#8 The Archer and her Wolf

Chapter 31


“What?” Xaiver’s words filled the space between us as we came stumbling out of the transport and into the Base’s portal room.

“How do you think Archers get around so much?” I shook my head at him and tucked the necklace in my shirt, “You can use the Base’s portal to get to the pack.” I said,

“You’re not coming?” Xaiver was disheveled, wide eyed and terrified.

“I need to get my squad together. I’ll bring them through to help.” I said, gripping his arm tightly.

“Your squad?” His eyes pinched together.

“Those rogues attacked my family. Nobody does that and lives. I’ll handle this, Xaiver. Get to your pack and I’ll be there in minutes.” My eyes were narrowed and dark, my expression fierce.

If Xaiver wasn’t so afraid, he would’ve smiled. I reached up on my tippy toes to press my lips to his in a hurry before shoving him towards the portal.

“In minutes, you said.” He reminded me as he stumbled towards the portal.

“I promise, only a few minutes.” I nodded, and, just before he walked through the portal, I called out, “And, I love you.” His eyes went wide as he fell through.

I took off running through the Base, straight to Effie’s office.

“Thea?” She was so shocked she called out my real name.

“I need my squad now! My pack is under attack, my son has been taken by rogues.” My voice was calm and deadly. Effie’s eyes widened,

“Whatever you need.” She agreed and now we were both walking in a hurry through the halls.

“What have you gotten from the rogues in the prison?” I asked as we ran off to get the rest of my Archers.

“Their Alpha’s name is Dean. They have a camp deep in the woods somewhere in Florida, near where you picked up Hugo, I’d guess. None of them know why Dean has a personal conflict with Xaiver, they say only he and his mate, Summer, know.” I nearly tripped over my feet at Effie’s words. I grabbed her arm and we froze in the middle of the hallway,

“Summer? The rogue Alpha’s mate is named Summer?”

“Yes, why?” Effie was looking at me like I was crazy.

“Are you absolutely sure?” I shook her arm violently.

“Yes, they all named her.” Effie nodded.

“That’s Logan’s biological mother, that’s who was reported taking Logan from the packhouse.” I was frantic, “We have to hurry.” I said, taking off again.

“All of your Archers are here, back on mission.” Effie said. She had already placed the call, summoning all of my Archers to the portal room.

The Sapphire Archer, Dinah the Green Archer, a vampire female known as the Violet Archer, the Black Archer, an enhanced human called the Gray Archer, and a female werewolf, the Rose Archer, made up my team. The seven us made up the Alpha Squadrian. The most elite, most successful squad to ever grace the Archers.

They stood in the portal room, dressed in the Archer’s uniform of tight black pants, and a tunic, and cape that matched their name, a black bow and quiver slung over their shoulder. Dinah had my spare uniform in her hand, handing it over without a word. I changed quickly and pulled something black out of my pocket, a stick no bigger than a pen. In my hands, it grew and grew until it became my bow. I was handed a quiver and, just like that, I was the Crimson Archer once more.

My squad said nothing to me, simply stood at the ready. Ready for orders, ready to follow me without question.

“My pack is under attack, my son has been kidnapped. There are rogues who must die.” I replied, my voice as deadly as venom.

“Then what are we waiting for?” The Black Archer nodded his head once and the others echoed him.

“May the Goddess be with you.” Effie said, sending us off with a wave of her hand.

I walked through the portal first, picturing the pack and using that thought to bring all my Archeres with me. We came out through the portal near the merchant camp. I wasn’t surprised at all to see Lion waiting there for us.

“Did you forget that I came with you? You always forget me.” Lion laughed but his face was tense.

“Of course I didn’t forget Lion. You are exactly where I wanted you to be. Let’s go.” I said, motioning towards his truck.

I hopped in the passenger seat and the rest of the Archers climbed in the truck’s bed. This time when Lion floored it through the woods, I just held on and readied myself for battle.

“What’s going on?” I asked him for an update.

“The rogues are still attacking. There’s so many of them, so many more than there should be. We’ve lost members, good men and women. All of the defenseless, the children, the elderly, those who cannot fight, are being defended inside the packhouse. Xaiver is leading the charge.” Lion stared straight ahead as he answered, anger frozen on his face.

“And Logan?” He looked at me then, a long, scared look.

“Summer took him. She just took him and we can’t find him. We don’t have enough men to spare to track them.” He seethed.

“Now you do. Mindlink Xaiver, tell him to send his best trackers after her. Send an army of warriors with them. I have a squad of Archers and we can handle the rogues.” I ordered him. Lion nodded,

“Yes, Luna.” His eyes went black for a second, and then, “The Alpha is doing as you asked. He knows you’re coming and he’s waiting.”

In no time at all, we collided with the security gate and broke through it, speeding across the grass and right into the heart of the battle. Without a single command, the Archers streamed out of the back of the truck and arrows were flying.

I took point over the Archers and Lion shifted into his fearsome black wolf, Mavis, and stood guard at my side. Within seconds, dozens of rogue wolves were dead with arrows piercing their hearts. I caught sight of Cain battling two rogues and I noticed another arrow, sending it straight through one of the rogues. Cain ripped apart the second and looked around. He caught my scent and was at my side in a second.

A rainbow of Archers scattered out amongst the crowd, pack wolves taking their sides as they all fought together. I stole through the battle, a black wolf snarling and growling on either side of me. Arrow after arrow sang through the air, hitting its target every time.

With Cain and Mavis both fighting a pair of rogues, I had my own battles to fight. Two rogues approached me from either side, lunging for me at the same time. I slashed out with my bow, slapping one across the snout, while the other managed to graze his teeth against my arm.

I released a vicious cry and pulled a dagger from my boot. When the wolf came for me again, I lifted my arm and dove the knife into his heart. Moving to my left, I sliced the throat of the second rogue. I felt a wet nose rub against my wounded arm. I glanced to the side, knowing there was no need to be afraid, and offered Cain a grin.

I notched another arrow and got back to work.

Two hundred rogues lie dead in the front lawn of Valor Moon’s packhouse. Less than a hundred retreated or captured. Fifty-three members of Valor Moon slain. Logan missing.

“Thea!” Xaiver cried out, running towards when the battle was finally won.

He grabbed my arm very carefully in his rough hands. It was a gnarly bite, a bloody chunk taken out of my arm and oozy something fierce. It stung and burnt, but not nearly the worst injury I’ve ever had.

“I’m fine, Xaiver, I swear to you, I’m fine.” I shook off his arms and grabbed his face, “Where’s Logan?”

“I sent two dozen warriors and all the trackers out when Lion mindlinked me. I knew you would come, I knew you would bring an army with you. I knew I could send them away.” He was rambling. I held his face tightly,

“I’ll always come.” I whispered and his eyes finally focused on me.

“They’re still following his scent.” He replied.

“I have to tell you something, Xaiver. Something that the Archers found out while integrating the men I sent.” I moved my hands to hold his, knowing that my next words were going to break his heart.

“What is it?” Xaiver begged for an answer.

“The rogues, they have an Alpha, his name is Dean. No one knows why he has a personal vendetta against your pack, no one besides him and his mate.”

“The rogue Alpha has a mate?” His eyes pinched together.

“Yes and her name is Summer.”

His jaw set and his eyes caught fire.

“Summer took Logan, Summer is the rogue Alpha’s mate.” He repeated.

“You said that she left angry. Angry that you didn’t make her the Luna. There’s nothing worse than a bitter, vengeful woman who thinks she’s meant to be a Luna.” I stated.

“She’s Logan’s mother. His mother! Why would she do this?” He cried out.

“I don’t know, Xaiver. But I do know this. We will find him. On my life, we’ll find him.” I promised. It was Xaiver’s turn to cup my face,

“Not your life, never your life. I need you, Thea. We’ll find Logan together and we’ll bring him home.” He said and I nodded before we shared a long and passionate kiss.

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