#9 The Lonely Rogue

Chapter 32


Jett and I carefully slipped outside the restaurant and into the now dark and crowded parking lot. There was no mistaking the vial smell of rogue thick in the air, causing Gage and Jess to be on complete alert. I nodded towards Jett who knew exactly what I wanted without having to say it, he stalked towards the left while I took the right. Jess was growling in my head at the idea of leaving our mate behind when we sensed danger, but I had to trust her and believe that she could watch out for herself.

Jess’s snarls turned violent just as I caught movement out of the corner of my eye. Four wolves were crouched low, their shackles raised as they crept towards us through the parking lot. I looked around quickly, seeing no human bystanders in sight, and sensed Jett coming up behind me.

“I have two more.” He said coolly in my ear and I caught sight of two more wolves approaching us from the opposite side.

“Who are you working for?” I roared in my Alpha tone. The rogues snarled and growled at me, but didn’t advance any further.

Who?” I shouted.

“No need to yell, your highness.” A brown haired girl I faintly recognized came out of the darkness. The wolves parted for her, recognizing her authority.

“I know you….” I said, mostly to myself.

“Yes, I suppose you do, considering that you eavesdropped on my conversation with Reid Cooper in the park.” She sneered. Her name dawned on me,

“Brittney.” I remembered.

“How nice to be recognized by a king.” She said sarcastically.

“What are you doing here with all of these wolves? This is an act of war.” Jett spoke up.

“We are merely here to defend our territory. We’re here for the girl, nothing else.” Brittney said.

“The girl?” I growled.

“Reid’s sister. I haven’t a clue why you’ve taken such an interest in the family, but it really is no concern of the realm.” Brittney tsked.

“She’s my mate and the future queen of the realm.” I said dangerously.

“Oh, is that so? How surprising. I couldn’t imagine that the Cooper bloodline could produce such a pedigree.” Brittney said.

Brittney had an aura or sophistication about her like that of a ranked wolf. She was raised to be a leader, of what, I wasn’t sure. She smelt and looked like a simple rogue, but the way she carried herself indicated that she felt she was more than that.

“June Cooper is off limits. She’s my Luna and Queen, and she is under royal protection. Reid and Corbin Cooper are imprisoned.” I said. She cocked an eyebrow at me,

“Those are big words for such a little rogue like me.” She said in a mocking tone.

“You understand just fine.” Jett said threateningly.

“The Cooper’s are our property.” Brittney said, all of the humor gone from her voice.

“Not anymore. Back off now, while the crown is feeling generous.” I said in a dismissive tone of voice, urging the girl not to argue. I wasn’t in the mood for a fight, but I would if I had to.

“We don’t recognize the crown’s authority.” She spat at me and the wolves around her began to drool as they barked dangerously at us.

“Why do you want the Coopers?” I asked.

“Because of a blood oath that predates your birth, little king.” Brittney said. I laughed darkly, she couldn’t have been any older than me, younger even, if I had to guess.

“What sort of oath?” Jett pressed.

Before she could respond with, what was likely, a brilliantly snarky reply, screams erupted from the restaurant. I turned around quickly to see a crowd running from the restaurant. Lights were flickering and it seemed like a small fire had started somewhere inside. A loud howl ripped through the sky and viscous growls mixed with screaming humans.

“Vivian and the Luna!” Jett shouted, not waiting for orders before taking off towards the restaurant. I resisted the urge to follow him, looking back towards Brittney and her rogues.

“Nice distraction, don’t you think?” She smirked proudly as her wolves began to sink back into the darkness, “Until next time, King.” She bowed mockingly.

I lost control of Jess as he ripped out of my body and lunged towards the rogues. By the time I had completely shifted, Brittney and the rogues were gone and we had a choice to make. To Jess, it was no choice at all. Jess turned on his back legs and rushed to the restaurant, pounding the ground with his paws to get to our mate instead of going after Brittney.

Jess barrelled into the restaurant, shattering a large glass window in the process. He shoved rogues out of the way, dodging humans as he followed Junie’s scent to the back room. Jett was tearing apart a pair of rogues just inside the room we were having dinner in a few minutes ago. I looked around frantically but couldn’t find Junie anywhere. A woman’s voice called out and Jess ran towards it.

Vivian was pushed against the railing of the restaurant’s front deck as three wolves fought in front of her. A small runt of a wolf was standing in front of Vivian with her back to her, snarling at two rogue wolves. Jess recognized his mate immediately. Even though he has never seen her before, her ombre brown fur and small frame were easily recognizable as was her sweet scent. She was smaller than the rogues, her fur silky and beautiful versus the rogues whose fur was greasy and matted.

Jess puffed out his chest in pride as his little mate held her own against her feral attackers, but we had enough of letting her do all the hard work. Jess plowed through the two rogues, snapping at their necks and ripping out their throats. Vivian cried out again but it was Violet’s whimpers that caught our attention.

Jess bounced proudly up to Violet and nudged her head. Violet purred and rubbed her head under his jaw, nipping playfully at his jugular. An Alpha would only expose his vulnerable neck to his Luna as a sign of respect.

“Vi….Violet?” Vivian sobbed, cringing away from Jess as she looked towards Violet.

Violet turned around and rubbed her face against Vivian’s legs and then nodded towards Jess, as if to say that we were friendly. Jess gave me control for a second so I could flash Vivian my blue eyes. She gasped and her eyes widened in recognition.

“That’s Caspian….err….Jess?” Vivian asked and Jess nodded his big head in response.

Violet shoved against Jess, forcing him to turn around and face the approaching rogues. We fought, side by side, and took down at least a dozen more rogues easily. It was effortless, fighting alongside our mate, like we had been doing it all our lives. Just as we finished off the last rogue, Gage came into the room licking his chops in satisfaction. Gage shifted back into Jett, who grabbed a table cloth and wrapped it around his lower body.

“All the rogues are dead.” He said. Jett grabbed two more table cloths and tossed them towards us.

Violet picked one up in her mouth and trotted off towards a corner to hide. I shifted and tied the cloth around myself just as Junie came out in the same condition, the table cloth clung around her chest and just barely covered her lower half. Jess was drooling in my head but I was too worried about someone else seeing her like that.

“Junie, are you okay?” I ran up to her and cupped her face, looking over her body for injuries.

“I’m fine, what about you?” Junie was checking my body as well.

“I’m okay, everyone’s okay.” I said, more in an attempt to convince myself than her.

“Vivian!” Jett cried out, running towards Vivian and wrapping her up in his arms. He buried his face in her neck and breathed in deeply, “Are you okay?” His voice was muffled by her hair.

“I’m…I’m fine. Violet….Junie….protected me.” Her voice was quivering. She was obviously in shock. When Jett pulled away from her, I could see that there were tears welling in her wide eyes and her face was pale.

“Jett, take care of Vivian. We’ll clean things up here. I’ll call Cole to help.” I instructed him. Jett looked at me in appreciation,

“Are you sure?” He asked. Junie left me and I immediately felt cold in her absence. I resisted the urge to whine like a child as she approached Vivian and Jett.

“Take care of her, Jett.” Junie’s voice was soft yet commanding as she smoothed down Vivian’s hair and kissed her head gently.

“I promise I will, Luna.” Jett nodded sternly before taking Vivian in his arms and leaving the bloody, destroyed restaurant.

“Junie, come here, please.” I said, holding out my arm.

Junie looked at me for a moment before letting her guard down and walking into my arms. Her face rested against my bare chest and I shivered at our closeness; we’ve never had so much skin to skin contact before. I stroked her hair and whispered nonsense into her ear, just trying to convince myself that she was safe and okay. She was gripping me so tightly, I thought maybe she was doing the same.

“Caspian.” Her voice cracked. I pulled her back and tilted her face up to meet mine. She was holding back tears.

“It’s okay, my love, everything’s okay. I’m sorry I left you but I’m so proud at how you and Violet protected the humans. You did so well, my lovely Luna.” I spoke affectionately, holding her face firmly in my large hands.

“I’ve never felt so….capable before. You unlocked this power in Violet and I.” She said,

“You make me stronger, too, dearest, don’t ever think otherwise.” I pressed my lips to her forehead. Her hands tugged at my arms, forcing me away from her forehead and towards her face.

“Caspian.” She said again, her voice was pained but also held something else. I couldn’t quite name it. Determination? Desire? Something more?

“Yes, my love?” I asked, my eyes pulling together in confusion.

Her hands lifted from my arms to touch my face, her fingertips dancing across my skin and leaving a trail of warmth and butterflies in their path. After a moment, her hands stilled and her palms pressed against my cheeks. She tugged my face gently towards her and reached up on her tippy toes, trying to make herself taller. I didn’t realize what she was doing until the softness of her lips brushed against mine.

I stiffened up at first, shocked by her actions. Just as she was about to pull away, probably from embarrassment, Jess’s barking finally shook me out of my trance. I wrapped my arms around her waist and yanked her closer to me, not letting her leave. I moved my lips passionately against hers, consuming her lush lips with my mouth. I ran my tongue along her bottom lip, nipping at it gently.

I felt her giggle beneath me and I took the opportunity to slip my tongue inside her mouth. She moaned and leaned into me, her body began to tremble. My arms stayed around her, keeping her steady and on her feet.

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