A Hunter's Keep - #1 of "The Hunter's Series"

Chapter 17

Description of psychological torture ahead – you have been warned!

Lizzy’s POV – Flashback

It was called ‘crazy isolation’ for a reason.

The sound of the monotone voice sounded again and again. The same long monologue. Citing the Bible, the Koran and even some prophesies I swore came straight from Scientology!

Day and night. It never stopped.

I tried to cover my ears. Ignore it. But it was futile. The volume sometimes increased to the point, where the walls and floor vibrated from the noise.

The only way to survive it, was simply to let it flow through me. Just letting the words flow through my body. Become one with the noise. It became my own thoughts and finally I could sleep. The words sounded in my head and in the beginning, they invaded my dreams.

Time became my enemy. I didn’t know if it was day or night. The lights were never off. The walls so white, I even forgot where the door was. Just white, loud sound. Sometimes I screamed. I begged. I cried. Anything to make it stop. But all I was met with was the silence of the monotone speakers, that I couldn’t locate.

But it also gave me the much-needed inspiration to just think. To wonder, to get someplace besides the block that was standing in my way. In that room of madness, I found clarity. I knew what I had to do…

The door opened after an ‘x’ amount of time. I never found out how long I was in there, but knowing my father, he’d enjoyed every second of it. Probably the only reason why he was letting me out, was because someone had to do the laundry.

I mentally smirked at the thought. So much for macho daddy!

“Are you ready?”

Dad’s voice was distant, but I could still hear the smirk on his lips.

“I know what I have to do,” I answered. He smiled, gripping my shoulder and took me home.

I collapsed on my own bed. The sound of silence not letting me sleep. My head was drumming, and I was sick. It took me three days before I could stand, eat or even sleep after that.

Then: more training! And if I’d never saw the point in it before, I was now fully engaged. One year. I had one year until my next Initiation. I had one year to prepare.

To leave this hell hole!

Or die trying…

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