9.5ft full of scars, A Yautja fantasy story

Chapter 2


Event though the sun was shining and there was hardly any wind, a shiver ran down his spine. Kyr'nac flexed his mandibles and smelled the air, ...nothing... , not that he expected to smell anything at all. Just..., the last couple of days there was an unsettling feeling inside, he wasn't able to shake off.

Change is coming, his mother would say, and even though he didn't have many memories of his mother, he remembered she had a keen sense of gut feeling. What did she say again...? I can feel in in my bones...

He rose from the rock he had been sitting on, enjoying the beautiful view of the sun setting over the desert, and walked back to the building to collect his belongings. It had been a while since he visited "Vas Brec naDir", and he really was in need of various supplies, both his food as well as his ammunition were nearly gone. Besides he could also use some, let's say..., physical relief. Let's be honest..., even the most solitary man needs to get laid once in a while, and he hadn't been with a woman since, let's see..., more than 15 months, more or less... probably more...

With his 9.5ft, Kyr'nac was a commanding presence. While everyone's first impression of him just being an extremely tall, broad Yautja, those who dared to look a little closer would see that he had some sort of muzzle instead of a flat face, regular Yautja had. Furthermore, his forearms and lower legs had long thick hairs, just like a Lycan, which obviously didn't make sense, right? If he were a Yautja, it would indeed be strange, but he wasn't a Yautja, at least not a full blooded one that is...

Kyr'nac's father was indeed a Yautja, his mother, wasn't.

Kyrell was a beautiful, tall Quas'qiari huntress, a Lycantrope, who gave Kyr'nac some of his unusual appearance.

Add a strange looking, severely scarred face and a huge, bulky body also full of horrific scars, mix them together and you'll get an extremely impressive and scary looking creature.

Though his appearance was terrifying, Kyr'nac wasn't the hot-headed fighter people thought he was. He had a quiet, calm and thoughtful disposition, who did not easily get into useless battles, nevertheless he was an excellent and, if necessary, ruthless killer.

Up until he was 7, his mother was the one raising him, and even though she loved him dearly, she wasn't around a lot. His father had left them when Kyr'nac was only a toddler, she went back to her old pack, to provide a save environment for her 2 year old son.

Being one of the best skilled hunters in their pack, even in comparison with most of the males, she was gone most of the time, leaving him to be taken care of by the omega's of her pack, females who were low in rank, and therefore not allowed to hunt.

But being a hybrid Yautja x Qas'qiari, everybody loathed him, and he was abused horribly when his mother was off on a hunt.

The first time, his mother returned from the hunt and found her son beaten up, she had the alpha punish the perpetrators. The problem was, not only did the kids beat him up, the adults took their chance to attack him as well, when Kyrell was out hunting, and the alpha looked the other way. Kyrell might be his best fighter, but the monster she called her child was the biggest shame of their pack, and he had no intention of protecting it. After being treated even more horribly after his mother's complaint, Kyr'nac kept quiet about it and tried to hide the bruises and wounds from her.

After several years, the old alpha died and another, strange alpha from a neighbouring pack took over, since the old alpha was killed together with his son.

This alpha choose his mother to be his mate, having lost his former mate to an unknown, but highly aggressive virus. Within several months she was pregnant with her new mate, but being not able to hunt due to her pregnancy, she was finally able to witness the assaults her oldest son had to endure. And even though the assaults weren't as violent as they were when she wasn't around, they nevertheless had shocked her. Kyr'nac knew his mother had always thought her son was safe, now it turned out he hadn't been.

Being pregnant with the new alphas' pup created a whole new problem, carrying the alpha's pup meant Kyrell was now officially The Lycan Luna of Rova.

The new alpha already had 3 sons, triplets, with his deceased mate and even though Kyr'nac was the oldest child, no one in the entire pack would accept him as their alpha if all of the children would come to age, because he was a "filthy" hybrid. One of the triplets, maybe even all three of them would become the new alpha, this also meant they would try to kill Kyr'nac, making sure he could never try to claim the alpha title.

Although Kyrell hadn't spoken to Kyr'nacs father for years, she had always known how to get in touch with him if she had too. After all, what had ever happened between them, he was the love of her life, her mate and this would never change...

Leaving the place where he'd been abused for so many years was a relief on the one hand but it was home nevertheless, besides it also meant leaving his mother, the only one he knew loved him. For a 7 year old, it felt like his whole world shattered the moment, his father came to take him away from the only place he knew as home.

Neither Kyrell nor Kyr'nac realised that their goodbye that day would be the last time they would ever see each other again.

Now, 76 years later, Kyr'nac was living alone on a basically uninhabited planet. The creatures living there were simple creatures, they didn't have any technological knowledge, they were basically animals, but he loved living there. The solitude was his friend, he didn't need anybody...

At least that's what he told himself every time his own feelings got in the way.

Kyr'nac learned from a young age, he was an abomination. Hideous, scary, unwanted and loathed, by men and women. Neither Yautja nor Qas'qiari woman wanted anything to do with him, both species valued pure blood highly and hated the other specie, at least that's how the Qas'qiari felt about the Yautja. The Yautja couldn't care less about the Qas'qiari, they saw them as just another worthy pray.

Being rejected so may times, Kyr'nac had enough of both Yautja an d Qas'qiari women, he turned to hookers, to get his relief once in a while. Sadly even the hookers were afraid of him, and he stopped hoping for someone that would except him for who he was and wasn't afraid of him.

"Like that's going to happen..."

Kyr'nac looked at his reflection and scolded his own thoughts, he should know better by now, but now and then there was a glimmer of hope, though Yautja were solitary creatures, he wasn't a full-blooded Yautja, and he longed for company.

Sure, there were plenty of Bad Blood Yautja who would love to have him as a companion, just like the wrong kind of women, but he wasn't interested in that kind of companionship... Cut it off moron...

Kyr'nac turned away from the mirror an walked back to the bedroom to get dressed. Just like the Qas'qiari, he wore clothes, it wasn't like he was completely covered up, but he wasn't walking around almost naked like the Yautja did.

After he was done, he made his way to the dock, picking up his belongings along the way. His ship was old and small, but still flew gracefully and swiftly, it was an inheritance from his father, the bastard that turned him into the male he had become.

Vas Brec naDir: a massive space station, where you could get supplies, weaponry, all kinds of illegal stuff and places to "relax".

Qas'qiari: Lycanthrope species, their planet is called Bryar'morr

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