A Beast For A Beauty

Chapter 20

Greyson and I make our way to the kitchen to meet up with Cole and Austin. As we approach, I can hear Cole laughing. “What is going on in here?” I ask, entering the kitchen

“Uncle Austin was just telling me stories about Dad,” says Cole.

I can see an angry look on the Beasts face.

“So now, what, Mom?” Cole asks.

“Are we going home now?”

“Yes Cole, and Alpha Brooks have agreed to come with us," I say

“And where exactly is my man going with you?” came a women's voice. We all turn and see the women from earlier. The Beast had called Amy

“You think you can just waltz back in here and take what is mine after all this time?”

“SHUT YOUR MOUTH AMY NOW,” says the Beast

“Watch how you speak to Payton”

“I assure you, Amy, I am not here to take your man.” I said

“Trust me he is all yours, I am happily married, but like your daughter my daughter was also taken, I believe we have a lead, I only came to get help from Alpha Brooks,”

“Your daughter was taken as well?” she says

“And you have a lead?”

“I believe so, yes,’

“Listen Amy," the Beast says

“I am going to be going to help them get their daughter. I will also bring Fawn back,”

I can see Amy begins to cry,

“Please, just bring her back, please.”

“I am coming along,” said Austin

“The more on this, the better it is and faster we get the girls back,”

An omega walks into the room, carrying a 2 bags and places them down beside Greyson.

“I have packed everything you asked for Alpha,” she bows

“Thank you,” he says, waving her off”

“Just give me 5 minutes, and I will be ready to go” said Austin, running from the kitchen

“You will keep me informed, won't you?” Amy asks the beast

“I will call when I can,” he says, not even looking at her

Just 3 minutes later, Austin returns,

“Ready when you are,’

“Let's go” says Alpha Brooks

I was headed to the door when I happened to look back and see Amy grab Greyson,

“Please come back to me, Beast,” she says

I watched the Beast look at her, then kissed her on the head. he then noticed I had seen and quickly moved towards me, “t will call when I have news,” he says to Amy over his shoulder, pushing me out the door.

“Listen Payton, about that in there with Amy,"

I hold up my hand to stop him,

“You owe me no explanation. Beast, you are not my mate, Mavrick is and my husband,” I turn and walk away

When I get to my car, I notice Cole is in the back seat, and Austin is putting the bags in the trunk.

“Cole honey, why don’t you come sit with me up front dear?” I say

“Aww But I want to sit with Uncle Austin and get to know him more, Mom. it is a long ride I'd like to hear more stories abo Dad as well,’

I look across the car and see that the Beast has a smirk on his face. I believe he was hoping to be able to have the front seat beside me.

I took a deep breath,

“fine, let's hit the road. We have a long ride,"

Three hours later, I am driving through the Black Stone Pack. I notice the confused look on the Beasts face as I drive past the Packhouse and continue down the winding road to the back of the mountain.

“You have been here this whole time?” An Angry Beast Asks

I don't answer

“You never did move to Alberta to live with the humans,” he says

“No wonder my trackers could never find you."

I park the car in front of my cabin and get out.

Mavrick comes running out of the house.

“Payton Mathews, where the hell have you been?” he asks

“We have been worried sick, we thought something happened to both you and Cole,’

“Sorry my love," I say

“Please forgive me, Mavrick, but I went to get someone who could help us,’

Just then, The Beast steps out of the car.

There is a loud growl, it came from Mavrick, Then Austin steps out,

“Brother,” he says to his brother Mavrick

“Do not do this”

Mavrick looks at his brother,


“Oh my God Austin,” he runs to hug his brother,

Alison and Caleb exit the house

“OH MY GOD," said Alison

“What the hells he doing here?”

“The Beast daughter is also missing" I said

“I went to ask him for help. I figured since he is the most feared Alpha, he could get answers faster than he can,’

“How could you even think about bringing this bastard here Payton,” says an angry Mavrick

“After everything he has done to you, you go crawling to him?”

“Look I know more than anyone what he has done to me ok,” I say

“I understand you are mad, Believe me I never wanted to see his face ever again, but if he can help us find my daughter then so be it, Melody is all that matters right now,”

“Alison take them to their rooms, please,” says Mavrick not taking his eyes off me

“I need a word with my wife,’

Once everyone has followed Alison and Caleb into the house, Mavrick grabs my arm and walks me down to the waters ed; “What the hell were you thinking, Payton? You brought that bastered here; we do not need his help. Do you have any idea what you have just done?”

“What I done? What I did was bring more people in to help find my daughter, who has also lost his daughter to them," “Did you tell him the twins are his?"

“I did not have to; once he saw Cole, he knew, I said

“I tried to leave him home he wouldn't listen, then he was not allowed to stay in the car Austin wouldn't allow it, then the Beasts girl friend came in and told him Cole was in the hall"

“Thank you, Payton. Thank you so much,” he says

“Now I have just lost my kids”

“What the hell are you talking about, Mav? You have not lost anything,"

“I will you watch, I know my cousin, now that he found you and knows about the twins, he will make sure he takes them from me, you just ruined everything” Mavrick shifted and took off into the hills.

I stand there thinking about what Mavrick just said. I never thought about what this could cost him. I just want my daught back.

I enter the cabin, everyone is talking in the living room,

“Everything alright?” Alison asks

“Itis fine. 1 will deal with it’ 1 said

I lay in bed next to Mavrick; he has not spoken a word to me since he returned. He also made it clear to the Beast that he not happy he is here.

I get out of bed and sneak downstairs to the kitchen for a drink,

“Can't sleep either?” I jumped at the voice. I was so into my own head that I did not realize someone else was down here. The light flicks on, and Greyson is sitting at the table with a bottle of water.

“You scared me," I said

“I was so into my head I didn't even check,”

“I could not sleep,” He says

“Knowing my mate is in the next room with another man has me awake,”

“I am not your mate, Beast,” I say

“l am Mavericks chosen mate and wife,”

“There is the whole thing of him raising my pups and not being told about them,” he says

I break down crying at the mention of the kids. I miss Melody so much and so scared they are hurting her.

“Listen Beast,” I said through tears

“The kids belong to me and Maverick; they have always known him as their father and always will, that is never going to change!’

I place my head in my hands and cry. I feel arms pick me up, and now I am sitting on the beast's lap.

He hugs me close.

“It is alright, my love,” He says

“I promise you we will find our daughter and bring her home.

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