Chapter 13

Chapter 13


Marco does not give me the chance to argue. He scoops me into his arms and makes for the bathroom, determination in his stride.

“What are you doing? Put me the f uck down!”

He doesn’t listen. He only lets me down when we arrive at the bathroom. He sets my aching a rse on the counter and proceeds to retrieve some wet wipes to deal with my horrible makeup.

Shocked, I only stare at him.

“Why are you doing this?”

His sapphire blue eyes narrow dangerously.

“Because I can. Because I want to.”

I heave an nannoyed sigh and try to get down, but he kicks my legs apart a firmly between them, caging me between his hard b*dy and the counter.

“I can wipe off my makeup on my own. Stop it…”

“Not while you’re hurt.” He cuts in.

and steps

I try to push him away but he grabs my wrist, the same wrist which the p ervert had. squeezed just a few minutes ago. I let out a hiss of pain and he lets me go immediately.

“And who’s fault was that? I got hurt, but that was your fault. You sent me in there with those monsters knowing it wasn’t safe. You did that.”

Marco pauses, giving me an expressionless gaze. For a moment, I believe he’s going to apologise, but his eyes become cold once more and he looks away.

“You did what you had to do to pay off your debt. That is not my fault. But if you feel you can no longer work here, I have another proposition for you.”

Surprised, I pause.

“You do?”

He drops the wipes and folds his impressively muscled firearms against his equally powerful chest.

I’m not drooling…that much.


14:27 Fri, 26 Jan

Chapter 13

“Yes. Actually, it’s my first offer.” His eyes

darken. “I want you to be my mistress, Lily. I

want you in my bed whenever I want, however I want…”

My breath hitches as he steps closer. His fingers glide over my thighs and I shiver in


“I want to know what you taste like…what you really taste like. I want to know how loud 1 can make you scream for me when I’m deep inside you….”

At this point, I’m beginning to feel hot. I’m pretty sure the tips of my cars have turned red and my breath comes out in slow, choppy gasps.

“You will live your best life, of course. You will be completely comfortable…and you will be mine. Utterly mine. I do not want you to see any other man while you’re in my bed. I want you to be irrevocably mine and mine alone. Also, all your debts still stand cancelled. Do you accept my offer, cara mia?”

His hands on my thigh makes it difficult to think properly. I bite my l*ps and watch his eyes turn a smoky blue as they follow the movement.

“Uh…am I supposed to make a decision right now?”

“Yes.” He says shortly. “When you go past that door, my offer stands terminated. Remember, if you become mine, you will no longer work at my club. No one else would have to touch you. Only I will have liberty to your b*dy.”

I freeze.

The problem is, I’m not sure If I want Marco Marcelli to have any kind of liberty over my b*dy. It could mess with my sanity…a whole lot.

“B-but you’re married. I cannot have an affair with a married man.”

“Lauretta and I are divorced. We had just finalised the process of the divorce when you first met me that day. She’s completely out of the picture.”

I freeze. Why would anyone want to divorce a se xy-as-hell bombshell like Lauretta? But

cannot help the feeling of relief that s

through me.

“What caused the divorce?” I ask, genuinely interested.

Marco stiffens and abruptly steps back, leaving me feeling cold.

“Nothing that would concern you. Do we have an agreement?”

My heart thunders wildly against my chest. This is it. I lick my dry l*ps.

“Yes. Yes, we do.”

14:27 Fri, 26 Jan

Chapter 13

The darkness instantly disappears from Marco’s eyes.

“Good. Glad you made the right choice. I will send the contract to you tomorrow. Read through it properly and contact me if you have any questions.”

1 pause.

“Contract? What contract?”

“It is more like an agreement clause, Lily. There are laws governing this relationship and of course, you will have to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement. There are also punishments if you disobey those laws. The contract is just to keep you in line.”

I feel the stirrings of annoyance within me.

“I’m not a child. I know what I’m supposed to do.”


gaze Is unrepentant.

“In that case, the contract will make sure you actually do what you’re supposed to do.”

I huff and look away.

Marco steps between my thighs once more and picks up the wipes. Even seated on the counter, he completely dwarfs me. His height and wide shoulders drape over me, almost pinning my smaller size against the wall of cabinets behind.

I try to ignore the fact that It makes me feel safe.-protected.

When he brushes the wipes against my l*ps, I finally narrow my eyes at him.

“You did that on purpose.”

His expression is still as hard as ever.

“And if I did?”

I roll my eyes.

“You’re a bully.”

His gaze becomes thoughtful.

“That’s a first. No one has ever called me a bully before. I guess I have to live up to my name then…”

Without warning, Marco wraps his fingers around my n*eck and slams his l*ps against


14:27 Fri, 26 Jan

Chapter 13

My eyes widen in surprise, but he does not let me recover. He skims his hot tongue against my l*ps, trying to gain entry into my mouth. I keep my teeth firmly ground. together to prevent that.

My pulse hammers wantonly against my throat as Marco increases the pressure on my windpipe. Jolts of electricity shoots straight to my core, the feeling of his l*ps on mine. dulling my senses.

“Open up for me, cara.” He whispers urgently against my l*ps. “I want to feel you.”

I make a guttural sound deep in my throat, trying to fight the voice in my head that screams I should surrender to this dangerous adventure.

When the pressure on my throat becomes too much to handle, I have no choice but to open up a

take in much needed oxygen or risk choking to death.

When my l*ps finally part, Marco makes a low sound of approval and proceeds to devour me alive. His hot, expert tongue tangles with mine, sending me on a dizzy roller coaster of forbidden pleasure.

His hand sinks into my hair, pulling me harder against him. I almost let a moan sl*p when he captures my tongue with his l*ps and gives it a long, hard suck.

I feel my core become slicker and slicker as he persistently grinds his thigh against it, sending sparks of pleasure exploding behind my eyes.

When I cannot take it anymore, when it finally feels like I might not survive the heat, I bite down on his l*ps…hard.

Marco doesn’t even flinch, but when the metallic taste of blood explodes in I begin to feel dizzy.

my mouth,

He finally leans away and my eyes widen in horror when I find his l*ps and the lower part of his face smeared with blood. His eyes are hard and dark with lust…not pain. Strange.

His eyes gleam with almost maniacal intensity.

“Look what you’ve done, princess.” He nods at the mirror behind me. “Go ahead and take a look.”

Still breathing harshly, I turn around slowly and stare at our reflection in the mirror.

Both our l*ps are stained with blood…his blood. We resemble a pair of blood sucking vampires and strangely, the thought of it is incredibly hot.

Marco presses himself against my back and I stiffen in surprise. He buries his nose in my n*eck and breathes me in.

14:27 Fri, 26 Jan

Chapter 13

I shut my eyes and tighten my grip on the counter to keep myself from sl*pping.

“You made me bleed, princess, and you will


for that.”

Suddenly, he yanks me off the counter and forces me to my knees before him. I gasp in surprise when my eyes clash with the huge swell of his erection bulging beneath his slacks.

I look up at his darkened gaze, my eyes wide with confusion.

what the hell, Marco?”

“You are going to suck my co ck, Lily. And you better make it good. Your mistress duties. start right now.”


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