#9 The Lonely Rogue

Chapter 2


7 years later…..

“Your grace, the Archers brought in another round of rogues.” One of my advisors, Curtis, informed me as I sat behind my desk.

“They are confirmed rogues?” I inquired.

“Yes, sir, the Archers did their homework as usual.” Curtis nods.

“Good. Kill them all.” I ordered simply, dismissing him with a wave of my hand.

“Yes, sir.” Curtis nodded again and left my office.

I continued typing away on my computer, specifically looking into the finances of some struggling packs.

There were four major initiatives that my family, the royal family, took very seriously. The most successful was the Archer’s program started by my mother, former Queen Luna, Lydia Storm. My Uncle Emmett rallied the Warrior pack and helped to create a curriculum for training strong warrior wolves and Alphas. Uncle Bruno’s program helped Alphas reintroduce rogues into their packs. And Aunt Regina’s funding for struggling packs still continued today through her scholarship program.

Over the nearly forty years since my family took back the throne, they have helped thousands of packs and saved even more wolves. Shortly after the treacherous Werewolf Council was overthrown by my grandparents and the packs of the four corners, the plan to reunite the species and heal the werewolves was put into action. While the werewolves have been modernized and the bonds with the other kingdoms restored, one issue still remains at large: the rogues.

For every rogue wolf or plot the Archers stopped, a dozen more seem to rise up in their place. They were relentless, determined to destroy strong and wealthy packs, instead of joining the pack and becoming a worthy member of society.

Forty years ago, pack Alphas reached out to their members who were wrongly exiled because of the Council’s dealings, offering them a way back into the pack. Many agreed, while others were too bitter and proud, unable to see past their own anger. Two generations later and their hate was still living on within their grandchildren.

That was fine with me. Because my hate for them raged stronger today than it ever has before. The only good rogue was a dead one, none were salvageable. None deserved to be saved. The Archers hunted them down and integrated them, and then the crown sentenced them to death. It was such an easy choice, like breathing.

Take the packs I was trying to help now, for example. They were facing crippling debts and, in their weakness, the rogues were now attacking them. Brutal, unnecessary attacks where innocent women and children were assaulted and massacred. The rogues showed no mercy so, I showed no mercy to them now. And, neither would my warriors who were dispatching to aid those helpless packs.

I slammed the computer lid shut and stood from my desk. It was late enough now for the dining hall to be empty, nearly 9:00pm, so I didn’t have to worry about engaging in casual chit chat. I sulked through the hallways and towards the kitchen where my dinner was waiting for me, per usual. The kitchen staff packed up a decent spread for me every evening, and left it in the oven to stay warm. Then, they cleaned up, packed up, and left for the night so as not to disturb me. I wasn’t much of a people person these days.

I pulled the casserole dish out of the oven and uncovered it. Inside was roast beef, mash potatoes, green beans, turkey gravy, cooked carrots, and freshly made bread. I didn’t bother with a plate, sitting down at the table with the casserole dish and a fork. As always, the meal was exquisite. I had the best kitchen staff around. Most of my workers were second and third generation, the children and grandchildren of the staff who originally worked for King Leo and Queen Austyn-Rose.

“Sorry to disturb you, Cas.” My Beta walked into the kitchen with a frown.

“What is it, Jett?” He knew better than to interrupt me unless it was of the utmost importance.

Jett’s been my best friend since childhood, my only friend, really. I wasn’t one for social interactions, even as a child. Heavy was the head that wore the crown, as they say. Jett was serious and responsible. He made for the perfect ally as a prince and the obvious choice for the Beta as king.

“Some of the warriors you sent out are starting to report back. Moonhaven, the pack near Blood Moon, was in worse shape than anyone thought. The packhouse was on fire by the time the warriors got there. They are requesting reinforcements, supplies, water, medical equipment, and the like.” Jett explained.

“Of course. Send it all, whatever they need. Is Blood Moon assisting?” I asked.

“Yes, the Beta himself was sent by their Alpha along with several of their best to help.” Jett said.

“Good. Blood Moon is one of our oldest allies, from the original four packs. Tell our warriors they can trust them. Send out whatever they need.” I said again.

“Right away, King.” Jett nodded his head quickly before excusing himself from the kitchen.

After finishing up my meal, I cleaned up my mess and left the kitchen. Skipping down the hallway was a teenage girl with her long brown curls swinging at her side. She smirked when she saw me, her green eyes widening.

“Hi, Cassie.” She was certainly the only one who got away with calling me that.

“Allycat.” I teased her back. She rolled her eyes,

“What are you doing out and about?” She asked with her hands on her hips.

“Just finished dinner.” I said, “And you?”

“Oh, nothing.” She flipped her hair over her shoulders.

I narrowed my eyes on my sixteen year old sister, Alice. She was anything but innocent. As the true baby of the family, she was spoiled rotten. She never had any desire to take the throne, or any responsibilities for that matter. She lived the life of luxury with no consequences, and she knew it.

“Alice.” I said sternly.

“Don’t be a spoil sport, Cassie.” She frowned.

“Are you leaving the castle?” I asked. She avoided eye contact.

“Are you leaving the realm?” I asked again.

No.” She snapped.

“Fine. Take your guard with you or I’m escorting you myself.” I threatened her. Her eyes went wide, knowing that I was a man of my word.

“Oh, he’s around here somewhere. Lukey!” She shouted and, after a minute, her guard came running down the hallway. He skidded to a halt when he saw me, bowing his head.

“My apologies, your highness.” He said, sounding breathless.

“Alice, stop running away from your guard or I’ll assign you more.” I scold my sister, knowing better than to take it out on her poor guard.

“Okay, okay.” She waved her hand at me dismissively.

“Get out of here.” I smirked. Alice grinned and clapped her hands together in excitement before running off down the hall. Luke sighed and hurried after her.

I quickly escaped to my room, not wanting to risk running into any other family members out and about. Waiting inside my room was a woman with long blonde hair, boring brown eyes, and of average beauty.

Maggie James was my mistress, one of three who I obtained over the years. It was a long time before I could take another woman to my bed, and none of them was I serious about. They were used to meet mine and Jess, my wolf’s, needs. One day, one of these ladies would likely birth the heir to my throne. All three women were chosen from strong bloodlines, willing participants who knew they would never be Queen but may become the Queen mother.

Maggie James was dressed in white lingerie, one of my favorite pieces, and sprawled out on my bed. Her perky breasts were spilling out from the corset top and her butt cheeks were on full display behind her thong. She smiled at me and flipped around, sitting up on her knees and beckoning me forward. I slammed the door shut behind me and locked it, walking over towards the bed.

“Long day, your highness?” She whispered.

“No more than usual.” I grumbled as she undid my belt and zipper.

“Can I make it better?” She asked, slipping my pants and boxers down around my waist and dropping them to the floor.

I grunted in response as she started stroking my member. As if on instinct, I grew in her hands before she took me in her mouth. I fisted my hand in her blonde hair and bobbed her head back and forth. After I finished in her mouth, I pushed her back on the bed and crawled on top of her. Stripping off her lingerie, I positioned myself at her opening and thrust inside.

“Is that better, your grace?” Maggie James moaned. I shushed her in response, I wasn’t looking for good conversation tonight.

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