A Beast For A Beauty

Chapter 27

It has been 2 months since the first set of girls were rescued and the death of Mavericks. My brother Jaxson returned to tt pack with the girls and Maverick's body. Well, the rest moved on to the next pack that had bought another bunch of girls. Amy was so thrilled to have her daughter back. Melody and Fawn have bonded, and Fawn thanks Melody all the time for keeping her promise to get them all home. Jaxson stayed with me for about a month before going and rejoining the rest c the pack. The kids grieved for their father but have now returned to school and their lives. I am still upset and sad but moving forward. 1 wish I could. I sit alone in my room, staring out the window all day till I need to prepare dinner for my kids. They have no idea I just sit there and cry for my husband well there at school. About an hour before their return, cleaned myself up to put a brave normal face on and start dinner. I choke down my food and laugh and smile with the kic putting on a good show for them. But all I want to do is be with my Maverick.


I jumped and turned my head to my bedroom door. I did not hear or smell anyone come in; I was crying too much.

“Oh Greyson, what are you doing here? I thought you were with the others?”

“I was. This time, I brought the women back myself. I needed to check on you and the kids. *

“Oh, I see, well. We are all doing fine now. We have started our normal lives again.”

“I do not think you have Payton.”

I did not want to admit it or deal with it, so I just got up and made my way over to him.

“so how many girls have been returned this time?"

“Payton talk to me."

“I am. 1 just asked you a question.”

“You know what I mean, Payton?”

“No, I. told you we were all fine, the kids are at school. Could I make you lunch?”

I went to walk past him and head to the kitchen, but he grabbed my arm.

“You are not fine, Love. I just found you crying alone in your room.”

“I just stubbed my toe is all’

“No, you did not. Do you do this every day?”


“No, I am not happy, Payton, but you do not need to grieve alone. It is not healthy”

“I have to be strong for my kids. I have to show them it is OK to move on."

Greyson does not say anything. He just looks at me with sad eyes. I broke down crying again and fell to my knees. In a fla Greyson's arms are around me, and I am in his lap as he holds me.

“why? Why Maverick? He was such a great man. “I cried.

I placed my head on his chest as he held me tighter.

“I do not know why love. I asked myself that same question, and I wish I could have gotten to him faster”

Greyson holds me for hours as I cry; we exchange happy stories of Maverick with each other.

“Oh God, it is almost 3. I must clean myself up and go start dinner. Please, Grey, you can not tell the kids about this. They do not know I am still not over their father's death.”

“Sure, no problem, but Payton, my love, you are not alone; you have your kids to help you and, well, you have me,” he say I turned and looked at him. I could tell he meant that. I walked back over to him and hugged him, then kissed his cheek, “Thank you, Grey. That means a lot," I said.

“I guess the beast is learning to be kinder”

After cleaning myself up and putting on my fake face, I head to the kitchen. Greyson is already starting a cream sauce. “Oh, something smells good. What are we making?” I asked.

“I thought we could cook together tonight. I am making a shrimp garlic, Alfredo. You start the noodles and garlic bread, a we can both make a salad.”

“Alright, that sounds amazing. *

I put the water on for the noodles, put the garlic bread in the oven, and then start pulling things from the fridge to make salad.

We were having a good time cooking together. He had taken my mind off the death of Maverick, and my mood was not a fake one today. For the first time since he died, I was happy and did not have to fake it. We were laughing and putting the final touches on the table when we heard a throat clear.

“Hey guys, welcome home. How was school today?” I asked, going over to hug each of my kids.

“what is going on here, Mom?" Melody asked, not taking her eyes off Greyson.

“Greyson brought back another group of girls they found, and we were just talking and remembering happy good times about your father. Well, we made dinner”

“Oh, glad, more girls were found. That's awesome. Maybe at dinner, can we remember Dad more?”

“Of course, honey, remembering daddy is always allowed.”

All throughout dinner, we laughed and cried a little but mostly laughed and had a great time remembering Maverick. I ha to say I think I needed this. I needed to remember him like this and hear my children remembering him. For once, I feel better even about myself.

Alpha Brooks

“Can I help you clean up Payton since I helped make the mess?”

“No, it is our job to clean,” Cole said.

“We do have chores in this house, so I wash and Logan you dry tonight”

“Oh, I see, well, that is good and helps build up responsibilities,” I said.

I am extremely proud of how my kids have been raised. Payton and Maverick have raised them to be kind, wonderful children who help others, know their responsibilities, and work towards what they want. They're not spoiled. I do not thir I could have done this good of a job. My father was ruthless. Take, take, take, never be pushed around, take what you war and kill if your crossed, mates make you weak. My mother tried to raise me differently, but my father would not have it, s as much as it hurts me to have missed so much of my children's lives, maybe it was for the best.

“Greyson, umm Sir

“Melody sweetheart, is everything alright?”

“Yes, umm, can I talk to you for a minute?”

“always dear always”

She leads me out to the chairs on the deck.

“I want to thank you”

“For what child?”

“For making my mom laugh today and smile. “I am not stupid. I know my mom is still sitting in her room all day, crying fo Dad. Then, she acts all OK and stuff for us kids. But .. But today was different. It was not fake; it was like when Dad was alive, she was happy and laughing for real again, so I thank you

"There is no need to thank me, Melody. I care about your mother. No, I love your mother very much, and when I found he like that today, my heart broke but made dinner with her and talking about Mav. Your dad, I think, really helped her” “The day Dad died, she had just finished telling me that you were our real father. Then, boom, she fell to the floor in pain she felt our dad die. I never want to see my mother that hurt and in pain ever again”

“Me either *

“I know Cole wanted to spend time getting to know you when dad was alive, but to be honest, I did not want to.”

“Oh I see, that is too bad. I can not make you accept me or like me or even spend time with me, but I was hoping to get tc know my daughter. I know what I did to your mother was horrible, so very wrong, and every day, I have hated myself for it and I will spend the rest of my life making it right. It was my fault. 1 did not know I had kids. I take full responsibility for that, but now that I know about you all, I want you and Cole to know I love you both very much, but I will accept your wishes to not want me in your life if that is your decision”

“Thank you for that, but maybe it would not hurt to know my real father. I know Dad was OK with us getting to know you 2 long as we still loved him. Daddy will always be my daddy and I will always remember him, love him, that will never chan; but I guess I would like to know you as well, plus me and your daughter Fawn are great friends now.”

“I would really like to know you, sweetheart, very much”

She stands, and I stand with her. It shocked me when she hugged me, but I quickly hugged her back.

“Thank you again for making my mom happy tonight” she says.

“Your welcome, sweetie."

" Oh, Melody, does Fawn know you are my daughter?”

“No, I do not think so. At least I have not said anything to her about it."

“Can you not tell her please, I would like to be the one to tell her and her mother? *

“No sweat”

I watched as she went back inside and started bugging her brothers. I could not help but smile as soap suds were flying everywhere. Now, I just must break it to Amy and Fawn that they are out of here. I never shared my life with Amy, but I adopted Fawn as an heir, and I have a son who will be the next Alpha. I do not need her anymore.

“That was a nice talk you had with Melody.”

I turned to see Payton come around the deck

“I did not know the kids knew I was faking”

“Our children are smart. They know their mother well”

“Yeah, I guess they do. And thank you for what you said to her about getting to know you. Forcing her would not have bee fair or right. *

“She is 16 years old, Payton. She has feelings and a mind of her own. I love her so much already, but she would only hate me if I forced her to spend time with me. I am just happy she wants to get to know me.”

I walked over and put my arm around her shoulder as we watched and laughed at our kids, playing with the suds. Logan may not be my son, but he is still blood, and I will accept him as my son as well, like Maverick accepted my children. “Our kids are perfect. You did well with them; you're one hell of a mother. *

“Thank you, Grey. I am sorry I hid the truth but..”

“No, you did the right thing; you did what a mother had to do to protect her pups and herself. Do not ever be sorry for th She hugs me

“Thank you"

I stayed for 3 more days with Payton and the kids before heading back to my pack. Everyone has returned home. The council is taking over to deal with finding the rest of the sold girls.

it hurt so badly leaving my mate and kids. I need to bring them here somehow. Payton told me what she and Logan found out about the bond. I was so thrilled that I never accepted the rejection, and I never will. I must find a way to be around t a lot more to keep the mating bond growing. I can not lose her again. This time will be different.

“Hey dad, you wanted to see me?” Fawn said, walking into my office.

“Yes, where is your mother?”

“How the hell should I know? I am her child, not her keeper.”

“Which reminds me I need the Jag and 200 bucks."

I can not believe the difference between Fawn and Melody. How can they be friends when one is a spoiled brat and the other one is sweet and polite?

“Watch your tone with me and no."

“No what?

“No jag and no money.”

“You're not serious; you always give me what I want”

“Not anymore, you brat.”

Just then, Amy walks in

“Mom dad just called me a brat and will not let me take the Jag and give me 200 dollars.”

“How dare you call her a brat and tell her no, give her what she wants."

I got to my feet

“BOTH OF YOU SIT THE HELL DOWN NOW." I used my Alpha voice

“Sit there and shut up. 1 am the Alpha here, not any of you, and no one runs over me got it” They both nodded their hea “Now, Amy, you know we have never been a couple. I only adopted your brat here so she could have a rank and hope for mate to be an Alpha to take over.”

“Yes, yes, not that I did not try for more,” Amy says.

“Anyways, you both met Payton Mathews, my real mate.”

“You mean-ex-mate, she rejected you, remember like how you rejected me.”

“Wrong, she is still my mate. I never accepted her rejection. *


“WATCH YOUR TONE AMY, and I did not say that, but I do want her back.”

“Figures *

“Anyways, her 2 oldest children, the twins, 16-year-old Cole and Melody. *

“Melody is fab; she kept her word and helped us. She is my new BFF” Said, Fawn

“Good just do not rub your rude, disrespectful spoiled a*s off on her. Maybe she can rub off on you, "I said.

“What about the twins, Brooks?” asked Amy, with her arms crossed.

“They were not Mavericks biological children; they are mine."

They both sat there in shock, looking at me.

“You have got to be kidding me," says Amy.

“Soo Melody is my sister? That is so cool, ” says Fawn.

“The hell it is, do you not get what this means, Fawn?” says Amy.


“It means the big bad Alpha doesn’t need us anymore. He has an heir, a son to take over as Alpha now”

“Oh well, that is OK because umm, mom, dad, I found my mate when I got back home?”

“What and you never told me I'm your mother. Who is it?"

“His name is Derrick. He is 22, and he is a student doctor at the Pack hospital”

“That is great, Melody. I hope you are both happy,” I said to her.

“am. he is really cool, so it is OK about the Alpha thing”

“Your rejecting that boy and finding an Alpha Fawn. You will be a Luna Alpha of this pack” said, Amy

“twill not, Mother. He is my mate, and Dad said he has kids already, so let Cole have it. tis rightfully his."


“ENOUGH” I used my Alpha voice.

“Fawn, you are not rejecting him; be with him. Be happy, Cole is my Heir and next Alpha. I am un adopting you “I said. “WHAT?” They both yelled, getting back to their feet.

21 gl

“We all knew at the beginning why I adopted you. I do not need you anymore, so my lawyers are working on the paperwo now”

“But still want a father; I still want to be your daughter and sister to Melody and Cole. Please, please do not leave me as my father did”

“Your father is a warrior of this pack, Fawn. He left your mother for cheating on him. He did not leave you. I forced him to sign you over. Go get him back."

“This is not fair; I will lose everything. I will be poor again, no. No, I refuse to be unadopted. *

“It is not your choice, Fawn; it is mine. You and your mother are being moved out of my house and back to the packhouse You are banned from my home."


She storms to the door and stops.


She then left, slamming the door behind her.

“How could you do this to us if your mate doesn’t want you and you just learned you had kids? You could have kept Fawn and me, but your dumb a*s screwed us over. You are a beast, Brooks, and you will be sorry for using us and throwing us away."

I jumped out of my chair, and in seconds, I had Amy pinned to the wall with my hand around her throat,


“Forgive me Alpha”


I mind link Austin and have him lock her up, then I picked up the phone and called Payton.


That no-good son of a b***h will be sorry he did this to me, omega or not. I will make you pay for hurting my daughter an throwing us away like trash. When I get out of this cell, I am taking my daughter, and we are leaving this pack. I am sure Daddy will take us back in and help us make Brooks pay.



“Hey, sweetness, how are you doing?”

“Oh Greyson, I am OK, really. The night of family remembering and sharing stories and feelings really helped us all. 1 am n longer crying in my room.”

“That is great. I am so happy to hear it"

“So, what is up? Why are you calling?”

“Do I need a reason to call my mate and children?”

“Greyson, you know we are.

“OK, OK, I called because I want to have the kids come down for the packs end-of-school BBQ. I would like for the pack t know my children and their future Alpha."

“How do you know Cole even wants to take over as Alpha?”

“We already talked about it; he said he would talk to you about it. I thought he had?”

“Oh, well, no, he has not yet, Umm Grey?"

“Yes, love?”

“Can I tag along with the kids? I would love to see Mavericks parents”

“I was really hoping you would. I miss you and need you here, and I would love for Logan to be here as well. I would like him to always come with the twins. He is wanted and loved just as much as the twins are. I want him to feel loved and wanted to”

“That is great. I am sure he would like that. *

“So, in 3 days then?"

“Yes, I wil see you in three days."

I lied to Greyson, sure I wanted to see Maverick's parents, but since that supper, this stupid mate's pull has been pulling f him. I want to see him, but can I just accept the bond and forget what he did to me and the 16 wonderful years I had with Maverick? I am still grieving for my Maverick. Oh god, I am in love with two men, even though one is dead.

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