#9 The Lonely Rogue

Chapter 22


It’s been a week since Caspian and Jett were injured in battle, scaring the shit out of Viv and pissing me off. I knew Caspian was a big boy and could handle himself, but I didn’t need to be drug down his rabbit hole without any warning. Then there’s Vivian, who was completely freaked out by the entire episode. She was practically begging Cole to bring Jett home and force him to reject her so she could stop living out all this weirdness, her words, not mine.

It’s also been a week since we’ve heard from either of them or since I’ve heard from my father or brother. All was quiet. And it was unnerving. I had this feeling like I was just some sitting duck, waiting for the other shoe to drop and explode; a duck waiting for an explosive shoe, yeah, that was me.

“Earth to Junie.” Jackson waved his hand in front of my face. I was completely zoned out sitting on one of the barstools.

It was Thursday night, a slow night with only our regulars and tourists lazily coming in and out of the bar. Jackson was the only bartender on staff with Gabi and Sophie here as waitresses and Buck as the only bouncer on duty. Toonly and Clyde were here off duty, enjoying the alcoholic beverages Jackson eagerly provided at an employee discount that I didn’t approve of.

“The trash is overflowing back here.” Jackson complained.

“I got it.” I sighed, jumping off the barstool and walking around back.

I yanked the black bags out of the two cans and drug them towards the back door. I kicked the door open and smirked at Buck who was nearly taken out by the heavy door.

“Trash duty, eh, boss?” Buck laughed at me, taking one of the bags. We hauled them over to the dumpster across the street and he tossed them inside.

“Whatever I can do to help.” I said in a mocking tone, immediately sanitizing my hands as we walked back across the road.

“Such a team player, you are.” Buck teased me.

“Hey, watch out!” Buck shouted suddenly but he was too late.

I screamed as a car slammed into my body and I rolled over the hood, across the top of the black town car, and down over the trunk. I hit the blacktop and groaned, my head lolling to the side. I heard Buck yell but couldn’t make out what he was saying. His blurry figure ran over towards me and then there was shouting. The last thing I remember were three bodies fighting in the street before I lost consciousness.

Fuck. A. Duck. This shit hurts.

My eyes fluttered open a few minutes later, I was still laying on the ground and I could feel something wet under my head. Reaching back, I realized that the wound I sustained earlier had broken open again and new gashes joined it. I winced and rolled into a sitting position, my head spinning and my vision cloudy. I had fresh brush burns and cuts all down my arms and legs, my shirt was ripped and my stomach was covered in road rash. My tights were torn and covered in blood.

I held my head in my hands and looked around. Buck was laying in the street. Two wolves I didn’t recognize were snarling in the road, Cole, Simon, and Jake were also there. I blinked rapidly, struggling to clear my vision. Reid and my father had their backs to the car that ran me over.

“Junie!” Sophie cried, running towards me. She knelt down beside me and started fussing over my injuries.

“Call an ambulance, Sophie.” Cole instructed, “You two are done. You could have killed her!” His voice was deadly.

“This is family business!” My father hollered.

“Junie isn’t your family, she’s ours.” Cole left no room for argument as he gestured towards Simon and Jake. They grabbed a hold of Corbin and Reid with the two wolves growling at them threateningly.

“That’s Toonly and Clyde. They shifted as soon as they saw you in danger.” Sophie said, following my curious gaze. She already had her phone out and was punching numbers into the keypad.

“I don’t need an ambulance.” Even I could tell that my speech was slurred.

“Yes, you do. You could have brain damage and broken bones. You need help.” Sophie wasn’t having it.

Sophie spoke quietly to the 911 operator for a few minutes, giving them the bar’s address before hanging up.

“What about Buck?” I looked at his motionless body on the ground.

“He’s fine. Actually, Cole knocked him out so he wouldn’t see the others shift.” Sophie smirked and I rolled my eyes,

“What a bunch of idiots.” I mumbled under my breath.

“Those two are going to Cypress’ dungeons.” Cole said, walking towards me, “And you’re going to the hospital. I’m calling Caspian and Jett.” He said.

“Don’t bother him, Cole.” I sighed. Cole frowned and knelt down in front of me. He cupped my face in his hand,

“He needs to know about this. He’ll want to deal with those two himself. They threatened your life, Junie. I won’t stand for that and neither will he.” His expression told me there was no room for arguments.

I only nodded in response.

“I’m going to escort them to Cypress and then I’ll be at the hospital. Sophie, can you go with her?” Cole said.

“Yes, I’ll get Viv, too.” Sophie agreed, running back into the bar quickly.

“What about the bar?” I asked.

“The others can handle it for a few more hours.” Cole said.

When Sophie and Viv got back, Cole left with the others. The ambulance arrived a few minutes later and I was loaded into the back. Sophie and Viv said they were going to follow in their car. The EMTs asked me a series of questions and hooked me up to a monitor. They cleaned up and bandaged my wounds. Apparently I failed their little quiz, because they radioed ahead to the hospital and ordered a bunch of tests including an MRI and X-rays.

“I think you have a concussion, maybe some broken ribs.” One of the EMTs said when I asked what was wrong with me.

“Awesome.” I groaned, leaning back on the gurney.

We arrived at the hospital then and they rushed me into the emergency room. I was sent straight back for the tests, the doctors were worried about internal injuries. Eventually, I was settled into a hospital room waiting for the results.

A nurse came in and hooked me up to an IV with fluids and pain medication since my body was aching. She stitched up the wound on the back of my head, and treated all of my other cuts and scrapes. She paid special attention to the road rash on my stomach, saying that it was deep enough to cause an infection.

“How are you feeling, Ms. Cooper?” The nurse asked.

“Better since you gave me the medicine.” I smiled, feeling a little loopy. My fingertips were tingly and I couldn’t feel my cheeks.

“Maybe we should cut back on those a bit.” The nurse chuckled, fiddling with the screen on the IV machine.

“The doctor should be in soon with your results. They rushed them in case you needed surgery for any internal bleeding.” The nurse said, but her words didn’t really make any sense. She sounded like a cartoon character.

I must’ve fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew, I was being shaken awake.

“Go away.” I groaned.

“The doctor has your test results.” Cole snickered at me. I rolled my head to the side and saw a woman in a white coat watching me.

“How are we feeling, Ms. Cooper?” She asked. I stretched and winced, testing out my injuries.

“A little sore and tired.” I answered honestly. I felt more like myself than before, though, less like I was on cloud nine and more like I was Earthbound.

“I’m not surprised. Your tests didn’t show any internal bleeding, which is a miracle,” More like werewolf healing, I thought to myself, “You have three broken ribs, a broken arm, and a pretty severe concussion. You’re going to need surgery for your arm to have some pins put in.” She said,

“Surgery?” I mumbled, worried. I looked over at Cole and he read my mind.

“Is surgery really necessary?” He asked.

“It’s a bad break, without surgery it might not heal correctly.” The doctor replied, “But, we can watch it for a day or two and see how it goes.” She added, noticing my nervous expression.

“Let’s do that.” I nodded eagerly.

“Ms. Cooper, understand that this may be more painful than just having the surgery.” The doctor explained.

“I understand.” I signed some papers and the doctor left.

“My arm will start to heal in a day. It’ll be fine in two, maybe three days tops.” I said to Cole.

“I know. The doctor will probably order more tests tomorrow and she’ll see that you’re healing already. After that, we’ll get you discharged, before your healing starts to look suspicious.” Cole said.

“You can heal quickly?” Vivan asked from one of the spare chairs in the room.

“Yes, it’s a werewolf perk. The stronger the wolf the faster their healing is. Since Junie is a packless, her healing skills aren’t as good.” Sophie explained.

“What happened to my father and Reid?” I asked Cole.

“Alpha Avery let us throw them in his dungeon. He’s going to question them about why they attacked you and their involvement in the rogues. Caspian is on his way there now.” Cole said, “Jett is coming here to check in on you. Simon and Jake are standing guard outside.”

“What does the hospital think about my body guards?” I asked.

“Caspian called the hospital and paid for your visit. They put you in a private wing for VIPs.” Cole’s words made my eyes widen.

“Are you serious?”

“I told you he’s going to take care of you, Junie.” Cole laughed at me, “I’m going to go check on them.” He left me alone with Sophie and Vivan.

“So, you’re a wolf, too?” Viv asked Sophie who giggled,

“Yeah, me, Toonly, and Clyde.” She said,

“That’s why Cole was so interested in you.” Viv observed and Sophie laughed again,

“He’s a handsome, ranked werewolf and I’m mateless.” She shrugged, “It’s harmless.”

“Oh that mate thing again.” Viv grumbled and Sophie gave me a questioning look.

“She just found out that Jett is her mate, Caspian’s Beta.” I explained, my eyes closed and my head resting against the hospital bed’s pillow.

“Lucky you!” Sophie gushed.

“I don’t feel too lucky.” Viv said.

Before Sophie could respond, there was a knock on the door. I sat up and watched Jett walk in.

“Speak of the Devil.” I laughed, laying my head back down.

“How are you doing?” To Jett’s credit, he actually looked concerned, but he refused to look at Viv.

“Beta.” Sophie stood up and bowed her head.

“Who are you?” He eyed Sophie curiously.

“Sophie. I work with Junie and I’m a member of Cypress.” She introduced herself.

“Oh.” Was all Jett said. He glanced at Viv behind her.

“I’m okay, Jett.” I brought his attention back to me.

“You don’t look okay.” Jett said, walking over to my bed.

“No need to flirt with me, Beta.” I joked but Jett didn’t so much as bat an eye.

“Cole told me about your injuries.” Jett said.

“I’ll be healed in a few days.” I shrugged, wincing against my aching bones.

“Are you hurting?” Jett asked, noticing my expression.

“I’ll be fine.” I sighed.

“The Alpha King will be here soon, why don’t you get some rest?” He suggested, motioning for Viv and Sophie to leave the room.

Once I was alone, I closed my eyes and managed to fall asleep despite the beeping of the machines and the throbbing in my head.

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