A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 27: The Expansion Begins.

You Naixin left after she informed all the elders to gather in the main hall and report the status of their respective tasks. You Xi Wang went to his room and took out a change of clothes. The clothes in this world were all very special, they all had a small number of nanobots sewed with the clothing and they would alter the attire to fit the wearer perfectly. You Xi Wang now had broad shoulders, and he was also taller. He wore a jet black buttoned-down shirt paired with a steel gray trouser. He changed his Holo-phone strap to a more watch-like a silver band which had around the display as its main interaction screen. He matched it with his trouser and wore black shoes and a black belt.

You Xi Wang was about to exit his room when he saw a starry-eyed Emily entering the room and diving straight into his arms. She rubbed her head in his broad chest like a kitten and said in a shy voice: "Young master, I missed you so much, are you okay do you need anything to eat? Your seclusion was successful, right?"

You Xi Wang smiled and stroked her hair gently as he said: "Yes, I am fine and the seclusion was also successful, I would eat later together with Chichi, you and Susan. I hope she is fine? According to my understanding of hers, she must have been blaming herself for my condition that night."

Emily smiled and replied: "Yes, although aunty Qianbei said it is okay and she should not blame her, but after the meeting when you entered seclusion without meeting her she thought you are upset with her. She even wanted to leave the mansion, but Zhichi stopped her by saying that you would meet her after you come out of seclusion. She has been going to work and coming back here daily, but I haven't seen her smile like she usually did."

You Xi Wang frowned and said: "After the meeting today I will talk to her and don't tell her I came out, I will surprise her." You Xi Wang looked at Emily who was also looking into his eyes and they both kissed each other. His hands trailed her curves as she let out small moans and whimpers in his mouth. After a few minutes, they stopped and Emily had a blushed face. She fixed You Xiwang's clothes while avoiding eye contact with him. This scene looked like a dutiful wife pampering her husband.

The two of them made eye contact again, but a sweet voice sounded out from the door, making them jump away from each other. "Xi Wang may I come in or maybe later if you and Emily are having some muah-muah time?" they jumped away from each other like scared cats turning their faces red as tomatoes..

You Zhichi who was outside the room has arrived at the moment she saw Emily rushing in, thinking of something she gave them some space, but she was an elder sister it was her instinct and right to make fun of her younger brother, so unable to stop herself she called them out bluntly.

You Xiwang came out after opening the door and Emily followed him as he said: "Big Sis, are you reading too many of those 'Ladies' magazines? Let's go to the meeting already, all the elders are waiting." his cheeks were slightly tinted with red. He was a boy, and he was never in a relationship in his past life. In this life, he had three girlfriends but was not an adult, the icing on the cake, he had a big sister, who, regardless of all the love and care she showered him with, would tease him whenever it came to his girlfriends.

Watching You Xi Wang running away his sister laughed and felt content, Emily, who saw this rolled her eyes and said: "Zhichi grow up." only to become the next target as You Zhichi said: "Oh, sis-in-law, how should I grow up? By licking someone's face so hard that my lip color fades away?" Emily never imagined You Zhichi to be so naughty and her face flushed and she hid it with her hands and turned away. You Zhichi moved closer to her and said coyly: "Young master, I missed you."

Emily turned to face her and held her waist as she said: "It's time to discipline my Sis-in-law" and she started tickling her best friend. Their laughter echoed in the corridor and only stopped when Chen Qianbei came looking for them to head over to the main hall.


You Xiwang entered the hall with his head held high. He nodded to the elders one by one and took his seat. He said in a firm voice: "Let us begin. What is the status of the things we decided on last time?"

You Qiangda the first elder stood up and said: "Xiao Wang, we thought if we shelter beggars and orphans with no proper reason, it might raise suspicion of the council of Metropia and also our hidden enemies." he took a pause and continued: "We established a foundation in your mother's name which will take in orphans and poor children while providing them with all the basic provisions such as education, medical facilities, and martial training. We will conduct examinations after every three months to gauge their growth, and also they all willingly took heavenly oaths."

You Xiwang nodded and said: "This is a good idea, first grandpa. Thank you for your hard work."

You Qiangda stepped back and sat down on his chair with a content smile. You Zhenshi the fifth elder stood up next and said: "Xiao Wang the deal with Dimitri Ivanovich has been completed and we received the first consignment of Lithical Iron a week ago. It was handed over to You Zhichi and Chen Qianbei. I also made Dimitri Ivanovich take a heavenly oath."

You Xiwang nodded with a smile and said cheerfully: "Fifth Grandpa, you took off a great burden away from my shoulders, I wanted to make Ivanovich swear in the name of the heavens but I did not find a suitable opportunity. This will ensure that he does not go out and stir up trouble. Thank you very much on behalf of the family."

He then turned to look at his sister who sat by his side and she said: "The motherboard has been prepared and the patent has been registered, also every single person working in the company took a blood oath of secrecy and also took and heavenly oath."

He smiled in satisfaction: "This is thanks to mom and dad laying a good foundation and treated the people like family."

Chen Qianbei smiled and step forward: "Chen group will like to place an order for the new computer designed by Tianlong Technologies."

You Xiwang agreed happily and said: "Aunt it will be done and you get a special discount, Chichi, plan an advertising campaign for this product. Granny Xin, you are responsible for the martial education of those children in the foundation along with sixth and seventh grandpa. As for remaining people, please look after the youth of the family and teach them your ways. You Family will expand to Croma City in six months. Any objections?"contemporary romance

"NO YOUNG MASTER, GLORY TO YOU FAMILY" a resolute shout responded his question. The meeting ended.


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