A Hue of Blu

: Part 1 – Chapter 33

Year Four/Week Ten – Present

“Tell me about him, what’s he like?” Carter asked, buying us two white chocolate mochas from the coffee cart.

“There’s nothing to it, I just met the guy yesterday.”

“Vince, right? That’s his name?”

“Yes,” I said, rolling my eyes. “Finally someone you remember.”

“I’m sorry, Jace is just not a memorable name. Kind of like Sam, or John, you know?”

The warm liquid burned my tongue almost immediately. “Apologize to all the Sam and John’s of the world.”

“I’ll get around to it.” He kept my pace as we walked through The Square. “Tongue okay?”

I made a face. “Why? Want to kiss me?”

His expression was equally disturbed. “Save that for Jace.”

As angry as I was with him, the thought of our Halloween night came back to mind. Him holding me close in the bathroom, his piercing stare penetrating all the walls I’d fought so hard to keep up. There was something about him, from the very beginning, that kept me sane and insane all at once. I fucking hated it.

Fawn approached just as we turned the corner to enter The Market, dragging a tall man behind her wearing a beige puffer.

“Guys, so sorry I’m late. Bryce was shaving.” She pulled me in for a hug, acknowledging Carter before introducing us to her new man. I think?

“Hey, I’m Bryce Beckworth.” He extended a hand, formal like me. He was raised right, I thought. Only I wasn’t, and I had to learn the art of pleasantries along the way.

“Blu,” I smiled, switching my drink to the opposite hand. “Henderson.”

If I wasn’t staring at him directly in the face, I wouldn’t have realized that he was frozen like a fucking icicle.

“Something wrong?” Fawn asked, realizing too.

“Um –” His features were bright red, and definitely not from the cold. “Wow, this is actually really awkward.”

“Awkward?” Carter asked.

“Awkward?” Fawn repeated.

“I’m so confused,” I muttered.

From the way he was staring at me, there was definitely some familiarity on his end. Fuck, had I hooked up with him at a party… Or a club? I mean, he was decently attractive; it was definitely probable. If that were the case, awkward indeed.

“Blu, you said?”

“I did,” my gaze travelled to Fawn who was tense beside him. “Look, if we ever –”

“No, no – Fuck, uh, my roommate – old roommate and best friend is Jace.” He scratched the back of his neck, looking around as if someone could save him.

Why was he looking around for help?

I was the one who felt like my knees were about to give out. My lungs were collapsing. This was not happening.

“Jace,” I let out, my tongue dry. “Jace Boland is your best friend?”

“Nice to officially meet you, Blu,” he blurted, choking out a laugh. “This is crazy. Small fucking world.”

“How…” I pinched the bridge of my nose, looking at Carter, then to Fawn, then cussed. Like, three times. “How the fuck did you two meet again?”

“I told you, Hinge.” Fawn was mortified on my behalf. I could sense it. But in the few times that she mentioned Bryce, she said they’d had some good dates. Mind you, they’d only been talking for a week and a half, but he was a gentleman. Her words.

“I’m sorry, I’m making this weird. It’s not weird, I don’t care, I’m just surprised,” I lied.

I initiated a walk to the first vendor cart I saw – some crystals and magnets. There was no way I could just stand there and stare at an extension of Jace Boland, someone close to him that was probably texting him at this very minute.

But wait… That meant that Jace mentioned me. I mattered enough for him to tell his best friend. Why did I matter if I didn’t? I did.

I mattered to Jace Boland.

And it still wasn’t enough.

My eyes caught a mulled wine station with holiday cocktails listed on the menu. The drinks were ten dollars too expensive, but I didn’t care. Something strong was calling my name, something that could ease my discomfort and make me whole again.

“Anyone want an espresso martini? Anyone?” I looked to Carter, then to Fawn and quickly scanned over Bryce. He was a bit shorter than Jace with black hair. His eyes were bright blue, sort of like Jace, but not.

Jace. Jace. Jace. God, when the fuck would he get out of my head? When would I stop being reminded that he exists?

“I’ll have five espresso martinis, please.” I slapped my card on the counter, hoping, praying that these drinks would be made within ten seconds.

It was impossible, but so was seeing my best friend dating Jace’s best friend.

What. The. Fuck.

“What the fuck,” I whispered. No one heard me. Everyone was paying attention to their own shit. For once, it was a blessing. For once, I wanted to be invisible.

“Five?” Carter said, the extra drink finally registering. “Who’s drinking the fifth?”

One look was all it took to get him to understand. One silent exchange that allowed my best guy friend to see how dangerous this situation was about to become.

If Fawn and Bryce worked out, that would mean one thing –

Jace Boland would be around.

There would be no escaping this, escaping him.

Jace Boland was here to stay.

And five espresso martinis would never be enough to drown out the war brewing between my head and heart.

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