9.5ft full of scars, A Yautja fantasy story

Chapter 11


Where did this sense of familiarity towards this male come from? He couldn't recall ever seeing the man before... his scent... there was a familiarity about the males scent he couldn't place...

It already crossed his mind the male could easily be one of de pups his father had sired with a Yautja female, but then again, that wouldn't explain that familiar scent, neither did it explain the sudden need to protect the male and his mate. It did make any sense..., he was missing a piece of the bigger picture, but something was off...

He remembered the day he left for Vas Brec naDir the feeling of change to come found its way inside of him, wether for the good or bad, but from what happened today Kyr'nac couldn't shake the feeling, it was going to be for the worst, and he just wasn't sure if the male was the problem or he brought trouble along...

Wandering the crowded hallways for a while with no purpose whatsoever, gathering necessities he might need such as leather, dried fruit, grains, cables, tools—anything the eternal bachelor might need, he chuckled to himself. Kyr'nac stowed the things in his ship and left to look for the other reason he was here, relaxation...

Kyr'nac had had a certain address for years where he went to get his money's worth. And although the brothel had changed in recent years, the ladies were still as charming, despite him being able to smell and see their fear of him when they first saw him, it was one of the things he gotten used to over the years.

"Orgrim..." Kyr'nac nodded to one of the orcs at the entrance.

"Scars..." The tall, bald orc replied with a gruffly voice.

Kyr'nac had noticed that the last time he'd visited the brothel, only Orgrim was still there, all the other guards had been replaced, and to be honest, Orgrim looked like he'd like to quit too.

Yes, the brothel hadn't improved since the new owner had taken over the place, maybe he should look for another place, the next time he would visit Vas Brec naDir.

Upon his arrival, he was warmly welcomed by one of the hostesses he recognized from last time.

"There are new girls here, maybe there's a beauty for you, Scars..." And she gave him a big wink.

"Maybe, but I think I'll stick with the old girls... More pleasant for the newbies..."

He gave her a nod and walked inside.

At the entrance he stopped and looked around, in a flash he saw a head with long white hair disappear into one of the corridors.

Pauk! That white-haired bastard was there too!

For a second he thought about turning and going somewhere else, but before he could make that decision, something slammed against his front and he felt a cold, wet substance soak into his clothes.

Kyr'nac looked down and saw a small woman, with her head just reaching halfway up his stomach, looking up at him with wide, startled eyes. Her tray was crooked in her hands, all the glasses had fallen over and the contents spilled over his lower body, immediately wetting his clothes.

"I'm so, so sorry!!" And instead of getting the hell away from him, like he was used to, she stayed put with a mesmerising look at his face.

Despite her initial shock, he saw there was no fear in her wide-open eyes, beautiful eyes, Kyr'nac thought to himself, and found himself holding his breath.

He quickly straightened his shoulders to give himself posture, this also seemed to bring the woman to her senses and he saw she quickly took a step back.

"I'll go get a cloth, wait a minute, I'll be right back." She said with a shaky voice and before he could say anything, she rushed over to the bar, disappearing behind it.

As Kyr'nac eyes stuck to the tiny figure making her way back to the bar, he noticed he was being watched.

A Yautja had his eyes fixed on him, and as his experience with his father's race was not very positive, Kyr'nac straightened up even more and widened himself, making it clear to the man he would not shy away from a fight.

But instead, the Yautja bowed his head to him, raised his glass and looked away, signaling that no aggression was to be expected on his part.

Kyr'nac sighed, thank the goddess..., he wasn't in the mood for another fight, and walked to the bar as well, but instead of taking a seat there, he followed the little woman around it, into the back.

"Hey, you're not allowed back here! Ripley, what the hell are you doing? You know damn well, you're not allowed to bring customers into the back!" One of the guard orcs appeared from out of nowhere and blocked his way.

"What...?" Kyr'nac saw her head emerge from behind a door, and her face changed colour when she caught sight of him.

"I, uh, I spilled my whole tray all over his clothes and was looking for something to dry him with. Sorry, I didn't think of it... Please don't tell the boss about this..."

She almost begged the orc and Kyr'nac had to fight off the urge of grabbing the orc by the neck to warn him to keep his mouth shut, just as the woman begged him, instead, he crossed his arms and just looked down at the orc.

Kyr'nac was surprised she hadn't mentioned that he had followed her without her knowledge. It definitely would have been the easiest thing for her to do, he would have been kicked out, and there wouldn't have been any consequences for her.

He looked at the Orc and saw the man's doubts.

"Fine..." The orc finally shrugged.

"But just get him out of here right after you're done, you have to show that pretty face of yours to your potential new customers."

He tried to push Kyr'nac aside to get past him, but the giant didn't budge an inch, and softly growling the orc made his way around him, making his way back to the bar.

"Why didn't you just say I was following you without you knowing?"

Without looking up from rummaging inside the closet, he saw her shrug.

"It wouldn't have mattered if they wanted to punish me..." She froze and he realised she said to much.

"Never mind, it's not important..."

Suddenly he heard her sigh with relief as she seemed to have found what she was looking for. She walked over to him with a gigantic pale blue towel in her hands.

Starting to dry his clothes, her hands all of a sudden stopped halfway and she looked up until her eyes found his. Immediately a red blush appeared on her cheeks and without saying a word she pressed the towel into his hands.

"I think you better do this yourself in the toilet, follow me..." and she quickly slipped past him.

He had seen many reactions from women, from sheer fear to obvious lust, this was the first time anyone had looked at him without fear and with interest, at least no one had looked that way after his face was so badly disfigured and scarred.

Following her to the toilets, his mind recalled the orcs words, "you have to show that pretty face of yours to your potential new customers", his words left a bad taste in Kyr'nacs mouth.

She was one of the new girls..., than why couldn't he shake the feeling that this was the last place she wanted to be?

When he was done drying his clothes the best he could, Kyr'nac made his way over to the hostesses at the entrance.

"The new girl..., Ripley I believe she's called, is she already available?"

The woman, a bald beauty with a dark chocolate skin, lavender coloured eyes and a tall voluptueus body, smirked.

"Well, well, Scars... Trying something new?" She clicked her tongue and winked at him, a long clawed index finger followed a list, which he was unable to read, on her wrist screen.

"You can sign up for her... Tomorrow is her first day, however..., there is a new rule. Men can sign up for the new girls services, but the they get to choose four clients on their first day. They only have to work half a night, and your girl hasn't anyone registered for her yet, you're a lucky bastard." The hostess smirked.

"She's scheduled in the evening, by the way." She looked at him with a teasing look.

"I bet you will one of the old girls then, hmm?"

"No. Just book her for tomorrow, the whole evening... I don't want to rush anything..."

What in the Goddess name was he doing? Before he realized what he had done, the words had already slipt his tongue.

He looked at the surprised hostess without with a stoic face.

"Ohh, okay..." With a quick flick of her fingernails, he saw her turn a large area pale ​​blue, the same colour blue the towel had been, he thought to himself.

"You are on the list, honey..." Although curiosity was evident on her face, but she was too professional to ask anything.

After thanking her, Kyr'nac walked back inside.

What had he gotten himself into this time? This day couldn't get any weirder, Kyr'nac thought to himself...

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