A Gold Alpha For A Silver Alpha

Chapter 2

I wake up and do my morning routine like every day, I go downstairs to have breakfast and I can notice how everything is total chaos: omegas servants back and forth carrying floral decorations, betas butlers carrying tables, Noel indicating wh are the warriors’ positions for security. Typical of these parties, I finish walking down the stairs and everyone stops to look at me, bowing as they say Alpha. I bow my head in acknowledgement and they continue with their tasks, it was a nice feeling to be loved and respected by my pack, because despite being an Alpha, I have Omega blood, I was chosen by my people for the position, I was not bor; with it. But as a matter of destiny, or the Goddess Selene, I ended up leading my people, I promised to protect them from all our enemies and I will do so until my last breath. I approach Noel who is finishing giving the indications. -Good morning. I greet him calmly. -Good morning. He answered me visibly stressed. How are all the preparations going? I asked as I looked around. “Well, so far, with so many herds we have tripled the security, Mrs. Bridget is supervising the dinner, but she left her breakfast on the table. “Have you had breakfast yet? -. -Lissa cooked me something. He said and his eyes glittered with the name of his mate, irremediably a jolt of jealousy heated my blood. I cleared my throat to clear it and continued. Okay, I'll go have breakfast, then I'll go for a walk around town. He nodded, but I didn't miss the displeasure in his eyes. Okay, two of my boys will accompany you. -As usual. 1 folded my arms like a little boy. -Go on, go and have breakfast because you will need energy for the night. He shook his head and patted my shoulder. And that? I asked with intrigue. some Alphas will bring their daughters instead of their Moons” His eyes sparkled with mockery. I let out a long sigh and rubbed my eyes. -It's going to be a long night. He nods to me and 1 go to the dining room where a bowl of cereal with a bowl of chopped fruit and juice awaits me. I devour everything without delay and head out of the house to the garage where my precious black car awaited me. our herd was located in the middle of the forest in a private reserve that was off-limits to anyone, remote enough that or hikers or poachers would try to approach from time to time. Carts or any other means of transportation were not necessz within our boundaries, but we did have them for when we had to go to the nearest civilizations for supplies. I turn the key starting the engine and drive into town, a van follows me and I know they are two of Noel's trusted warrior: I don't know how many times we are going to have the same discussion about the same thing, there was no need for ther to be guarding me every time I went out, I was supposed to be able to deal with any threat on my own. But my friend can be pretty stubborn when he wants to be, and I'd rather have the wolves close to my sight than stalking me from the shadows. Arriving in town I parked in front of a random shopping plaza. I didn't really have a specific reason to go out, I just didn’t want to be in the mansion while everyone was going crazy for the party, so I spend my time walking from one place to another, not really buying anything until 1 sit on an elevated spot that allows me to see the movement of the place. I grab my cell phone, plug in my headphones and lose myself in the music. In front of me all kinds of people pass by, women, men, families, children, groups of friends, but mostly couples. Couple. A sigh leaves my lips as I imagine my beloved mate next to me. Oh Ana, you have no idea how much I miss you. You were my Mate. My Moon. My woman. My happiness. My soul. My life. You were my everything. It's been 5 years since you've been by my side and 5 years since I've suffered every second for your absence, my wolf Mac howls the loss of his beloved. we'll be alone for the rest of our lives Mack.... I don't think so Jason. why do you say that? I told you, it's a weird feeling. Uh-huh, and what's this “feeling” of yours about? I asked with disbelief and derision. Don't mock or I won't tell you anything. I replied annoyed. Now, calm down, tell me everything. Just... I think this will be a night no one will ever forget. You do it on purpose to confuse me. Now I was the one complaining about the ambiguous answer. No, I'm just not sure how I feel. And what do you feel? I feel our moon close. The air got stuck in my lungs and my mind took a few moments to process what he said. 'm sorry I can't tell you more Jason. I'm sorry I can't tell you more Jason, get ready for tonight. Wait, what do you mean? And before I can finish asking my wolf closes the connection leaving me wondering about the meaning of his words. One of the warriors approaches me and I recognize him as one of the men Noel sent with me to watch over me. -Alpha, the Beta informs us that he must return to the house. He tells me with a respectful tone while he bows his head. 1 nod and he bows his head again. I nod and he bows again before returning to where he came from. A last sigh leaves my lips before I stand up and make my way back to my car and then head back to the herd. I'm surprise to see that it's already dusk and that I've been sitting among the humans longer than I thought. I drive at full speed hoping not to be so late, with the van with the other wolves following me effortlessly. it doesn't take me long to get to the pack territory and then up to the mansion that is my home, when I get out I can see everything perfectly set up and ready for the meeting with the Alphas. In the garden there is a big tent set up with many tables and chairs, the decorations are gold colored in honor of my pack. our name Golden Moon had been chosen by our ancestors because all their inhabitants, including me, have a blond golden trait in their persons. Some had it in their hair color, others in their eyes, either in their human or lycanthropic form, perhaps in skin tone, among others. I, for example, have amber eyes with gold flecks that sparkle in the sun and my hair is shimmering gold. Noel has golden eyes and light brown hair, his mate Lissa has blue eyes and bright red hair, as she was not from this pack originally, but from the Red Night pack, the one that follows us in power and strength. They both met when Noel and I went to her pack to negotiate some treaties with the Alpha. We spent no more than thirty minutes in Red Night's territory when my friend detected the scent of his mate and ran after her to claim her. All ended well that day, we made an alliance with the pack and my Beta returned home with his mate. I hurried into my house and walked to my room to take a shower and get ready to receive the Alphas. I chose to dress in formal black pants, a white shirt rolled up to the elbows, a honey tie and black loafers. I comb my hair with my hands and I'm ready for the moche that awaits me, I don't like to wear coats, they made me feel suffocated, I have never done it and I never will. I leave my room so I can go to the entrance. Once downstairs Noel sees me scolding me with his eyes. “What, don't look at me like that, I'm already here, besides no one has arrived. I tell him a little defensively. “You were supposed to be here half an hour ago. His voice sounds annoyed. Calm down, everything will be fine. I hug him by the shoulders. 1 hope so. I whisper, thinking he wouldn't hear. Before I can ask him anything, the door is opened by the butlers. Alpha Dominic enters on the arm of a beautiful female who I assume is his Luna because of the scent of him surrounding her and the mark on her neck. We do the appropriate greetings and they enter heading to their assigned table. I explain to them. On this continent we are 10 packs that we divide the territory to protect it and provide safe haven to the shifters who nee it, except for the rouges. The names of the packs in order of power, (power I mean military strength, number of population and size of territory), ai 10- Hunter Night 9- Half Blood 8- Dark Moon 7- Wolf Stone 6- MoonLight 5- Howls Power 4- Bloody Night 3- Winter Fall 2- Red Night 1-Golden Moon We are 5 Alphas that don't have a Moon yet, but many of them have lovers and illegitimate children, in case they never fi one, they won't die without offspring and their pack will be unprotected. Which seems to me a lack of respect to the future mates of these Alphas, a Luna is something essential and very importa in every pack, they deserve all the respect that their mate can give them. An Alpha can protect his pack and lead it, but a Moon gives power, life, strength, balance, hope, they are the ones who ar in charge of putting everything in order, the ones who bring peace and harmony wherever they go. The ones who listen tc the herd and help them, an Alpha can direct their bodies, but a Moon connects with each of their hearts and souls. experiencing their feelings apart from her own. The stronger the Moon, the more powerful the inner strength of the pack, they are usually more loved than we are for obvious reasons. If the work of an Alpha is heavy, that of a Moon is twice as heavy, that is why they are not allowed to figl in case of a battle. It is one of the unbreakable rules of all the packs, no one can touch a Moon, not even when we are at war. They are sacred, for an Alpha without a Moon is an Alpha without power. Since I don't have a mate to take that place, Lissa is the one who is in charge of socializing with everyone, and that's why bothers her when I treat the game girls, she’s the one who comforts them after I tell them I don't want anything serious with anyone. The Alphas keep coming and only two bring their mates. The rest bring their stepdaughters or sisters who don't hesitate come on to me shamelessly. Once everyone is present and everyone is seated at their table, the banquet begins. I can't stop my mouth from watering we are known for our excellent chefs, soup, meat, salad, pasta, there is nothing they haven't prepared for this occasion. A grunt of satisfaction leaves my lips as I begin to eat, and 1 am not the only one as sounds along with grimaces of all kin emerge from all directions as the silverware travels from their plates to their mouths. Halfway through dinner I stand up and pick up my glass, tapping it lightly to get the attention of my guests who immediately put aside small talk and pay attention to me. -Good evening Alphas, Lunas and guests, we are gathered here to prevent a future tragedy. The vampires and rouges are getting bolder and bolder and do not hesitate to attack our herds in large numbers. Taking not only innocent lives, but al our women, our pups, our resources, leaving devastation and pain in their wake- I pause to moisten my lips and see the anger along with resolve on the faces of all the wolves present- So Alphas, I ask you to raise your glasses with me sealing pledge that we will not allow another such attack, but will rise as one against our enemies, For the wolves Quickly each Alpha stands up from his table to raise his glass and shout in unison, Cheers! I smile self-satisfied and then back down and start a pleasant chat with my Beta who is sitting to my right with Lissa, who looks lovely in her champagn dress that reveals her slightly rounded belly. Dinner is coming to an end and everyone looks happy and satisfied. I'm laughing at a joke MoonLight Moon from the MoonLight pack has played on me, when a howl sounds in the distance. I recognize the sound as a warning howl. Everyone immediately stops and makes no sound, I turn to Noel who nods to me before running off with his men, the res of us stay in the tent, but are alert for any sign of a threat. My Beta's voice speaks to me over the link. Alpha we have some invaders in the territory, they are in the south of the forest, by the big meadow and they are a large number. My whole body tenses up and my eyes change to yellow. Rouges... I mumble under my breath with disgust and anger. The other Alphas mimic my defensive posture, I walk out of the tent with 9 of the strongest wolves on the continent at m, back, we start to trot and then run and then transform. My bones break and rearrange in a second letting out my 10 foot golden furred wolf. The women have stayed for their safety while more warriors from my pack surround them to protect them, we run faster and faster and I howl at the warriors that accompany us. Once we reach the meadow we stop in the middle of it to wait for the invaders. As soon as we smell the unfamiliar scent. rouge in the air we start growling and baring our teeth, preparing to defend the territory if necessary. The forest on the other side of the meadow is completely in darkness and the moon high in the sky is the only thing that illuminates the environment when at least 100 large wolves begin to emerge from it. They do not flinch at the sight of us, continue on their way and stop a few meters from where we are. Sitting down in perfect order, after a few moments in which the whole pack stops, the wolves begin to hit the ground witt their paws while a few others howl creating a terrifying and gloomy atmosphere. All that action makes me nervous making me hiss and bristle my back, as well as the wolves around me. However, I give t order for them to stay in place. This doesn't look good, Jason. He speaks nervously to me my wolf over the link and I've never agreed with him more. Ditto Mack. Take care of yourself. Ditto wolfie, ditto wolfie, ditto wolfie. In the center, the rouges begin to move aside to open a path through which 3 wolves enter walking confidently radiating from their auras as if they rule the Universe. The first one is reddish in color and is about 10 feet tall like me; the second one is pure white and will be about 10 feet ta But the third and the last one is a wolf of such a dark and deep black that it could easily be confused with the same darkness that surrounds it, it measures at least 4 meters and has a demeanor full of security and confidence. They advance towards us, the white and reddish wolves escorting the black one. Their pack continues to make noise until a smaller distance separates us, the rouges stop abruptly, both groups, both the three wolves and the rest of the pack, and a sepulchral silence invades us. I had never seen such a large pack of rouges, much less so organized. And I'll bet anything that no one even knew of thei existence. Silver eyes meet mine as I'm inspecting our unwanted guests. As my mind analyzes the threat in front of us, a delicious scent of mint and wet earth floods my senses making me gasp and going crazy.

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