#9 The Lonely Rogue

Chapter 53


Inside Constance’s house were Cohen and his witch, ready to perform the blood oath. I had no other choice, keeping Junie and our baby safe was the only thing that mattered. I would give up the crown to ensure that they lived; I would give up my life for them.

But, I wouldn’t do any of that until I had proof of life and assurances of their safety. Cohen was in another room, speaking to someone on the phone. The witch was sitting across from me in the living room, her eyes glowing like a cat’s and her hair blowing in some sort of mystical breeze.

“Why are you doing this?” I asked her.

“I’ve been with Lord Cohen since the beginning.” She said,

“The beginning of what?”

“Since the wolves outlawed our involvement with their species, since they demanded we vacate the packhouses and the safety of our werewolf protectors. Cohen did not abandon me.” She explained in a wispy voice.

“The Council outlawed the species mixing. My family united them all, why would you want to move against me?” I leaned forward on the couch to adjust my eye level to hers.

“I owe Lord Cohen, he protected me.” She repeated.

“That’s right, my loyal witch.” Cohen said, walking back into the room. He ran his hand down the side of her head like he was petting a long haired cat.

“Yes, my Lord.” The witch sang.

“She officiated the blood oath between Reagon Cooper and myself, so I thought it was only fitting she performed this one, as well.” Cohen said.

“Where is Junie?” I demanded, glaring at the phone in Cohen’s hand.

“I told you, she’s with her parents.”

“And I told you, I’m not performing the ritual until I know she is safe.”

“Don’t you trust me? I’m even going to send someone who is familiar to you to collect her.” Cohen chuckled as he motioned towards the doorway he had just come through.

I shouldn’t have been surprised when Amelia, Ruth, and Maggie James walked into the room, but I was. Their betrayal hurt me more than I’d care to admit. I knew they were bitter over their loss of position, despite how demeaning that position was, it made them feel important and above others. But, I never for a second dreamed they would move against the royal family.

“You three dare to betray the realm?” I resisted the urge to throw myself at the traitors.

“We do not betray the realm!” Ruth yelled,

“We stand against the tyranny that your second chance mate will bring upon the kingdom.” Maggie James added.

“She’s a horrible girl and an even worse choice for you. She will never be able to provide for you like we did, she will never be able to give you the pedigree that your heir deserves, that our realm deserves!” Amelia, who was usually the quiet one, shouted in my face.

“Enough of this!” Cohen sliced his hand through the air, silencing my ex-mistresses.

“If you send them to collect Junie, they won’t return with her. They’ll try to kill her.” I warned Cohen.

“My lovely ladies would never betray me. Now would you?” He purred, winking towards the girls who quickly shook their heads, “Unlike you, I have earned their respect, haven’t I?”

“Yes, my lord.” Maggie James said, draping her arm over his shoulders and kissing his neck.

“We are loyal to only you, the rogue Lord.” Amelia appeared leaning against his other side.

“Now go, quickly now.” He said, waving off the girls. They lazily left the house, their eyes glued to me until they were out of sight.

“Junie will be delivered to her beloved bar with her friend and the many wolves who are, undoubtedly, guarding the place.” Cohen said, leaning against the back of the couch.

“I want to see her.” I snarled. Cohen rolled his eyes,

“Fine, fine. I’ll have pictures sent when she’s safe at the bar.” Cohen paused dramatically, “But, should you go back on your word, my wolves will tear that place apart and everyone in it.”

“The threats aren’t necessary.” I snapped.

“Oh, the threats are always necessary.” Cohen cackled.

About 45 minutes later, Cohen’s phone rang and I could hear him yelling in the other room. I strained against the chair, trying to make out what he was saying. All I caught was Corbin’s name and the anger in Cohen’s voice. He stormed back into the living room, his cocky expression finally gone from his face, replaced by one of furiousness and unholy rage.

“Problem?” I asked in a mocking tone.

“One must do things himself if he wants them done correctly.” Cohen huffed, walking past us, “Allegra, don’t let him leave.” He snarled at the witch before slamming the door closed behind him.

I sat back in the chair and looked over at Allegra who was grinning sickeningly at me. I shifted uncomfortably, more on edge being alone with her than when Cohen was here.

“Where is he going?” I asked and Allegra shrugged,

“He does not tell me such things.”

“Doesn’t seem like he treats you with much respect, either.” I said. Allegra stood up and danced across the room to sit beside me. I pressed myself as far away from her as possible but she was practically on my lap.

“I don’t require respect.” She curled her lips over her teeth as she purred.

“You should, you deserve respect.” I really didn’t want to ask what she did require.

“Are you going to respect me?” She leaned over my lap and blew me a kiss.

“Uh, ah, uhm….” I stammered, jumping up from the chair and dodging her advances.

“Oh, such a pouty little Alpha.” Allegra faked a crestfallen expression, “I see why that rogue wolf is so obsessed with you, such a handsome face.” She said, grazing the back of her hand against my cheek. I jumped away from her touch.

“What I don’t know, however, is what you see in her?” Her expression turned sour.

“She’s my mate.” I bit.

“Oh, yes, yes, I know all about the mate business. Rejected my own mate, myself. No need for such attachments. She’s a pathetic little mutt, not particularly pretty either.” Allegra rolled her head to the side in disgust.

“What do you know about her?” The feeling that Allegra had been watching my mate before today was an unsettling one.

“I do my research. I’m not some lackey who follows after her master without question. I am an elder witch, make no mistake, I do not work for the Lord blindly.” She said, speaking more freely now that Cohen wasn’t here.

“You could’ve fooled me with how you acted towards Cohen when he was here.” I argued. Allegra pressed her lips together firmly as she stared me down,

“I am a good actress.”

“I think you only pretend to be the one in charge.” I said, baiting her. She glared at me with her soulless eyes,

“I know that your Luna isn’t as useless as I had given her credit for. I know that she managed to escape and they don’t know where she is. I know that’s why Cohen left, to find her.” She answered smugly.

“Junie escaped?” I nearly stumbled over myself trying to get to the door. I yanked it open, but before I could run outside, I was thrown across the room and slammed against the wall.

“You shall not leave.” Allegra was glowing as she used her magic to keep me pressed against the wall.

“I need to get to my mate.” I fought against her grasp.

“No, Cohen needs to get to your mate so you’ll perform the blood oath.” Allegra tsked.

“Why do you want him to complete the blood oath? What do you get out of it?”

“With Cohen as king, witches will become a great species again.” She dropped her hand and I fell to the ground with a loud thud.

“Witches, like all species, are welcomed to interact with whomever they please. My kingdom has no quarrel with witches. If your species was feeling acted out against, you could have come to me.” I said, standing up and brushing off my pants.

“You are a fool if you think there is peace.” Allegra snapped bitterly.

Howling sounded all around us and I recognized my pack members immediately. I knew they were coming, undoubtedly led by their dutiful Luna. I took my chance and lunged for Allegra. She didn’t see it coming, she was looking out the window and towards the howling. I tackled her to the ground and shifted into Jess, his paws pressing her arms against the floor and keeping her hands still. He snarled at her, snapping his powerful jaw in her face.

“Your resistance is futile, one way or another, Cohen will kill your mate and destroy your life.” Allegra said, laying still.

The door flung open and my mate’s scent swirled around the room. Jess looked up and barked at her, wanting her to leave and get to safety. She ignored him and walked further into the room, seeming unhurt and unwavering in stubbornness.

“This is the witch.” She stated, not looking at us but Jess nodded anyway.

“The witch has a name, you know?” Allegra huffed.

“Leave now and don’t come back, or I’ll let the Alpha kill you.” Junie said, kneeling down to look Allegra in the eye. Jess nudged against her with his head, wanting her away from the witch.

“I shall accept, on pain of death.” Allegra agreed, her eyes flashing as she struck a deal.

Her loyalty to Cohen was awe-inspiring, that’s for sure.

“Jess.” Junie leveled me with her gaze and Jess submitted, stepping off Allegra with an attitude.

Allegra jumped up and vanished in a puff of smoke. With the witch gone, Jess shifted and Junie tossed me a blanket.

“My love.” I grabbed her arms and pulled her against my chest, “Are you okay?” I buried my face in her neck.

“I’m okay, Caspian. Tell me you didn’t perform the oath.” She begged. I pulled her away and cupped her face,

“I refused to do it until you were somewhere safe.” I said and she nodded, a look of relief flashing across her face. I bent down and kissed her quickly, passionately.

“You should never have agreed to do it at all.” She said when we broke away, her expression firm.

“I would do anything to save your life. Cohen, he told me….he told me that you were pregnant.” I admitted, looking down at her stomach.

“The witch told me the same thing. Violet says it’s true.” Junie was looking at the ground. I pinched her chin and forced her eyes up,

“I love you,” I said, “No matter what happens.” She smiled softly and kissed me again.

Hand in hand, we walked out of the house and took in the scene around us. Jett and all the wolves I had brought with me had been waiting outside for my order, when Junie showed up with the four men she stole from the Lion’s Den, they leaped into action. All the remaining rogues were apprehended and a perimeter was set around the house for when Cohen came back.

“Go back to the Lion’s Den and keep an eye on things there. Cohen is going to be pissed and unhinged, and there’s no telling who he’ll go after now.” Junie said, looking at the four wolves she brought. They all nodded and took off, I motioned for a few more wolves to go with them, just in case.

“We need to go after Cohen.” I said, my hand on Junie’s back and my attention on Jett.

“I agree. His plan is falling apart, like the Luna said, he’s unhinged. He’s going to mess up.” Jett said.

“Take a team and go.”

“Go to my old house first. That’s where I was being held.” Junie added.

“Your old house?” I looked down at her. That seemed like too obvious of a hiding place.

“I guess Cohen is too cocky to think he’d get caught. He sent me there with Constance, Corbin, and Reid.” She said,

“How did you get away?” I asked and Junie started to frown.

“Corbin and Reid aren’t seeing eye to eye. The whole thing is falling apart. Constance spoke out against Corbin, claiming she knew Cohen better than him, and that pissed him off, so he killed her.” She stated plainly. I felt my eyes go wide, so did Jett’s.


“It doesn’t matter,” She waved off my concerns, “I got Reid to let me go by making him feel like Corbin was against him; honestly, I think Corbin is against everyone, even himself. Their entire plan is coming undone.” Junie said. I wasn’t surprised that Reid turned on his father, the last thing any of these people were was loyal.

“Go to her house first, Jett.” I ordered and he nodded before turning back to address the group of wolves before us.

“I know you weren’t close with your mother, but, Junie, she died in front of you.” I said, taking her face in my hands again. She pushed me away,

“And I can deal with that later. Right now, I just want to get this bastard before he can hurt anyone I care about.” She said with a hard expression, turning away from me to stand with Jett.

I was worried for my mate, her emotional and physical well being, but she was right. We had to be focused and steadfast if we were finally going to stop this. I took a deep breath and let out my anger, standing beside my Luna and Beta as they gave our orders.

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