#9 The Lonely Rogue

Chapter 30


“It’s just a pineapple.” I said, throwing my hands up in the air.

“I don’t understand.” Caspian mumbled.

“You’re ridiculous.” I shook my head at my mate as we circled the pineapple fountain in the french quarter.

“I just don’t understand what it means.” Caspian said.

“It means it’s a pineapple!” I shouted, “That’s it, that’s all she wrote.”

“Oh.” Caspian frowned. I danced up to him and grabbed his hand,

“Don’t take yourself so seriously, Alpha.” I teased him.

It’s been almost a month since Caspian and I accepted each other, and we have been giving it our best shot ever since. Caspian was true to his word, showing up every day to date me and never asking me to leave my job or my home. The awkwardness was still alive and well, but we were making it work.

“Sorry, dearest.” He smiled, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me close to his side.

“Come on, I’ll show you rainbow row.” I said, already walking away from the fountain with Caspian in tow.

“What’s that?” He asked cluelessly.

“Colorful houses, Caspian, that’s it.” I snickered.

“Oh, cool.” He attempted to sound impressed.

“What will it take to impress you?” I groaned.

Caspian pulled me to a stop suddenly, turning me in his arms so our chests were brushing against each other. He cupped my face in his large hand, running his thumb across my cheek, nipping at my top lip.

“You impress me everyday.” He replied in a low voice, pressing his lips to my forehead.

“You’re such a cliche.” I teased but I was feeling breathless as his mouth moved closer to mine.

“I’m okay with that if you are, dearest.” He said.

Just as his lips nearly brushed against mine, a car horn blares from somewhere behind us. I jumped away from him and gasped, Caspian laughed at my reaction.

“A little jumpy, are we?” He mocks me.

“I have car PTSD.” I said and his face went white.

“Oh, I should have thought….” I jabbed my elbow into his side,

“I’m kidding, relax.” I giggled at his reaction. He shook his head at me but accepted my hand anyway. We continued our stroll down rainbow row.

“Any news to report today?” I asked him as our hands swung between us.

Despite the fact that I wasn’t even close to being ready to be a Luna, let alone a Queen, I was still interested in the day to day of Caspian’s life and the realm. He answered any and every question I had, never leaving anything out as he gave me the royal scoop.

“Just an update on Louisiana and the Moonheaven pack. Everything is quiet there.” He replied.

“No rogue attacks?” I asked and he shook his head.

“Nope, not since I was there. They’ve really benefited from the changes we were able to make.” He said. I beamed at him proudly,

“Good work, Alpha.” I winked and I saw his eyes darken for just a second. I giggled, it was so easy to set Jess over the edge and he never failed to take Caspian with him.

“Thank you, my Luna.” He smiled.

“How’s your brother?” I immediately felt the tension in Caspian take over.

He told me all about the squabble between him and his older brother, Malcolm. In all honesty, I think he only told me because he was afraid Ally would beat him to the punch. Ally was my lifeline to all things Caspian and she was always willing to lend a hand. She visited every chance she got, especially when Caspian was distracted with the realm and couldn’t make it over right away.

“He hasn’t been back in two weeks.” Caspian shrugged coolly.

Caspian explained that Malcolm doesn’t like to spend a lot of time at home since he lost the trials, and the crown, to Caspian. Instead, he traveled from pack to pack offering his aid. From financial support, to training protocols and strategy planning, to helping settle pack disputes, Malcolm did it all without consulting the crown. Caspian says that doesn’t bother him, that he’s fine with Malcolm staying away from home and handling things on his own; less work for him, Caspian said. I call major bullshit.

“You haven’t heard from him?” I asked.

“Nope. I think Ally has, though.” He answers.

“Mhm.” I hummed, knowing better than to push my luck when it comes to the topic of Malcolm.

“I wanted to ask you something, but I don’t want you to feel pressured into anything.” Caspian sighed, suddenly looking nervous.

“What’s that?” I eyed him curiously.

“My mother is feeling a little left out since Ally’s gotten to meet you and she hasn’t.” Caspian was about as subtle as a freight train. I laughed at him,

“You want me to meet your mother?” I cocked an eyebrow.

“My grandmother wouldn’t mind a meeting, either.” He adds nonchalantly.

“Oh, I’m sure. What would be nerve wracking about meeting two past Queen Lunas?” I grumbled sarcastically.

Caspian pulled us to a stop with a dramatic sigh, taking both my hands in his and facing me head on.

“You don’t have to if you’re not ready. It would just be a casual lunch, nothing fancy or official.” He said, his eyes pleading with me.

“Okay,” I sighed, “I guess.”

I didn’t want to agree to this at all, but I had to give Caspian something. He’s been doing his best to take things at my pace and he’s been nothing but a perfect gentleman. I got along well with his sister, Jett, and Cole, so I just had to tell myself that meeting the rest of his family was no big deal.

“Really?” His face lit up and I nodded, biting my lower lip,

“Yes.” I mumbled. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest, kissing the top of my head.

“Thank you so much, dearest.” His voice was muffled by my hair.

“Just a casual lunch.” I pulled back, jabbing a finger in his direction with a stern expression. He nodded,

“Promise.” He says, but I seriously doubted that he knew what the word casual meant.

“When are we doing this?” I asked, wanting to just rip the bandaid off instead of waiting around to be tortured.

“I’ll talk to my mother tonight and see when it works with her schedule, although I’m sure she’ll clear her entire day to meet you.” He said.

“Great.” I grumbled and Caspian chuckled at me. We started walking again, back towards the pineapple fountain.

Caspian wanted to take me for dinner, since it was Tuesday and I didn’t have to be at the bar tonight. He made reservations at one of the fancy restaurants on the pier and even bought an outfit for me to wear. At first, I thought it was pretty patriarchal but, once I saw it, I had a change of heart.

It was a short sleeved romper with long pants made of flowy, dark green material. There were ruffles around the midriff and the neckline was a respectable v-shape. I paired it with tan sandals, modest nude make-up, and kept my hair natural. When I was satisfied with my look, I walked out of the bathroom and was greeted by a handsome looking Caspian.

Caspian was dressed in dark green suit pants and matching jacket with a brown shirt underneath. He had on tan dress shoes and his hair was left down instead of in his signature messy bun. I smiled widely when I saw him and blushed as his eyes looked me up and down.

“You look astonishing.” He held his hand out for me.

“Only because you picked it out.” I teased.

“Not at all, I just thought the color complimented your eyes.” He replied in a bashful voice, cupping my face and trailing his thumb near my hazel eyes. I felt my long lashes brushing against his skin.

“Green suits you, too, Alpha.” I said in a sultry voice, enlisting a growl from deep inside Caspian’s chest.

“I’m glad I can impress my beautiful mate.” He said, kissing my cheek. He offered me his elbow and I settled my hand against the crook of his arm.

“Are you ready?” He asked and I nodded in response. Caspian sighed and glared at the door.

“What’s wrong?” I asked and he just shook his head. My question was answered when Jett and Vivian came spilling into the room.

“Wait up, we’re coming with you.” Jett said, rushing through the room.

“Just give me a second to change.” Vivian said, disappearing into the spare room.

“What is happening?” I said to no one in particular.

“Jett and Vivian were supposed to be out on their own date but, apparently, it wasn’t going well. He just mindlinked me wanting to crash our dinner.” Caspian explained with a frown. I laughed at his expression,

“It’s okay, Caspian, I don’t mind.” I assured him. He looked down at me and his face broke into a spectacular grin,

“Are you sure, dearest?” He asked.

“Positive.” I said, squeezing his arm.

“Whatever you say.” He shrugged.

“Thank you, Junie.” Jett sighed in relief. Caspian’s expression returned to a glare as he looked towards his Beta,

“There’s an extra suit in the car. Go change.” He demands. Jett looked down at his clothing and back up to his Alpha,

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” He asked. He had on a plaid button down and dark jeans.

“You look homeless. Go change.” Caspian said. Jett shrugged and left the apartment.

“He looked fine.” I smirked.

“If he’s crashing our date he’s going to be uncomfortable.” Caspian chuckled.

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