A Game of Crowns

Chapter 27- Inhibitions I once feared

“The first great real intimacy between two people begins when secrets are told.”

-Jonathan Carroll

The night had been a long one. A night spent dancing and mingling had tired me out but did nothing to ease the ache in my heart. Spending time with Thomas, as I caught him up on everything that had happened here, was the most relaxing part of my evening.

“So, you’re telling me that a Priestess wants to take over your body and reign over the territories?” Thomas asked.

“Basically,” I acknowledged.

Thomas removed his jacket and laid it on the sofa’s back. He undid his cufflinks then proceeded to roll up his sleeves. His tan was one of a man who worked long hours in the sun but it suited him. The glow added to his masculinity.

I moved towards my closet, passing Thomas who now sat comfortably on the loveseat. I quickly ruffled his well-kept hair and ran towards my closet.

He chuckled. “You’re asking for it, Pen.”

“I have no idea of what you are talking about,” I called back from behind the slightly ajar door that led to my closet.

I quickly shuffled through the massive amounts of clothes in the room and found an oversized shirt that would be comfortable to sleep in. I slipped out of the dress and quickly put it on, it ended mid-thigh. Thomas was waiting for me and I didn’t need him to come looking for me to find me half naked.

The difficult question was whether to leave my bra off or on. I decided off would be the way to go. Thomas wouldn’t notice. I pulled my hair down from its braided crown and massaged my head with the tips of my fingers. I moaned with relief as the pressure of the updo resided.

“Everything alright in there?” Thomas asked.

“Yes, I’m just getting ready for bed. I’ll be right there,” I called out.

I looked myself over in the floor to ceiling mirror and a part of me scolded myself for what I was about to do. What would Thomas think? He’d seen me plenty of times in nothing but an oversized shirt. This would be nothing new.

I brushed it off, determined to not lose my confidence. The plan was stupid and risky but I needed a distraction from the pain Tobias and I kept causing each other.

Deep breath. Here we go...

I walked out to find Thomas casually draped across my bed. He propped himself up, taking me in from head to toe. His wide brown eyes darkened dramatically as I gulped heavily.

He sat up at the edge of my bed.

“Penelope,” he breathed.

I shuffled around nervously.

“Thomas, I was wondering if we could continue this discussion tomorrow. I’m not feeling all that great.”

His face held confusion I didn’t understand.

His response was slow to come. “Of course, Pen. We can talk in the morning before I leave. I’ll be over for breakfast.”

“Thank you, Thomas,” I said, guiding him towards the door.

It looked like he wanted to say something else but I had somewhere to be.

I shut the door after a quick goodbye. I ran to my vanity and pulled out a floor-length silk robe. I pulled on the light weight material and enjoyed its lustrous feel on my skin. I took one last look in the mirror, slid on some slippers, and walked out the door.


I knocked on the door firmly and surely. At the moment, I knew this was what I wanted. I would face the consequences of my actions in the morning.

The door opened to a surprised face.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

My eyes greedily took in his bare chest and abdomen.

I would not let myself waver.

“Can I come in?”

He hesitated but moved aside.

“Thank you,” I said breathlessly.

I was starting to lose my nerve.

His eyebrow rose when he heard the quiver in my voice.

“What’s going on, Moonstone? Why are you here so late?”

His celestial eyes looked down at me worriedly. The lines of his jaw called to me, asking to be touched. I held my breath as I began to untie my robe. His eyes didn’t miss the action.

“What are you doing?” he asked throatily.

I slid the robe off my shoulders and let it hit the ground. I stepped out of the slippers and moved away from the pile on the floor.

Rowan’s eyes followed the line of my legs to the loose curls at my shoulders. Starry eyes met gray, he knew what I came here for. A light dimmed in the galaxies swirling in his eyes. I would think on that later. Right now, my attention was on his taut body’s advancement towards mine.

He circled me, predatorily. Goosebumps chilled my skin. He stopped behind me, brushing aside my hair. His arousal was apparent against my back. A single finger ran from the end of an earlobe, down my neck, and swirled back and forth on my collarbone. I let my head fall back against him. Small kisses littered my skin where his finger once roamed. His hands lazily ran up my thighs, lifting the edge of my shirt until his hands wandered over my stomach. They continued to go higher until his hands cupped my breasts. My nipples hardened as he flicked his thumbs over them. I moaned fervently, enjoying his body against mine. A low chuckle reverberated against my back. He moved his hands back to my waist.

My breath raged unevenly as I took pleasure in the feel of his hands on my waist. I closed my eyes and relished the sensation of his hot breath on my skin. The heat from his body flush against my back begged for me to let my body breathe, to be released from its prison of clothes.

I turned to face him. My eyes level with his chest. I looked up into his dark eyes and knew I wanted what was to come. My hands hovered above his pectorals for a second before they ravenously roamed over them up to his neck. Rowan’s hands gripped my waist and heaved me up against him. I wrapped my legs around him and shivered, aware of the thin layer of clothing between my legs and his body. The strong grip of his hands clenched my thighs.

“Penelope,” he breathed heavily. The look in his eyes was one last question. Was I sure I wanted this?

I nodded, hungrily.

His mouth crashed onto mine and I instantly responded. His tongue moved to gain access to my mouth, which I freely allowed. He carried me to his bed and gently laid me down.

His chest heaved up and down as he appreciatively gazed at me. The inhibitions I once feared would ruin this for me, were nowhere to be found.

I got onto my knees in the middle of the bed, crossed my arms, and pulled my shirt off by the hem. His pendant laid between the swells of my breasts, claiming me for him.

Rowan’s breath hitched as his eyes roamed over me. His gaze met mine and something more than sexual desire roamed there. Something in me wanted to respond to that feeling, whatever it was.

I sat in my panties, in the middle of his bed, waiting for him to make the next move. He moved onto the bed, his gaze never leaving my own. His body hovered over me pushing me down onto my back.

His hands grabbed onto my knees and pulled them apart allowing his body to find a home between my thighs. A trail of kisses from my hip bone to just beneath my breast ignited a raging fire in my core.

“Rowan,” I moaned.

A low groan emanated from deep within him.

“Mmmm, Penelope,” he groaned as my fingers curled into his hair.

The sound of my name on his lips in such a carnal moment made my brain go haywire.

I flipped him over and climbed on top. The shock at my dominance captivated him. A seductive grin played over his lips. The smile so alluring led me to smash my lips hungrily against his. The smell of cocoa butter and vanilla soap invaded my nostrils, a heavenly scent. A familiar scent.

I moaned, “Tobias.”

Rowan roughly pulled back, his pupils dilated.

His eyes scanned my face. He grimaced and gently pushed me off him.

“You’re with me but you’re thinking of him?” he growled.

He picked up my shirt and tossed it at me.

I stuttered, not knowing what to say. Had I really said Tobias’s name aloud? I pulled on my shirt and rushed to grab my robe.

I stared at Rowan’s back. He refused to look at me. I swallowed my emotion.

“Rowan, I’m...I’m sorry.”

His hunched shoulders didn’t move an inch in my direction. What had I done?

I pulled on my robe and hurried out of his room. Little did I know, I was being watched.

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