A Castle Made Of Dreams

Chapter Chapter Sixteen

WALLACE LIVED LIKE a dream for three weeks. He spent his days frolicking in the Neverland sunshine, basking in its beautiful glory like tomorrow would never come. They battled pirates, dined and partied with the Red Indians, and danced with the spirits. Before bedtime every night, Wallace would return to the orphanage, a tale spilling from his lips that the children had yet to hear before.

Paige would always be there by his side, a soft smile on her face, constantly watching like a guardian angel. And every time Wallace turned to meet her eye, he could feel his heart thunder like hoof beats of wild horses in fields, running mad. It took three short weeks for Wallace to grow feelings for a girl he had just met in real life, a girl that he had told stories about for a much longer time than he had known the real deal.

At dinner one evening, they went through the same routine as every day before. Food was piled high on their own individual plates, Timothy on his left, Paige on his right, while Wallace sat at the head of his table. He had yet another short story prepared to tell, his hands spread out wide as he relayed the adventures of a girl and a mysterious fortress that hid within the clouds. The children who listened were, of course, entranced by his recount, forks and spoons gripped tightly in their hands but they made no move to spoon the food past their lips.

“Naomi dropped her weapon in an instant, running the rest of the way with the hems of her dress in hand so that she would not trip over the fabric. The distance teased her, going threateningly slowly even when she picked up speed but when she finally reached where Argus stood with a smile on his face and relief in his eyes, she leaped into his open arms.” Wallace’s voice increased in volume at the last bit, staying silent for a second as all the children ooh-ed and aah-ed.

“And they lived happily-ever-after?” A girl three seats down from Timothy asked, bending well across the table so that she could see Wallace clearly.

“Of course!” Timothy beamed proudly. “Naomi and Argus met again. If two people are fated, they will always find each other. Right, Paige?”

Paige once again had her signature smile on her face. “Of course,” she answered in a heartbeat.

“See!” Filled with bursting pride, Timothy puffed out his chest. From where he sat, Wallace watched silently, amused. “Happily-ever-after is when two people find each other again. That means they made it back home.”


That word made Wallace’s heart skip a beat painfully. He clutched at his chest, silverware cluttering noisily when he accidentally dropped the knife he held in his right hand.

It had been three weeks. To some, it could’ve been too long. To others, three weeks was simply too short of a time. However, no matter long or short, three weeks had been enough for Wallace to forget about his own home.

“Wallace?” Paige called, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Wallace, are you alright?”

“I...” He trailed off, lips parting before closing. “I just...”

When he looked up, he was a little surprised to see that Paige did not have her usual grin. Instead, her eyes, syrupy and alike dripping honey, was filled with concern. That made Wallace’s throat feel dry like the desert though he couldn’t understand why.

“Home,” he echoed. “I want to go home.”

At once, the entire banquet hall fell silent.

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