A Game of Crowns

Chapter 12- I could live in this moment forever

“Life is not about how many breathes you take, but about the moments that take your breath away.”

-Hitch, the movie

I sat in my room wondering what I was thinking when I said yes to Lucas. He would be here in an hour and I had yet to get dressed. Tobias had to open his mouth and Viktorya had to go and corroborate his story.

Now I was hesitant to go out with Lucas. Tobias was right about one thing. It was false hope and that wasn’t nice of me to do. I didn’t want to hurt Lucas. I didn’t harbor any romantic feelings towards him, it was purely platonic.

I sighed and began to part my hair down the middle to get started on two French braids. Besides a bun and leaving my hair down, it was the only other style I knew how to successfully do. My makeup from earlier had been washed off and my face was a blank canvas ready to be painted.

I quickly finished my two braids and started on my makeup. I colored my lips in a light cocoa brown shade and added a light layer of mascara. I was thankful for the note Lucas had sent, notifying me of the casualness of the date. I didn’t have to wear a dress and it was a relief. I pulled out a pair of jeans that I had wrangled from the wardrobe department and paired it with a simple white t-shirt.

I wondered what Lucas had in mind. He was so sweet to put so much thought into our date. I wasn’t looking forward to the discussion that had to take place between us.

I had just put on my second white tennis shoe when I heard a faint tap at my door. I pulled open the door to find Tobias standing there, head hanging.

“What are you doing here, Tobias? You know I have a date with Lucas.”

“Don’t go out with him. Please.” The pleading in his eyes is what got me.

I sighed and moved out of the way to let him enter. He entered my room not having to be told twice. I shut the door harder than I meant to.

“I know nothing happened between you and Viktorya, Tobias, but I need time, okay? Let’s just take it a day at a time. Let’s see how...”

A loud knock interrupted our conversation. My eyes widened. “You need to hide. I don’t want him finding you here.”

“Why not?” He said with a cocky grin.

“Stop being so difficult, will you?”

“But I wouldn’t be me if I did,” he said as he sauntered over and pulled open the door.

The nerve of the guy. I was ready to pull his hair out. I had to hand it to him though when he knew what he wanted he went for it.

Lucas’s smile fell when he saw Tobias at the door. The bouquet of mixed flowers he held in front of him fell to his side.

I rushed to the door. “I’m sorry, Lucas. I had an uninvited guest.”

I narrowed my eyes at Tobias and nodded my head for him to leave. He was purposely not looking at me. His smug grin was too busy taunting Lucas.

I pushed past Tobias, grabbed Lucas’s free hand and pulled him away from my room. I yelled back at Tobias who still stood at my door, mouth hanging open. “Be gone by the time I get back, Tobias.”

We walked hand in hand for ten minutes, the silence was deafening.

“So, what are we doing?” I asked, trying to break the silence.

He didn’t respond. We stopped walking when we reached the man-made pond near the training grounds.

The evening was beautiful. The sun had just set, leaving the sky a light pink and purple hue. The slight breeze was a nice touch. On the pond sat a paddle boat and on land was a blanket complete with a picnic basket. A staff member stood nearby keeping an eye on the belongings. As he saw us approach he turned his back to give us some privacy.

I tried to remove my hand from Lucas’s but he held on. I looked up to see a determined look on his face. He tossed the flowers he had yet to give me on the floor. His next motions were too quick for me to stop. He cupped his hands around my face and brought his lips down to mine. His eyes were tightly shut while mine were wide open. My hands flapped around freely unsure of what to do. He moved his lips against mine trying to coax out a reaction but they were uncooperative. I was uncooperative.

I wrapped my hands around his forearms to gently pull his hands away so I could free myself from his kiss, he was firmly attached. I decided to wait until he let go. I let my hands fall to my sides.

He finished with a couple of small kisses and finally opened his eyes. “Nothing, huh?”

“I’m sorry, Lucas. But no.”

“I thought I’d try. I saw him in your room and I just reacted. I’m sorry for stealing those kisses.”

The candor in his hazel eyes was genuine. “I accept. Friends?”

He sighed. “Whatever you need, Penny.”

“So, a paddle boat, huh?”

He rolled his eyes and chuckled. The tension from the conversation slowly eased and we settled into an easy banter. The rest of the night passed in laughter.

I walked back to my room later that night, alone. I refused his offer to walk me back. It was for the best.

I was tired from the day and was ready for bed. I opened my door to find my room dark. A sigh of relief escaped me. I took off my jeans and kicked them off into a corner which was quickly followed by my shirt. I walked to my vanity and hastily loosened my braids until my hair fell in waves behind me. I was too lazy to find a nightgown so sleeping in my underclothes was the only option. I would not sleep naked. I was never comfortable sleeping in the nude. I knew others were though. I opened my window to let in some light and fresh air.

I snuggled into my unmade bed and covered myself. I was grateful Georgiana left before making the bed today, making it easier to snuggle under the plush comforter.

I shut my eyes and let out a groan of ecstasy as I stretched. My foot touched something in the bed. I sat up and pulled the covers off.

There laid a nearly naked Tobias. He was asleep on his stomach with one of his legs slightly out, wearing only his boxer briefs. I gasped. My traitorous eyes scanned his body from head to toe. My gasp alerted him to my presence. His steady breathing had stopped. He slowly turned to face me. His eyes widened as he took in my appearance. I pulled the blanket up to my chin.

“What are you doing in my bed?” I asked, incredulously.

“I wanted to wait for you.”

“You wanted to wait for me naked?”

“Well, this is how I sleep,” he said, gesturing to his body.

I averted my eyes.

“You can look. I don’t mind,” he said, sure of himself.

I ignored that.

He was quiet for a few seconds. “Don’t fight it, Penelope.” He slowly snaked his hands under the covers towards my body. My breath hitched as his fingertips grazed my skin. He moved slowly allowing me to make up my mind.

I wanted to let go of my inhibitions for once and be carefree. I wanted to live wildly.

I turned to face Tobias. His beautiful cobalt eyes contained a thirst only I could quench.

But was I willing to quench it?

He pulled the blanket down slowly. I watched as my security blanket inched down my body until it stopped at my navel. Tobias propped himself up on an elbow. The moonlight coming through my window bathed him in an attractive light. The swell of my chest rose and fell in a slow and steady rhythm.

“This doesn’t mean I forgive you,” I said uselessly.


I continued, “I’m not sleeping with you, Tobias.”

“Who said anything about sleeping?” He asked seriously.

“You know what I mean,” I said, watching the way his eyes twinkled as he looked at me.

A moment passed before the space between us disappeared. Our bodies collided. His hands roamed over me as his lips ravaged my mouth. The moment was pure bliss. I dragged my hands down his back as he moved to kiss my neck. The heat of his kisses burned me to my very core. I was burning and it never felt so good.

I could live in this moment with him forever.


Morning came too quickly. I laid in the nook of his arm, as he slept, watching his chest rise and fall with the steadiness of his breathing. His angular jaw was sexy, especially up close where I could run my fingers across the light stubble on his face.

The night was spent under the covers laughing and enjoying each other’s presence, with moments of hot and passionate kisses. He talked to me about his life as an illegitimate child and how he enjoyed his time with his mother. He spoke of the heartbreak he went through when she passed away and the pain he still feels when he thinks of her. I told him of my family and their devotion to the Priestess and about the work on our farm. I even told him about Thomas and the crush I had on him as a girl. He didn’t like that very much, considering my closeness with Thomas now.

“Like what you see?” He asked me. His eyes were still shut but he knew my eyes roamed his body.

I kissed his chest. “Very much.”

He turned to face me. “Well, look at you. Feeling bold, are we?”

“Shut up,” I laughed. I leaned up and claimed his mouth with a quick kiss.

“Hmm, I could get used to bold you,” he said as he ran his fingers over the curves of the top of my breasts.

I blushed. Now that we were in the daylight it wasn’t as easy to be so undressed in front of him. He chuckled and gave my tinted cheek a pinch.

“We need to talk about what this means and doesn’t mean, Tobias.”

“Let’s just enjoy the moment now before we have to thrust ourselves back into reality.”

I smiled. I could do that. He moved in to kiss me when a small knock at the door made us go rigid. It had to be Georgiana. She usually knocked and waited a bit before coming in.

“Hide,” I whispered.

He jumped out of bed, still only in his briefs. He looked from side to side before deciding to hide under the bed. The most cliché place for him to hide. Let’s just hope Georgiana didn’t find him.

I laid back down and pretended I had just woken up. Georgiana walked in a few seconds later.

“Morning, my lady.”

“Good morning, Georgiana. Did you have a good day off yesterday?”

“I did,” she smiled as she picked up the clothes I had hastily thrown off yesterday.

“What did you do?” I asked.

“Oh, I went into town and spent the afternoon with a friend.”

So, this was the reason behind her sunny disposition today. She was always in a good mood but today was different. She was giddy.

“Maybe, you should have another day off soon.”

She giggled. “That would be nice, my lady.”

I sat up and noticed a pile of clothes near the bed that wasn’t mine. I quickly kicked them under the bed before Georgiana could see them.

She turned around and her eyes went wide when she saw me in just my underclothes.

I laughed. “Yeah, I got to my room last night and went straight to bed. I didn’t want to bother with finding a nightgown.”

“So, you do need me then?” She smirked.

“It’s not that big of a deal,” I said as I walked over to the bathing room.

I called her in after me to give Tobias an opportunity to escape. “Georgiana, will you come run a bath for me while I choose my outfit for the day.”

She laughed. “Of course, my lady.”

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