#9 The Lonely Rogue

Chapter 12


“I won’t do that, Alpha.” Cole dared to disagree with my orders.

“Excuse me? I am your Alpha King and you will follow my commands! I want to know where she goes and who she is with.” I was seething.

I didn’t want to ever be caught off guard by Junie’s presence again. I hated the sight of her with another man’s body pressed against her. Jess needed to make sure every male knew that her body belonged to us and us alone. I knew it was irrational, but I had no hope of making Jess see reason. I needed Cole to be my eyes and ears, making sure that Junie was never with another man nor could she be allowed to sneak up on me like she did last night.

“You haven’t accepted her as your mate, you have no right to boss her around.” Cole spat in my face.

“No right? She is my mate, I own her.” I growled.

“Like hell you do. She’s her own person, not one of those mistresses who you can control. I’m appalled by your behavior, Caspian. You never treated Sabrina like this.” Cole glared at me.

“You’re out of line, Gamma.” I spat at him. I couldn’t understand how this little thing was turning my own Gamma against me.

“No, you are. I won’t spy on her for you and I won’t control her. I only stick around to protect her, with the hope that you might get your head out of your ass and realize how amazing Junie is.” Cole stood up from his chair to throw his accusations at me.

“You will do as I command or you will be stripped of your title.” I snarled dangerously. Cole narrowed his eyes on me, slamming his hands down on the top of my desk.

“Don’t bother. I renounce my command as Gamma and my loyalty to this pack. I’m removing myself from the kingdom.” Cole’s voice was deadly serious.

“You’re doing all of this for her?” I said, looking taken aback.

“She’s my Luna, whether you want to accept it or not, my wolf has bowed down to her. My duty, above all else, is to protect the wellbeing of the Luna. Even if that means standing against the Alpha.” Cole explained, backing away from my desk and bowing his head once, “I respect you, my King, but I can’t follow you this time.” Cole frowned before exiting my office.

“Is he serious?” Jett was standing in the corner of my office throughout the entire conversation, staying silent until Cole had left the room.

“I think so.” I sighed, sinking into my chair.

“What are you going to do?” Jett asked.

“Let him go.”

“What? He deserves to be thrown in the dungeon for treason!” Jett raised his voice at me.

“I won’t throw Cole into the dungeon for following his Gamma wolf’s instincts. I understand his conflict. He is free to make his own choices.” I said. Jett looked at me like I had lost my mind.

“What about the girl?” He spit and Jess snarled at him.

“What about her?” I eyed him, warning him to tread lightly.

“What are you going to do about her?” Jett changed his tone.

“Nothing.” I waved my hand dismissively, “Send me Curtis, I need to check in on the packs.” I swiftly ended the conversation. Jett nodded reluctantly before disappearing.

“You wanted to see me, sir?” Curtis arrived moments later.

“How are the packs doing against the rogue attacks?” I asked.

“Everything is going as scheduled.” He nodded.

“Great. I need to acquire about the rogues on the outskirts of the Cypress pack’s territory in South Carolina.” I revealed my true motive for the meeting. Curtis tried to cover up his surprised expression.

“I haven’t heard anything about Cypress having issues with rogues.” Curtis said, clearing his throat.

“Alpha Avery isn’t interested in admitting that he has a problem. I want to know the truth. His pack has a long history of forgiving and covering up for rogues considering most of them fell from his pack. I want to send wolves out on a fact finding mission.” I said.

“Of course, your highness. Any particular requirements?” Curtis asked, pulling out a small, black notebook and pen.

“I want it to be discreet and off the books, at least until we discover any information. I don’t want Alpha Avery knowing about it, yet. Also, I want information specifically on any involvement from a wolf family by the name of Cooper.” I explained. Curtis jotted down some notes and nodded stiffly.

“Yes, sir. I will put together a small group of our best to infiltrate the rogues.” He said.

“Good, get it going as soon as possible and keep me updated daily. This is a priority for me, personally.” I emphasized the personal favor and Curtis’ face lit up in realization.

“I understand completely, sir.” With that, he knew this matter was to be handled discreetly and without the involvement of any other royal family members. Curtis left the room and I went back to my computer.

A few hours later, my mother ordered my attendance for dinner. It was Thursday evening and, as was tradition, my mother required every member of my family to be present for a formal dinner. I sighed and logged off of my computer before leaving my office in the back of the castle. I traveled through the corridors of the main floor which held the formal sitting room, family room, kitchen, dining rooms, library, and sunroom.

“Hello, mother.” I smiled at Lydia, kissing her cheek, before taking my seat at the head of the table, “Ally.” I nodded towards my sister who sat next to our mother.

“Where’s Malcolm?” Ally asked when the staff brought out the food.

“I haven’t heard from him today.” Mother sighed, trying to hide her sad expression.

“I’m sure he’s busy.” My grandmother, former Queen Luna Austyn Storm, smiled from across the table.

“As usual.” I grumbled.

“Caspian Storm, watch your tone.” Mother chastised me.

“What is this nonsense your mother told me about finding your second chance mate and rejecting her?” Granny Austyn leaned across the table, leveling me with her famous glare.

“I didn’t reject her.” I argued. Granny cocked her eyebrow but stayed silent. I knew she expected me to say more, “But, yes, I did get a second chance mate.”

“And, why isn’t she here?” Granny asked, cutting up her steak.

“She’s a rogue wolf, she’s not meant to be a royal.” I replied smugly. Granny threw her fork at me, literally. It stuck into the table in front of me.

“Granny!” Ally yelped in shock.

“You smug fool! Selene picked her for you herself, making her worthy of being a royal!” Granny practically screamed at me, “We were all nothing but regular wolves before Selene came to your grandfather and I, and blessed us as royals. We fought a war to protect our title. Don’t forget, child, you are not entitled nor guaranteed the royal throne. It can be taken from you as quickly as the Council lost their leadership.” Granny wagged her finger at me as I removed the fork from the table top.

“I didn’t mean to upset you, Granny.” I frowned.

“Your father was an omega, the child of one of the many wolves who volunteered to join the Royal Legacy pack when it was first born. He was my destined mate and I accepted him without delay. Was he not worthy of being the Alpha King?” My mother spoke quietly.

“Father died because of rogues!” I shouted.

“And so did Sabrina.” My mother replied carefully, “Cohen’s rogues, not Junie’s.” My eyes widened in horror.

“That has nothing to do with….” I started to argue but I was silenced.

“You arrogant bastard.” A voice I hadn’t heard for months filled the room.

The chair loudly squeaked across the marble floor as I jumped up, spinning around and glaring at my elder brother.

Malcolm Storm was two years older than me and my only competitor in the Royal Trials. Alice wanted nothing to do with being a ruler, she relinquished her claim to the royal throne at six years old. That same year, when I was 18 and Malcolm was 20, he and I competed for the crown. He was the obvious pick for King, a clear winner based on his skills as a warrior, his intellect, and his political stances. Yet, when the trials came to an end, I was named king and Malcolm lost everything he had worked for.

He blamed me, he lost it on our mother; he felt betrayed, so he left the realm. He refused to sit by my side as I took his crown. Over the last ten years, he only came home a few times a year to check in. He barely spoke two words to me, usually.

“Malcolm.” I looked at him in shock as he stormed across the dining room.

“You dare to deny the kingdom their rightful Luna because of your selfish, arrogant, misguided views?” He shouted at me.

“Malcolm.” My mother spoke his name this time, but he silenced her with one glance.

“Their rightful Luna died.” I replied in a cool tone.

“The Moon Goddess saw fit to grant you another and you’re going to just say no thanks?” Malcolm was in my face now, “You’d rather take one of your mistresses as the Luna and mother to the heir?”

“They will never be the Luna.” I argued.

“Really? That’s your defense.” Malcolm made a noise of disappointment before walking past me and up to our mother, “See what you did? You picked him as the king and now he won’t even take his destined mate as the queen.” He said to Mother.

“Leave her out of this.” I ordered dangerously.

“Malcolm, I feel the same way as you do but there’s no reason to take this tone.” Lydia replied softly, trying to defuse the situation.

“Your mother didn’t make him king, the panel did.” Granny Austyn spoke up. Malcolm looked at her and bowed his head respectfully,

“I’m sorry to upset you, Granny.” He said.

“You haven’t upset me. Your brother not taking his mate has upset me and your actions have upset your mother.” Granny spoke clearly.

“You haven’t been home in months and you show up now just to bust my balls?” I yelled at Malcolm.

Alice was sitting at the table, quietly eating her dinner as she watched the show her brothers were putting on, probably used to our theatrical displays by now. Malcolm turned back towards me with an angry frown.

“I came to challenge you for the throne.” Malcolm said.

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