Chapter 7

Chapter 7


“Take her to the table and hold her down.”

I’m pretty sure I am still in a daze as Tristan and Samuel lead me to the huge mahogany table. The reality of my situation does not dawn on me until my bare a rse comes in contact with the table’s cold surface.

I gave Marco a panicked stare.

“You do not have to do this. I promise I can do the job. Please don’t do this.”

He advances towards me, his gaze hard.

“Begging is useless.” To the guards, he says. “Spread her thighs.”

“No! No, please…”

My pleas fall on deaf ears as the guards pull me lower against the table and pull my legs apart, giving their boss easy access to my wet, sopping S**.

1 shut my eyes tight when I feel his fingers flick my cl it, clenching my fists against the influx of traitorous pleasure.

I hate this man. I hate this man, I chant it as a mantra, but when he bends over and blows hot air against my aching S**, my resolves almost sl*ps.

“If you do this, I will hate you forever.” I say through gritted teeth.

That stops him. His icy blue eyes pierce me.

“I think you are under the impression that you are being forced to do this, Lily. Remember, you signed up for this. Keep your little hate talks to yourself from now on.”

I press my l*ps into a hard, straight line because he’s right. I have a choice but I do not have a choice. I’m trapped.

“Oh, and remember, you’re not supposed to c um.”

That’s all the warning I get before his hot, wet mouth covers my S**. I bite my l*ps as jolts after jolts of electric pleasure runs up my spine.

I bite my l*ps to prevent savage moans of pleasure from sl*pping out as Marco sucks at my pus sy like a talented lover, his expert mouth taking me on the verge of insanity.

Soon, only the “slurp, slurp” sounds of his mouth on me and the guards’ heavy

Chapter 7

breathing fill the office. The guards are turned on as well, I can feel it.

When he rubs against my cl it with his fingers while his tongue thrusts into my clenching core, I lose the battle and a mu ffled moan escapes me.

“Unh…Marco…Marco, please…”

I have no idea what I’m begging him for. My mind is a puddle of mush at this point.

When his tongue hits my g-spot, I feel a soul crushing climax begin to thunder down

on me.

I clench my fists and bite down on my l*ps until I taste blood, all in a bid to keep my climax from coming…and I fail miserably.

I feel my entire b*dy stiffen and my eyes roll back as my climax thunders down on me like a thousand magical sparks, leaving me squealing and trembling against the table.

“Marco…ah! F uckkk….I’m cu m ming!” After a while, Marco signals to the guards to let me go and I collapse against the table, weak and spent.

I finally come down from my high and the smug look on Marco’s face tells me that I’ve f ucked up big time. His face is wet and his l*ps are dripping with my juices.

I lower my head, the aftershocks of my org asm ebbing quickly as shame worms its way through me.

“You say you hate me. You keep drumming that you cannot stand me, but I only lay my fingers on you for three seconds and you’re cu mming all over the place. You can lie to yourself all you want, Lily, but you and I both know the truth. You want me, and you

want this.

Too bad you failed the test.”

He comes closer and I try to edge away, but he sinks his palm into my hair and snaps my head up by pulling the long strands.

I almost shut my eyes at the darkness in his gaze…almost.

“Oh, I almost forgot to add. You have a visitor.

You can come out now, Edmund.”

My head snaps up in shock, my eyes widening as I watch my fiancé make an appearance from behind the office’s heavy draperies. I blink rapidly, hoping that this is all a bad dream and mud JEJO AN


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Chapter 7

“Ed-Edmund? What are you doing here?” My mouth hangs open in surprise.

I try to cover up myself as Edmund stares at me, his face twisted with rage and disappointment.

“So this is what you’ve been doing behind my back? You wh ore!”

My heart clenches in pain and tears blur my vision

Edmund, please. I can explain…”

I make to walk towards him but he steps back, disgust written all over his features.

“So while I toil day and night at the bakery, you’ve been busy getting laid by rich, older men. You moth erf ucking, good for nothing s lut.”

“Edmund, no! Please. I can explain…”

I finally get within touching distance and grab his shirt. He pushes me away and I crash to the marble floors with a painful thud.

“Stay away from me, you slu t. I don’t ever want to see your face again.”

“Edmund, please…”

“Oh, and the wedding is cancelled. I will never marry you now. No one will!”

Before I can even scramble into my clothes, Edmund stomps out the door..

I collapse to the office ground in a frustrated heap, my entirely b*dy shaking with hard, heavy so bs. It’s over. Edmund will never forgive me. It’s all over.

I do not hear Marco walk over, but my gaze flies to his burning blue ones when I feel his hands in my hair.

“Do not cry, cara. Your afflictions have just begun.”

I just stare at him, big, fat tears rolling down my cheeks. He looks completely

remorseless. I do not even have the strength to hate him right now. I just want to crawl into a hole and die.

“You did this, didn’t you?”

He smirks.

“Remember when I told you that when I want to punish you, every single person you love will get punished as well? That is exactly what happened.” His eyes darken. “Edmund is just the start, sweetheart.”

Chapter 7

My tears fall harder. What have I done? My life is officially over.

“But there’s good news,” he continues, “you’re hired.”




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