A Crazy One-night Stand

Chapter 10: Backstabber

Ken coughed forcefully to interrupt the couple. He gritted his teeth and looked angrily at Wilson. What was this man trying to prove? Wilson turned his head to look at Ken. When their gaze met, Ken's heart thumped in his chest. This man's eyes were piercing cold!

"What? You almost hurt my wife. Aren't you going to explain?" Wilson was getting impatient.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know she was a married woman!" Ken explained.

"I see, so you meant that if she was a single lady, you could do whatever you liked with her?" Wilson probed further.

Ken frowned and clenched his fists so tightly that his knuckles turned white. He suppressed his anger and said to Alina, "I mistook her for someone else. I'm sorry!" After apologizing, he strode out of the room without looking back.

Ken had never thought that he would be humiliated like this.

On the other hand, Alina also did not expect Wilson would appear suddenly like this to help her. Her personal matters had nothing to with him.

"Thank you!" She thanked Wilson sincerely.

"You're welcome. That's what we have agreed on. Mutual respect and helping each other out!" Wilson said in return.

As Anne got up to follow after Ken, she happened to hear Wilson's words. Her jealousy towards Alina deepened.

Why was this woman so lucky? Three years ago, she had forced Alina to leave Ken. Who would have expected that she was married now, moreover to someone so handsome? Anne could sense that man's aura seemed to be more powerful than even Ken.

"Mutual respect. Heh, equality in marriage is a luxury for women, especially when both parties have different backgrounds," Anne thought. She knew firsthand what it was like. Even though she was now engaged to Ken, only she knew how tough it was for her.

During the past three years, she had to obey everything he said and constantly flatter his mother. She didn't dare to imagine how long she had to continue living like this after they get married. Some things were best kept a secret.

Wilson was slightly delayed because of the incident with Alina. When he entered Jayden's booth, a voice spoke up teasingly. "Well, well. This is the second time in a week that you are late! No, the first time you didn't even turn up! I told you, one day you will meet someone special who will make you lose control, but you refuse to believe me!"

Before Jayden could finish his words, Wilson interrupted, "There will be no one like that! I just met an acquaintance and was delayed for a while."

Jayden rolled his eyes and made a face.

Wilson had already sat down. His expression turned serious. "Who is it?"

"Look at it yourself!" Jayden smiled and handed a file to Wilson. In fact, Wilson had asked him several times on the phone. Jayden didn't want to spoil the surprise.

Wilson opened the file and took out a stack of documents.

After a while, he put down the documents and looked at Jayden. "Was Clara Williams really not involved?"

"How dare you question my investigation results? Wilson, I am Jayden Lewis. I've binged Sherlock Holmes since I was a child! I have worked as a private investigator for more than ten years. The cases I have accepted were all solved without any mistakes. That day, Clara was in Avalon. Did you think she could fly here? It happened like this. Walter Williams drugged you that day and arranged for a woman to be in your room at Fantasia Hotel. The hidden spy camera is in the file, just take a look. Walter wanted to threaten you with indecent photos so that he could get his hands on the exclusive supply rights for the Harry Family!"

"Who did he think he is?" Wilson smirked and his eyes narrowed. He put the documents into the file and stood up. "I'm taking this with me. I'll handle this matter by myself!"

"Sure, I had no intention to handle this for you either. The only reason I'm doing this is that you personally asked for my help," Jayden mocked him playfully. "Regretfully, Walter didn't manage to get any indecent photos of you. I would have loved to see our great Mr. Wilson Scott in the throes of passion..."

Wilson's sharp stare shut Jayden up, but he couldn't hide the smile on his lips.

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