A Beast For A Beauty

Chapter 32


When 1 finally opened my eyes, the sun was high in the sky. The other side of the bed was empty, except for a note on Greyson's pillow. I rolled over and picked it up.

“My dearest love.”

“ Last night was a dream come true.”

“1 have waited years to mend things with you and to make things right. Finally, being able to make love to you all night fe so right.” 1 have never felt a feeling like that in my life.” Thank you, my love, for giving me this chance. I can not wait to make love to you again”

“ You looked so beautiful and peaceful sleeping. I did not want to wake you. I fed our children and sent them off to training. Cole and I went to the Pure. light moon pack is two hours away bordering our east border to discuss the Rouge issue they have been having. I thought it was good for our future Alpha to come along. Be home for dinner.”

“Love you, my dearest”

“Love your Beast.”

I placed the letter down. I hope I did not make a mistake.

I get up and go take a shower to start my day. Maybe some shopping with Allison would be a nice distraction.

When 1 am done showering, dressed, and done with my makeup and hair, I call Allison.

“Hey, Ali, want to go shopping with me?” I asked her.

“ Hey chicky, you know it, count me in."

“ Great, meet me at my car”

Before I headed down, I decided to message Greyson

“Thank you for the letter”

“ Anyways, my love, last night was incredible”

“Yes, it was."

“1 miss you. I can not wait to come home and kiss those sweet lips of yours.”

“1 wanted to let you know I am heading out with Allison to do a little shopping and lunch’

“ Great! Enjoy your day, my love. Keep in touch, please, so I know you're both alright *

“will do”

I put my phone in my purse and headed down to meet Allison.

I managed to buy myself some new clothes and undergarments and a few things for the kids before Allison and 1 hit a small diner for lunch.

We were halfway through our food when I decided to tell Allison about last night.

“Your kidding, right?”

“No, I am serious. it kind of just happened; this mate pull is getting stronger, ALi."

“ Well, Caleb and I knew it would. We want you happy, Payton. The death of Maverick really hurt you”

“1 miss him a lot.”

“1 know, but now your bond is back with Alpha Brooks.”

“1 know. Believe me, I know.”

“So, what are you going to do?” she asks.

“1...1 do not know; just see what happens, I guess, see where it goes and if he can keep being the guy I always wanted hir to be and not the Beast.”

“Just be careful, Payton. I do not want you to be hurt again by him, but if you are happy, I am happy for you."

“Thank you, Ali"

The bell above the door rings. I look up and see a group of teens walking in. One of them is Fawn.

I smile and wave at her, but she looks away fast like she did not even know me.

“ Well, that was weird,” 1 said,

“ What was it?" Allison asks.

“ Fawn just walked in with a group of teens. I waved at her, and she acted like she did not even know me;” 1 said.

“That is a teen for you,” says Allison.

We go back to talking when there is a loud crash followed by loud woot and Holler.

I looked towards Fawn and her group to see them all laughing at the waitress on the floor, covered in food and drinks.

“ Can you not watch where you're going, you stupid b***h” Fawn says to the waitress

“Thanks a lot, kid. Why did you trip me?” she asks.

“It is not my fault you did not see my foot there,” Fawn snaps.

“You better hope you did not hurt my foot or my father. The Alpha will deal with you personally, “Fawn says.

“1 can not believe Fawn just tripped that poor waitress and now is threatening her with the Alpha,” I whispered to Ali. “No kidding, what is up with her?” Ali Asks

I watch as the kids keep throwing things at the waitress as she tries to clean the mess.

I got up and walked over to the group of teens.

“ Fawn," I say

She looked up at me. At first, she looked scared, then her mean streak was back.

“What do you want?”

“Really, Fawn?”

“What? What is your problem, lady?” Fawn asks,

I can not believe she is acting this way towards me. After everything I had done for her, I treated her like she was one of n kids, and she acts like this towards me now?

“Why did you trip this waitress for?” 1 asked her.

“ Prove I did," lady

“1 saw you do it, Fawn.”

“What? Are you some kind of stalker or something watching teen girls? ” she says to me?

“ Help her clean the mess up now, Fawn,” I told her.

“ Excuses me? Who do you think you are? You are not my mother”

I stood there stunned. Just last night, she introduced me to her mate as her stepmother, and now this?

I looked Fawn in the eye. She had a look of regret on her face but did not sway off of her attitude.

“Where is Melody?” I asked her.

“1 do not know I am not her keeper; you are her mother. That is your job, “Fawn says.

“1 thought she was with you?” I said.

“We do not want that goody two shoes hanging out with us; she is such a drag, a bore,” said another teen in the group. “Yes, she is not cool like us,” said Fawn.

“1 see. Well, that is fine then; 1 will have a talk with my mate then," I said. I saw her face drop

“ Like we care about who your mate is, lady, beat it already,” said a boy in the group.

“1am sure my mate, the Alpha, will be thrilled to know you do not care about him and find his daughter Melody boring” And I turned and left the diner.

“ You should be ashamed of yourself, Fawn, after everything that women has done for you, really?” Allison says to her before following me out.

When I get home after dropping Allison off at the packhouse, I find a crying Melody on the deck with Logan comforting he “ Melody, sweet,” I said, walking up.

“ 0h mom, she and her friends were so mean to me.” She breaks down, crying more.

“1 thought we were sisters and friends; she said she hated them, then today they show up and.” she cries again.

“Yeah, I just ran into mean Fawn myself with Aunty Allison. she was not too nice to me either, baby."

“ Why? Why would she be like that?” Melody asks.

“ Because that is who she has always been, all she knows sweetie. she tried to change and gave up. The first time her friends show up, she is weak, just like her mother, “I say.

“ Come on, why don't you and Logan come help me make dinner?”

“ Sure, why not?”

“Mom, can I just go play video games in my room instead? I want to get better at a game so I can beat Cole,” says Logan. I laugh

“ Yeah, sure, go ahead.”

Just as Melody and I finished setting the table, Greyson and Cole walked through the door.

“ Daddy,” Melody rushes to him, still upset about Fawn.

I saw Greyson look up at me with a questioning look on his face.

“ Melody dear, what is wrong?” he asks.

“Did something happen when I was gone?”

“Yes, Melody, why are you upset? Who do I need to kill2" says Cole, making a fist.

Cole has always been very protective of his twin sister and younger brother.

“ She was so mean to me, daddy,” says Melody.


“ OK, OK, Melody, get the chicken and rice please and put it on the table. We can talk about it over dinner, I said.

Grey walks over to me and kisses me softly.

“ Hello, my beauty. How was your day?"

“Wait, hold up” said Cole.

“ Are you two back together?”

“ Well, sort of Cole, we are seeing how things go”

“That is great, Mom. I love and miss Dad a whole lot. But this is cool, too.”

Greyson wraps his arms around me.

“1 think 50 too, son,” says Grayson, kissing me again.

The kitchen door opens, and in strolls, Fawn

“ Hi everyone, oh good, I made it in time for dinner. 1 will be right back. I need to go clean up,” she says.

“Hurry back, kiddo. I am starved and do not want my dinner to get cold,” Greyson calls after her.

“Mom, I am not eating with her,” says Melody.

“If she sits at the table, I am leaving”

“Melody, please, not right now. Let's eat, then you and I can speak to your father, alright?”

“Fine, but I am not talking to her.”

“ Fine. Just act normal for me, please. I do not want to ruin dinner”


I could not believe the 180 in Fawn at dinner; it was like she did nothing wrong. Melody and I just kept quiet and ate our dinner while she talked to Greyson.

When I see Greyson wipe his face with his napkin and push his plate away, I mind link him.

“ Greyson dear”

“ My love, are you all right? Why are you using the link?” he asks.

“ Melody and I would like to have a moment to speak with you in your office,” I said.

“ My dear, of course, is this about why Melody is upset?”

“Yes, but please wait till we are in your office.”

“ Daddy, I would like to go shopping tomorrow with some friends. May I have some money to go?” asks Fawn.

“ Sure, Fawn, just remind me later to give you some. How about you, Melody? Do you need some money for shopping too? “No, thank you, I will not be going” Melody said.

“ Oh, how come, dear, I thought you two did everything together these days?” says Grayson.

No one said anything, so I linked to Greyson again.

“As I said, Grey in your office”

He looks at me, then at the girls. I think he is starting to realize it has to do with them both.

Cole and Logan head off to play video games. Fawn goes to call her friends, and Melody and I follow Greyson to his office. Melody breaks down, crying again when she tells her father about how Fawn and her friends have treated her. I could see the Beast in his eyes. He was mad; his daughter was hurt.

“That is not all” I spoke up.

“ Melody, you can go to your room now. I want to talk to your father,

When she left, I turned to Greyson.

“ Baby, come here, please. I missed you so much today,” he said to me.

I walk around his desk to him; he places me on his lap, wrapping his arms around me tight.

“That is so much better. Now tell me what happened.”

I told him about the diner and what Fawn had done to the waitress and how she disrespected him and me.

I could feel him tense under me.

“ After everything you did for her, you stuck up for her against her own mother, and she treated you like that?” he asks. “ Nobody treats or talks to my Luna that way."

“1am not the Luna Grey, just a mate.”

“No, you are my Luna Payton. Please allow me to make you the Luna finally after 16 years.

“We have only just started to see where this would go."

“ Payton love. I do not care; I made the biggest mistake of my life 16 years ago. I will never do anything like that again. Th mate bond is getting stronger daily. I love you. My beauty, I always have. I can not let you go, so please, please be my Luna?” he begged.

I smiled at him and then smashed my lips on his. He is right. The bond is getting stronger. I still love Maverick. I always wi but my love for my true fated mate is growing. I can not see myself leaving him now.

Greyson deepens the kiss, his hands rubbing my breast.

“1s that a yes, baby?” he asks

“Yes, My Beast, I will be your Luna.”

In a flash, Greyson's desk was cleared, and he was ripping my clothes off. Greyson took me right there on his desk twice. Greyson

After making love to my Luna twice, we cleaned my office and called for Fawn and Melody.



“ You wanted to see me, Daddy?” Melody asked, walking in.

“ Oh, it is you, Melody. Yes, please have a seat in one of the chairs, please, my dear”

My Luna was sitting beside me behind the desk, her hand on my leg to keep the Beast at bay.

Another knock at the door, and Fawn walks in.

“You wanted to see me, daaa..”

“ Sit fawn.”

“What is wrong with you, Fawn?” I asked her.

“1 have no idea what you mean, father 2" she says.

“ Really? So hurting your sister's feelings the way you did is nothing, I guess?” I said.

“No, I did not want to, but my friends do not like her because she is a good person. I did not want to look like a weak Alpha's daughter, so I did what I always did and went along with them.”

“1am sorry, Melody, I really am."

“What about the waitress and how you treated your Luna?” I asked her.

Fawn looks at Payton

“ Payton is the reason you are still my daughter. She stuck up and fought for you, even against your mother, and you say those mean disrespectful words to her. HOW DARE YOU"

“1 know what she has done for me. Again, I am sorry."

“ Enough Fawn, you have shamed me; you have shamed this pack and our family. I will not be giving you any money,” I tol her.

“You want to be a brat, an ungrateful snob, then you can go get a job fawn."

“You are kidding, right? Are you just going to cut me off like that and make me get a job?" she says.

“You are 19 now, Fawn. I can not ground you; you have a mate as well. Ask your mate how he feels about how you treat your family”

“He has already told me he did not approve of it. I did not know his mother was at dinner today. She told him everything and he was also mad at me."

“ Fawn, I am afraid you are the only one who can fix the issue with Derrick, and I really hope you can work on yourself anc become a better person. I had a lot of hope for you, and you let me down, “Payton says to her.

“Melody, I really am sorry, OK?"

“NO, you are not. You do not mean a word of what you are saying, Fawn; you are nothing but a mean person, and I do not want someone like you in my life. You are not my friend, and you are definitely not my sister anymore, so leave me alone. Stay the hell away from me.” says Melody

“May I please leave?”

“Yes, Melody, you may leave, I told her.

“ Find a job, Fawn, and you have some real, and I mean real, apologies to make"

“You just had to tell my dad, didn't you? You just could not wait for me to come to you and apologize without him knowing?

“He has a right to know what his children are doing. If it was one of our kids that acted like you, I would have told him as well.“

“1 really am sorry, but my friends. *

“What happened to wanting to better yourself? You said you were staying away from them to work on you. Derrick was thrilled about it. What happened?”

“1do not know; they have been my friends since grade school. 1 do not know. *

“ Go look for a job fawn.”

I shake my head as she storms out.

“1am so sorry, my love. I hope one day she will turn herself around.”

“1 met her mother. Remember, I do not think she will be able to; she has been this way her whole life. Grey, it is all she knows, ” says Payton


Two months later, things are even better than before. I have been sworn in as pack, Luna. Grayson and I have marked ea other, and, surprise, surprise, I am pregnant. I am a 34-year-old Luna with two 16-year-old twins and a 13-year-old and nc one on the way. Greyson is on Cloud 9; he is 50 happy and excited. He missed out on the twins but is here and involved in this pregnancy.

Derrick finally had enough of Fawn's nasty ways. It was interfering with his career as a doctor, so he had to reject her. She has found a job in a coffee shop in town and has moved in with her mother. I gave her credit for at least trying to change, but her mother's influence on her was way too strong.

Even after I begged him not to, Greyson has his lawyers working on unadopting her. He was tired of people coming to him saying Fawn had stolen or done something and threatened to have her father the Alpha kill them if they turned her in. So he is doing what he feels he has to. Yes, he is the Beast and wants to be feared, but not that way.

Allison came back a week ago with all our belongings from the cabin. They are going to be moving into my cabin.

I am out in the garden painting. It's such a beautiful day. I am working on the beautiful landscape of our territory. I can hear all the training happening down in the fields and the screams and laughter of all the pups playing in the park. I dropped my brush and got out of my chair. The scent of rotting flesh and the dried metallic smell of blood fills my nose. “ROUGES”

I heard a blood-curdling scream coming from the park. I took off running.

I reach the park, and a lonely mother is trying to protect 6 pups from 5 rogues. I mind link the warriors.


I hear a lot of people saying on my way

I use my speed and rush in front of the mother.

“ SHIFT," I demanded

One wolf shifts to human form

“ Look here boys, we have a pregnant Luna thinking she can stop us,” the rogue says, through his rotting teeth.

“Who are you and why are you in my territory 2"

“You hear that boys, the Luna wants to know why we are here.”

“Well, pretty Luna, we are here to kill you!”

“ ME? Why, who sent you?” I asked.

“No one sent us, fool. If we kill you, we weaken the Alpha and we can defeat him”, he laughs.

“ Merry take the children to safety NOW", I ordered.

“ Let her take the children away first please”, I begged them. I was trying to stall for time. I do not understand why, at leas the warriors from the fields have not reached us yet. When I glanced towards the field, they were empty, so where was everyone?

“ Fine, hurry up, take the brats. Don't want them to see us kill there luna”

When the children were gone, I took a fighting stance. Being pregnant, I can not shift to fight

The rogue looks at me and laughs

“ Look boys, she thinks she can fight us in her human pregnant state.”

“ Are you scared Rogue?” I asked.

“ WHAT?" he said

“1 said are you scared, Rogue?”

“ For someone about to die, you sure are mouthy.”

“ Look around Rogue. It is just a little pregnant me, I do not need 4 others to help me as you do.”

“ Are you trying to say I can not kill you on my own?” he asked.

“That is exactly what I am saying, Mutt”

“Boys shift and go stand over there. I will kill this b***h myself and enjoy doing it"

“ So you grew some balls, did you?” I said.

“It is a shame I have to kill you, you are very beautiful except for your mouth,” he said.

“ Well, what are you waiting for? Kill me already”

I may be pregnant, but 1 am still a pure Alpha Blood and have mated fully with a pureblood Alpha, so his strength runs through me as well.

I watch the rogue and study the rogues every move closely. He is pretty sloppy for a rouge.

He charges at me, and I dodge him. He misses me

He comes at me again. I dodge again. Only this time I raised my leg and kicked him in the gut.

He hits the ground and grunts, holding his gut

“You b***h, you will pay for that," he says.

He charges at me again. I noticed that this time he had a knife in his hand.

I am able to counter his attacks and keep him at bay, so far it is only his blood being spilled, but I am starting to get tired and feel some light pains in my stomach.

At the last blow I inflict on him, he drops the knife. I hurried and grabbed the knife and slit his throat before he could recover. I hear growls behind me and spin around, the other rogues shift back to their wolves and circle me. Crap, there a too many for me to handle pregnant. Where the hell is everyone?

A wolf charges at me. I prepared for the impact but when it never came, I opened my eyes to see a giant black wolf tear tl rogue’s neck out. Another black wolf, a little smaller, is killing another rogue and a few others all fighting the rogues. The two black wolves walked towards me and nudged me with their snouts. I rub their heads.

“ About time you boys got here,” I said.

They head behind a tree and step back out dressed. Cole and Greyson came running to me.

“Baby are you alright?” asks Grayson

“Yes, they never touched me."

“Who killed that one?” asked Cole. Pointing to the rogue, I took out

“1 did," I said


“NO, I was buying some time, so I got the arrogant son of a b***h to fight me one on one in human form. Only I kicked his ats"

“What the hell took you guys so long? I linked the park”

“ There were rogues everywhere babe, we had to fight our way here. *

“ Cole your 16 what are you doing fighting rogues?” I asked

“Mom, I am the next Alpha, I am of pure Alpha blood. This is what I have been training for’, he says.

“1 never left his side. He did very well, killing 7 on his own."

I hugged my son.

“ OH," I cried out and went to one knee.

“ Payton, what is wrong?”

“1do not know, there is a lot of pain,” I said.

Greyson scoops me up and runs for the pack hospital.

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