#8 The Archer and her Wolf

Chapter 33


I had an advantage over Xaiver. I loved Logan, oh yes, that was true. But, I had years of practice in shielding my emotions, ridding myself of them, even. I could see more clearly than Xaiver could. He was blinded by his desire to save his son.

I saw Dean and Summer’s plan before anyone else could. I saw the rogues slowly beginning to circle us, closer and closer. I heard the rogues on the outer perimeter began to shift. I felt the tension and unsettled energy in the air.

My bow was raised and so was Dinah’s beside me. An arrow was notched and ready to fly. Mavis snarled beside me, his hackles raised defensively. On instinct, Frankie lost control of River and shifted right beside us.

“That’s the plan then. You attacked my pack with the goal of killing me.” Xaiver announced.

“I didn’t know there was a Luna to worry about, too. I guess my information wasn’t as good as I thought.” Dean frowned, looking behind him.

The guard I had arrested outside the merchant camp, the one who let the rogue inside to murder Logan, the guard named Toby, was behind him. He shrugged casually as my eyes narrowed on him.

“You were supposed to be in prison.” Xaiver snarled.

“I got out.” Toby shrugged lazily.

“Nevermind that.” I sighed in frustration. There wasn’t usually this much talking on my missions.

Xavier looked over at me but I didn’t dare remove my eyes from Dean or Summer.

“If you think we’ve come alone, you’re wrong.” Xaiver’s eyes went black for a second and I knew he was calling in the reinforcements.

“I expected nothing less. I only hope you left enough behind at the pack to protect your people. An Alpha leaving the women and children unguarded is poor form.” Dean snickered smugly.

“My pack is defended.” Xaiver replied stubbornly.

“You didn’t expect the pack to have a Luna,” I spoke up, drawing their attention towards me, “And that was your biggest mistake.” I smiled, a sweet, sickening smile that startled even the vial Alpha and his twisted Luna.

“What can you do?” Summer spat me, but she moved backwards ever so slightly.

“Seven Archers. You are surrounded by seven Archers. Have you any idea what seven Archers have accomplished?” I asked, lowering my bow slightly to properly look at Dean and Summer, “They’ve destroyed entire packs of rogues larger and more prepared than yours. Entire family lines have been eliminated by no more than seven Archers. You and your pathetic little band of rogues will be nothing for us, nothing.

“You Archers are all the same. Do really think that you’re all so much better than everyone else?” Dean glared at me.

“Oh, yes,” I winked, turning sideways and planting my feet,

“But, it’s more than that. More than being the best Archer the royal realm has ever seen, more than being the leader to the most effective and deadly squad in the league, more than my bows and my arrows, more than my name and my death count, oh so much more than that is the fact that I’m a Luna. I didn’t see it at first, the power and duty that belonged to only a Luna, but I do now.”

“You are nothing! A wolfless mutt cannot be the Luna!” Summer shouted at me. I was unnerving them. I ignored her outburst as I continued,

“The very same day I was made a Luna I was also made into something else. Something I never thought I’d be in my entire life. Something that is more sacred to me than absolutely anything else. Do you know what that is?” I was pulling another arrow from my quiver, adjusting them on my bow,

“A mother.”

With one twitch of my hand, I notched two hours and raised the bow. A silent signal to my team taking on the sniper positions above us. A second later, arrows flew and rogues died. Those who hadn’t shifted, did. Summer screamed and ran back inside the tent while Dean shifted into his scrawny wolf and snarled at Xaiver.

Xaiver lost control of Cain and suddenly he was a thunderous black wolf growling and howling so deafeningly that nothing else could be heard inside the camp. I wasn’t focused on him though, or any of the other rogues or wolves or Archers. Around me, the Valor Moon warriors were taking care of the rogues and my Archers were assisting. Dinah was with Cain and River, and Mavis was with me.

“You stupid, stupid wolf.” I said to Dean as he snapped his jaw towards me.

Mavis was on him in a second, the Gamma much larger and more powerful than the sad, scrawny false Alpha. Mavis’ jaw snapped down on Dean’s neck and they were rolling away from the tent. I took my chance and ran inside.

Standing on the other side was Summer with Logan in front of her, a knife drawn to his throat. I raised my bow and aimed it at Summer’s head.

“Let him go.” I ordered.

“Mommy!” Logan cried out and Summer’s grip on him tightened.

“I am your mother!” Summer shouted.

“If you’re his mother then how can you hold a knife to his throat?” I asked calmly, adjusting my aim. Summer’s glare landed on me.

“You took all of them from me. My son, Xaiver, the pack….everything!”

“You gave it all up. You did. And you made that choice long before I arrived.” I said, “Now you have one last chance to make amends.”

“I’m the one with his life in my hands!” She had crazy eyes as the knife shook in her hands, “You will leave! Leave Xaiver, leave the pack, leave Logan. You will leave it all empty for me to take over.”

“Or what?” I asked,

“Or I’ll kill him.” She pressed the knife closer to his neck and a trickle of blood dribbled out.

“I don’t offer second chances.” I said before I released the string and sent the arrow flying.

I was across the room before the arrow had a chance to strike home. I ripped Logan from Summer’s grip in the same second that the arrow buried itself into her forehead. I smashed Logan’s face into my stomach so he couldn’t see or hear his mother dying. I picked him up, cradling the back of his head in my hand and against my shoulder, running out of the tent.

Mavis was on me the moment I stepped out. There was a howl and then several other wolves were surrounding us. They were shielding us as we ran from battle and into the cove of trees. I sought out Violet and Gray immediately, and hid behind them and the wolves. I sat Logan down and crouched in front of him,

“Logan, are you okay?” I ran my hands over his body, checking for injuries. Then I flattened down his hair and gripped his face in my hands.

“Mommy, you saved me.” He was crying and I wiped away his tears.

“Are you hurt anywhere?” I asked again and Logan shook his head.

“No. I’m hungry.” He said and I laughed a little.

“We’ll get you food soon, I promise. Right now, I need you to stay here so I can go help your Dad.”

“Wait, Mommy.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me back towards him, “Are you upset that I called you Mommy?” I shook my head quickly and kissed his forehead,

“I’m sorry that I made you think calling me mommy would upset me. I love you, Logan, and I’m proud to be your mommy.” I felt tears brimming in my eyes. Logan grinned widely and jumped up and down happily.

“Stay here, okay? The wolves and Archers will protect you.” I said again before standing up.

“You will protect the young Alpha with your lives.” I ordered the wolves and they nodded, circling Logan protectively with Violet and Gray standing guard in front of them, “Mavis, you stay, too.” I demanded. Mavis tried to protest but I wasn’t having it.

I ran back through the woods and into the camp. The fighting was nearly over. Dean was dead, ripped apart, and with his death the resolve of the rest of the rogues was ending. I recognized Matt, the Beta who visited Hugo, in a pile of his own blood.

“Daddy!” A child shrieked, cutting through the chaos and straight to my ears.

I frantically started looking around and saw a girl, not much older than Logan, clutching a pink blanket and hiding behind the body of a man, I assumed, was her father. I ran towards them, taking out rogues as I went.

“No!” The girl cried out, sobbing as she saw me approaching.

Shh. It’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you.” I promised her in a quiet voice, “I just want to help.” I carefully crouched down in front of her and she clutched the blanket closer to her chest.

“You came with the men who killed my daddy.” She hiccuped.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. Alpha Dean and Luna Summer took my son.” I reached out a hand and he hesitantly let me touch her arm.

That’s when I realized that it wasn’t just a pink blanket she was holding on to, it was a baby.

“Is this your sister?” I asked, nudging the blanket away from the newborn’s face.

“Yes, her name is Milly.” The girl sniffed.

“And what’s your name?” I asked her.

“Natalie.” She smiled slightly through her tears.

Natalie and Milly both had warm brown eyes and tan skin. Natalie’s hair was thin and beach blonde while Milly had a mop of black hair on top of her head. They were both dirty and malnourished, but unharmed and obviously cared for.

“Come with me, Natalie, I’ll take you somewhere safe.” I said, standing up and holding out my hand.

She looked once at the man lying dead in front of her before standing up and taking my hand.

“Stay behind me.” I ordered, moving her hand to grip my cloak instead so I could ready my bow against any attackers.

Back through the woods I went with two children this time. Once we were clear of the fighting, I swept Natalie up and ran with her in my arms to the cove of trees where Logan and the others were hidden.

“Your back,” Lion, who had shifted back to his human form, greeted me, “And you have more children.” He cocked an eyebrow at me with a confused smirk.

“Their father….well, he’s gone.” I mumbled, nodding my head towards the girls. Lion gave an understanding nod.

“You two okay?” Lion asked, kneeling down in front of them.

“I think so.” Natalie said, looking down at Milly.

“Can I hold Milly? She must be heavy.” I asked and Natalie nodded, looking relieved.

I took the bundle of pink from Natalie’s arms and cradled Milly in mine. I tucked her blanket to the side so I could check to make sure that she was uninjured as well.

“Natalie, how old are you?” I asked,

“Five.” Natalie held up five fingers and I smiled,

“Do you know how old Milly is?”

“She came home in January.” She said, making an adorable thinking face.

“She’s only three months old, then.” Lion whispered and I nodded in response. His eyes flashed back and he looked towards the camp,

“The fighting is over. All the pack members and your Archers are safe.” Lion said.

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