A Castle Made Of Dreams

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Three

THE SILVER OF the sword held reflects of gold from the wealth that surrounded them. Even though the sharper edge of the sword was held nearly against Wallace’s neck, he had to remind himself that the person holding the blade was Paige.

It was the same Paige that took care of him and all the other children in Neverland. The same Paige that he told stories about and also told him that she loved his story-telling skills. The same Paige Prewitt that had bestowed him a kiss and asked him if he would like to be spirited away the first night they met.

He knew Paige. She wouldn’t hurt him.

So why was it that Wallace was trying to keep himself from shivering? Why did his blood run cold in his veins? Why was his perspiration coating him like a layer of frost in winter?

“Why are you here?” She asked. However, truthfully, Wallace couldn’t answer.

Sure it was because Juliet had urged him but he didn’t necessarily have to follow. He had used his one request on finding out her location, only to end up in this predicament. In his mind, he couldn’t properly formulate the reason why he wanted to see Paige so badly. So, he used the first reason he could think of.

“I wanted to apologize,” he confessed in a rush. “I... I didn’t mean it like that.”

“Like what?” Her gaze never faltered. Behind her, the pirates snickered. “Why should I care about your apology?”

“You’re here because of what I said, aren’t you?” He cast the pirates behind her a look, unsure if he should continue. He clenched his jaw, deciding it was best to rip it like a bandaid. “Because you’re hurt by what you heard. That’s why you’re returning to piracy—”

“A bunch o’ nonsense!” The pirates guffawed. “Our Cap’n can’t be bothered by something as small as that.”

Wallace ignored them. “Why are you turning to the pirates? Come back home, to the Neverland Orphanage.”

Something snapped in Paige. She sheathed her sword, the sound of metal scraping against metal echoing loudly in the cave. Before the pirates could whine or before Wallace could breathe a sigh of relief, she reached forward and grabbed Wallace by the collar, zooming out of the cave with him in tow, the pirates left in the dust.

They soared into the air and within the clouds, with Wallace holding onto Paige’s arm for dear life. She had only ever hovered around him, always opting to use her broom to fly long distances or extreme heights. Yet, she now flew in the air with nothing but her body, her dress fluttering around her like a set of satin wings.

The vast azure ocean beneath them crashed against the rocks of the island. The only life present, other than the both of them, was the sea that was in a rage. It seemed to reflect the storm in Paige’s eyes as she tightened her grip around Wallace’s collar. He grabbed at her wrist, his throat tightening up while his legs flailed around in the air.

“Home? The Neverland Orphanage?” She echoed incredulously, sneering. “Who are you to say those words to me? Didn’t you want to go back to your true home yourself? Isn’t that what you want? I’m simply doing the same.”

Wallace winced when he noticed Paige’s white knuckles, his heart thumping so loudly that it nearly overpowered her voice. However, the impact of her words could never be masked.

“I was a pirate before joining the witches in the Neverland Orphanage. I am home.”

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