A Beast For A Beauty

Chapter 24


We left Lobo territory a week ago and came home. I have not been able to let Melody or the boys out of my sight. The me moved Allison and Raven into our house, so we are all together when the men patrol the Black Stone Territory. They mak sure to have 4 men stationed outside the house as well. Alpha Brooks, Beta Austin, and 10 of their best warriors are still here. Alpha Brooks refuses to leave until the Mendoza boys are dead. I have not had the heart to tell Melody, who Alpha Brooks really is. Cole has been spending time with him when Alpha Brooks is not on patrol. He wants to know his father even though he is killing Maverick. He and I have not spoken since he blew up at me and called me a slut. I have been avoiding him. The love of my life hurt me to the core, calling me that and not trusting me.

“Mom?” asked Melody.


“What is on your mind, Mom?”

“ Oh honey, do not worry about that; it is just grown-up matters,” I told her.

“tam not a child anymore, mom. I know there is tension between you and Daddy. Is it my fault because I was kidnapped? that why you are fighting?” She asked.

I take Melody by the shoulders

“Do not ever think you getting kidnapped was your fault, and the thing between your father and me is not your fault eith baby girl. Sighs, it is my fault, so do not ever blame yourself. You hear me?”

She shakes her head yes.

“Your mother's right, sweetie, nothing is your fault, * Maverick says, hugging her.

“Then fix this, make up ready, I can not stand my parents fighting anymore,” she says.

“I have just finished my patrol with Grandpa. I was coming to talk to your mother now.” Maverick says

“ Good,” Melody said, smiling.

“1 will be in my room with Raven if you need me. Now you two talk, *

I laugh as she skips out of the room, and she and Raven head up the stairs.

“ Payton Sweetheart, I am so sorry I got jealous and mad, and I sure as hell never should have called you a slut. You are n a slut; 1 am so sorry.”

“1 understand why you got mad, Mav. I went to the beast. Cole found out the truth. You feel threatened. I get it. I am sorry is not what I wanted at all. I just wanted Melody back, and I would sell my soul to the devil himself if it meant saving my kids."

“1 know I feel that way, too. And it is OK, they are my kids and always will be, no matter what."

“That is right, Mav. You are the twin's father. You raised them; you have been there for them since before they were born. He has not."

“That is not my fault now. Is it Payton?” “ You never told me I had kids.” Greyson enters the room

“This is a private conversation between my wife and me, Greyson, do you mind?”

“Sorry, sorry, I was just stating the truth.”

I wrap my arms around Maverick and kiss him passionately

“You are the love of my life, babe. I forgive you. Please forgive me."

I heard a growl from Greyson when I kissed Maverick, but I ignored it.

“1 already have, dear; all is forgotten.” We kissed again, and again, there was a growl.

“ Knock it off, Greyson; she is my wife, not yours. Your mate bond is broken.”

just then, the front door burst open, and a historical Allison runs covered in blood and naked.

“ALLISON” I ran to her side as she fell to the floor exhausted.

“ Allison, talk to me. What happened?” 1 asked her

“ Caleb, Rouge's, hurt, help him” she managed to get out.

“Where is Allison?" Greyson asked.

“Where are they?”

“Behind my house, 50 yards back, help Caleb.’

Both Maverick and Greyson darted out the door and shifted mid-air.

I looked at Allison and saw her wounds were healing.

“Tell me what happened,” I asked her as I threw a blanket around her shoulders and sat her in a chair.

“We had just finished our patrol of the west side and were headed back when 10 wolves attacked us. They smelled like Rogues. I tried my best and the hardest to kill them. I got 4 of them, and 6 were on Caleb. I went to help him, and he ordered me to go get help.’

Just then, the door busted open again, and two men I recognized as the Mendoza boys were standing there smiling at us. “See, I told you, Santo, the men would leave their women to save the man.”

I stand at my feet, ready to fight.

“ Come now, Melody, it is time to return home,” he said.

“am not Melody, a*****e, and she will not be going anywhere with you"

“If you're not My Melody, then who are you?” he asks.

“ Her mother, now get out of my house.”

“ Well, well, well, look, Santo, one for each of us,” he laughs,

Behind me, Allison is mind linking to Maverick.

“ Allison, go protect the girls” I told her.

She runs up the stairs to the girls

I keep standing my ground; no one is taking my baby again.

“ Oh look, Gabriel, she thinks she can stop us all on her own,” says Santo.

They both laugh.

“Move aside, pretty lady. I would hate to have to kill you to get what I want,” says Gabriel.

“You will have to kill me if you think I am going to let you near my daughter again."

“We do not have time for this, Santo. Kill her”

The one named Santo smirked and came at me.

He grabbed me, and I countered , twisting his arm and breaking it, then tossing him across the room.

“Well, it seems we have a woman who knows a thing or two." “ Get up Santo and get her”

“You little b***h, you will pay for that”

“Wrong a****e, it is you who will pay for taking my daughter” I said.

He came at me again. I met him blow for blow and blocked almost every strike. I could tell he was getting frustrated. “ENOUGH PLAYING WITH THIS b***h, KILL HER!" Gabriel yelled at Santo.

santo shifted into a medium-sized wolf and snapped his teeth at me. I jump and shift in mid-air, my Golden Wolf Aurora taking over. Because we are of pure Alpha blood, we are much bigger than Santos Wolf. I could see the look of shock and fear in his eyes, then he attacked me, trying to go for my neck. Why do all poorly trained wolves go for the neck right off? I dodged his attack and grabbed him by the leg as he went by me. I tossed him, and he hit the wall behind Gabriel. Gabric looked shocked,

“Well, it seems you are not as defenseless as I was hoping you would be”. Gabriel then shifted into a dark grey wolf. He w also smaller than me, but he was also Alpha-sized.

They both attacked me at the same time, but with my Alpha blood and training, they could not take me down. I held my own well. Santos Red Wolf lunged at me. He lay down, rolled over, and bit down on his hind leg, ripping it from his body. I hits the floor howling in pain, blood pouring out of the hole his leg once was. He shifts back to human screaming in pain, “You b***h, oh my god, my leg” he screams.

I spit his leg out of my mouth and look growling at the dark grey wolf. he growls back as we start to circle each other.

As we are circling each other, I get close to the one-legged a*****e. He grabs my back leg, trying to pull me off my feet. I whip around my jaw, clamp down on his neck, and twist it, killing him. By doing that, I left myself open, and Gabriel attacked me from behind. He was on my back with his jaws around the back of my neck. I could not shake him off, so I we up on my hind legs and flew myself back, landing on the floor. That made him let go, but he got back up quickly. I saw hin look at the stairs in the corner of his eye and growl, jumping in front of the stairs. There was no way he was getting to my daughter. Then I heard another growl as Allison and Melody's wolves made their way down the stairs and stood on each side of me. With a nod of my head, they span out around the Alpha wolf, so we have him covered. I could see the fear in t eyes. I could see the look in Melody's Wolf Phoenix eyes. She wanted him dead. She hated him. Then, she attacks. I knew she was not strong enough to handle him, so I jumped in and helped her. Allison then joins, and the 2 of us are biting anc ripping this Alpha apart. As he howls out in pain, he shifts back to humans. We are all covered in blood, his blood. “Enough, enough, please. You took an arm and leg. Please spare me the rest”

Just as the guys entered the house, Melody ripped his throat out, leaving us all in shock.

The Mendoza boys lay there dead. We all shift back and use blankets to cover up or pillows.

“Melody, are you OK?" I asked her.

She had a smile on her face.

“1 feel safe and free, Mom. it felt good to kill that jerk,” she says.

“Payton? Are you alright? “ You are covered in blood,” Greyson asked, coming close to me.

“It is not my blood; it is their blood. There was no way anyone was touching my baby again.’

Maverick threw his arms around me in a hug.

“Thank god you are all OK," he says.

“They underestimated us as every man does, but they forgot one thing."

“What is that?” Greyson asked.

“No one messes with my pups.”

The guys laugh

“So true so true.”

“How is Caleb?” Allison asks.

“l am good, almost healed.”

Allison ran to her husband, hugging him. Raven appeared at the top of the stairs and ran to join her parents.

Warriors began to flood into the house, led by my father with Cole and Logan with them.

I hugged my children tight.

“No one touches my pups,” I said.

I headed up to clean the blood off. In the shower, I break down crying. The relief that my children are safe just overflowec me. Just to think they could be hurt or killed was just too much. Tomorrow, they train and train harder than they have bee No one is going to touch any of them again.


Good to my word, the training on the kids increased. Other pack members have asked their kids to be trained harder as well. I want these kids to feel safe and powerful.

“ Payton, can I talk to you, please?” asked Greyson.

“ Maverick and Caleb take over, get their legs higher,”

I walked with Greyson back to the packhouse and into the kitchen to get a bottle of water.

“You want a bottle of water, Grey?”

“ Yeah, sure, thanks."

I passed him the bottle of water, and we sat at the table.

“What's up, Grey?"

“ Our kids, Payton, Cole knows I am his father and we have been spending some time together getting to know one anoth but I love Melody too and I want to get to know her too.”

“1 know you do, Grey. I get that, but Maverick is their father.”

“No, I am. They are my blood, a part of me, and you, Logan, is his son”

“You know what I mean. He raised those kids. He is their father”

“You act like it is my fault they do not know me; you kept them from me, Payton.”

“It is your fault, Greyson, you know what you did to me. Remember everything you did to me; you even murdered a drun} man just for touching me, you cheated on me, hurt me, you are nothing but a beast, so it is your fault. I had to protect the from you the beast.”

“1 remember everything, and I regret it all. I said I was deeply sorry that I wanted to make amends for it all. They are my kids. I love them. Please let me get to know them and them me."

“Fine, I will tell Melody later tonight, OK?"

“Thank you, Payton, thank you." he placed his hand on my hand.

I take a swig of my water.

“1 want you to know. I always loved you, Payton; I still do. I always thought a mate made you weak, and I could not be we but when you left, I realized I was wrong. I was only weak once you left, and I had lost my mate.”

I smiled at him.

“If only you realized that 16 years ago before you did harm to me, and I left you *

I got up and went to leave the room. His hand reached out and took mine, stopping me.

“You are the beauty to my beast, Payton. I will always love you. *

Before I could say anything, he had pulled me into a passionate kiss. Again, there are sparks. I have to look into why there are still sparks.

My hand reaches up and rubs his cheek.

“That's all I ever wanted in a mate. I wish you were different beast, but you're not.”

He kisses me again

“1 can change for you and our kids’ baby. Just trust in me. *

“l am married to Maverick, Beast, and I love him."

“1 understand, so trust me, and let's raise our kids all together”

“1 will talk to Melody and Cole tonight with Maverick and Logan.” I will come to talk to you when we are done and have come up with something”

“Thank you, Payton. Thank you”

“ What are you thanking my wife for?”

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