A Brotherhood of Crows.

Chapter 24

“In Death’s Dream Kingdom.”

“It has become fashionable among the more fragile and delusional of our student generation to believe uncritically in notions of multiculturalism and sexual permissiveness; a traditional Englishman can no longer simply believe that homosexuality is a moral perversion, even if he keeps his mouth closed, without committing a thought crime. Nor can an Englishman express suspicion at the barbarity of Mohammedanism, even in private circles, without prompting outcry across the campuses. These self appointed policemen, wallowing in their watered down humanities degrees, are, lest we forget, the same thugs behind the Feuer Frei Movement. It is time for the sober, rational Englishman to speak, and what he says to the young must be this: The population of the Commonwealth should be homogeneous. It should prioritise faith, rational enquiry, the sacrament of marriage, and a staunch contempt for Bolshevism and Severance influences; where two or more cultures exist in the same place they are likely to be fiercely self-conscious or both to become adulterate. What is more important is unity of religious background; and reasons of race and religion combine to make any number of Muslims undesirable”

From In Defence of Englishness, Sir Nathaniel Hopkins, St Jude’s College, Cambridge

“A hotbed of crime, debauchery and sedition.” New government plans could see the Rim demolished before summer.

In a strongly worded statement, the Ministry for Regulation of Undesirables has announced new, tough plans to deal with the shanty town, commonly known as “the Rim” which is located on the River Thames near the Isle of Dogs. The statement comes after the Metropolitan Police published a report suggesting that the Rim was under the control of criminal entrepreneur “John the Baptist,” a self proclaimed messiah, and was harbouring illegal immigrants and Severance sympathisers….

From The Daily Telegraph.

Feuer Frei - a name with so many connotations within recent Commonwealth history. Translating from the German to “Open Fire”, this nomenclature reveals some aspect of the groups militant politics. Beyond that, little else is known. Feuer Frei was formed nearly a decade ago, beginning as a student anti-war movement, which, through shrewd organising tactics and a tendency to employ rhetorical genius, grew to the Commonwealths’ largest protest movement, with a membership numbering in the thousands. Feuer Frei are blamed by many for the deaths of seventy five protesters in Parliament Square on the night of the of the Education Act. However, due to the Commonwealth authorities arrest or execution of many of the groups leaders, there is little evidence for what Feuer Frei’s motivation and actions were on that fateful day. There are rumours that a founding member survived, and , to date, has eluded the authorities. Whether this is true or speculation is not something the author feel able to comment upon.

From A Brief History of the Commonwealth, Hardt & Einharder, Oxford University press.

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