A Castle Made Of Dreams

Chapter Chapter Thirteen

TELLING STORIES TO children was certainly a totally different experience when compared to his pub tales back in his hometown.

For one thing, children were always noisy. They discussed about the story while it was still ongoing, arms thrown wide as they commented on possible theories as to how the story might end. Unlike adults who more or less know about basic social etiquette, these children had no care for such trivial images.

Despite that, Wallace still found it rewarding to share all of the fairytales he had grown up with. Some of these children hadn’t even heard of such simple fables because of the unfortunate childhoods they had before coming to the Neverland Orphanage. So, each tale that Wallace told was still received with wide eyes and gaping jaws, all entrapped by the words he spun.

“... and they lived happily-ever-after. The end.”

At Wallace’s closing words, all hushed whispers has lowered to silence. Not a single soul spoke, all staring at him with bated breaths. As a seasoned storyteller, Wallace knew the meaning of those looks.

They wanted more.

It seemed like Paige had caught on to the children’s intentions as well because she took a step forward, clapping her hands a few times in front of her. One by one, the children followed, their palms slapping against each other and soon, scattered claps rose to a thunderous applause.

“More!” One child screamed from the crowd, standing to his feet.

“Tell another!” A second child agreed.

A practiced smile was poised on Paige’s lips. “Now now, children. There is plenty of time to listen to more stories. For now, it’s time for some games. Weren’t you all looking forward to that just now?”


At once, all of them were on their feet, scrambling towards the large doors that led to the exit. The doors barely even opened in time for them as hundreds of them rushed out, squeezing each other in an attempt to reach the common room first. It took much lesser time for them to leave the hall than for them to come in, that’s for sure. Within seconds, Paige and Wallace were the only ones left in the dining area.

“Not bad for a first attempt,” Paige complimented, patting Wallace’s shoulder twice in encouragement. “Telling stories. It suits you.”

“Thank you.” He raised a hand, scratching at the back of his neck. “It’s always fun to watch their reaction. Then again, it’s a little upsetting when the audience doesn’t like your tale so I’m always a little scared whenever I tell a new story.”

“There’s a story out there for everyone. Some might like your tales while others might loathe it. What matters most is that you continue to do what you enjoy most.” Slowly, Paige raised a hand before clenching her fists. She extended her pinky finger, holding it out for Wallace. “Promise me you’ll never forget that. Promise that you’ll always do what you enjoy.”

Gingerly, Wallace curved his own pinky finger with Paige’s. Their fingers hooked together, staying that way for a few seconds, both sets of eyes trained on where they interlocked.

“I promise,” said Wallace.

Those two words sent Paige’s face into a bright glimmer. She beamed, unhooking their fingers rather hesitantly with a nod.

“And don’t you forget it!” She chirped. “Now, how about I bring you around Neverland to see the sights? There’s no point in visiting a foreign land if you don’t visit the landmarks.”

It was strange. Seeing Paige’s bright smile seemed to send Wallace’s heart into a frenzy. He could feel the organ thundering in his chest, threatening to burst forth from his ribs and out into the open for the world to see. There was a mad fluttering in his stomach, a sensation which Wallace didn’t quite understand. He tried his best to suppress it, holding a hand to his chest in a futile attempt to calm his racing heart.

“Sure,” he choked out. “When do we leave?”

Yet again without warning, Paige reached down to grasp Wallace’s hand in her own smaller ones. Her cool skin felt absolutely freezing compared to Wallace’s searing hot ones. It seemed as though Wallace was the only one that noticed that.

“Right now!” She chuckled. “Come on.”

As the two raced out of the dining hall, through the corridors, and back into the courtyard, Wallace could feel his head starting to grow light, his footsteps even lighter. He hadn’t wanted to come to Neverland but now with his hands in Paige’s and the glittering, golden Neverland sun beaming down on his face, he didn’t want to leave either.

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