#9 The Lonely Rogue

Chapter 27


Twenty minutes later and I had successfully fried up two helpings of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. Just in time, Junie came out of the bathroom in a comfortable looking outfit. She had on a pair of pink crop leggings and a navy blue tunic-style shirt. The shirt was low cut and revealing while her leggings were tight and accentuated her curves. I had no doubt she dressed like this on purpose.

“So, the king cooks?” She cocked an eyebrow at me as she observed her plate.

“I manage.” I replied modestly. I pulled out the chair for her and she blushed as she took her seat.

“Is Vivian okay in there?” I asked, feeling a little strange about having her sleeping in the next room. Junie smiled,

“She’ll probably sleep until we open.” She shrugged before picking up her fork and knife.

“I was wondering…..”

“Are you….”

We both spoke at the same time. Junie closed her mouth and looked away from my gaze and I mentally grumbled at myself for being such a blubbering mess.

“You go ahead.” I said encouragingly. She tucked a loose curl behind her ear and glanced up at me. I swear, it was absolutely adorable.

“Sorry, I was just wondering about last week. Cole said you were in Louisiana and, well, I know you can’t tell me about certain things and I don’t expect you to, but I….” She was rambling now, looking flustered, so I reached across the table and touched her hand.

She froze, looking shocked by my gesture. Honestly, so was I.

“Junie, you can ask me anything you want, anything at all. I don’t have secrets from you.” I forced her eyes to latch onto mine, “I’ll tell you anything you want to know.” I promised.

She seemed surprised by this and took a deep breath before continuing on,

“Well, I was just wondering about your injury.” She finally says.

“Right, Cole said you felt that.” I said, retracting my hand as the guilt consumed me.

“It wasn’t so bad. Honestly, I was surprised since we aren’t marked and all.” She said, the tension slowly leaving her face.

“I’m sorry you felt anything at all, I wasn’t thinking. You and Vivian shouldn’t have to suffer because of our actions.” I said.

“Viv had it worse than me, she was so shocked by the connection. I was even more surprised that she could feel it.” She said while stabbing at her eggs.

“It’s because we’re from the royal family, the connection is stronger.” I explained and she nodded slowly.

“Of course, that makes sense.” She said, “Anyway, are you…..did your injuries heal?” She asked hesitantly.

“Oh, yes, just a few silver arrows. Nothing more than a few scars left over.” I shrugged lazily.

“Arrows? I thought only the Archers used those?” Her eyes pulled together in curiosity.

“I suppose the rogues are taking a page from our playbook.” I said, “What about you? Were you okay?”

“Idiot, you should have asked her that a week ago.” Jess huffed at me but I ignored him.

“The pain went as quickly as it came.” She waved her hand dismissively before eating more of her eggs. I was proud to see that her plate was almost empty and my cooking had satisfied her.

“Good, I did my best to heal so you wouldn’t be affected for long.” I replied while absentmindedly watching her eat.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“The doctor said if I rested I would heal quicker and, therefore, so would you. So, I rested.” I said and she looked at me with an amused expression, “What?” I asked.

“You rested? Do you often disagree with your doctors about rest?” She smirks and I realized then how ridiculous I sounded.

“I guess that did sound a little proud, huh?” I sighed and she laughed at me.

“I appreciate you resting for my benefit.” She teased.

“Anytime.” I played along.

We ate for a while in silence before I noticed Junie tense up. She looked at me with a bashful expression, like she was afraid to say something.

“I was wondering….” She started again, but Vivian’s door burst open and Junie snapped her mouth shut.

Vivian waltzes across the room in a long black T-shirt and….nothing else. Her legs were bare and I could tell she wasn’t wearing any shorts under the shirt. I averted my eyes quickly, returning my gaze to Junie so she wouldn’t think I was staring. Instead, Junie looked un-bothered as she ate away at the bacon.

“Oh, it’s you.” Vivian noticed me for the first time as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

“Hello, Vivian.” I replied politely. She rolled her eyes at me in response.

“Why do you look like someone kicked your puppy?” She asked blindly, before snapping her head in my direction with a wild expression, “Wait, did someone actually kick your puppy?”

“Viv.” Junie’s startled laugh pulled my attention back to her. I got the feeling I was missing the punchline of a very obvious joke.

“The other one isn’t here, is he?” She asked, looking around skeptically.

“No, he stayed at home today.” I said, assuming she meant Jett.

“Good, I’m so not in the mood for that this morning.” She huffed. Viv walked back across the room with her coffee cup in hand, placing a kiss on the top of my mate’s head. I watched their interaction with mild frustration.

“I’ll be hiding out in the room until work, so don’t worry about me.” She said before skipping back inside her bedroom.

Junie’s smile vanished when her eyes fell on my face.

“You do actually look like someone kicked your puppy. What’s wrong?” She asked.

“Nothing.” I lied terribly.

“You’re lying.” She pointed out smugly.

“It’s not important.” I said, feeling ashamed of my own emotions.

She leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms, leveling me with a gaze I felt uncomfortable being under.

“Starting off a relationship with lies doesn’t bode well.” She tsked.

“Damn, she’s got you handled.” Jess snickered.

“I hate you. You’re the reason I look miserable in the first place.” I growled.

“Nuh-uh!” Jess whined like a child.

“It was just…..Vivian….” I motioned towards the door she just closed, but I couldn’t get the rest of my explanation out.

Junie looked between me and the closed door before finally settling on me again. She rolled her eyes,

“This has to do with her not wearing pants, doesn’t it?” She said, calling me out completely.

“More so you not being bothered by it.” I mumbled.

“Like how you would have been bothered had I walked out without pants and you were sitting here with Cole or Jett?” She cocked an eyebrow at me.

“Exactly.” I didn’t even bother to deny it.

“That’s ridiculous.” She scoffs, “Besides, Viv is my sister. I trust her more than anyone else on the planet, I could never be jealous of her.” She stated.

“I apologize for being such an old fashioned jealous mate.” I grumbled with a bit more malice than I meant.

She looked at me and sighed loudly, like she was irritated with me. Just when I was about to apologize again, she spoke,

“I’m not not the jealous type.” She says, looking down at her hands, “You remember the yacht club?” She asked, glancing up at me through her dark eye lashes.

I gulped, the precious pout on her face was almost too much for me to handle. I could only nod in response.

“Viv drug me there and I was about ready to leave when I saw you with…..her,” She waved her hand around with a disgusted look on her face.

“You mean Ruth?” I realized my mistake almost immediately. She frowned and glared harshly at me,

“Sure, Ruth,” She sneered the name, “Well, I wouldn’t have let that old married sleazeball touch me had it not been to satisfy Violet’s rage.” She sighed and I saw her eyes flash black for a fraction of a second before she corrected her statement, “Fine, our rage.”

“You were jealous of her?” I attempted to cover up my grin, poorly apparently.

“Try to look less smug.” She snapped at me, “Besides, I’m sure you weren’t about ready to rip off that guy’s head just because he was married.” She said,

“No, I was about ready to disembowel him because he had his slimy hands all over you.” I snarled, my smirk long gone as I remembered back to that night.

“See, so, I’m not without my jealousy and neither are you.” She shrugs and I realize she told me about that night just to boost my ego.

“Is Violet your wolf?” I asked and Jess purred at the sound of finally hearing his mate’s name.

“Oh, yes, sorry I didn’t introduce her to you earlier. It’s just, she’s the same as me, a little guarded and not your biggest fan.” Junie said,

“I deserve that. You should know that Jess, my wolf, is nothing like me. He’s been head over heels for you since day one.” I replied before Jess could force a takeover to tell Junie himself.

“Really?” Junie hesitantly smiled.

“Really.” I returned her smile.

“Violet and I have always been on the same page about rejecting our mate, I’m afraid.” She sighed thoughtfully.

“Jess and I are confident we can win you both over.” I flashed her a crooked smile and she returned it half heartedly, like she didn’t believe me.

“Cole speaks highly of Jess.” She said and I snorted.

“Oh, I’m sure he does. Jess is easily everyone’s favorite.”

“Hm, I guess we’ll see about that.” She shrugged and something wicked sparkled in her eyes.

“Jess and I are very competitive, so I suggest you be careful with where you place your bets.” I warned her.

“I’m up for the challenge.” She answers with an artful expression.

A low growl formed in my chest as her gaze tracked me up and down. She was playing a dangerous game and she damn well knew it.

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