A dragonslayers tale

Chapter 11: A dragonslayer's strenght

The group was ready for departure two days later, everything had been arranged and Janok had been rather desperate to keep them there but even he realized that this problem had to be addressed in an unconventional manner. Fighting the dragons wouldn’t help at all, they had to prevent them from coming there in the first place. They had more or less recovered from their injuries and as long as they didn’t have to do any hard fighting right away they ought to be okay. Zaray had been very pleased by their decision and Phraan saw that Fastonar still didn’t trust her. Ivran had spent the days preparing as well and he did look almost like a young squire, dressed in a light armor and with a sword by his side. The greatest shock had been that Imeah insisted on joining them and Fastonar had protested rather vigorously but Zaray had made him shut up. The albino sat on a sturdy horse and the unreal red eyes were calm, Phraan wondered what she really knew about this mission. Tersus had agreed upon coming too, or rather, he had been overjoyed when asked. He had packed a lot of rather dubious looking stuff onto two pack mules and Peter had been given the task of making sure that neither of the pack saddles ever got close to fire. Phraan did shudder thinking about what those packs did contain.

Zaray knew the way and she hadn’t yet told them anything about herself, or why she had such knowledge about the city. She had escaped from it, that was rather clear but when? And how? Fastonar seemed to be rather convinced that she was some sort of decoy and that she wanted to lead them straight to damnation but Phraan felt that his friend was wrong. Why he didn’t know. The soldiers had seen a huge pack of dragons heading south the day before, it had been a new species none had seen before, flightless but able to move with terrifying speed and the almost skeletal look of the beasts had told them that its creators had used mist bloods as one of the species in the mix. That meant that these dragons most likely were unable to spew flames but had poison instead and they remembered the terrible habit of the mist blood dragons, they ate their prey alive.

The group left with the break of dawn and nobody said much, it was a journey from which none of them really expected to return and they all focused upon their thirst for vengeance or belief in this mission. They reached rather far the first day, crossed the great river and entered a forested area where nobody lived. The soil was too poor for farming and the hills were infamous for a herb which killed livestock, nobody wanted to try keeping sheep or cattle there. Ivran tried to familiarize himself with his skills when they camped for the night and Shaluun helped him. The two of them had become rather good friends by now and stuck together and Phraan was glad, the lad did need a protector. Imeah did shun them all, she would even eat alone and she hardly ever said a word. Thiana tried to speak to her and Imeah was respectful and polite but she didn’t seek the company of others and answered only whenever she had to.

They had been riding for four days when they saw the first glimpse of what Zaray had warned them about, new horrors. They had taken a quick rest by a creek to let the horses drink when Taurin saw something moving just above the treetops. It was very large and flew slowly and Phraan felt an odd sensation in his chest when seeing it. It was too far away for him to make out any details but it did look like a giant bat of some sorts, the body so spindly and frail looking it couldn’t weight much but the wings were enormous. Zaray had ordered them to hide in the dense forest and the thing had flown by them without seeing them. There had been a terrible stench in the air when the beast had passed by and Fastonar had looked as if he had seen a ghost. Zaray hadn’t answered when they asked what it was and Imeah had stared at the thing with obvious hatred.

The day after they did encounter a being like that once more and now Phraan realized how horrible it really was. The thing flew without a sound and it had a very long snakelike neck and a narrow head which reminded them of the head of a heron but it was no bird. The mouth had teeth and the eyes were huge and red and it did look absolutely terrible, like something which has been dead for a long time and yet is moving. That wasn’t the worst thing about it, when it got closer to them they all felt a sort of terrible weight land upon them, as if this thing somehow took all their strength away and stole their will to live. Neither of them managed to do anything, quite literally frozen to the spot. The beast had hovered above them, ready to strike when Ivran had shouted something and the thing had suddenly let out a terrible shriek and then it fell like a bag of bricks. The impact made the ground shake so it did have some weight to it after all and Dhokay had rushed forth with a roar and brought his hammer down onto its skull. The head was twice as long as the tall luptay and the impact didn’t seem to harm it at all, the thing just hissed and rolled its eyes and Phraan had realized that its bones had to have been made from something else than those of other beings. He had pulled his blades and before anyone else had time to think he had plunged one of the long sleek swords through its eye and into the brain.

The beast did shudder once but did die and Zaray did look very pleased, the beast was so large it was hard to believe it was able to fly and Ivran stood there and looked very proud but also a bit shocked. Phraan walked over to him. “What did you do to it lad?”

Ivran swallowed and tried to smile, the intense stench from the beast made even Tersus cringe and the half rotten appearance had managed to make Fastonar loose his lunch, he was joined by Peter. “I removed the magic which enables it to stay airborne”

Zaray almost purred. “Excellent young man, they cannot be fought while in the air but the moment they touch the ground they become vulnerable, remember that for later”

Phraan stared at her with a harsh expression within his eyes. “So, what are they? Do you care to explain now?”

She shrugged. “I cannot say it will do any harm any more, you have seen one up close now. They don’t have a name, but they are most definitely something rather old which have been resurrected by the dark brotherhood and they are terrible. Their power is magical, not of this world”

Dhokay made a grimace. “It made it impossible to think or act, all I felt was fear”

She nodded. “Yes, and the stronger you are the harder it affects you. The ancient dark mages created this but they realized that they were too terrible and had them destroyed”

Shaluun did cringe, he was a bit pale. “So this thing was dead to begin with?”

She just smiled, a very vicious grin. “Most definitely yes, but brought back through the use of very unholy magic. I am afraid this won’t be the only example of that”

Phraan frowned. “You know more than you are willing to tell us, why?”

She just shrugged and mounted her mule again. “If I did tell you I know the result, you would return to the city, screaming”

She urged the mule forth and the others looked at each other and felt that she had spoken the truth about this. They rode forth towards the mountains and now they did see that the task of crossing would be monumental. They seemed to reach the very skies above and judging by the looks of it the mountains were a veritable maze of valleys and gorges. Zaray didn’t seem too worried though and Phraan started to feel that she had a plan after all. She probably knew a safe route through the area. This area was wild and untamed and nobody had bothered with settling down there, just a few nomadic tribes had inhabited the area but they were gone now, since the animals had moves south so had they. They saw some abandoned camp sites but that was all until they entered a shallow river valley. The land was rising now and the temperature fell and it was getting colder by the day, there wasn’t really much forest left, just bushes and some crippled and very old trees which grew in the places where the cold wind didn’t reach. They rode along the river to find a good place to cross when Taurin stopped them, the wood elf was sniffing the air and Phraan did stand up in the stirrups and did the same. He immediately recognized the stench of death upon the air and he nodded to the others. “Something has died, the wind comes from the north”

They stared northwards, a huge sandy hill blocked the view up river and Zaray did look rather intense. “Do move forth, but carefully. We have no idea of what this could be”

Fastonar gestured for Phraan and Dhokay to follow him and they rode forth. Drake was tossing his head and neighing and Phraan felt that the horse was tensing up. They all pulled their weapons and rode around the hill in a lose formation, ready to fight. What they saw made Fastonar blanche and Dhokay did swear. It was humans, and horses and some sheep and the bodies were all stacked into an obscene looking pile of body parts and equipment. It was rather cold so there weren’t that many flies there but the stench did tell them that these unfortunate individuals had been dead for a while. Fastonar coughed and he was pale and Phraan was staring with narrow eyes. Dhokay rode closer, he was staring at the sad remains and he made some rather terrible grimaces. “No dragon did this, nothing is eaten, they are just torn apart”

Phraan jumped off Drake and walked around the pile, he fished some swords from the collection of grisly objects and stared at them with a puzzled expression. “These are good swords, but they have been bent, look!”

Fastonar nodded, he was green in the face. “Yes, that one looks like a u. How is that possible?”

The rest of the group was approaching them and the two dwarves did stare with eyes the size of dinner plates. “Folks, there are trolls in the area!”

Zaray turned to them. “Are you sure?”

Rhuk nodded so vigorously the helmet he wore almost flew off his head. “Absolutely, look at those bodies? Not even orcs do that to the dead. Trolls hate everything and everyone, they just kill. And such piles are a territorial mark”

Zaray moaned. “Great, perfect, that wasn’t in my plans at all, what do we do?”

Dabin was pale. “Uh, the normal thing to do would be running in the other direction? That is not an option? No? Then I have no feckin’ clue!”

Zaray grimaced and Imeah sat on her horse and stared at the pile with a distant look upon her face, she hadn’t worn the face veil for a while since the weather was grey and she sent them a swift glance. “These were outlaws, trying to make a living here in the wilds. They were ruthless men, brave and aggressive. It didn’t help them”

Phraan held the bent sword forth. “Did the trolls do this?”

Rhuk stared at the weapon and his expression was one of awe. “Aye, they despise steel you see, trolls aren’t very smart mind you, they have the brains of a piece of cheese but strong instincts. They are animals, hardly more than that. “

Shaluun hissed. “Animals can be smart as heck, I do never underestimate an animal. So you dwarves do know a lot about trolls?”

Dabin nodded and tried to avoid staring at the pile. “We do, trolls and dwarves have been mortal enemies since the beginning of time. The trolls do always try to take our cities to use as their own and we have to keep a watchful eye all the time, they can dig through the very rock itself rather well”

Zaray tilted her head. “So, we are to enter troll territory, what can you give of advice”

Phraan made a grimace. “Do we have to cross this area?”

Zaray nodded. “Yes, there is a secret path through the mountains and it lay straight ahead, we have to get through these valleys to get to it.”

Rhuk was pulling at his beard. “Well, trolls hate sunlight so we are safe as long as the sun is up. It is after dark, and on days with heavy clouds we have to be careful”

Dabin did look important, his chin thrust forth. “They have a very sensitive nose, better than any other race, and their eyesight is very poor. They cannot see colors at all, but they sense movement rather well.”

Zaray was staring at the two, gesturing to make them continue. Rhuk frowned. “They are extremely territorial, they will kill any troll entering their territory which isn’t off their pack”

Dabin added. “And there are very few female trolls, just a couple out of a hundred trolls is female”

Dhokay was listening intently “Is there some way for us to hide from them?”

Rhuk did look down. “Ah, yes, but it isn’t very pleasant”

Dhokay did look curious. “Oh? What is it?”

Rhuk turned slightly green. “Uh, you need to find some troll…dung! And rub that onto your boots, it will cover your smell, for a while”

Tersus did look very interested. “That does sound like a very smart thing to do, and troll dung smells rather rancid I bet?”

Rhuk nodded with some vigor yet again. “Oh yes, it makes dragon shit smell like roses and lilies”

Phraan grimaced. “Wonderful, I bet troll dung is easy to find?”

Dabin shook his head. “No, they don’t need to do their business very often and when they do they bury it for some reason. They often have some spot where the entire pack go to empty their bowels.”

Zaray sighed. “It could have been a good idea, but I am not going to run around looking for troll shit!”

Taurin cleared his voice. “Ah, there may be another trick we can use?”

Fastonar did look at the wood elf as if he was the very salvation itself. “There is? Spill it!”

Taurin shrugged. “It is a herb, it removes scent from anything it is rubbed against, it is fairly common too but I am not so sure if it grows at such elevations”

Shaluun frowned and did look a bit doubtful. “I have heard of it, and I have tried it too, once, but it didn’t work at all?”

Thiana smiled. “Because you need to use the root, not the leafy parts. Few know that. But I am sure I can find some, it is a very common plant after all, and it loves moist areas.”

Fastonar sent them a smile. “Great, do go looking for some, but be careful. We cannot linger here much longer”

The two wood elves did scoot off and Phraan cocked his head and stared at the two dwarves. Rhuk did look nervous and Dabin was slightly green, he had never seen a dwarf looking like that before. “So, you have experience with trolls?”

Rhuk made a nasty grimace and bared his teeth. “Yes, I have fought trolls, only once mind you but that was more than enough.”

Phraan was getting curious. “How did that go?”

The dwarf did spit on the ground. “Horribly, we did fell the foul creature but it did kill seven good warriors before it drew its last breath. They are extremely hard to kill ya see, tough hide, tough bones and very primitive.”

Dabin nodded. “My clan fought trolls several times and lost many a brave dwarf too, trolls are worse than dragons for they do have an innate need to destroy, for no reason at all”

Dhokay leaned against his horse, his face revealed that he found this fascinating. ”But they do have some weak spots?”

Rhuk lighted up, his face was suddenly transformed into the very image of schadenfreude. “Their feet, that is their biggest weakness. Hurt their tootsies and they are helpless!”

Phraan gaped. “Are you kidding me?”

Rhuk shook his head. “No, I am serious. Their feet are sensitive you see, and their toes very long and flexible for they use them when they climb. So a hammer blow to the feet will cripple a troll, I have always said it, bad feet is a bad thing”

Dabin nodded with an eager expression on his face. “My tribe did develop a very smart method years ago, we used some roasting spits and skewered their feet, it did require that someone was bold enough to get within reach of them but it was efficient when it worked.”

Phraan stared at Rhuk. “They have long arms?”

Rhuk stretched his own arms, as if to show the size of a fish. “Aye, reach the ground they do, ugly beasts. And they have huge mouths too, and tiny eyes and their skin looks like old leather which haven’t been oiled for years”

Zaray sighed. “The packs, how big are the packs?”

Dabin shrugged. “From four or five up to about twenty, but never more than twenty five, then they’ll kill each other fighting for leadership.”

Tersus had been looking like a man who has had an epiphany for a while, he almost grasped Rhuk. “Tell me, if a female troll suddenly appeared in the middle of a territory, what would happen?”

Dabin did back away from the guy and Rhuk sneezed, so close the smell from the human was just overwhelming. “Uh, the males will go berserk searching for her, probably kill pack members and just lose it completely. Females are so rare, and usually only the really strong males get to mate”

Dhokay sort of rolled his eyes. “Mating trolls, now that is a mental image I had hoped I would avoid getting stuck in my brain but nope!”

Fastonar was staring at Tersus, his eyes narrow. “What are you up to?”

Tersus had an insane grin on his lips and his eyes were shining. “They are like animals right? And animals do have a breeding season, when the females go into heat right?”

The two dwarves stared at each other, their expressions said it all. “Yes, but what does that have to do with our problem?”

Tersus raised a hand. “Everything!”

He spun around himself a few times, then he stopped and stared at them. “While the two wood elves search for a pretty flower you can get me some small animals, rabbits, hares, voles, everything small and fast, and alive and unharmed!”

Fastonar was gaping. “I beg your pardon?!”

Tersus nodded. “I mean it, go! I have a plan, one which will make sure that the trolls have something else to chase than us”

Shaluun was grinning. “I can see where you are heading with this, great idea.”

He grasped some rope and an empty sack from their packs and nodded to Dhokay and Phraan. “Let’s go guys, we cannot waste any time”

Fastonar stared at Tersus, trying hard not to cringe from the smell. “Are you sure you can do this?”

Tersus nodded. “Yes, absolutely. I just need a little time and a small fire.”

Rhuk and Dabin scurried off and found some dry bushes and grass and before long they had a small fire going. Tersus did find a pot and some odd vials and he started mixing stuff at an alarming rate. Zaray did look as if she didn’t quite knew what to think, and Fastonar was clearly in doubt. Tersus got Peter to hold the pot over the fire with a poker and none of them had any idea of what made it into it. But the smell which soon rose from the pot was indescribable. It was so rank it would have made a Billy goat smell like a perfume shop and Tersus was grinning widely. “I hope they do catch something good for we cannot risk that any of us catch this scent, it would make us instant targets”

The pot was brought to a boil and then Tersus added something from a pouch which made the steam turn bright purple and the smell became so infernal even Zaray turned green. Then Tersus took the pot and put it aside and he was grinning from one ear to the other, he did look like a complete madman. “Now we just have to wait.”

Taurin and Thiana did return first, with some roots and they started by crushing the roots with two rocks and smearing the goo onto the horses legs and their own boots. Then they smeared the boots of the others there and kept some for the ones who were out hunting. An hour later the three hunters returned with a bag filled with all sorts of critters. There were rabbits and hares and some tiny long legged animals which were indigenous for the region. Tersus was smiling and he made them open the bag before he poured the contents of the pot into it. The animals did kick and squeal desperately and he closed the bag. “This won’t harm them, as long as the trolls don’t catch them that is”

He grasped the bag and nodded to the others. “Let’s ride, we need to get as far into the territory as we can before dusk”

Phraan didn’t like this at all but if it could save them from an encounter with trolls it was probably worth it. They mounted again and Zaray took the lead on her huge mule. Phraan wondered why she rode a mule instead of a horse, the animal was clearly both strong and enduring but not very fast. But he did notice that the horses acted funny around her, as if they did catch a scent they didn’t like and he was getting a feeling that Zaray wasn’t what she appeared to be at all. They crossed the river and rode along a ridge for some hours before they entered a valley full of very tall and ragged cliffs. It was a real maze but Zaray was leading them well and it was very obvious that she knew what she was doing.

It was getting darker and Tersus did release the animals in different places. They started looking for a place to camp and this night they couldn’t make any fires. They had to be quiet and Zaray did lead them down a narrow canyon which ended in what could only be described as an oasis. A pond had formed underneath a small waterfall and it was a sort of forest growing around it. The beach was wide and sandy and it was a very beautiful place. She stopped her mule and sighed. “You all need to make sure your horses don’t nicker or whinny, and when we ride on tomorrow you need to put cloth over their hooves too. And ride with no bit”

Phraan sighed, they would have to be completely silent then, it would be tough. They set up a simple camp and two and two would keep watch. The food would have to be devoured cold but they were used to that now and they ate and found a place for their bedrolls. Zaray smiled. “I will take a bath, it is the last chance for quite a while so if anyone else wants to wash now is the time”

She walked down to the water’s edge and started stripping and it was very apparent that she was like an elf when it came to nudity. She had no sense of shame at all and Phraan had to stare. He was still mourning Vitile, and she haunted his dreams every night but he had to admit that Zaray was exquisite. She was taller than Vitile had been, more elegant and with longer limbs and she was just stunning. She waded into the water with a relaxed ease even if it had to be ice cold. Phraan stared at her and she sent him a lingering glance, gestured for him to come closer. He did notice that she even now was armed, she was carrying a hunting knife with a very special design and she was almost playing with the blade, he had never seen that sort of knife before. Her eyes were shining and he did realize that they were almost like cats eyes. He stopped by the water’s edge and she sat down on a rock, wetting the long amethyst hair. Zaray was extremely sensual, and it was quite apparent that she knew how to use that fact. He cocked his head. “I have never seen anyone taking a bath wielding a knife like that, nor have I ever seen anyone of our race with that type of eyes”

She just smiled. “I am unique, as are you. A lady has to be able to protect herself you know”

He frowned. “What do you mean unique?”

She just continued to smile, a small and somewhat wicked grin. “Oh you do know what I mean Phraan? Gifted, for it is a gift isn’t it? Have you ever come across anything you haven’t been able to kill?”

He froze, staring at the female who continued to wash her amethyst hair as if nothing was out of the ordinary. “I don’t understand?”

She put the knife down onto the rock next to her. “You have survived the impossible many times Phraan, you cannot see it but others can. You have killed dragons by the score, and yes, the orcs have named you well. Death does love you Phraan, you are its finest tool”

He hissed. “I am only doing what is needed!”

She nodded. “Yes, of course you are. But we are all tools Phraan, all pawns in this game. You are so much more than you think you are, and you will see that, soon enough”

He stared at her bracelet, she usually hid it but now it was visible. “You have a weapon there which can kill anything right? Why don’t you use it against the dragons? I bet you could kill plenty with it?”

She shook her head and smiled. “The bow is a weapon yes, and it is extremely powerful too. But it is like a beacon, all mages will sense its presence and I prefer to only use it when there is no other option. It drains me of power, the energy within it is linked to my own life, and if I use it too often it will make me vulnerable, weak. I don’t want that. The bow will only be used if there is no other way out of a situation, I cannot let the enemy know that I have it in my possession. Besides, it may not work against things which are created by magic, dragons were natural beings to begin with, they have just been changed.”

Phraan saw that she used the knife to cut off some of her hair, she braided the loose lock into a thin braid and swift movements transformed it into a bracelet of some sorts. She tossed it over to him. “Here, wear this at all times. See it as a gift of friendship”

He frowned. “Only those who are betrothed wear such jewellery”

She smiled. “Maybe, but this is not that type of a gift. It is protection Phraan!”

He stared at the bracelet, it was still warm from her skin and he took a deep breath. “It is magical?”

She nodded. “Yes, but I cannot yet tell you what sort of magic it does possess. Just…wear it.”

He blinked, the thin braid was as shiny as real amethyst and he felt an odd tingling as he did put it on. “Why should I trust you?”

She smiled and wrung the water out of her hair. “Because you have no choice but to do so. You must accept that there are things of which you yet have to remain ignorant”

Phraan frowned. “You are speaking in riddles, I don’t understand anything of this”

She sighed and got up, her body shining in the vague starlight. “I will give you something to think about then, one piece of information. What do you know of your father?”

Phraan frowned. “What do you mean? I know very little, he was an elf and he and mom sort of ended up in bed after a very wild party and that was it, she got knocked up and he left the next day, before he knew what he had done?”

Zaray giggled. “That is all? Did he leave a name? Anything at all?”

Phraan looked down, remembered that many had regarded his mother as a whore for having a child out of wedlock. He had been regarded as a bastard and if he hadn’t been such a huge lad he would have been bullied for sure. As it was nobody dared to mock him, he would break the nose of anyone daring to slander his mother’s name so he heard it. “No, she didn’t remember anything, except that he was very handsome and extremely….uh, well, pleasant to be with”

Zaray laughed out loud. “Oh I bet he was, let me tell you one thing and you go and consider it, your father was of my kin.”

Phraan gaped. “What? What are you friggin talking about? He was an elf wasn’t he? Do you know him?”

Zaray smiled, a very satisfied smile. “Yes, he was an elf, like me, but we are not like the others, we are forgotten Phraan, and your gift is a part of who you are, of his legacy. Think of this, and it will make sense soon enough. Go now, I can hear that the trick Tersus thought up is having an effect”

Phraan lifted his head, in the distance he could hear some very faint sounds which could be roars and Dhokay appeared on top of the waterfall. “People, I see three trolls in the distance, on that ridge to the east. They are trying to tear each other apart or so it seems.”

Phraan did run up to the luptay who pointed off into the distance. Three huge figures could indeed be seen on that ridge, the faint moonlight was enough to illuminate them. Phraan just stared, they were grotesque and he felt a chill running down his spine, he was glad Tersus had come up with this trick of his, those creatures were terrible. He could almost feel their brute strength the whole way from that ridge and the fact that they were dumb only made them more dangerous. Dhokay was sneering. “Abominations, that is what they are”

Phraan nodded, his mind was reeling still. So, his father had been the same sort of elf as Zaray, but she appeared to be of a rather well known although rare branch of the race. She was hiding her true nature, so if he was to find out who he really was he had to crack the enigma which was her identity. He was thinking back, it made some sense now, he had aged faster than ordinary elven children, it was normal that a half breed aged at the same pace as a full blooded elf until maturity was reached. He on the other hand had grown fast, and reached his full height at the same time a human would, but he didn’t have any other human features than that. Could she be telling the truth? The odd ability to stay cool and just kill, his ability to immediately find the weakness of an enemy and bring it down? Was there indeed more to him than he had believed? His mind was spinning and he tried to focus upon the trolls. Dhokay spat on the ground. “The orcs do fear trolls, I spoke to a few orcs once who had come across a dragon the trolls had killed.”

Phraan turned his head around. “What? Are you kidding me?”

Dhokay shook his head. “No, I tell the truth. It was after we split up, there were still a few dragons left in the high valleys on the other side of the desert and I went there, just to see if I could help the locals get rid of the last ones. There was a tribe of peaceful orcs living there, and they told me everything. The trolls are immune to dragon fire apparently. They had just hit the dragon with rocks until it died, it hadn’t managed to kill even one of the trolls”

Phraan snorted. “That dragon must have been old or sick then, I cannot believe that they could have done much harm to it otherwise”

Dhokay shrugged. “It could have been sick I guess, but the orcs swore it was an adult storm fire.”

Phraan stared over at the ridge, only two of the figures were standing now, the third was on the ground. He heard the guttural roars from even this distance and he did notice that everybody else were listening too, he swallowed hard. “I don’t think the trolls will come in this direction now.”

Dhokay nodded. “Yes, let’s hope so.”

Phraan walked down to the pond again, found his bedroll. He stared at the stars above and looked over to where Zaray now sat combing her hair, she was so relaxed and didn’t seem to worry about anything. What was it that she knew? Imeah was taking a swift bath too, but she had found a rock she hid behind and she was very swift. The water was way too cold for a human being. Phraan did eat a little and then he rolled himself into his blanket and tried to sleep. It was hard, but finally his body did succumb to its need for rest and darkness took him.

The next morning Phraan was the last one to keep watch and he was wide awake before Rhuk came to wake him up, he and Dabin were the last pair out and they sat on top of the canyon until they all had gotten out of their bedrolls and got ready to journey on. The horses were prepared and Zaray sent them all a strict glance. “The area we are about to enter now is rocky, and the cliffs do turn even the smallest sound into thunder, so be careful.”

Tersus did look fascinated as always but Phraan saw that Peter did look less than enthusiastic. The two dwarves did look as if they were in a good mood and the cold didn’t bother them but Imeah did look as if she was in some sort of discomfort. Fastonar did hand her his cloak and she thanked him and kept her eyes down. “What is the matter girl? You look nervous? Is it the trolls?”

Imeah stared at him, her eyes were so unbelievably red, like blood in snow. “There is something else in here, I can sense it. It is like a weight on my thoughts, a dark shadow. The trolls are all over the place, chasing the scent Tersus made but they aren’t alone. I sense other minds, more advanced minds”

Fastonar frowned. “More advanced minds? Can you specify that?”

Imeah shook her head. “No, I cannot control what I have, I just go with the flow. Sometimes I cannot sense anything at all which is out of the ordinary and other times I can sort of see everything. I am sorry”

Zaray got ready to mount her mule again. “Don’t be, everybody, keep your eyes open and don’t make any loud noises”

They started off again and Phraan did find the landscape to be rather fascinating in a way, it was dry and just rocks and sand but it had a sort of ragged beauty to it. He saw formations he never had been able to even imagine before and the terrain was rather terrible. They had to dismount several times to lead the horses along steep narrow paths or down steep hills and Zaray seemed to be extremely focused the entire time. She was stopping quite often, listening, tilting her head and watching the surroundings with the eyes of a hawk. Imeah was staring down at the neck of her horse the entire time, as if she was afraid to look at the landscape she rode through and Phraan found that a bit odd. He placed himself next to her as they were crossing a rather flat area and she did throw a swift glance at him. “Imeah, why don’t you look at anything but the mane of your mare?”

She swallowed. “I do see Phraan, I see too much. This place, it is bad, very bad. But it was ages ago”

Phraan frowned. “What are you talking about?”

She turned her attention to the horse once more. “A battle, there was a battle here. But they weren’t humans, they were monsters. The valleys, they used to be green but now they are dead, the blood poisoned them”

The half elf stared at the albino girl. “You can see that?”

She nodded. “Yes, it was before time became time, the earth was young then. Demi gods, they were so powerful. Some of that power exists still, it is in the blood”

She closed her eyes and her face became oddly devoid of expression. “It is coming to you Phraan, the one wielding the gifts from the hand of the converted disciple. Take them both”

Phraan sort of scoffed. “Imeah, you are a seer and I know that this sort of thing makes people expect certain things of you but for heaven’s sake girl, can’t you speak plainly?”

She smiled, a very swift hint of a smile. “I can only tell what I see Phraan, I cannot even describe it well.”

She leaned over to him, whispering. “Trust me, from now on, do not tell anyone of your dreams, not even your friends. There is danger here which even I cannot see”

She urged her horse on and Phraan frowned and felt even more confused. What dreams was she referring to? He didn’t dream at all these days, except those where he saw how Vitile died and felt the grief burn through his body again and again. He didn’t understand anything of what she had said.

As they rode on the landscape started to raise even more, and it became steeper. Zaray pointed at a peak they could see in the distance. “Over there is our goal, the hidden path. It will take us a few days to get there”

Fastonar was mumbling. “And then, how far to this city of yours?”

She smiled back at him, eyes dark and expression somewhat hard. “That depends upon what we encounter over there, it is a very dangerous area and I bet that the dark brothers have unleashed a lot now, creatures I never have seen before.”

Fastonar sighed. “That is not very encouraging, so there is no way to avoid the mountains?”

She shook her head. “Not unless you are a dragon and able to fly!”

Dhokay frowned. “Some of the dragon species are flightless, how have they made it to the plains?”

Zaray steered her mule around a boulder and smiled. “They have been transported by magic, the dark brotherhood is able to teleport stuff from the city and to this side of the mountains but that takes a heck of a lot of energy and I bet that most of the new dragons are capable of flying. It is easier that way. A mage who has used all his energy on moving some dragons won’t be able to do much again for some days.”

Fastonar sighed again, he did look kind of tired. “I have to agree with that I guess”

Phraan did keep an eye on the horizon, the clouds were getting darker and darker and it looked as if it was gonna snow soon. The temperature had dropped a lot and Zaray started to look worried. Phraan rode up to her. “Problems?”

She nodded. “Possibly, a snowstorm up here can turn nasty. We do need to find shelter”

Fastonar cringed. “In troll territory? Are you nuts?”

Zaray shrugged “I am not the one in danger of becoming a pop sickle, I can deal with cold. But the wind on the other hand? That is way worse!”

Fastonar did glare at her but Shaluun did smile, a very tight smile. “She is right, you don’t want to be caught in a snowstorm up here. We do need to find a cave or something.”

Rhuk and Dabin stared at each other “There could be caves in the hills up ahead, the rock is a type which often contain large ones”

Zaray nodded and urged the mule on. “Right, let’s go then.”

They did find a cave rather fast and it was a huge one with a rather narrow opening and a half dome shape. It was just room to bring their horses inn too and the space became a bit cramped but it was warm and the opening so small it wouldn’t let much wind through. Since they were inside they could risk starting a small fire and Imeah sat down by it immediately, she was clearly suffering in the cold weather. Zaray stood in the opening for a while, listening to the wind. “I will go exploring the back of the cave for a while, it looks as if a tunnel is leading downwards from the back of it”

Fastonar glared at her. “Is that wise? “

She shrugged. “Time will tell, but I am curious, I like to know if a cave has an escape entrance, in case of trouble.”

Phraan stared after her, she disappeared into the small tunnel carrying only a torch and before long she was gone. Fastonar made a grimace and sat down. “Right, eat some and rest, we have to get going as soon as the storm ends”

Dhokay was petting his large horse, he did look concerned. “There is little for the horses to eat up here, they are weakening.”

Fastonar shrugged and pulled off his boots. “Yes, if this lasts we have to leave them, I doubt there is more food to find up in them passes.”

Phraan had laid down and tried to eat a bit but he was feeling sort of torn. He remembered what Zaray had said and for the first time in his life he did doubt his own self. He started to question the things his mother had told him, and the things his grandfather had said too. Why would a poor girl like his mother be at a party where an elf also participated? The village had been very poor, they didn’t own much at all and his grandfather had been among the wealthiest people there and yet there had been winters when they all had been starving. He had a gnawing suspicion that his mother had lied to him, that she had hidden the truth quite deliberately. Phraan soon got warm and drowsy and since Dhokay was watching the entrance he allowed himself to fall asleep. Soon he realized that he was dreaming, he was walking over a meadow, and it was summer and warm and the air was filled with the scents of a forest in full bloom. The he saw someone moving up ahead, dancing through the tall grass and he saw that it was Vitile. She was wearing a short doeskin dress and had flowers weaved into her hair and she did look so happy and carefree. She was laughing as she danced forth, throwing her hair back, taking elegant steps and spinning around. The sight was lovely and yet it hurt him for he knew it wasn’t real, it was just a dream.

She waved her hand at him and he followed her into a grove of enormous oak trees, they were so massive he had a hard time believing they were real, some had several branches stretching out so they reached the ground as if they were the arches of a bridge and from them huge logs did rise towards the skies. When he managed to get an overview of the whole thing he realized that it all was one tree. In the middle was the original tree, so huge you could fit several buildings inside of it. Vitile laughed and danced closer to it, touched the rough bark with reverence. “This is the mother tree, she knows everything. All elven spirits stay with her before they are born into the world of the living, she knows them all”

Phraan swallowed. “So?”

Vitile giggled and pulled him closer by the arm. “You have questions haven’t you? She can answer them, all of them. You just have to ask the right way.”

Phraan had to stare at her, she was more beautiful than ever before and his heart was aching, the heavy empty feeling almost more than he could bear. “I can ask her? Just like that?”

Vitile nodded. “Yes silly, and she will show you the answer, but it may not be one you’ll like”

He took a deep breath. “This isn’t real, I am dreaming, and you…you are gone from the world”

She pouted. “Nobody is ever truly gone as long as they are remembered, I told you that once, didn’t I?”

He had to sigh and nod. “You did, but I miss you Vitile, I miss you so terribly.”

She smiled and reached up, kissed his cheek gently. “I know, I wanted to see you again, one last time. Don’t grieve for me Phraan, I was a dragon slayer, I knew the risks. I did my duty, as did you”

He hung his head. “That doesn’t change the way I feel”

She shook his head. “Oh listen to yourself, sulking like a child. You are here for a reason, go ahead, and ask her”

Phraan stared at the tree, the massive branches did dwarf him, some were so wide you could have driven a carriage along it and still had room to spare. How did one ask a tree questions? He had no clue whatsoever! “How? It is a tree damn it”

Vitile groaned. “Oh Phraan, you are definitely not a wood elf, just ask, like you would ask me if the weather is nice outside or if I want another cup of wine. Ask her”

Phraan took a deep breath. “Alright, great mother tree, who am I really?”

The tree sort of groaned and then the branches started to move, Phraan was staring in absolute shock and then the scene changed right before his eyes. He was back with the group, fifty years ago, battling a huge storm wind, the dragon was being taunted by Fastonar who rode terrifyingly close to the head, throwing knives at the nose. Phraan and Shaluun ran up along its neck, Shaluun planted his axe in its throat while Phraan rammed his sword straight into its skull. Then he was in an inn, just before the group split up. He and Vitile were making love and he was so very close to asking her the grand question, but he didn’t dare to. Then it changed again, but this was something he didn’t recognize, he was standing in a pool, it was warm and the water reached his hips, he couldn’t move and there was someone behind him, he could sense it. The water started to rise slowly and he couldn’t turn around or even move a limb. An arm came from behind, embraced him, caressed him like a lover would and he saw that the arm was extremely pale and that of a female. “Embrace the gift I will give you, let it bring you to completion. It is rebirth, a new beginning. The shedding of an old skin in favour of a new one”

The water reached his neck, he was starting to panic and he fought to escape but the water did continue and he knew he would drown soon. He got one last gasp of breath and then there was just water but now he was floating, and it was just pleasant and warm around him and nothing felt dangerous or even painful. Then he was jerked back down, it felt as if he was falling really fast and he landed with a thud on a naked cliff. It didn’t hurt though and his body felt odd, alien in a way, stronger than before. Zaray was there, she was glowing and her eyes were like pools of light, shining like twin stars. She smiled. “Don’t be afraid, let your gift come to its completion, be who you truly are”

He felt a surge of energy through his body, and it felt terrifying and divine at the same time, he could barely breathe, he had to scream as everything he was changed forever. The power he felt surging from his soul was so strong he was unable to do anything but endure as it warped his every existence into something new. Phraan felt that something grasped onto him, shook him. He opened his eyes with a yelp and stared up at Fastonar. “Quiet, something is outside, we can hear it”

Phraan swallowed, it had to be the most bizarre dream he had ever had but what did it mean? He got up, attached his blades to his body again and Fastonar stared out into the storm with a pale face and a grim expression. Dhokay was sitting by the entrance still, his eyes half closed and he was obviously listening. “It is more than one, I can hear voices in the wind!”

Shaluun held his axe. “Trolls?”

Dhokay shook his head. “No, they don’t really speak, they just grunt or howl. These speak, but I can sense that they are something very dangerous.”

Imeah looked scared. “What I warned you about…”

The entrance was narrow but hard to defend due to its shape and Dhokay bared his teeth. “We can fight one by one but we are trapped here, like mice. Have Zaray returned yet?”

Fastonar shook his head. “No, she has been gone for a while, I have no idea of whether or not she’ll come back at all.”

Phraan sighed “She will, I am sure of it. But what is out there?”

Ivran pushed his way forth, his eyes were wild. “I feel them too, it is like….something terribly dark and I cannot even describe it. But it is evil, and it is looking for us”

Phraan hissed. “If it is looking for us it knows we are here, and why. The enemy must know we are coming their way then”

Fastonar sneered. “She has told them, I am sure of it, we should never have trusted her!”

Ivran stared at the opening, they could hear something moving through the snow, something heavy. He took a deep breath and tried to focus, he had tried spells like this back at the academy but it had always failed. Could things have changed now? He closed his eyes and imagined that the rock face was whole, no cave, no opening at all. Just ragged hard solid rock. The air shivered a bit and then they saw a sort of thin veil starting to cover the entrance and Dhokay gaped. “A camouflage spell, great kid!”

Ivran was panting. “It is the best I can do, so be quiet. They cannot see us but they can hear us”

Shaluun stared at Tersus who was fidgeting with his filthy braid. “Or smell us! Where is what’s left of that root?”

Thiana handed over a small pouch and Shaluun nodded to Peter. “Hold him!”

Tersus did wriggle like a worm on a hook but Peter was strong and before long the alchemist was covered with the sticky goo. It didn’t make him look better at all! Everybody held their breaths, the sounds from the outside got stronger and Dhokay was holding his hammer so hard the knuckles were all white. He was staring at something through the barrier and Phraan did move over so he could see. The thing he did see made him gasp and back off a few steps. It was a huge being, its shape almost humanoid but the head was very long and oddly shaped and the thing was black. Not black like a black cat or a black horse but like a deep black hole, like an opening in the air with just blackness inside. The only detail they could see were two eyes, glowing in a sickening green colour and they were just orbs, no pupils or other details but they were intelligent, watching and considering what they saw. Phraan felt cold sweat running down his back and Ivran was shaking, his eyes were blurred. “It is searching for anything magical, it knows we are here somewhere. There are more of them, three more.”

He was whispering but Phraan heard it and the thing outside of the cave was grunting something which had to be words and they heard a sniffing sound too. The creature reached out towards the illusion, the long arm with black claws came closer and closer and Phraan reached for his blades when something absolutely unexpected did happen.

They heard a roar coming from above, the sound so strong it made the rock itself vibrate and the thing turned around and seemed to shout something. They saw more glowing eyes in the distance and the creatures seemed to gather. Fastonar was paper white and trembling “That sound was a dragon, a huge one”

Then there were more roars, and Phraan saw something which had to be fire but the colour was wrong, it looked purple? And the dark creatures screamed and he saw one flying through the air, hitting the ground hard and sort of dissolving itself into smoke. More roars, more light and screams and then it got silent. Only the wind howled now and everybody held their breath for what felt like an eternity. Dhokay did look flabbergasted. “It killed them, the dragon killed them?”

Fastonar tried to smile. “Looks that way, but why?”

Shaluun shrugged. “Maybe they are natural rivals? Is the dragon still there?”

Ivran groaned and the veil disappeared, he was drenched in sweat and trembling all over. “I cannot do this again, sorry. I am completely drained, I don’t think I have much strength left, for some reason.”

Dhokay listened. “I don’t hear anything, it think it flew off, whatever it was”

Everybody breathed a sigh of relief but tensed as they suddenly heard the sound of running feet. They raised their blades but dropped them as Zaray did burst into the cave. She did look terrible, covered with dust and cobwebs and she had some cuts on her face. Her eyes were huge! “Did you see those monsters, Gods, I have never seen anything more…unnatural”

Fastonar almost roared at her. “Where have you been?!”

Zaray pulled her hair out of her face, her braid had come undone and it did look messy. “I got lost but found a way out, I was gonna return but those darklings did show up and I had to seek cover in a small ravine. I have never felt anything like that, ever. They sort of sucked up all light”

Fastonar growled. “Lucky for you that the dragon showed up, did you see it?”

She nodded. “Not really, just a shadow in the storm, but it was massive, largest I have ever seen.”

Phraan bit his lower lip. “Great, we are gathered again and we are unharmed. Now what?”

Zaray shrugged and went over to the fire, warmed her hands. “We stay until the storm is over, we cannot get out now, it is too dangerous.”

Dhokay sighed. “The horses need food, and water. We do need food and water too, we are running low. “

Zaray turned to Ivran. “You are tired but why don’t you try, conjuring up some hay and water should be easy right?”

Ivran cringed. “I can try but I am not so sure it will be a success at all”

She just smiled. “Go for it kid”

Phraan frowned. “You called those things darklings, have you come across them before then?”

She shook her head. “Heck no, but the name fits don’t it? They were just darkness”

Dhokay made a grimace. “I don’t wanna know what those things could have done to us if they had found us.”

Zaray did look serious. “Neither do I, the dark brotherhood has gone too far this time, they have done things their predecessors never would have dreamed of doing”

Ivran nodded slowly. “They were dark magic, not really alive, just…darkness”

She looked down, her eyes did shine with a sinister light. “Yes, the first mages who formed the brotherhood were extremely powerful, there has never been mages like them and there never will be again. The magic was new back then, fresh, untainted. Now it has withered and it is nothing compared with what it was”

Ivran did look disappointed. “So I am weak compared with those mages of old?”

She shook her head. “No, for your magic is different, it is ironic but your power is more based upon chaos than the one they used. The reason is rather apparent, you cannot create chaos without order as its base. Chaos cannot spring from chaos, there has to be something there at first, something orderly”

Ivran tilted his head, his eyes narrow as he was thinking. “That makes sense I guess, but then I can be compared with them after all?”

She nodded. “Yes, but it would be like comparing a thoroughbred and a draft horse, if you look at speed one is superior to the other but if you look at other things like endurance and manageability it becomes a different game right away. You are maybe stronger than they were, we don’t know that yet. But their magic is different, and that won’t change.”

Ivran sighed “Right, I’d better try to make some food for us and the horses then, or else it is gonna become a very bad night indeed”

He walked to the centre of the room and took a deep breath, then he closed his eyes and tried to seek the power he was harbouring, ordering it to do what he wished of it. At first there was nothing, he was thinking so hard of hay, of its looks and smell and the stiffness of it and everything which made hay unique. There was a soft poof and then something started falling onto the floor, in large numbers. It was some sort of round object and they were soft and some fell apart as they hit the rock floor. Shaluun gaped. “Those are melons?”

Phraan nodded. “Sibra melons, the desert type. They are delicious if they are ripe”

Ivran did look very disappointed, he stared at the heap of melons with narrow eyes, it had to be at least two hundred of them. Dhokay walked over and grasped one of the melons, it had been opened by the impact and he did sniff it. “They are ripe, Ivran, this was in fact very useful. They are good food”

He hung his head. “But it wasn’t hay now was it?”

Zaray just shrugged. “There is enough for the horses too, they love such sweet treats”

Ivran sighed and then the roof seemed to open itself and it rained hay, suddenly they stood there covered with hay to their hips with hay in their hair and they were blinking at each other. “Ah, now, that is an exaggeration dear, we don’t need that much hay!”

Zaray was sneezing and working her way out of the mass and Dhokay and the two dwarves started to pile the hay up against the wall so they had some space left to sit and eat and sleep. “It is good to lie in, we can make beds out of it, no problem”

Rhuk was grinning and he did look like some sort of hay covered goblin with the stuff stuck in his hair and beard and armour. Tersus was staring at Ivran with narrow eyes. “You try too hard lad, I have seen such cases before. The trick I think would be to ask for either more or less than what you actually need, or something completely different. Sooner or later you will crack it”

Ivran rolled his eyes. “Right, so, what now?”

Zaray lifted a melon. “These are good, but try something else, a real dinner of some sorts?”

Ivran lifted his arms. “Alright, fine, I’ll try”

He was thinking about steak, nice well done steak. He felt the power surge through him, even stronger this time and everybody jerked as fish started appearing out of nowhere. Huge trout the length of a man’s arm, alive and wriggling and with them frogs and huge shrimp of some sorts. The fish was squirming on the ground and Peter looked at Ivran with awe. “Fresh fish, that is just delicious!”

Dhokay was frowning. “Yeah, with seasoning”

Then a barrel dropped out of the air and landed on Ivran’s foot and made him cuss rather heartily. Phraan grasped the small barrel. “It is fish seasoning people”

Ivran rubbed his foot with a desperate expression on his face. “It just does it without me wanting it! It is horrible”

Zaray shook her head. “No, it isn’t. It is great, that is what it is. You just need to learn how to formulate your wishes, and how much power you are to use.”

Phraan sighed. “We have enough fish to feed an army, you must have drained an entire lake lad. But whatever, it is fresh and looks great and we only need a fire and then we’ll feast”

Ivran sent Phraan a grateful glance and Rhuk got a fire going and used some twigs to create a sort of grid they could fry the fish upon. Dhokay gutted the fish and seasoned them and they had melon stew to go with it. It was in fact a very nice meal and Shaluun hung some blankets in front of the cave entrance. It was strange but the cave had become almost cosy now, their steeds were munching away at their hay and the fire gave some warmth too. Ivran ate until he was cross eyed and then he laid down to rest and the rest did the same. Zaray and Fastonar were taking first watch and sat in the entrance, the rest just dug into the hay and allowed themselves to go to sleep. The night was long and dark and the storm was howling outside. They would have to stay there until it blew over and everybody wanted to use the opportunity to rest now that they were relatively safe.

Phraan found a comfortable position to sleep in, his back was still bothering him a bit, the wound was just a scar now but it still felt a bit stiff at times. The horses lay down to sleep too and the cave became rather silent, or silent? Rhuk was snoring like a whole team of lumberjacks and Taurin was humming softly as he was braiding Thiana’s hair. Phraan looked the other way, the tenderness he saw between the two elves just reminded him of what he had lost. He closed his eyes and focused on the warmth of his lair and the pleasant feeling of having had a good meal. He did fall asleep rather fast, he had been used to sleep whenever he could back in the days and now that habit became useful once more.

The cave was a good place for a camp and the storm was a violent one, Shaluun was used to winter storms, his people did live in the mountains to the North West and he knew how to judge a storm. This one could last for days and he saw that Zaray was aware of the fact and she was pissed off. She was sitting on a saddle and her eyes told him that she was very annoyed indeed. This was something they didn’t need right now, being delayed like that was not a part of her plans. But on the other hand, in this weather even the enemy would have to stay indoors, trolls could of course venture outside even when it was cold but with their large surface moving against the wind they would have to struggle to get anywhere at all. Shaluun started to sharpen his axe, it was smart to be ready for one never knew what could happen, in special when surrounded by such a bunch of people.

Simaon was staring out of the windows to his suite, the huge citadel had some very nice apartments and he had chosen the best one as it was his right as a leader. It was in the top floor of the citadel and from it he could view the entire city. This was his realm, his kingdom and he was wondering if it would be preposterous to title himself as king or emperor whence they had won. This night was very dark and the winds were howling, they were used to that and the city was built in a valley where the cliffs did protect against the worst of the weather. It was a very good place and he was fond of it, the city was grand and even though it had few inhabitants it felt like a capital. It was his capital, his stronghold and he stared down at the huge square in front of the citadel and grinned. His associates had brought all of their men to this place, they had plenty of soldiers and servants and then there were those who had lived there for countless generations. The artefact had allowed them to bring more people into the city through the magical wall and with them more resources and fresh and eager minds ready to do whatever it took to turn this into a success. Of course they wouldn’t have to fight for real, the gifts left by their ancestors had ensured their success already. The dragons and the other creatures they had resurrected were a weapon none could stand up against and he caressed the hilt of his sword and smiled again.

His many under lords had many in their command and the mages they had brought over to their side were busy all the time now. The old spells and incantations were used once more and the dark magic was flowering like never before. It filled the very air itself and he felt it prickling against his skin even now. They had all been shown the light by his predecessor Ognias of Twelve towers, one of the last of the true believers and the one who had shown them all that the old days could return. Ognias had been a visionary, he had awakened the brotherhood from their dormant stage, gathered them, and shown them the grand future which was theirs to take if they only dared to. He had managed to spread the word, gather new followers and bring them there without anyone really understanding what he was doing and it had been grand and very smart.Simaon had dared, he had been the first to swear the old oath and bring his house and his men with him back to the city. His forefathers had been part of the brotherhood, it was just natural for him to take his place in it, a heritage he was proud of. Simaon was no mage but he was smart and ruthless and he had climbed to the top of the hierarchy of power rather fast.

Ognias had awakened the dragons back fifty years ago, tested them and found them to be too weak. Too many were killed by the slayers and so he had called the strong ones back to the mountains and used the magic to change them. It wasn’t done in a day, the first ones had been unleashed only a few months ago and Simaon had seen the hordes which were ready to be released upon the realms. It made his chest swell with pride and he walked over to a painting which hung on the wall. It was Ognias in all his glory and Simaon caressed his sword yet again, the old one had been wise and strong and very cunning but not cunning enough. He hadn’t anticipated a mundane attack, a stab in the back. Ognias had been their leader for so long, it was just natural to change the balance of power and Simaon knew he was a better leader than Ognias had been. The old one had been too patient, his ambitions too small. Now Simaon was in charge and he had been speeding things up a lot, they would soon enough see the results of their hard work and sacrifices. The others were in awe of his resourcefulness and his ideas and only that old fool Badrian had been trying to slow things down but now he was dead and good riddance. The idiot hadn’t even been killed, he had supposedly died from a heart attack and crushed that pretty crystal ball of his in the fall, too bad, Simaon had wanted that artefact. It wasn’t useful for anything but it had been pretty. Well, he could get all the pretty things he wanted when he had all the realms on their knees before him.

The mages under his command were keeping the wall open and their work was excellent, the dragons and the other creatures had no problems crossing it and he was convinced that the very Gods themselves were with them. After all, the brotherhood had managed to find that one thing which allowed them to bring their creations through the wall. He had to chuckle, they had so much power readily available, also a gift from the past and he knew that the mages did use it for all it was worth, the latest creatures the high mage had released into the lands beyond the wall were so amazingly deadly he felt a thrill just thinking of them. They would surely remove any enemies daring to come too close and remove all remnants of fighting will in the population. The realm would be on its knees, soon enough.

Simaon sauntered off to his bedroom, he had several pretty concubines stationed there at all times, day and night and he dropped the thick heavy robe he wore and gestured for one of them to come closer. The girl smiled and wriggled herself out of the tight dress she wore, Simaon didn’t see the scared expression in her eyes, he was renowned for being rough and for being very insensitive and indifferent to the needs and wellbeing of others. He had been like that since he was a child, his father had been one of the most powerful counsellors of the old king Vhandar and they had been wealthy and living a very good life in Twelve towers. Simaon was the firstborn son, he had two sisters and a brother who was born twelve years after him and he had never had anything but hate and resentment in his heart when it came to his brother. His brother Nornan had been weak from the start, a puny lad with thin arms and legs and huge eyes, so why did his parents dote on the failure like he was something precious? Simaon had been a tall boy, boisterous and stubborn and more than a handful and his mother had spoiled him a lot. His father too had been way too kind and allowed Simaon to develop some rather unhealthy habits.

He hadn’t been punished no matter what he did and when Nornan was born he immediately hated the changes this brought. He was no longer the centre of attention and his parents spent way too much time praising that little runt. If he could have strangled his brother with his diapers he would have but he knew that this would have been a mistake. Instead he tried to ignore his brother all the time and he also tried to ruin everything that little bastard did. Which was the reason he almost lost it when Nornan was invited to the academy, he had applied but been denied access since he according to the letters he received was “talentless” and “too full of himself”.

Simaon had been twenty four by that time, and he was used to having things his way all the time, that his father now had started to shorten in the reins had pissed him off royally and he could no longer hide the fact that he had done some less than legal things. Some maidens had come forth and confessed that he had stolen both their virtue and hearts and others complained about servants who had been abused when Simaon were visiting their homes. The stable masters refused to lend him horses since he was infamous for riding the animals too hard and the king’s master of the hounds had banned him from joining the royal hunts since he often whipped the dogs and enjoyed watching the prey die slowly. Simaon had met old Ognias at a party and he had immediately felt that this man was someone he admired, someone he could follow as long as he was useful. Ognias had spun such sweet visions and told Simaon of the talents he did have, persuading others and making them believe even a huge fat lie was among them. Simaon had seen something of a true father figure in Ognias and so Simaon’s own father did die very conveniently one dark evening whilst out riding. The old man had fallen from his horse and broken his neck and the rope tied between two trees had been easy to remove, none had suspected anything.

Simaon’s mother did die of grief, at least that was the official explanation but Ognias had shown Simaon such wonderful poisons and the old goat was not that hard to get rid of, after all, she had betrayed her son by bearing one more boy. Simaon had two sisters too but both were married and moved to some island to the south and he didn’t bother with them at all. They were indifferent to him and being married meant that they had no rights to his father’s estate at all. But Nornan was a problem and Simaon had paid some thug very well for the job, Nornan was found outside of a pub, stabbed and beaten and everything he had with him stolen, even his clothes. They said it was a robbing, and that it was very tragic and Simaon had shown some grief just to please the many who were talking about the death of his brother but he was laughing on the inside.

Getting the others interested in the cause was no problem at all, many were hungry for influence and power and Simaon had never liked the king at all, the man didn’t show him the right amount of respect and didn’t allow him access to the inner circle of power. For that he would pay!

Some servants entered with some food and Simaon got up from the bed and ignored the sobbing girl, he had discovered that he liked to make women cry and scream and this one had a very tight little ass, fucking her dry was such a high. The servants didn’t look at him, eyes on the floor and he waved them out of the room. The food was excellent and the wine was great too, he had never been happier in his entire life and he wasn’t going to let this power slip out of his hands, ever. The old prophecies were just nonsense in his eyes, since he was no mage he had no idea of what sort of powers he was meddling with, to him magic was a tool, like a hammer or a sword and he didn’t realize that he was as unqualified to lead the brotherhood as a goat would be at digging for gold. But he was the one who was in charge now, simply because his ambitions and his ruthlessness were clearing a path for the others. One day his rule would be ended the same way Ognias had been, Simaon didn’t think about that at all for he couldn’t understand that he to the others was also just a tool, he believed that they all saw him as their divine leader, as their God.

Back in the old days every member of the brotherhood had been a mage and their approach to their cause had been very different indeed. Simaon had no clue about the discipline magic demanded of its users and he didn’t care, he just wanted to use the magic for his own benefit and the mages who served the brotherhood were commandeered around like servants. In fact he treated everybody he regarded as below himself as a servant and that was pretty much every living soul there. Simaon was good at administrating things, he knew how to make plans and make sure that things were done in the right order and that was why he was the leader.

He had the visions and the ideas and he did also know how to convince others of the importance of their cause, but now as their power was increasing and the dragons had been let loose the methods he was using was becoming less and less popular. The mages were angry since they weren’t shown the right amount of respect and the other lords hated being ordered around. Simaon didn’t see this, he was floating on a cloud of belief in his own superiority and he failed to see that he too was being used by those below him. He believed himself to be a great leader but in fact many followed him just for the same reason he had joined the brotherhood, to get personal advantages.

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