A Debt Owed (A Dark Billionaire Romance) (The Debt Duet Book 1)

A Debt Owed: Chapter 6

1 Year Ago

After that painful dinner at my father’s house, I didn’t wanna go home and end the night crying my eyes out while watching Netflix and chugging down a whole bottle of wine, so instead, I got a cab and went out. The city lights have always managed to lift my mood. Besides, I could use a drink, and plenty of places have amazing cocktails.

Not only that, but I heard about a new place up ahead called Dutch Deviants. I’ve never been there before, but a lot of people are talking about it. It’s the place to be, I’ve heard, so I’m eager to see what’s happening.

When the cabbie drops me off, I open my purse and reapply my lipstick before going inside. It looks so luxurious with all the gold shimmer on the tables and walls, and the soft purple mesh hanging throughout the room, making it look like a sultan’s throne room. Not a lot of people are dancing; most of them are lounging on one of the many black couches and comfy-looking seats. I guess this place is more for relaxing and less about the loud music, which is a plus to me.

I go to the bar area and check their cocktail menu. The extensive list has a lot of weird combinations, like vodka and lime with a hint of rose petals or apple juice and Turkish fruit mixed with gin.

“I’d go for the Lotus Heaven.”

I turn my head and am pleasantly surprised by the familiar blue eyes staring back at me.

“Easton,” I mutter. In shock, I stare at his beautiful face, which hasn’t changed in years. Still the short, wavy dark hair, chin cleft, and thick, kissable lips. God, did I always mumble like this in front of him?

He reaches for me, and for a second there, I question whether he’s going to grab me and kiss me right then. Instead, he grabs the menu and holds it up in front of me, sliding his finger down toward the description of the Lotus Dream.

“Lotus flower and almonds mixed with rum,” he says. “An exquisite taste, if I say so myself.”

The charming smile that forms on his lips makes my heart flutter. “I can’t believe it.”

“What? The Lotus flower?”

“No … well, that too,” I stammer, “but more the fact that you’re—”

He places a finger on my lips, and says, “No need to explain.” He smiles again, this time with an obvious arrogance. “I must say I’m … pleasantly surprised to find you here.”

My cheeks flush, and I lower my eyes. I can’t even look at him without turning into a puddle of goo. What’s wrong with me? He never used to have this effect on me, right? Or maybe I just denied it.

He flicks his fingers at the bartender, and says, “Lotus Dream. Two. On the house.”

My lips part, but I don’t know quite what to say, especially when he winks.

“You look stunning,” he muses. Grabbing the drinks off the counter, he hands one to me. “There you go.”

“Thank you,” I say, a bit flabbergasted.

“Go on then,” he urges, so I take a sip.

Heavenly. Totally unlike what I expected. “Mmm …”

An arrogant smirk spreads across his face. “I know, right? It’s one of my favorites.”

I lick my lips and clutch my glass tight. “But … why are you …?”

“Here? Good question. I wasn’t planning to visit any of my venues tonight, but then I got bored and decided to have a drink.”

I narrow my eyes. “Wait … your venues?”

He nods. “We haven’t spoken in quite a while, have we?” he muses, then taps my glass with his, and says, “Cheers and enjoy.”

And then he walks off into the crowd.

I don’t want to be a stalker, but when the only guy who ever captured my interest walks away as though it means nothing, I need to know where he’s going. I wanna talk to him. What has he been up to all these years? The last time I saw him was at that restaurant where his father used to work … before my father hired him. My father forced me to ignore him back then, and if I didn’t do what he wanted, I’d face punishment. I was too afraid to speak up. But I regret it, and now that I have the chance to apologize, I want to take the opportunity to.

I chase after him through the busy crowd and up a flight of stairs to a giant balcony overlooking the city. He’s leaning down on the railing with his arms, staring out into the abyss below while sipping his drink.

When I walk toward the edge, I mutter, “Wow.”

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” he says as he takes another sip. “It’s exactly why I wanted it built here.”

“I have to say I am impressed,” I say. I never imagined him building a company, let alone something this huge and gorgeous.

He stares into the distance. “Whenever I need to take a breather, I come up here.”

“It’s a great place to spend time alone,” I say, and I lean my back against the balcony while looking at him.

He glances at me over his shoulder, and that one look has me feeling weak to the bone. I don’t know what it is about him that makes me feel this way. “I never thought I’d bump into you here.”

“Yet here I am,” I reply, taking a sip of my drink.

“Strange … but nice too.” He sets my soul on fire with that killer smile. Stepping away from the edge again, he takes another sip of his drink. “So tell me what brought you here.”

“Ahh …” I gaze down at my feet. “My father. You know how he is …”

“Unfortunately, yes,” he says.

“I’m sorry for how he treated you back then,” I say, licking my lips. “And I was a bitch for ignoring you.”

A lopsided grin spreads on his lips, and he holds up his hand. “Your father was harsh on you.”

“Still is,” I say, sighing as I put down my drink. “Sorry, TMI, I know.”

“You feel choked around him.”

“Exactly!” I say. It feels as if he can read my thoughts. “And the worst part is that he wants me to help him, but I don’t think I can.”

“How?” he asks.

“He wants me to marry some rich stranger so he can save his company …”

“Hmm …” He rubs his chin, and mutters, “Interesting.”

“Not really. I just shouted at him and ran off. He’s probably still fuming.” I cross my arms over my chest. “But I don’t care.”

“Sounds like you do,” he jests, making me side-eye him.

“You’re still as obnoxious as you were at my father’s wedding.”

“Have you looked in the mirror recently?” he retorts, making me laugh. He takes the last sip from his glass. “So tell me why you followed me.”

“No reason. To apologize for my father and my behavior, I suppose. But that was it.”

“Really?” He raises a brow. “Weren’t you just a little bit captivated with the idea of me owning all these businesses?” He steps closer. “You think now that you’ve apologized, I’ll forgive you?” I swallow away the lump in my throat. He’s so close I can feel his breath on my skin. “It’ll take a lot more groveling for me to forget how you treated me.”

I’m mortified. “But I just … my father …” I’m frozen to my spot because of his closeness, and I can’t even think straight, let alone speak properly.

“Now that I’ve built up all these businesses and accumulated some wealth, you think I’m suddenly good enough to talk to?” he sneers.

Where does this sudden hostility come from? “I never said you weren’t—”

“You ignored me and let your father have his way,” he growls. “If you’d stopped him, maybe my father would’ve …”

His father? What does his father have to do with it? All I know is that his father worked for my father as a chef at one of his restaurants, and then he suddenly didn’t anymore, but my father never lets me in on his business.

Easton’s nostrils flare, and he takes a deep breath. “Leave. Just go.”

I suck on my bottom lip and shake my head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to be such an asshole, but my father gave me no choice.”

He smacks the glass from my hand, and it drops to the floor, shattering into a million pieces.

“GO!” His sudden outburst has me fleeing from the balcony, rushing all the way down the stairs and out of the club.

I don’t know what made him turn on me like that. Why, one minute, it’s as if he wants to rekindle whatever it is we had, and then the next, he wants to put me to shame.

But it’s too late to apologize. I’m not coming back here ever again.


A few days later

I’d purposely opened my business in several cities around the world and specifically here because I knew this was where her parents lived. I’d looked that up a long time ago. Never did I imagine I’d run into her at one of my clubs, but it made for a good surprise.

Though, I’m not sure I was truly happy to see her. After all, she broke my heart in several ways, and her father is a heartless monster. Those dollar bills that pompous idiot is sniffing right now are dipped in blood.

My blood.

And I will make him pay for what he did.

One way or another, he will beg me for mercy. And I know just the way.

Her disclosure that his company is in trouble and needs financial investors is the perfect entry for me. It’s as if she knew I was in my darkest hour and offered her sweet, ripe cherry in return.

I could give her father a loan and make him pay by taking her.

Charlotte Davis. My wife. My pet.

A wicked grin spreads across my lips. It’s almost too good to be true, but it’s the best idea I’ve ever had. The best idea she’s ever given me.

It was so easy to get into her apartment.

Once she ran off, I had her followed, and when I knew where she lived, all I had to do was look under the potted plant for a spare key. Stupid girl … doesn’t she realize that’s how dirty men like me get inside her home?

Hearing her breathe softly into her pillow as she sleeps the night away entices me. Her chest rises and falls with each breath she takes, and her eyes flutter in her REM sleep. Is she dreaming of me and our chance encounter? Or is she dreaming of a way to escape the nightmare that encompasses her entire life?

I inch closer, lured in by her magnificent scent. I want to raise the sheets, grab her, and take her away right now.

But I have to hold myself back. It would definitely ruin the plan I have in mind.

So I step back again, each time a little farther, savoring every inch of her as a snapshot that I’ll keep in my mind for my own pleasure.

Oh, filthy little bird, with your strawberry lips and fairy-like pink hair … you will be mine.


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