#8 The Archer and her Wolf

Chapter 4


You have got to be kidding me.

An Archer? A cold-blooded, ruthless, soulless member of the Royal Archers was my mate. They were assassins. The most elite and specialty trained creatures the royal family could find from every single species, trained to carry out the kingdom’s missions.

Ever since the royal family returned more than two decades ago, their humane laws have been faced with divided reactions. Most of us were thankful for them and agreed with their policies. But, some packs and werewolves who were stuck in their medieval ways, revolted. They refused to comply. The royal kingdom decreed that any wolf who refused to bow down to their humane laws would be exiled and forced to live as a rogue.

With the rogues now uncontrolled by the Werewolf Council, they were even more feral and started being used as mercenaries by anyone who had the money and means. The royal kingdom was forced to find a way to deal with rogues who threw away their second chance. Thus, the Royal Archers were created.

They were chosen because of their lack of emotions, fierce control, and unbiased nature. They had to be impartial, able to strike down any species with no compassion. They also had to be loyal, with no vendetta against a certain species. They were given a mark or a target by their commanding officers and were ordered to carry it out without question. They were legendary.

The Archers were also volunteers. No one was drafted or forced to join. At first, they were members of the royal guard and the packs of the four corners who first overthrew the Werewolf Council.

Eventually, word spread and members from every species began to request to train. A vigorous training program and evaluation system was created, only the best making it through. There were no terms, no contract. An Archer could leave whenever they felt they were finished. Although, from what I’ve heard, not many choose to leave willingly. Death seems to be the most common way out.

I have a three-year-old son, how can I be mated to an assassin? How can I bring that into my son’s life?

I had no idea how this was even an option for the Moon Goddess or what I did to deserve this. I’ve waited an eternity for my mate and now that she was here, I wasn’t sure what to do about her.My mind was racing.

Dr. M glared at me as I led the Archer, whose name I didn’t even know, from her room, but she didn’t dare say anything. The Archer followed me out of the hospital and into the castle’s main hall. At the end of the regal hallway, was a large and lavish dining room.

I pulled back the heavy walnut chair and motioned for her to sit. She unclasped her cloak again and hung it off the back of the chair before sitting. I sat at the head of the table, right next to her. I didn’t care what anyone would say about her being in the Luna’s seat, right now I just needed her close to me.

A minute later, my son came running into the room and hopped up on my lap.

“Daddy!” He squealed, burying his face into my chest. I kissed the top of his head and ruffled his soft, brown hair.

I looked up at the Archer to see her eyes were wide and her lips were parted almost like she was in shock. She was watching my son with a focused, but soft, gaze.

I had to admit, she was beautiful. Her eyes were a warm hazel, switching from brown to green every few seconds. Her hair was pitch black and silky, falling straight down her back. Her round face was soft and pale, but her cheekbones and pointed chin were well defined. She looked fierce, her eyes carefully guarded and her plump lips turned down in a permanent frown. Yet, there was a softness hidden behind her gaze, a gentleness that was long since buried. I was desperate to pull it out of her.

“This is my son, Logan.” I finally spoke, clearing my throat and shaking myself out of my trance. The Archer blinked her eyes several times, carefully controlling her expression.

Logan pulled his face from my chest and turned towards her, admiring her face closely. He was a very observant boy, quiet and soft spoken, but curious and smart. He guarded his own emotions closely and didn’t like strangers. Which is why I was shocked when he jumped from my lap to hers and pressed his tiny hands against her cheeks.

“You saved me!” He said in his toddler voice. The Archer’s eyes were huge and her body was rigid as my three year old sat on her lap.

“I…it’s okay.” She muttered.

“Thank you!” Logan kissed her nose and I gasped aloud. The Archer’s eyes glanced over to me before looking at Logan again.

“You’re….welcome.” She clearly didn’t know how to respond.

“Are you staying here now? With my Daddy?” He asked.

“Just for dinner.” She said.

“Oh.” Logan frowned, looking disappointed, “Will you play with me later?” He perked up.

“Oh, uhm….” She looked at me again, begging for help.

“Logan, let’s give our guest some space. I’m sure she’s starving after all that work she did saving you.” I chuckled, lifting up my son and sitting him down in his booster seat.

“Okay, Daddy!” He grinned, picking up his sippy cup with two hands.

“Sorry about that.” I whispered to the Archer who just shrugged in response. “By the way, I didn’t catch your name.”

“The Crimson Archer.” She responded quickly, without thought.

I knew that all the Archer’s had codenames to separate their work life from their personal life, and protect their families. All the codenames were colors that matched their uniforms.

“That’s a silly name.” Logan laughed.

“It’s to keep my family safe. So no one tries to hurt them.” She explained. Logan scrunched up his face,

“I don’t want to call you that. It’s weird.” Logan complained. My mate actually smirked at that, her lips turning up slightly from their stubborn frown.

“You can just call me Crimson.” She said and Logan smiled at that.

“Okay!” He agreed cheerfully. Dinner was served then and we sat silently for a while.

“Can I ask you something?” I said, looking over at Crimson. She narrowed her eyes on me suspiciously but nodded anyway.

“You can ask.” I knew that meant she wouldn’t necessarily answer, but I asked anyway.

“You’re from Alpha blood but I don’t smell a wolf on you. You smell human.” I said. Crimson sighed.

“I am human, born in an Alpha bloodline.”

“That’s exceedingly rare.” I observed.

“Mhm. Both my maternal and paternal bloodlines come from an Alpha lineage. It makes me stronger than a human with senses and abilities that lie somewhere between human and wolf. But, I have no wolf. Technically, I am a human.” She explained elegantly.

Her tone was so regal and impassioned, with a certain lethal quality to it. Her voice was velvety and, I couldn’t help but think, sexy, too. Her words sometimes sounded like they were from a different time, like she was speaking from a Shakespearian script. I wondered if that was all apart of the Archer’s training.

“I guess you won’t say which bloodlines.” I said and she shook her head.

“I have to protect my family just as you must protect yours.” She looked over at Logan who was playing with his applesauce instead of eating it.

“I understand.” I frowned.

After an hour, we were finished with dinner and Crimson was getting ready to leave. My wolf was howling in my head, begging me to stop our mate from walking out the door. But, I had no idea how. I didn’t want to force her to stay by dropping the mate bombshell on her. I wasn’t even sure I wanted an Archer as a mate. Maybe it would just be easier if she left and we never saw each other again. My wolf growled at that idea.

“Someone will be in touch with you if the Archers discover there is a plot against your pack.” Crimson said as she stood in the entryway of the castle.

“Someone? Not you?” I resisted the urge to pout. It wasn’t becoming of an Alpha to whine.

“That’s not my job.” She replied coolly, “But, I will keep an eye out in case any of my mark’s men come for your son again.” She added.

“I’m grateful for your protection. I’ll be keeping him home from now on, at least until I hear from your people.” I said.

“That’s for the best. Thank you for your hospitality, Alpha Xaiver.” She said my name for the first time and I nearly collapsed at her feet right there. I felt the full effect of the matebond unfold around me and my pain equaled my wolf’s as she opened the door to leave.

“Are you sure you shouldn’t rest some more?” I made one last attempt to make her stay. She looked back at me with a scowl.

“No, that’s not necessary. Have a nice night.” She nodded her head once before slipping out into the darkness.

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