A Bride for the Mountain God (Divine Dragons 2)

Chapter 14

“Get your hands off my wife!” the dragon growled, voice thundering through the forbidden forest. The very nature of the woods creaked and groaned in response to the might of his power as it radiated off his impressive form.

“Dra…dra… dragon!” the knight screamed. A bit too girlish for my taste. And quite embarrassing for him.

Neven blinked owlishly at me. His knees knocked together, metal clanging as his knees wobbled. He dropped a hand to his sword, fumbling something quite atrocious as he struggled to free the blade. He whimpered and quaked in his greaves as he unsheathed his neatly polished sword and brandished it at the boughs.

Ronan’s divine form towered over the treetops, so far out of reach of the knight’s sword that the sight before me was obscenely laughable. I waved goodbye at Neven and took several steps back.

“You married a dragon?” Neven yelled, eyes locked on the god above.

“Well, it wasn’t by choice at first,” I shrugged out. “But you know what? I actually like him quite a lot. He’s generous, he listens to me, he respects me, and above all else, he cherishes me.”

Ronan lowered his head to the treetops. His breath, heated by the primordial flame within, blasted over the trees, causing them to rustle and sway. I blinked back the heat, an easy smile spread on my face.

“Did he hurt you, Nia?” His dragon voice snarled with concern.

“A bit,” I admitted, sealing Neven’s fate.

Neven whirled around, gaping at me stupidly as if hurt by perceived betrayal. I waggled my fingers in a cheery goodbye.

“No mortal is permitted into the heart of the forbidden forest, and no one is allowed to lay a finger on my wife. For blasphemous violation, you will suffer!” Ronan parted his salivating jaw, aiming dagger sharp teeth at the night.

Neven’s scream pierced my ears.

“If you eat him, I will not kiss you!” I shouted at the dragon. “I’m not pressing my mouth to yours if you have knight stuck in your teeth! That’s disgusting.” To stress my point, I crossed my arms over my chest and stomped my foot. The bratty display caught the dragon god’s attention.

A disgruntled snarl vibrated through him.

“Fine, but he will be submitted to the mercy of a god all the same.”

“Yes, fine.” I waved it off. I’d seen my father’s piss poor mercy over the years. I’d seen men and women beheaded on a whim. Divine justice from a god defending his mate didn’t trouble me.

Ronan huffed. Through the thick trees, I saw the outline of his claws digging into the earth and unsettling the soil. Seconds later, vines and branches erupted from the forest floor. Neven continued screaming as they twisted and snaked up his legs. Rooted to the ground, the knight collapsed. He swung his sword wildly, violently, slashing and hacking as fast as possible.

I turned my back on him and ambled toward Ronan’s front leg. His limbs were longer than the height of the trees, but I knew I was safe in his shadow. I loved being beneath him, near him, touching him.

As I walked, I listened as the writhing plants encased the mortal knight who’d come to steal me away. He thought he could come rescue a helpless princess and steal her away from her dragon, and for that, I had no sympathy. He was a fool, and so was my father. The world was a better place without them.

I didn’t look back until the screaming ceased and the ground swallowed the armor. Under the silvery moonlight, I saw one shining pauldron jutting out of the ground and the last of the vines slithering back into the earth.

A rumble was my only warning before Ronan grasped my bodily in his claws and lifted me over the treetops. Startled cries flew past my lips as he lifted me high into the air over the shaking boughs. His clawed hand curled around me like a cage and a pang clenched my stomach.

Ronan lowered his head until I was level with one massive, glowing green eye. He unfurled his hand, and I found myself laid back in the cradle of his palm with long claws hooked over me like a ribcage. One draconic eye peered down at me, assessing every visible inch of me—which wasn’t much thanks to my layers of clothes.

“Are you hurt, princess?” he snarled, voice tinged with concern.

“No, I’m alright!”

After a breath and a pause. “Are you frightened?”

My face screwed up.

“No. Why would I be?”

“Of me,” Ronan huffed.

“Absolutely not! That stupid wanker got what was coming to him!” I sat up in Ronan’s palm. “How dare he come into the forbidden forest looking for me after everyone abandoned me to die? And how dare my father think sending knights after me would make up for every wicked thing he’s done!”

A sound of relief rumbled through him, satisfied that his actions hadn’t frightened me away. His face neared, and he rubbed his scaled snout against me. I shuddered at his size and the brief glimpse of sharp teeth in his maw. He could swallow me whole in that form he wanted to.

“I’m glad you’re alright,” he admitted. “There were almost a hundred knights bumbling around the forest searching for you. They distracted me when I should have been by your side.”

I smoothed my hands over his snout and pressed my cheek into the warm scales. My eyes shut as I pressed a quick kiss onto his nose. “You were doing your duty. And I could have handled Neven. Always a bit dumb, that one.”

Ronan drifted back. “So, you knew him?”

“Er… yes. But he never meant anything to me.”

The Mountain God growled, a low vibration that rang with his rising jealousy. He knew I belonged to him, but his primal instincts were gleaming in the depths of his eyes.

Without warning, his thumb swiped out and knocked me into his palm again. A few swift glides of a claw and my clothes were ripped apart, shorn from my body and melting into tangled fibers. Cold air was replaced by his hot breath seconds before a large, wet, firm tongue glided over my body. The dragon began licking me with a tongue longer and wider than my entire body. From the tips of my toes, up my legs, into my slit, over my stomach, and into my neck.

“You are mine,” he stated. “I have to get rid of his stink on you.”

The intensely firm pressure of his tongue each time it slipped over my pussy jolted through me. It was so wide and flat that it spread my legs open and licked over my entire cunt with one swipe. I’d never felt anything like it and that lewd sensation stole loud mews and cries from my lips.

“Yes, yes, yes.” I rocked my hips, grinding myself into the arousing glide of his tongue until I was drenched in his saliva and my own juices. It was filthy and obscene and deranged to want to be licked bodily by a dragon, but I fucking loved it.

An orgasm ripped through my core before I knew it was building inside me. Ronan growled at the sudden gush of my release on his tongue, and the sound quickly evolved into a low, draconic chuckle that made me shudder.

“See, princess? I knew you were a good girl for me. So good coming for me.” One last lick and a puff of hot air provoked goosebumps and shivers across my body. “My beautiful whore. My perfect wife. I’m going to reward you for standing firm against him.”

“Please. Please. Yes. I’m your good girl.” My fingers tangled in my hair, and I squirmed in his hot, large palm.

Ronan curled his claw-tipped digits around me, grasping me like a little doll in his hand. I screamed from the swooping of his movement and the distance between me and the ground. His thumb pressed against the side of my face, tipping my head back, and my hair cascaded through his fingers into the air. The other fingers curled against my body, holding me tight.

Then his other hand neared, and I looked down in time as he sheathed the claw of his pinky finger. The dragon’s digit was long and thick, easily larger than his already huge cock. That didn’t stop him from rubbing the pad of his digit over my quivering pussy and spreading my juices over my lower lips.

My arms flew up, curling around the thumb pressed into my face. I held him tight, rotating my hips into the wanton feeling of his digit, massaging my entire slick mound. When his pinky pressed into my entrance, I screamed, head thrown back and my back bowing off his palm. The stretch burned, but it ached in a way that felt deliciously good.

I wiggled my hips, thrusting up onto his pinky and inching it deeper inside of me. The dragon’s low chuckle at my actions only spurred me on. He sank his digit deeper, keeping me trapped and helpless in one hand and obscenely full with half a single digit of the other. Although his pinky would never fit all the way in, he hit every sensitive and clenching part of my inner walls. So stretched out and overstimulated, he somehow managed to press on my g-spot and affect my clit at the same time.

“That’s it… good girl… you’re going to come for me again? Come for me.”

Another climax ripped through me in a hot and heavy surge of rippling heat. My limbs seized and a drawn-out moan breached my lips, then I shattered apart, shaking with violent tremors.

“Good girl. Such a sweet tasting good girl for me, aren’t you?” His voice coiled around me, joined by a gust of tumultuous wind and a tingling burst of magical power. My head lolled, and I peeled my eyes open when my back met cold dirt and a bed of leaves.

Ronan altered into his smaller-but-still-quite-large humanoid form. I had a split second to take in his face and the dark lust in his eyes before he’d caged me to the ground with the weight and warmth of his body.

“You’re mine, princess. I’ve ruined you for anyone else, haven’t I?”

“Yes,” I keened as he dropped his head and licked from my breast to my neck.

“Good girl.” Hands gripped my arms, slamming them down into the soft soil. His palms slid up my arms until his hands slid into mine, fingers interlocking, tenderly holding my hands over my head. His hips slotted between my thighs and his cock slipped over my dripping, sensitive cunt.

I whined and wriggled against him.

“Mine.” Ronan snapped his hips against me, and his heavy, thick cock slid home. I yelped and tensed at the sudden intrusion, but I was so wet and ready I melted beneath him. His mouth claimed mine, stealing my cries until they morphed into dulcet moans.

“Yes, yours. Only yours,” I mumbled between tongue-tangled kisses.

The Mountain God plundered my mouth, taking my cries and whimpers as his prize. His chest pressed to mine, teasing my nipples with the smooth scale-texture of his pectorals. His muscles flexed over me with each skilled thrust, sending me higher and higher into bliss. The sheer size of him engulfed me in pleasure and need. My want for him turned into a mind melting desire that seeped into my heart, crying for more, more, more.

He fucked me hard and fast, rutting into me like a wild animal. I bucked my hips to meet his as he pounded me on the dirt floor of the forest. Damp earth, moss, and crumpled leaves clung to my sweaty skin. Dirt stained his knees as he rammed into me hard enough to split me in half. I relished in the filth of nature, the earthen scent on our heated skin, and the primal fervor of our coupling.

I shook and quaked with another hard climax. Stars flashed behind my eyes and a wanton moan flew from the depths of my throat. Ronan followed on the heels of my release, spilling himself inside of me with a mighty roar. My cunt continued milking him slowly, clenching around his length with each throb and burst of his seed into my greedy walls.

Spent, glowing, radiating with satisfaction, we collapsed on the forest floor in a tangle of limbs and heaving chests. He stroked his clawed hands through my hair and delicately over my flushed cheeks. I splayed out on his chest, listening to the wonderful beating of his heart and relishing in his fiery body heat.

“I’m going to show you the world, Nia.” He finally spoke, bringing us out of the erotic haze.

“Is that so?” I nuzzled against him, enjoying feeling his smooth scales on my cheeks.

“I want to show you the cultures and people all over. I want you to see the nature and mountains that adorn every continent. And I’d like to walk with you hand in hand as we go forward into eternity.”

I sighed; content yet thrilled. A beaming smile spread across my face as I imagined that future by the Mountain God’s side.

“Yes, Ronan, I think I’d love that very much.”

And I think I quite loved him.

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