A False Start: A Small Town Brother’s Best Friend Romance (Gold Rush Ranch Book 4)

A False Start: Chapter 2

I’m PMSing, I’m hungry, and I’m tired. It’s a deadly combination, and I’m taking that deep-rooted anger out on the keyboard as I put together invoices for the month.

As it stands, I’m working part-time at the vet clinic and also taking my last few remaining high school courses by correspondence. So, I sit at this front desk, alternately doing schoolwork or odd jobs that get handed off to me—something my boss, Dr. Thorne, is totally fine with. In fact, it was her idea.

I answer the phone and greet people when they walk in the door. For those parts of my job, I’m supposed to be chipper and polite.

Both of which I’m not today.

I want to go home, curl up with a filthy book and a bottle of Midol, and play out that kiss with the hot-as-fuck stranger from the bar bathroom on the back of my eyelids. Apparently, orgasms are good for cramps. At least that’s what my personal research has proven.

Which is why, when I hear the front door open, I stifle a groan and glance at the clock. One hour left. So close, and yet so far away. Right now, I do not want to talk to a single person, and that’s the only consideration in my mind as I swivel my chair around to face the entryway with a big fake, cheesy smile plastered on my face.

A look that freezes in place for a moment before transforming into one of utter shock, mouth hanging open like I’m about to say something. But then I just . . . don’t. I literally can’t because I especially don’t want to talk to this person.

The dirty bathroom guy—that’s what I’m calling him now—is here. At my place of work. Holding a brown paper bag and wearing a scowl that would scare most people. But not me.

Because I’m giving him an equally unimpressed look right back. I lean back in my chair, fingernails digging into the armrests as I force a grin onto my face. I don’t want to be embarrassed around this jerk. There is nothing to be ashamed of because I am a modern, single woman. I can kiss ten guys a night if I want to.

But none of them would stick with me like this prick. And that’s what really chaps my ass about him. I never let guys get to me the way he has.

“Hi. Can I help you with something? Do you have an appointment?” I take a mental note to scour the schedule and find out who he is so that I can google the hell outta him later.

But he doesn’t respond. He just holds up the paper bag. Like that explains a single thing.

“Yes. It’s a lovely bag. Do you have an appointment?” I grit my teeth. Pretty sure my forced smile is making me appear downright deranged.

His dark eyes narrow from beneath the brim of that same hat, and this time, he holds the bag up, shaking it at me. Oh, hell no.

“Dude. I don’t know what that means. How about you use your big boy words?” Oh, yeah, my patience is absolutely shot.

I swear he growls at me in response, which just annoys me more. He talked enough to tell me I was a mistake, or an accident, or whatever, the other night, but now he won’t talk to me at all? Rich. Really fucking rich.

“Listen.” I use the most condescending tone I can drum up. “I can’t read whatever kind of sign language these dirty looks are saying. You’re going to have to talk to me. Or write it down or something.” I hold up a finger and pretend to check under my desk. “Wait, let me grab my crystal ball.”

It’s at that moment Mira pushes through the swinging door and waltzes into the reception area with an accommodating smile on her face.

“Griff! Good to see ya. You got those samples we talked about?”

Dirty bathroom guy nods at her, but he doesn’t take his eyes off me. It’s honestly a little unnerving. I lick my lips and hold his gaze, refusing to drop his gaze. He drops the paper bag on the front desk countertop and then swaggers back out the front door.

“Piece of work,” I spit out, rolling my eyes.

Mira stays suspiciously silent. When I glance at her, she’s a million miles away, staring just past me.

“Do I have something on my face?” I rub at my mouth and wave a hand in front of her.

She blinks and shakes her head. “No. No. Sorry. Just tired. I zoned out.”

“What the hell is wrong with that guy? He walked in here like he’s some sort of celebrity, like I should know him. Wouldn’t say a goddamn word. Manners leave something to be desired.” I shake my shoulders out and scoff just thinking about it.

“Griff? He used to live around here.”

I turn back to the computer screen and mutter, “Still a dick.”

Again, Mira barely notes what I’m saying. “I need to go check on the foal,” she blurts out, changing the subject entirely. “I, uh, won’t be back. Can you lock up?”

She’s acting totally weird. “Of course.”

“Thanks.” She grabs her coat and takes off, leaving me thoroughly confused, in a terrible mood, and stuck at work for another fifty-seven minutes.

Just great.

“Good morning.” My brother smiles at me from where he stands at the coffee maker as I slide onto a stool at the expansive island in the middle of his kitchen. The smell of him cooking some sort of gourmet breakfast and making a fresh pot of coffee drew me out of bed early on my day off.

This man loves to feed people, and I am here for it.

Within moments, he slides a plate of smoked salmon eggs Benedict across the island toward me, followed by a cup of piping hot coffee.

Best brother ever.

“Fuck yes,” I groan, almost inappropriately.

“You’ve been hanging out with those Gold Rush girls too much.”

He’s referring to the swearing. “So have you.” But he has to know I’ve noticed how much time he and Mira spend together. That I see them both staring off into space like love-sick fools. They think they’re subtle. It’s adorable.

I dig into the meal before me, savoring every flavor and just generally feeling happy and at peace for a hot minute. Things have finally started turning up Nadia in life, and it has me invigorated like I never knew it could. I have family, friends, school, and I don’t live with an abusive shithead.

Life is good.

“Ready?” Stefan asks, and my eyes flit open in confusion. Ready for what?

I turn, following my brother’s gaze. And that’s when I see him. Him. Hot bathroom guy.

Fuck this guy for showing up everywhere. Can I not just masturbate to him in peace?

I must look startled by his presence because my brother pipes up with, “Sorry, Nadia. This is Griffin. The guy I bought this place from.”

I swallow slowly and place my fork down carefully before pointing at him. “That is Griffin?”

My brother’s brow furrows as his eyes bounce between us. “Yeah.”

Blood rushes, the whoosh of it loud in my ears.

“Your best friend Griffin?”

The broad-shouldered man stops as he rounds the corner into the kitchen, going deathly still. I swear I can almost hear him thinking. And I definitely see his eyes bug out like he’s just figured out who I am.

Oh. No.

My eyes widen as I connect the dots. Mira called him Griff, and I don’t know how I didn’t see this.

Fuck my life.

Heat slithers over my skin as my stomach bottoms out like I’m free-falling in an elevator, and I realize what I’ve done. The man’s forearms ripple with tension beneath the black ink covering them, fists pulsing in a furious tick.

“Relax, Nadia. Adults don’t have best friends.”

Sure. Yeah. Especially not once they find out their little sister has been making out with them. Then that friendship would end.

Griffin snorts, rubs his beard, and walks to the front door to shove his feet into a pair of worn cowboy boots. Fleeing this endlessly awkward interaction.

“I’ve already told you. He sold me this place, and we’ve just stayed in touch.”

Yep. Stefan has told me all about the one guy he hangs out with. The one who didn’t treat him like a leper when he moved to town. The one he spent all his free time with. The one who is helping him around the farm here.

I think he may have even referred to him as the only true friend he’s ever had.

I watch Griffin’s toned ass and muscular thighs disappear out the front door and try to think of something to say that will cover up what must be a perfectly stricken look on my face. “But . . . he’s a total dick,” is what I opt for, but in my head, all I’m thinking is this one-handed obsession with the guy from the bar can’t continue.

Stefan barks out a laugh as he follows his best friend out the front door. “I’m glad you think so.” He winks at me over his shoulder. “Then I won’t have to worry about you scaring him off with your antics while he’s here.”

Oh, brother. If you only knew.

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