A Crazy One-night Stand

Chapter 30: Scott Group Will Withdraw Its Funding

Wilson sat down in his office and called Alina, "Are you still at the hospital?" He did not notice that every time he called her, his cold expression would become slightly gentler. "Yes." At the other end of the phone, Alina answered gently.

"I need you to do me a favour!" Wilson said.

"Sure, go ahead!"

"Come home with me for dinner tonight!"

"Well, will there be a lot of people?" Alina sounded nervous on the phone. Wilson couldn't help but chuckle.

"Not many, just my grandfather, my parents, and my uncle's family," Wilson patiently explained, "My elderly grandfather wants to meet you!"

Alina was speechless due to shock. Meeting his family?

"You don't have to be too nervous. My grandfather is a kind person. He will like you!" Wilson comforted her.

"Is there anything special?" Alina probed further.

"No, it's just that I haven't been home in a long time, and I mentioned that I had a girlfriend. They want to meet you!" Wilson was surprisingly patient.

Alina continued, "Then, what do I need to prepare?"

"Nothing, I'll pick you up at five o'clock right on time!" As Wilson said this, he listened intently for Alina's answer. It was not until he heard Alina's agreement that he smiled and hung up the phone.

Simon's documents were soon delivered. Wilson got to work and quickly went through the documents one by one with high efficiency.

Lunch was also sent straight to the office by the secretary.

Two o'clock sharp in the afternoon, he arrived at Williams Group on time.

The meeting room of Williams Group was decorated with fresh flowers, with refreshments and fruits prepared for the guests.

This was the annual investment conference of Williams Group. To Walter, it was a critical opportunity to attract more investments. Walter had invited all public and hidden shareholders to the meeting, as well as potential investors.

As for Wilson, he was a hidden shareholder. For many years, Scott Group had been supporting the Williams Group clothing industry.

Seeing that Wilson attended personally, Walter's face was full of smiles. He signalled to Clara to be more enthusiastic when greeting him.

Wilson sat down on one of the conference chairs. His expression was stony and unwelcoming, like an iceberg. He ignored Clara's enthusiasm and looked at her coldly. She smiled awkwardly and sat down in the chair next to Wilson. Clara greeted him shyly, "Mr. Wilson, thank you for coming today!"

"Yes." Wilson replied coldly with an unreadable face. No one could tell his real emotion.

Even when other investors greeted Wilson, his face was devoid of emotion.

The longer he managed his company, the better he was at maintaining a poker face. As a shrewd businessman, his initial indifference was to prevent others from seeing through his emotions and taking advantage, especially during negotiations. After some time, his expressionless face became a habit and came naturally to him.

Now, he would only show his true self in front of people he fully trusted.

"Mr. Wilson has arrived. The annual investment conference will officially start now!" Walter exclaimed animatedly, "We will play an introduction video so that all of you here may understand more about what you had invested in. This video is about the development of Williams Group and our plans for the future!"

Walter's face was filled with joy as the video started playing. As long as today's investment conference was successful and he received funding from all the investors, Williams Group would be able to turn things around and level up a notch.

However, just as the video started playing, Wilson stood up.

Walter signalled with his eyes to Clara to put the microphone in front of Wilson. This way, everyone could clearly hear his words. As long as Scott Group continued to support them, the rest of the investors would definitely follow suit.

Wilson smirked and spoke into the microphone. "My company will withdraw all of its funding and investments in Williams Group. I have nothing more to say about this!"

After that, he strode out of the meeting room.

"Mr. Wilson, Mr. Wilson!" Walter shouted after him anxiously.

Wilson turned a deaf ear to Walter's shouts. He had never attended their annual meetings. The only reason he attended today's meeting was to personally deliver a death blow to Williams Group.

He could imagine the power of his words. If Scott Group announced publicly that they would no longer invest in Williams Group, then most of the investors would not look favourably on Williams Group. Since they did not think highly of Williams Group, who would foolishly invest in it?☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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