A Gold Alpha For A Silver Alpha

Chapter 15

My hands grabbed Rae's waist and pulled her closer to my body, and for a second she didn’t put up any resistance, then i was as if her mind was processing what had just happened.

With a strength greater than mine she broke free of my grip and that made my wolf growl as I did.

“You are mine.

-I'm not yours or anyone else's.

I growl again, my wolf is about to take control of my body and I'm pretty sure it shows in my eyes.


I scream on the verge of collapse.

But she roars, she roars unleashed, she roars loudly, she roars with determination, she roars commanding me to stay in control.

My submissive wolf ducks her head, kill or no kill, Rae is still superior to me.

Footsteps sound approaching, not a minute passes before Logan arrives in the tent and looks around worriedly.

His gaze searches for Rae but when he sees me he frowns, turns and Rae nods in his direction, Logan's body immediately relaxes and he looks at me with what I dare say derision.

50 you know.

My face is a poem of confusion.

Well, it seems to me that the talk they need to have isn't going to be here, Alpha, I can take care of everything in the meantime.

“Thank you Logan.

Rae smiles at him and I growl again, I must look like nothing more than a dog, but I don't care.

Why is she smiling at him?

I want her to smile at me.

Jason, come, we have a lot to discuss.

His eyes look at me differently, pleading, and his face reflects the sadness he feels.

Sad about what?

He's not going to reject me, is he?

My wolf howls in pain at the very thought of that possibility.

I nod and allow her to lead me out of the tent, she heads into the woods, we both walk side by side, she has her arms behind her back and is staring at her feet, lost in thought.

And I just look at her.

She is so beautiful.

Is it possible that she is more beautiful than when I first saw her?

We are going deep into the forest and I am absolutely sure that we are no longer in my herd.

suddenly she turns suddenly and approaches the ruins of what was once the mansion of a very rich family.

I know this place, my people used to tell stories about ghosts in this place, tales to keep the cubs from trespassing the pack boundaries.

What are we doing here?

She stands there at the entrance, she raises her head and looks at me, tears run down her face and I immediately go over to wipe them away, but she makes a negative gesture with her head that makes me stay in my place.

-Promise me not to ask any questions until I finish what I have to tell you.



1 promise.

She sighs and purses her lips, turns her body and walks deeper into the ruins, tracing the walls with her fingers, her gestures indicating longing.

Is it possible that...

-My full name is Rayna Elizabeth McKensie Ferguson, it means “The Queen helped by God,” my parents were Scots who fle their village and came to new lands to raise their three children safely.

She takes a big breath before continuing, and more tears stream down her face.

“1 used to have two older siblings, Tristan was the eldest, then Athenea, and lastly me, the youngest of our line, the only one not born in our homeland, mother was only two moons pregnant when they crossed the ocean in this direction, all tc keep us safe.

She stopped to sob, and my heart began to break, I didn't like seeing her in this state, but I wanted to know the rest of th story, so I did nothing but watch her.

“1 used to be a human, just like my family, I was born in this place, a small community that paid homage to their lords, wh were a vampire dynasty, I grew up as a normal child of that time, things were much more difficult back then, My sister wa: given in marriage at the age of 18 to a man twice her age, and my brother was mistreated by his father to be “stronger”, when the time came for my presentation in society I died of nerves, from that moment on anyone could ask for my hand and they would have to face my father in a duel to win it~

He smiles and shakes his head, but it is a broken smile, one that hides all the pain in his soul.

That night was the full moon festival, the one day of the year when wolves were allowed to approach humans in search their soul mate, and I still remember, my mother had carved me in the river with jasmine, stuffed me into a lavender dres and brushed my hair into two long braids that reached above my knees, to say I was nervous is not the right term, I was scared to death, and I was alone, standing in front of the big bonfire with the noise of the drums around me, and through the flames I saw him, he was tall and strongly built, it was obvious he was a wolf, his hair was black and silky, long to his shoulders, and his eyes were two bewitching emeralds that caught me at once, when he saw me he started walking towar me, I couldn't move a single muscle, and when he reached my side he took me by the waist just like you did before, and, just like you whispered mine in my ear-.

With one hand he wipes his cheeks which are flushed by the friction, brings his hand to his heart and moments later clenches it into a fist.

-His name was Mikael, and he was my first mate, well, I was his, as I told you, I was human, so I wasn't aware of the importance of the bond as he was, it was just like falling in love at first sight. Mikael asked or ordered my father to give hi my hand, and so they both dueled, obviously my father didn’t win the battle against a werewolf, my mother started to organize the wedding right away. When the festival was over Mikael returned to the woods with the promise that the next full moon he would return to marry us and take me with him, wherever he went, the village was filled with commotion, fo long time no shifter had accepted a human as a partner, our neighbours got out of the way when we passed, they treated us with a respect that we kept for our sovereigns, it was really surprising.

His tone showed that, despite the time that had passed, he still found the situation ridiculous.

-Before it was something normal among us that our lords gave us a gift when a first born was born or when we got marrie when I married Mikael was no exception, they appeared in the middle of the party, causing silence when we entered, they were a small family, our Lord Tantos, his wife Mireya, and their two sons, Peter, the eldest and heir and Maurice, the youngest and recently converted-.

His lips curl into a grotesque grimace as the name Maurice slides across them.

He was barely three years old as a vampire, still a baby to his kind, being new he was capricious and stubborn, rumours villages being completely destroyed because of his tantrum, and well, when he saw me, he decided that I was what he wanted, evidently Mikael wouldn't let him, and chaos ensued that night, the night that was supposed to be my honeymoc and the best day of my life, ended in a massacre, Mikaels pack took my family and hid them in the forest, while I stayed with my husband, standing up to that dynasty, his parents and brother didn't support either of us, they just left the place not before whispering to their son “Don’t make too much mess”.

Rae rolls her eyes and the disgust is clear in her expression.

Mikael and Maurice fought, like the two great warriors of our time, it wasn't easy, but in the end Mikael fell, and when Maurice wanted to cut off his head I stepped in, took my father's fallen sword and drove it through his chest, but as you should know, a vampire only dies in three ways, beheaded, burned, or with a stake through the heart, Maurice just took t sword off like a twig in his face, and left Mikael, but he went after me, I ran through the forest, my wedding dress in tatter and my long hair like a bird's nest, then I understood why it took him so long to follow me, he was playing, like a cat after mouse, or a wolf with a deer, he was having fun seeing me scared, I ran to a lake that no longer exists today, but was in a valley, I dropped wearily on its shore, naively thinking I had lost him, only a moment passed when he was beside me, he lifted me up and kissed me roughly, while his hands destroyed my dress and touched me-.

His hands caressed my arms and an expression of hatred appeared on his face.

One very similar to the one I must have had at that moment.

A feeling of anger, resentment, rage, and remorse took over my body, my wolf was unleashed, I felt it pushing to get out t vent, but I kept it at bay, I had to know the end of the story.

-Before he could rape me a large wolf pounced on him, it was Mikael, his wolf was, glorious, white with silver tips, silver eyes, and a black moon shaped mole on his forehead, the moon was at its brightest when their fight resumed, this time wilder, more powerful, two direct descendants of the strongest and purest bloodlines in the world, Maurice was strong ar frantic which made him not think clearly, so it was only a matter of time before he fell into Mikael's clutches, my husband mistake was not killing him when he had the chance, he left him lying there, badly wounded and bleeding to death, sever bones broken, defeated, then Mikael came to me, I was lying there, crying as if the life was in me, crying as if my life was stake, his wolf licked my face, and just when we thought it was all over, Maurice stood up in a rage, threw Mikael away an grabbed me, hugging me from behind and without hesitation he sank his fangs into my neck.

A shudder ran through her and disgust and pain struck me in a way that shook my soul.

“I couldn't tell you exactly what I felt, pain more than anything else, and when I was on the verge of death, Mikael reache Maurice and drove his fangs into his throat, but I had no more salvation, a few moments of life was what I had left, Mauri with renewed strength and the wounds healed by my blood attacked Mikael, who this time didn’t manage to do much, Maurice broke his ribs and two legs, opened his side where he was losing a lot of blood, and when he was about to rip hi heart out, Mikael's pack appeared, and made him retreat, Maurice had no choice but to escape, he was not strong enougt to face a pack of wolves and get out alive.

Rage covered his eyes, shining with emotion beyond tears.

-But he took the satisfaction of seeing us both left on the brink of death, there was no way we would live, I had almost nc pulse and Mikael's wounds were too deep, even a werewolf's healing has limits, in his wolf form he crawled as best he could to my side his tongue licked my neck and face, when his huge eyes saw me I smiled sadly at him, then he howled, h howled with pain, he howled with sadness, he howled with pleading. A plea that grew from the depths of his heart a plea addressed to his ancestor, our goddess Selene, a plea that was heard....

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