9.5ft full of scars, A Yautja fantasy story

Chapter 4.


Footsteps sounded at the other side of the door, but before they reached their room, the sound stopped. For a moment every thing became eerie quiet. Slowly they heard voices sounding louder and louder, some of them were shouting, others were crying.

Now there were more footsteps heard, but they didn't came closer, instead they went away.

What almost seemed like an hour, footsteps were heard all over again, just like the crying and screaming, and just like before, they disappeared. This repeated itself seven times, every time the footsteps sounded closer.

The women could hear de various voices, basically all female, and although they initially thought that most of the females were crying or shouting, most of them sounded rather calm instead.

Finally they heard the footsteps coming to a stop in front of their room, and the women knew that they were up next.

In the corner of her eye, Iris saw Veronique getting ready to launch herself at the first person who entered their room, and tensed up as well.

The moment the door opened, Veronique ducked for the person that entered through the entrance. But it probably anticipate such an action, as the creature standing in the doorway simply extended its hand, and as if Veronique slammed into an invisible wall, she bounced back without even reaching the creature.

Instead of backing down, Veronique got up, wiped the blood from her nose and got ready to charge again, only to be held back by Iris, who took a firm grasp at her arm.

"Don't... You'll only hurt yourself..." Iris whispered to her.

"Let's just find out what they want with us. If it's true what you told us, and we're no longer on earth, there's nowhere we can go anyway..."

Veronique gave her a furious look, but did as Iris suggested and held back.

The creature in the doorway just stood there quietly and looked at the scene with an impassive expression.

The being was tall, about 6.2ft, very slim, a pearly white skin, short curly chocolate coloured hair, no nose, a mouth without lips, filled with razor sharp teeth, and whether it was male or female wasn't clear. But what stood out most were it's eyes, the creatures eyes were that of a owl. They were a deep shade of blue and moved separately, with gave it an eerie appearance.

"...please follow me..."

Without moving its mouth the being spoke to them, but it sounded sluggish and monotone, which made its overall appearance even more creepier.

Iris hesitated for a moment, but finally decided to play along. They had no idea where they were, nor what their abductors wanted with them, so to do as they were told and keeping eyes and ears open, seemed Iris the best way to handle the situation at this time.

To let them through, the creature stepped aside. The moment they stood in the hallway and Iris wanted to turn around too face the creature, she all of a sudden felt some kind of mental bond preventing her from moving.

Behind her Iris heard the door close, and as if she was pulled by an invisible thread, her legs started to move on their own.

Walking down high, brightly lit corridor for several minutes, they arrived at a large medical area.

There were at least two dozen of mostly women, sitting on what appeared some kind of floating hospital beds.

As if the mental bond had been lifted, she was again able to move her body by herself.

"Hey..." Helli whispered from behind them.

"Has anyone seen Huey, Dewey and Louie?"

She was right, they hadn't seen the other three woman after they'd been escorted out of their room.

Iris looked around, but she didn't she them any where..

"...find yourself a bed. The examiner will come shortly..."

With those words, the creature turned around and left.

Immediately Veronique headed for the door, but needless to say, it was locked.

Iris turned back to take a good look around, and saw all of the other women looking at the three of them.

A small, cold and sweaty hand clenched it selfs around hers. Helli had taken refuge behind her back, she could feel the young girls hand shake, the girl was definitely afraid.

The women in the room were watching as Iris walked further inside the room. Halfway a group of five other women and a young man, smiled at them and signaled at a few empty beds close to theirs.

Iris returned the smile and called Veronique to follow her, which the pissed off Française hesitantly did.

Before they had a chance to get acquainted, the door opened and five creatures entered, one of which was the tall white creature she had picked up. Three others were probably of the same race, as their appearance resembled that of the white creature, the fourth creature was completely different. This creature, was much smaller, had a stocky build, a dog-like snout, long red/yellow hair and large cold, silvery green eyes.

"Welcome" The doglike creature spoke up.

"You're probably wondering why you're here? Well it's very simple, you're going to be sold." At his words a buzz broke out.

"SILENCE!" The creature's thundering voice echoed through the room and the buzz was instantly over.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?" Veronique jumped up.

She circled Iris, in order to walk to the creature, but before she was able to take two steps towards him, Veronique was thrown backwards.

One of the tall, white creatures had held out his hand and with that simple gesture, Veronique was thrown backwards by some kind of air displacement, and as if she were a feather, she flew through the air and landed with a hard thumb on her back. She didn't move, meaning she was probably unconscious.

A shiver ran down Irises spine, as she brought her attention back to the small group at the entrance.

"I understand, it's will be difficult to accept your situation, but you better get used to it a soon as possible, or you will find yourself in a lot trouble."

"Ivally, here..." and he pointed at the tall white being next to him.

"...will escort you in pairs of two, to the examination room. There I will check your physical condition and put you in one of two groups. The first group will consist of breeders, the other group, also the largest, will be for the brothels or private enterprises."

Iris felt all the color drain from her face. Where the hell had they ended up? Pressing against her back, she felt Helli curl up close to her, the girl was trembling all over with fear.

"The next couple of days you will find out what will be expected of you...Let's get to work shall we?"

He nodded his head in the direction of an unconscious Veronique.

"That one and one of her roommates first..." And he disappeared inside the examination room.

One of the tall beings walked up to her, this one had long straight reddish brown hair and green eyes, but otherwise it looked exactly like the first one they'd met.


It said with the same sluggish and monotone voice, and Iris felt as if a bucket of ice water was poured all over her.

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