#8 The Archer and her Wolf

Chapter 35


Four weeks. That’s how long it’s been since the battle at our packhouse and the fight with the rogues. Since then, half the women and children we offered sanctuary to decided to stay. The other half left to pursue other opportunities. All of the men in the cells were turned over to the Archers and the realm for further questioning. Most of the children were adopted by members of our pack and only a few remained in the orphanage.

True to her word, Thea stayed at the packhouse and refrained from any of her Archer duties throughout the entire month. We both fell in love with Milly and Natalie so, naturally, they moved into the packhouse with us and Logan. There was no official adoption yet, just as there was no official Luna ceremony or acceptance between the two of us yet. Thea wasn’t ready for anything official.

I was breaking through her cold exterior, though, rest assured, slowly but surely.

“Xaiver?” Speaking of Thea. I heard her voice before my office door was thrown open.

“Yes, my love?” I chuckled at her pout.

“Lion is impossible.” She huffed, plopping down on the couch in my office.

“What’s he done now?” The two of them never failed to get on each other’s nerves and, in turn, on mine.

“He threw out my soup because he was afraid it was poisoned.” She grumbled.

“And why did he think it was poisoned?”

“He said it smelled funny.” She looked at me with a dramatic expression, “It was vegetable soup. The idiot just doesn’t know what a vegetable is!” She threw her hands up in frustration.

I couldn’t help but laugh at her expense, earning myself a very heated glare.

“I’m sorry, my dear. Look, I’m finished work. How about we go upstairs together for the evening?” I offered.

I shut off my computer and stood up from the chair. I walked around my desk and towards Thea, offering her my hand. She sighed and took it, allowing me to pull her from the sofa. I scooped her up in my arms and carried her bridal style through the packhouse.

“Xaiver!” She cried out, kicking her legs wildly.

“Watch it, love.” I chuckled, manovering her away from my body as her feet kicked dangerously close to an important area of interest.

Her legs froze and she crossed her arms, looking like a pouting toddler. I nudged open my bedroom door and kicked it shut, tossing her down on the bed. She giggled as she bounced on the mattress, sending me spiraling out of control. Cain growled in my head and my eyes darkened. I crawled on top of Thea and nuzzled my face into her neck.

Her arms went around me and her fingers found my hair, tugging at it gently. I growled and nipped at her skin, trailing kisses from her collar bone, to her jaw, and back down again. Then, I found her lips and I moved ravishingly against her, our bodies smashed together as close as they could get. I ran my hands down her body and underneath her shirt. She shivered as my fingertips grazed her bare skin, thumbing at her bra until it was out of my way.

“Xaiver.” She gasped when I released her lips which only encouraged me.

I smirked at her with a crooked grin before I disappeared under her shirt. She gasped loudly when my mouth found her breasts. I tugged off her shirt and bra, discarding them on the ground. I kissed my way down her stomach until I was at the hem of her pants. I looked up at her through my eyelashes and saw all I needed to see to be encouraged to keep going. Thea was biting her lip, a haze hanging over her lidded eyes. She nodded once as I began to unbutton her jeans.

I tossed her jeans on the ground and thumbed at her underwear. She grabbed my shirt and yanked it over my head before I returned to my work. Her hands were tugging at my hair with need as I kissed the inside of each of her thighs. I buried my face between her legs and chuckled as she moaned. She gasped and shook under me, keeping my head from leaving a spot she was particularly fond of. I gripped her hips to keep her still so I could concentrate.

When her shuddering stopped, I removed myself from her legs and crawled back up her body. Her hands ran up and down my bare back, her nails dragging across my skin and it was my turn to shiver. I found her mouth, making her taste herself as I parted her lips and dove my tongue inside.

“I love you so much, Thea.” I purred, my face back in her neck.

“I love you, Xaiver.” She whispered.

Thea so rarely said the words, expressing her emotions sparingly, but when she did, it set my whole world on fire.

“Goddess, you test my self control.” I groaned and she giggled in response.

I pulled back from her neck before I lost it and marked her, rolling off the bed to collect my shirt and toss Thea her clothes. It took nearly the entire month for Thea and I to get this close, not that I was complaining. Everything about Thea was worth the wait.

Thea covered herself with her loose pieces of clothing and tiptoed to the bathroom. She was always so shy afterwards, embarrassed for me to see her naked. I told her a million times how beautiful and sexy she was, but she wouldn’t have it. For now, I let her hide away. The bathroom door shut and, a few minutes later, the shower switched on.

When she came out of the shower she had a weary expression.

“What’s wrong, my love?” I was immediately on high alert, moving quickly to her side.

“The Archers need me. It’s important.” She said with a frown. I resisted the urge to protest.

“I understand, my dear.” I said, cupping her face gently, “Do you know how long you’ll be gone?” I asked.

“It shouldn’t be long. I don’t have details but they need me to lead my squad. Squad missions aren’t usually more than a few days.” She replied, “But, they need me now.”

“Okay.” I released her so she could grab her things, “Just, promise me that you’ll be careful.” I closed my eyes and focused on staying calm.

Her hands were on my face and my eyes snapped open. She was smiling softly, her thumb rubbing gently over my cheek.

“I promise.” She kissed me, quick but deep, before releasing me to return to her gathering her things.

I had no idea how she did it, but Thea always managed to change so quickly into her Archer uniform. Not to mention her bow and arrows. I mean, where did she pull that thing out from? I wasn’t sure I really wanted to know.

“You’re so sexy like that. Goddess.” I said in a deep, husky voice, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling to my chest. She chuckled, fluffing her cloak so it wasn’t caught under my arm,

“You say that about everything I wear.”

“Well, it’s true about everything that you wear.” I shrugged shamelessly.

“I need to see the kids before I go.” She sighed, stepping out of my arms.

“It’s so sexy the way you say kids.” I said, following after her. She sighed again, shaking her head. But, even from behind her, I could tell she was laughing.

The sitting room on our floor, which was once Logan’s playroom alone, was now a bonafide toy store. Logan, Natalie, and Milly had every toy known to man and wolf kind at their disposal. They each had their own rooms, a pink wonderland for Nat and a butterfly filled nursery for Milly. It was amazing what Shay and Yasmine could accomplish in four weeks. Hell, in four days.

Milly was laying on her stomach on a tummy time mat, Nanny Ellen sitting close beside her, while Nat and Logan were playing with blocks on the floor.

“Daddy, Mommy!” Logan giggled, running up to me. Nat smiled and joined us.

She was quiet, hardly ever speaking, but she always smiled. When she did speak, she called us X and Tia. She was always open to a hug, though. Thea crouched down and opened her arms, welcoming Nat and Logan in for a bear hug.

“I have to go away for a bit, but I’ll be back soon.” She kissed the top of their heads and I felt myself swooning as I watched her be the mother she never thought she’d get the chance to be.

“I’ll miss you!” Logan said before running back off to whatever he was building.

Nat kissed Thea on the cheek and joined Logan. Thea beant to give Milly a kiss on top of her mess of black hair before standing up and taking my hand. She waved at Nanny Ellen who smiled in return.

“I’ll walk you out.” I said, leading her out of the packhouse.

“Where are you going?” Lion jumped up from the living room couch as we walked past.

“Thea has to go to work.” I said and Thea smirked at that.

“What am I supposed to do, then?” Lion whined and I shook my head at him.

“You are pathetic.”

“Oh, like you’re going to be any better the second she’s out of view.” He glared at me and I shrugged.

“I’ll be back in a few days, Lion, you’ll be fine. Go spend time with your mate.” Thea said, shoving Lion away as he tried to follow after her. He stomped away, throwing a tantrum.

“He’s ridiculous.” Thea shook her head with a smile on her face.

We stood on the steps of the packhouse, facing each other and holding both of her hands in mine. I pressed my forehead against hers and closed my eyes.

“I didn’t realize this would be so hard.” I mumbled.

Thea released my hands to grab my face again, pulling at me until our lips met. She kissed me soundlessly.

“I’ll be back before you know it. You saw me in action yourself, I’m good at what I do. You don’t have to worry.” She said casually. I opened my eyes to look at her properly before she left.

“I love you.” I said again and she nodded.

“I’ll be back soon, I promise.” She said and I knew that was her way of saying it back.

She stepped away from me and down the steps. Offering me one last smile and wave, she pressed the red stone around her neck and vanished.

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