A Heart So Fierce and Broken (The Cursebreaker Series Book 2)

A Heart So Fierce and Broken: Chapter 9

I don’t expect fanfare for our arrival.

I don’t expect to be surrounded in the woods and taken prisoner, either.

Guards weren’t stationed this far from the castle grounds when we arrived earlier, but maybe they widen their patrols after dark. Or more likely, maybe Rhen doesn’t trust my mother to such an extent that he expected an attack.

“This is an outrage,” I say to Prince Rhen’s guards, who are binding my hands. “I have told you that we come here to discuss a means to peace with your people.”

Darkness blankets the woods and hides the expressions of most of the men surrounding us, but I can see them similarly binding Sorra and Parrish as well. They say nothing.

The guard behind me jerks tight at the rope, and I suck in a breath. “There are only three of us. I am unarmed. Surely you do not think we intended to attack the castle like this.”

“Be cautious, Lia Mara,” Sorra says quietly in Syssalah.

At the sound of her voice, one of the guards pulls a blade, but another man says, “No. Leave them unharmed. We will let the prince decide.”

The man who spoke steps through the darkness to stop before me. Many of the other guards and soldiers carry longbows, but he has only a sword hanging at his hip. He’s slightly older, with dark hair. He’s also missing an arm.

“I’ve seen the kind of peace your people wish to bring to Emberfall,” he says. The look in his eyes is unkind, bordering on vengeful.

I glance at his missing arm again and wonder if soldiers from Syhl Shallow caused the injury. “Our armies have withdrawn,” I say. “I cannot undo what has happened to you, but I can attempt to forge a new path forward.”

He grunts and turns away. A hand gives me a push between my shoulder blades, and I stride forward.

We’re taken into the castle. In the daylight, the cream-colored bricks made the building look warm and welcoming, but now, in the darkness of night, the castle stands tall and foreboding. The main doors creak open, leading to a massive grand entranceway lined with velvet floor coverings, and dark wooden walls hung with tapestries in every color. The ceiling stretches high overhead, an unlit chandelier strung above us. During the day it must be a spectacle of wealth and privilege that rivals my own palace home, but just now, the shadowed corners and echoing space are unnerving.

“You will wait here,” says the one-armed man. He strides across the floor and up the wide staircase along the opposing wall.

We’ve been gone for a while now. I wonder if the other guards have begun to wonder at our disappearance. After what happened in the courtyard this afternoon, I do not know if Mother would dare to come after us.

The longer we stand here, the more I begin to wonder at my actions.

I think of the daughter of the trapper, crouched under her father.

I think of the one-armed man who led us into the castle.

I think of the anger in his voice and the fear in the eyes of the girl hiding in the woods.

There are people beyond these negotiations. People whose lives will be affected by an alliance or a war or a stroke of a quill against parchment. My sister has been named heir, but she failed this afternoon.

I have one chance to make this right.

When the prince appears at the top of the staircase, I expect surprise or anger or some flash of emotion on his face, but his expression is cool and guarded, just as it was earlier. His attire is more casual, which makes me think we interrupted his sleep. The princess is not with him.

He does not hurry down the stairs but instead studies me as he descends.

I do my best to stand tall and look confident, which is more of a challenge than I expected, especially with my hands bound at the small of my back.

The prince comes to a stop five feet in front of me, and I do not flinch from the scrutiny in his gaze.

Finally, he says, “When Jamison mentioned your intent to discuss peace, you are not the sister I expected.”

Of course I’m not. “I have not been named heir, but I am still a daughter of the queen.”

He considers this for a moment. “If you truly wish for peace, why did you not speak up during your visit? Why attempt to sneak onto the grounds of Ironrose well after dark?” He glances at my guards. “With the bare minimum of protection, no less.”

I all but feel Sorra and Parrish bristle behind me.

“Do I need protection?” I say to the prince. “You did not take action against us today, though you could have.”

“Your mother is no fool,” he says. “If I had harmed any of you, vengeance would have been swift and assured, I have no doubt.”

That is true. Mother would not have ridden all this way without contingencies. “I do not wish to speak of violence and harm.”

“Ah, yes. You wish to speak of peace.” His tone is amused, but his eyes narrow slightly. “Forgive me for forgetting.”

“You do not believe me.”

“I believe you are either very brave or very stupid for attempting to sway my opinion of Syhl Shallow in this way.”

I hold his gaze. “I am not stupid, Prince Rhen.”

“You still have not answered my question. Why did you not speak of this desire for peace earlier?”

Because I did not wish to speak against my mother or my sister.

Because I did not know how badly things would go.

Because I did not know if he would have listened.

I still don’t.

“I am here now because I wish for no further bloodshed between our people.”

“I wish for the same.”

He speaks those words with enough gravity that I believe them. His kingdom may be falling apart around him, but he truly does care for his people—as much as I care for mine.

“In truth,” he adds, “I was surprised to hear of Karis Luran seeking an alliance at all, as she seems so certain she can claim my lands on her own terms.”

I hesitate, thinking of what Nolla Verin told me, or what Sorra said beside the campfire. Prince Rhen will never believe that Mother wants to spare lives.

His eyes search my face. “If you are seeking an alliance, Lia Mara, perhaps you should begin with honesty.”

“Fine,” I say. “My mother needs access to your seaport trade routes and would like to be able to establish commerce between our people.”

He smiles, and I know he’s seen right through me. “The Queen of Syhl Shallow is lacking in silver. How interesting.”

“We may be lacking in silver, but we are still wealthy in weapons and warriors.”

“So I’ve heard.” He doesn’t look like I’ve been fully convincing. “I offered to discuss trade with your mother months ago, and she refused.”

“I cannot change the past. I can only offer myself to you as a symbol of good faith.”

“Offer yourself?” His smile widens. “If you know of my search for the rightful heir, then surely you know of my love for Princess Harper. If you are offering yourself as an alliance through marriage, you will be sorely disappointed.”

“Ours does not need to be a marriage of love,” I say, lifting my chin. “I have heard how such things work in your lands.”

“Truly? Enlighten me.”

This is worse than Nolla Verin’s teasing. I feel my face heat, and he laughs.

I want to scowl at him, but he’s so composed, and I’ve already lost ground. “I will not be made a spectacle, Prince Rhen. I came to you to discuss peace. To see if we could find a way to save all our people the cost of another war neither of us wishes to fight. If you would like to poke fun at me, so be it. Unbind my hands and allow me to leave. My mother and my sister could not see your love for your people, but I do. I thought possibly you would see the same in me.”

That steals the smile from his face. He studies me for the longest time, and I never drop his gaze.

Eventually, he speaks. “I do love my people, as you say.” He pauses, then glances at one of the guards. “Unbind her.”

A knife is drawn, and my hands are cut free. A sudden feeling of hope bursts in my chest.

Another servant is sent for paper and quills. “Write a letter to your mother,” the prince says. “Tell her we will discuss an alliance between our people, and you will send word to Syhl Shallow once we have agreed upon terms. Choose one of your guards to deliver it safely, so your mother will know the truth of your intent. I will send one of my guards along to retrieve Karis Luran’s response. If she is willing to allow you to negotiate, then so am I.”

I wet my lips and take the quill. I can hardly write fast enough to convey all the words I wish to say.

Mother, please forgive my rash actions, but I saw a path to peace and I wanted to do all I could to protect the people of Syhl Shallow as well as Emberfall. The prince has agreed to allow me to negotiate for trade and safe passage through his lands. I know Nolla Verin has been blessed with your gift to rule, but I have been blessed with your gift of intellect and insight. Please allow me the chance to unite our people for the good of all.

Lia Mara

I sign my name with a flourish, then draw my seal.

I look to Parrish and Sorra. “Unbind them,” I say to Prince Rhen. Then, as an afterthought, I add, “If you please.”

He nods to one of his soldiers, and my guards are cut free.

Parrish looks uncertain. His eyes are dark and untrusting in the dimness of the room.

Sorra is more composed, coolly considering the state of the guards surrounding us.

I fold the letter and press it into Parrish’s hands. “Please,” I say to him. “Please tell Mother how badly I long for this to work.”

His eyes find mine, and he nods. But then he says, in Syssalah, “This does not feel right, Lia Mara.”

“Do we have a choice?”

“We always have a choice.”

I think of the girl in the woods. “If we expect his trust, we must extend our own.”

Parrish looks up at the prince, then back at my eyes. He nods and takes the folded letter.

Prince Rhen looks to one of his guards. “Ride with her guardsman. Return with Karis Luran’s response.”

The man nods. “Yes, my lord.”

A look passes between Parrish and Sorra, and then my guard is gone, followed by Rhen’s.

I take a breath. I have done what my sister could not. We will strike an accord for peace. Mother will have access to the waterways she seeks. Lives will be spared.

Think of our future, Parrish said.

Prince Rhen takes a step toward me. “Do you truly believe your mother will agree to terms of an alliance that you have negotiated?”

“Yes,” I say, “I do.”

He frowns. “I believe you.”

The words are right, but the expression on his face is not. I frown in return. “Then why do you look displeased?”

“I believe you trust your mother.” For the first time, his eyes are not cool, but instead disappointed. “Unfortunately, I do not.”

At my back, Sorra says in a rush, “This was a trap, Lia Mara.”

Prince Rhen glances to his guards. “Arrest them both. Lock her guard in—”

Sorra’s body slams into me, and it takes me a moment to realize she’s knocking me out of reach of the man who was about to seize my arm. I stumble to the ground.

“Run!” Sorra yells at me. She whirls to draw the dagger from the guardsman’s belt. Without hesitation, she drives it into his midsection, and he falls. Before he’s even on the ground, she’s stabbed another.

I scramble toward the door. Sorra plunges the dagger into a third guardsman, and with a quick whirl, she gets her hands on a sword, too. Blood is in the air in a crimson arc. I want to scream, but I can’t find my breath. Everything is happening too fast. Guardsmen are suddenly everywhere.

One pulls a sword, swings wide, and drives it straight into Sorra.

Her body goes down. There’s so much blood.

I scream, long and loud, hoping Parrish is still close, that he’ll hear.

No. I don’t want him to see.

A man seizes my arm and jerks me to my feet. My vision feels washed in blood. I still can’t breathe.

I wanted peace, and now Sorra’s bleeding out on the floor.

“You will be unharmed,” the prince is saying. I can barely process the words. “But your presence here will ensure that your mother leaves Emberfall alone for good.”

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