A Hunter's Keep - #1 of "The Hunter's Series"

Chapter 15

Lizzy’s POV


I launched at Derik the second he stepped foot into the cell. Although crashing into him, was like running into a stone wall. To compensate, I started to hit his chest with my fists, although I’m pretty sure it hurt me more then him. But at the moment, I didn’t give a shit!

“You promised!!!”

I was screaming at the top of my lungs. He lied! She would die because of him! He was just as bad as the rest of them. Like any other monster I’d ever come across. Selfish, cruel, heartless…

“Sif will be safe with them,” Derik said sternly, only protecting himself, when I tried to kick his groin.

“NO. SHE. WON’T!” I was bellowing at this point. Tears were rolling down my face and I could hardly breath. “They’ll kill her! Along with everybody else! They’ll kill her! They won’t care that she’s a baby; they’ll put a gun to her head and pull the trigger without any remorse!”

“LIZZY!” Derik yelled back, grabbing my wrists tightly and forcing me to look into his story eyes. “They can’t get to her…”

“They mark them!”

I cut him off. Finally he stooped to look at me. Finally, he was listening…


“That’s what Hunters do,” I screeched, feeling weak and out of breath when he held me like this. I didn’t care about him know anymore. All I cared about was Sif. “You think you’re safe because of your borders and security measures? It’s a JOKE!”

“Explain!” His voice was low and his eyes dark. Anger rolling off his body in waves…

“Get Sif back here!” I demanded, trying to get out of his iron grip. But he only held on tighter, to the point where I was bruising.

“Why?” he asked, pulling me closer, forcing me to look into his black, threatening eyes. “Why would she be safe here?”

I tried to take a deep breath. Realizing that what I was about to say next could easily get me killed. But it had to be done. I had to take that risk, in order to keep Sif safe…

“Because it hasn’t been 9 months yet,” I replied with a shaky breath, avoiding his dark stare.


“Since your mate disappeared,” I muttered, feeling my stomach turning into a hard knot. Why was I even feeling this? Why did I care that he was about to find out, what had been done to his mate? I should only care about Sif. Nothing else. Not that Derik was going to hate me; now and forever. That didn’t matter…

“It hasn’t been 9 months yet.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” He said the words slowly. His grip getting tighter and his voice was now more animal than human.

“That’s who you get Initiated,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper as shame and regret filled my body. “To become a Hunter.”

My stomach clenched and I felt sick having to revisit the memories.

“You kill a werewolf,” I continued anyway, looking into his vengeful eyes. “You kill a baby werewolf.”

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