A Healer’s Journey

Chapter 305 Stand Up And Fight Back

A group of well-trained individuals dressed in black entered Jerome Medical Clinic, led by a tall and handsome young man
exuding arrogance.
Patients waiting in the clinic quickly retreated, fearing they might get beaten up.
Shaun and the other two were playing a game. Upon hearing the commotion, they hastily stepped out to investigate.
As they exited, Jaxon complained, “Who the heck is blind enough to cause trouble at Jerome Medical Clinic...”
However, as Jaxon laid eyes on the leading young man, his expression instantly stiffened, and his legs trembled.
Zephyr also recognized the young man. His face turned grim as he muttered, “Damn, why is it him?”
Shaun was from Bellridge and didn’t recognize who the newcomer was, so he asked, “Who is it?”
Zephyr lowered his voice and explained. “He’s Jacques Zymons, the owner of Green Vine Media. The god- grandson of Mdm.
Marisol Yeatman of Fleur Villa!”
Though the name Jacques wasn’t known to Shaun, the mention of Fleur Villa and Marisol caused a sudden change in his
Theoden would pay his respects to Marisol at Fleur Villa every year and had Tyrone station hundreds of men outside Fleur Villa
Moreover, Theoden also delivered a warning that whoever dared to provoke Fleur Villa would be considered his enemy.
More than a decade ago, Theoden’s youngest son, George Wahlstrom, offended Marisol when he was young and impetuous.
The rumor had it that he was severely beaten by Theoden, causing him six months of recovery, and had to recuperate for half a
Theoden did not even spare his own son, indirectly causing Fleur Villa to be feared and speculated upon by others.
Yet, no one dared to investigate. They simply remembered that in Jadeborough both the Wright family and Fleur Villa shouldn’t
be provoked.
With a sneer, Jacques walked up to Jaxon and said, “So, you’re the nephew of Gilbert, right? Haven’t seen you in two or three
years. Were you cursing me just now?”

Even Trey, who was present, didn’t dare to confront Jacques. J
Jaxon, being just Gilbert’s nephew, felt even more apprehensive.
Before Jaxon could respond, Jacques kicked him to the ground and mocked, “I think you’re the blind one. How dare you curse
Feeling wronged but not daring to explode, Jaxon stammered, “Mr. Jacques, I didn’t know it was you. I’m sorry.”
Observing this scene, Shaun’s lips twitched. “The rumors are true. In Jadeborough, besides the Wright family, Fleur Villa is the
last thing you want to mess with. What do we do?”
The Langdon family and the Wahlstrom family were acquainted.
However, it was evident that Fleur Villa was highly respected by Theoden. As a rich, spoiled brat from the Langdon family, he
wasn’t in the position to say anything.
“Jaxon, stand up and fight back. No matter what happens, I have your back!”
At this moment, Finnegan and Jerome also walked out from behind.
Upon seeing the frustrated and disheveled state of Jaxon, and noticing that all the patients had been driven out, Finnegan didn’t
even bother to ask what had happened. He was even less interested in knowing who Jacques was.
He wanted to teach them a lesson first before talking to them.
Jaxon was taken aback. “Finnegan?”
Jacques turned around to look at Finnegan, whom he didn’t recognize.
He didn’t recognize him. So, he just glanced and shifted his gaze to Jerome, saying, “Dr. Magnussen, my grandmother is
suddenly ill. Please prepare and come with Old Mr. Quiroz to visit her.”
His tone was commanding.
Finnegan frowned, displeased that Jacques had completely ignored him. “Jaxon, are you deaf? Or are you not a man with

Jacques didn’t anticipate Finnegan would speak up after he was “generous’ enough to ignore his words.
This made Jacques very displeased. “Kid, do you know who I am? Do you know—”
“Go to h*ll! I’ll kill you!”
Before Jacques could even finish his sentence, Jaxon, who had initially been somewhat hesitant, leaped up and landed a punch
squarely on his face.
Caught off guard, Jacques got punched, and his nose started bleeding profusely. He felt dizzy and collapsed heavily onto the
Originally, Jaxon was nothing more than a spoiled rich kid, but after overcoming his fear of Jacques, he didn’t hesitate to throw a
flurry of punches.
Those who came with Jacques were all Tyrone’s men. When they realized, they quickly shouted, “Stop!”
However, Jaxon didn’t care. “Men!”
Around five bodyguards from the Miles family rushed out quickly.
Shaun and Zephyr exchanged glances, then looked at Finnegan, who remained calm. They made a decision. “Let’s go together!”
Their bodyguards also rushed in from outside, joining forces with the Miles family’s bodyguards to directly charge at those who
were following.
Shaun and Zephyr followed and rushed over, cooperating with Jaxon to beat Jacques mercilessly.
Zephyr cursed as he struck, “Damn, you’re just Marisol’s god-grandson from the prphanage. You’re not even related to her
biologically. What’s with the pretentious act every single day?”
Jacques, being battered by the trio, recognized Zephyr despite the pain.
Defiantly, Zephyr retorted, “Zephyr, are you and Jaxon insane? Don’t you know my grandmother is someone even Old Mr.
Wahlstrom respects: Don’t you realize a word from Tyrone would bring him running?”
Unfazed by his words, Zephyr kicked Jacques in the mouth, asserting, “With Finnegan’s backing. I fear no one!”

Shaun and Jaxon echoed, “Exactly, we’ll finish you today!”
The three of them intensified their attack, beating Jacques until, in the end, he could no longer muster the strength to speak.
He began to plead, “I was wrong, please stop hitting me!”
However, Finnegan remained silent, so Shaun and his companions showed no intention of stopping. They continued to pummel
Zephyr was cunning enough to target Jacques’ right thigh with each kick, causing significant swelling in Jacques’ thigh.
“Mr. Larkin, perhaps it’s better to reconsider,.”
Noticing the brutality, Kenneth approached Finnegan. Jacques is the god-grandson of Mdm. Yeatman from Fleur Villa. It’s said
that even Old Mr. Wahlstrom respects her, and she seems to have significant connections in Jipsdale!”
Kenneth stopped, confident that Finnegan understood the situation.
However, Finnegan merely yawned. “Rest assured, Old Mr. Quiroz. He won’t die. And it do
he’s just that old lady’s god-grandson. Even if he were her biological grandson, he would stil the price today!”
If incidents like this went unchecked, anyone with a bit of influence would cause trouble at Jero AMedical Clinic.
Would the clinic survive?
"Concerned, Kenneth pressed, “Mr. Larkin...”
Finnegan raised his hand to stop him. “Stop talking.”
When jacques and his followers were thoroughly beaten, Finnegan coldly ordered. “Throw them out!”
Jaxon and his team promptly arranged to toss Jacques and his over ten followers onto the street.
With a battered face and a swollen leg that would take weeks to heal, Jacques angrily declared, “Kid, I can’t believe you told
Jaxon and the like to beat me up, I won’t let your family off. I’ll kill you all!”
Originally, Finnegan had only planned to teach him a lesson and let it be, especially since he had a good relationship with the
Wahlstrom family.

Unexpectedly, Jacques delivered a threat to him.
Narrowing his gaze, Finnegan lifted a stool and hurled it out.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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