. I pull the bow once more. Taking homage from Lara Croft, I pull the string to just behind my ear. I aim and release. The arrow flies through the air and skims the shoulder. I fight the urge to grin.

“Better.” Hali nods approvingly. “But not good enough. Again.” She pushes my elbow higher, moving around me, repositioning me. I send her a glare. I repeat the exercise once more. This time, hitting it in the shoulder. “Good! I knew you could do it! Now do it a hundred more times.”

Rowan coughs “Before that how about some sword play?” Rowan says swinging the sword at his side, winking at Hali.

“You think you can handle it?” she says shoving him playfully in the chest before running back to the armoury. I shake my head.

“They are like kids.” I laugh.

“Come on. I’ll teach you.” He takes the bow and drapes it over his shoulder and takes my hand, sending warmth and a tingling sensation all over my body. He pulls me back into the armoury.

“Take this.” He hands me a stick from a bucket.

“A stick?” I say incredulously.

“Better a stick than me slicing you with a sword.” He grins wickedly.

“Who says you would get the chance?” I smile raising my sword in front of me.

“Your sword is used for defence and attack. You block and strike.” He moves the stick like a Jedi. It makes me sad when I realise, he wouldn’t get the reference. I mentally add it to my list of films he must watch.

“Alright. Let’s try, shall we?” as he takes a fighting position, spreading his legs diagonally and squaring his shoulders.

We start off slow knocking the swords against each other picking up speed with every strike. He moves quickly tapping me in the ribs.

“Got too comfortable.” He tuts with a shrug. My lips thin. I see how it is. I steel my gaze as I think of a way to get to him. This time, I decide to go for a full-on attack. Swinging the wooden sword left and right, upwards and downwards. He meets every slash with ease. I can almost sense the yawn making his way up his throat before he moves, almost too fast for me to notice, taps me on the shoulder. He shrugs at his victory, so bloody smug, my blood boils at the sight of his beautiful features morphing into an expression I want to wipe from his face. I don’t like to lose, even if I am learning. With what I can only describe as a war cry, I run at him, swinging the sword left and right taking homage from Legolas from lord of the rings; with undoubtably no flair, or accuracy, but hey, it’s my imagination. I catch him on the arm before he disarms me all together. My stick flies through the air with no possible way to recover it. I harrumph and he lets out a small laugh. He hands me another out of the bucket.

This time I take it a little slower, making sure to watch and try to anticipate his moves. He’s pushing me backwards with every hit. I go to take one more step back and hit the wall with a thump. He closes the gap between us, raising his stick against my chest. Our breaths mixing as we try to catch them.

“You’re getting it. The anger definitely helps. You see, I just don’t like losing.” He whispers with a deep rumbling chuckle that sends shivers down my spine, so close I can feel his words caress my skin. I can smell the sweat on his face, the droplets on his cheek. My hand clench against his muscles bunching his t-shirt, the warmth of his body against mine makes me shiver. It takes everything in me to make sure I keep my eyes on his. He leans in closer, releasing the stick slightly as he rubs his nose against my cheek. As he closes his eyes to kiss me, I whip the stick from my side and wrap it around his back, using it to turn us. I push him against the wall and push his own stick back against him. The look on his face slightly dumbfounded.

I lean in close, my lips grazing his cheek as I whisper softly. “Neither do I.” and kiss him on the cheek.

“You see Finn! These girls’ man, they mess with your head!” I turn around to see Rowan, pinned on the mat by Hali, kneeling around his head, smiling down at him. A dagger against his throat.

“You boys are big and strong. Us women have got to use something against you.” She laughed, shimmying her legs down his body and kissing him quickly before getting up. I turn back to Finn, his green eyes flicking all over my face, his lips slightly parted. His biceps stuck to his t-shirt, rippling.

“I don’t think you would be able to do it again.” He whispers. His breath tickling my cheek as his eyes shine with excitement. With his heat radiating against me, it takes everything in me not to kiss him.

“No, next time I’ll take you down sooner.” I whisper back. He raises eyebrows in surprise, his eyes smiling. I step away and drop the stick.

“Come on, Hali. I think the boys need to practice. You can show me where the showers are.” I shout, my eyes fixed on Finn as she hooks my arm and we leave with a laugh.

“That. Was. Hot.” She whispered as we get into the corridor. “Best workout ever. How I didn’t tear his clothes off I don’t know.” She laughed.

I let go of a breath I didn’t realise I was holding. My heart was racing. “I could see that! How did you disarm him?”

“You want to talk about me? What happened to ‘I don’t want to add to the burden’?” she said in a high pitched, whiny, mimicry voice that clearly wasn’t my own. I shoved her playfully.

“He distracted me with his muscles.” I say burying my face in my hands. “I know now that I need a lot more practice. I’m going to have to train every day for a decade to get anywhere near the level you guys are at. The one hit I got were dumb luck.” I admitted.

“You’ll get there, at least we know where to start with your training now. I bet the boys are making a schedule for you.”

“Really?” I ask.

“Yep. I swear those pair are only organised when it comes to training.” She rolls her eyes as we turn onto the corridor with Finn’s room.

“I just don’t want to take up all of your time training me, for something that might not even happen.” I state. “Where is the bathroom in this place?” I said looking around at all the doors, which looked identical. I have no idea how they can tell them apart.

“I’ll take you and don’t worry about it too much. You have a lot of basic skill; those boys have trained all their life. This was your first time. You can’t expect to be brilliant and it’s better to be prepared. We don’t know what’s coming, but if it is something bad, you will be better able to take care of yourself.” She shrugs.

True enough, I thought to myself. We head further down the long corridor and she turns to the room on the right of Finn’s room and open the door. “You can bathe in here. I’ll use the ensuite. Our room is this one here.” she says pointing to the room she is heading into on the opposite side of the hallway. I smile in thanks before heading to the Finn’s sitting room to pick up my bag. As I reach down for it, I hear the door click shut behind me.

“You really think this is over?” Finn growls, standing in front of the door. His t-shirt contours to every single muscle on his chiselled chest and I can’t help but get my fill. My eyes taking him in before flicking back up to meet his intense gaze. His eyes set in determination as he strides over to me, lifting me with ease, and I wrap my legs around his waist on instinct. He presses my back gently against the wall. My breath catching in my throat. “Think you can get out of this one?” he whispers, daring me to move.

“I don’t want to hurt you.” His lips graze my neck and I gasp. “And I don’t think I want to.” Capturing his face in my hands and pressing my lips to his desperately. Hungrily. He presses up against me, his hands all over me, moving from my hips, over my back and up round to my chest. I put my fingers through his hair pulling him closer to me. The blissful feeling of our connection buzzing through me as I drink him in. I have never felt anything so right in all my life. He nips at my bottom lip, and I gasp, using the opening to explore my mouth with his tongue. His fingers slip under my t-shirt, skirting the underside of my ribs, as he moans in pleasure, the sound sending heat straight through me. I’m completely lost to the heady feeling when the door clicks open behind and he drops me quickly but keeps me caged in his arms against the wall. Finn turns his head to check who the intruder is, growling his irritation.

“I’m sorry! I tried to sneak. Didn’t mean to interrupt!” Rowan says crouching to the ground reaching for his bag as Finn scowls at him, almost trying to smite him with his gaze. “Carry on!” he encourages awkwardly, as he turns to leave the room.

“I had best get cleaned up. I stink.” I say placing my hand on his muscular chest, pushing him away reluctantly. “You too, you could use a clean shirt.” I laugh, tugging his shirt away from his skin.

“I thought you like my shirt like this, you look at it like you want to capture it for eternity in your memory.” he laughs. I laugh awkwardly and he pulls me into a hug. I nuzzle into his shoulder. “I will stop this wedding, and when I do, do you want to go on a date?” he asks, stroking my hair. I pull away and look into his eyes.

“Sounds perfect.” I smile. “But for now, how about I get showered up and we watch ‘Pretty Woman’?” I say, pointing to the laptop on the table.

“This sounds a lot like a human date.” He smiles.

“With Rowan and Hali making out next to us for the entire movie, it just might be.” I laugh and head for the door. He catches my hand pulls me back.

“If your visions are real… I just need you to know, I’m going to look after you. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you. Rowan and I will train you; we already have an idea of where to start.” I smile internally knowing Hali was right, “But as long as I am with you, I won’t let anything happen to you.” My heart stutters at his words. His eyes full of promise and something I’m not sure I can decipher.

“It’s okay. We can look after each other.” I kiss him on the cheek and squeeze his hand reassuringly before I head to the bathroom.


The bathroom was amazing. Gorgeous sandstone walls with a pebbled floor that felt like a massage to my tired feet. The floor slid into the bathtub like a pool. The water was constantly filled by the waterfall surrounding the edge on the far wall. The sound soothing my senses and making me instantly relax. I strip down and dip my toe in to find it surprisingly warm. I submerge, the warmth of the water encapsulating me and my muscles relax on queue. My mind swirling with thoughts of Finn and my cheeks heat at how Rowan walked in on us and how without that interruption, I don’t think I would have been able to stop. The thought of him making my skin heat in the already warm water. The thought of him marrying someone else causes a pain in my chest that I can’t quite seem to pinpoint. I spend a little too long in the bath, as a knock at the door shakes me from my daze.

“You coming or what?” Hali’s muffled voice comes through the door. “I brought popcorn!” she sing songs.

I rush to dry off and get dressed in my pjs before returning to Finn’s sitting room to find Hali cuddled up to Rowan on the red sofa, draping themselves with a grey soft blanket with mouthfuls of the popcorn. “The film is just starting.” Hali muffles, pointing at the screen. She must have set it up while I was bathing. Finn indicates to the space next to him and I take the seat with a smile as he drapes his arm around my shoulder, pulling me in close. I went to fight it, having an audience, but give in, snuggling my head into his chest. Sleep taking me, almost as soon as I do.

My eyes snap open in alarm but my blurred vision Is obscuring my vision and a throbbing in my head that won’t dissipate definitely isn’t helping. The sound of a drip hitting a hard surface reaches my ears and the feel of a cold hard floor under my hands. I push myself up, so I’m sat with my back against a freezing wall, goosebumps covering my skin. I rub my eyes to clear the last of the fog. A wooden door and 4 stone walls; bars cover the window. A cell? I scramble to my feet, standing on my tip toes to see if I can work out where I am. Darkness covers the land. The smell of rotten food, dead fish and sour milk fills my nostrils till I gag, and I have to sit back down before I faint. Where am I? What did I do? I head to the small, bared window in the door.

“Is anyone there?” I shout hesitantly. No one answers.

I wake with a jump, trying to catch my breath.

“Whoa, Thea, are you okay?” Finn says, voice hoarse with sleep. I’m still in his sitting room. Breathing heavily, I try to catch my breath, but panic has taken over and I can’t seem to calm down, my nails digging into my palms and my vision doubling. He grips my shoulders, steadying me. Hali and Rowan are asleep beside us as the film credits roll over the screen.

“Hey, look at me. It’s okay. Just breath with me.” Finn’s voice soothes me like a balm over burned skin. His concerned eyes break through the panic and breathing finally becomes easier.

“Did you watch it?” I asked, my breathing laboured.

“What?” he asks, slightly confused.

“Pretty Woman.” I ask.

“A bit. I fell asleep.” He said running his fingers through his hair. “What happened? Did you have a dream?” his hand moving to stoke my cheek, his eyes searching.

“Yeah. I was in a cell.” I whisper.

“A cell?” he said taking my hand to see for himself. “That’s the Unseelie realm.”

“She’s going to arrest me? What the hell did I do? Or what am I going to do, I suppose.” I ask a little scared.

“I won’t let anything happen to you.” He said resting his forehead against mine.

“What if you can’t stop it?” I ask barely audible, beginning to panic again.

“Then I will do everything I can to get you back.” He said, looking deep into my eyes. He leans down kissing me softly on the lips causing my panic to melt away. We sit there for a while, just breathing. “Come on. Let’s get some sleep.” He pulls me in tightly, pulling the blanket up around my shoulders. His warmth encapsulating me and calming me until sleep takes me once more.

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