A Kiss For Your Freedom

Chapter 13

Looking back, I still have trouble understanding what happened between us. It was animal, bestial and at the same time almost vital. My body needed him like his needed mine. Well, that's what I though. He spent so many hours telling me th was the one he was waiting for, that I was his and his alone. I had this strange feeling that each of these words hit me rig in the heart, as if they were meant for only me to hear. I was in a daze, ready to do anything, only for him even though I didn't know him.

In many ways, what I experience with Dorian is very similar to what we experienced together, except that there is more gentleness, more tenderness. Dorian is my light, my ray of sunshine that allows me to get up on my own, just to be by the side.

My cell phone vibrates and looking at it, my smile widens a little more.

“Ym looking forward to this evening my dear and even more to seeing you work wearing only one of my t-shirts which I w hasten to take off as soon as you are finished. »

“You know how to stimulate my imagination, handsome brunette. I too can’t wait to see it again. It's crazy how time seem so much longer when I'm away from you. »

“I was thinking the same thing. The days are too long without you and the nights too short to enjoy your presence. » “You're so cute, handsome brunette. I love that. »

“You'll love what I do to you even more tonight »

“I'm more than sure of that. In the meantime, I have to go back. See you tonight. »

« See you tonight my dear. »

I return to the office with a lighter heart and when my cell phone vibrates again much later, I realize that I haven't seen th hours that have passed.

“I can be there in twenty minutes, is that good for you?" »

I look at my file and sigh as I close it. Is a huge job, but I have to hang on.

"It's good for me. »

I gather up my things and close my laptop before putting everything in my backpack. On a motorcycle, it's always more practical than the traditional office case. As I leave my office, I pass my sister who, seeing me, approaches me.

- You leave ?

Yes, I will continue at home, don't worry.

~ My offer of help still stands, she said slightly concerned.

~ Trust me. This is my project. It's me who builds it, these are my ideas. I will manage it until the end.

~ Alright. And you're going alone or you have a driver this evening, she says, extending a finger towards the helmet that I hold in my hand.

- I have a driver.

- Who knows, maybe he's even your future brother-in-law, I said to tease her while feeling my heart racing.

- A biker in the family? I have nothing against little sister. But don't overwhelm yourself, there are times when pleasure must come after work.

~ Please, I hope I never think like that. I'm going to do it and I'm going to do it and you're going to see, even you will be surprised and at the same time, I'm going to continue to see it, because it's a rare gem. He has everything I ever wanted and he makes me feel unique. So I'm going to reconcile the two and you'll see that I'll succeed.

~ Well. I must say that I have rarely seen you so motivated, both for work and for your boyfriend. It's very good and I have confidence in you, you have never disappointed me, on the contrary, I know you will succeed. There are just times when I have a little trouble telling the difference between the boss and the sister. I'l let you go, your driver has just arrived, she said, pointing outside.

I turn just as he takes off his helmet.

- See you tomorrow, I said without giving him a last look.

All my thoughts are focused on him and him alone. When he sees me leaving, he smiles at me and after just a few steps, I comes to join me to take me in his arms before kissing me. It's crazy how much I missed those lips even though I left ther only a few hours ago.

“You look like you missed me" I said, teasing him.

~ More than you think, my dear.

- You're lucky handsome brown, I missed you too.

- Here we go ?

- Absolutely.

I strap on my helmet before standing behind him. Turning my head to the side as I position myself for the road, it only la a second, but I'm sure I saw Jason's shadow disappear around the comer of a building. It's stupid, he probably has better things to do and as soon as Dorian sets off, my doubts disappear.

jason’s POV.

This Wolf marked him. I'm sure. The way she puts her hand to her neck, hiding it with a scarf. I feel it, this bastard marked her when she belongs to me. She is too close to him, much too close. I don't understand. How is it possible ? How could f mark someone else's partner?

I did some research on him, as much as my rank within the pack was of any use to me, almost everything, that's why I los him. This Wolf is not just anyone. He was part of a pack that mine had been fighting against since the dawn of time. A stupid territorial story but it was enough to cause numerous victims, including his partner. From that moment on, he let himself waste away before leaving everything behind. Everyone thinks he's dead, in fact, which probably won't be long before considering what he’s done.

In these eyes, she is nothing more than sweet revenge and she sees nothing. A deep rage takes hold of me. I punch the w next to me with my fists. If only she had come into my life at a different time, everything would have been different. But 2 year ago I couldn't mark her, I couldn't bring her back, 1 just couldn't waste time on it.

I had so much to do, to build, that it would have been just one more burden than I could impose on myself at this mome: in my life. I immediately blamed myself for thinking that, my human condition doesn’t make things easy. She knows nothing about Wolves or our way of life. She has no idea what would have happened if I had marked her.

At that moment, I made a choice. I put the pack before my destiny without realizing that another Wolf could take my plac Because what surprises me the most is her reaction. I saw her smile when he arrived, the same one she had for me a long time ago. I almost thought I had managed to forget her, I had just forgotten that she had kept my heart with her.

If I had more sense, I would have done things differently. I would never have spoken to him the way I did. I would never have broken his heart. Because that's what I did, I felt it in every word I spoke. I trampled on these dreams and these few days by being as cruel as possible, so that she wouldn't try to see me again. So that she does not enter this world which will force me to abandon her for my obligations.

She lives in another world. In another universe. She's a human. She already has her life and yet, since I saw her again, sh has never left my thoughts. She haunts my nights when 1 see her body again and take advantage of it.

Aloud growl escapes my throat, I hate how I feel. She should be with me and yet I was the one who made her run away. Dorian’s POV

I know he was there, just as I know he saw him during the day. But what impresses me the most is her. She didn’t flinch, s stood up to him and above all, she resisted. I know that what she feels for me is sincere but I feel that what was between them continues, even if it is deeply buried, it remains present. Despite that, she preferred to focus on what she was experiencing with me, on what we share together, on what binds us both and which gets stronger every day. Like this morning. Something happened. I don't really know what, but there was something and suddenly a feeling of possessiveness awoke in her towards me. Like she realizes I belong to her, and I do. She is magnificent, magical. She's the one I want and no one else.

Vet there he was. He continues to hover around her even though he has abandoned her. How could he dare to look away from her. She presses herself against me a little more as I speed up. I like the way he clings to me.

We arrive at her house quickly and in the elevator, she snuggles into my arms, sighing.

- Was your day long?

~ Everything started well, but I had a bad encounter. Fortunately, for me, your presence erases everything else.

She can't imagine how much those few words make my heart beat faster, how good it feels to hear her say that to me. I hold her a little tighter against me and I even come to regret the doors opening. But she grabs my hand to lead me to her house where she drops off these things. The next second, I pin her against the wall, throwing myself on her lips.

- I feel like I've been waiting for this all day, She says, throwing her head back as my lips slide down to the piece of fabric covering her neck.

With a quick movement, I make it fall. With me, she doesn't need that, she doesn't need to hide it.

~ And so am I, my dear. It's crazy how much I needed to feel you, to touch you, I said, letting my tongue caress his mark which becomes more and more beautiful.

She shivers against me, moaning softly. Just that sound makes me want more, to want her more.

“Keep going.” she begs, tilting her head to give me better access. It's so good.

She doesn't realize how crazy she makes her do that, how much I want to take her right now.

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