#8 The Archer and her Wolf

Chapter 29


“That one there, what’s his name again?” Xaiver asked, pointing towards the man on the sparring mat.

“Uhm,” I flipped through the journal, “That one is Grim, from Green Mountain in Canada.”

“He’s a good fighter.” Xaiver said.

“Yes, but a terrible shot.” I scribbled some more notes down in my journal.

“Honestly, does the Alpha of the warrior pack need to be good at archery?” Lion asked, earning a glare from me, “I guess so.” He mumbled, backing away.

“Phoebe, from Texas, she’s the best archer, I think.” Xaiver said and I cocked my eyebrow at him, “Besides you, of course, my love.” He smirked.

“Fair point.” I agreed.

Another few hours and it was time for the introductions. We all gathered in the dining hall, each sitting around the large wooden table. A sort of podium was set up in front of the table so everyone could see and hear the speaker.

Up first was Grim, who talked about bringing a unique perspective from his Canadian pack. Then it was Felix who hailed from a teeny tiny pack in Washington, he was a bit of a hermit. Phoebe was from Texas and had a thick southern accent that made it hard to understand her. Jane, from Virgina, was a good public speaker but my notes on her fighting skills were something to be desired.

Vince was a bit of an old soul from Vermont, very quiet and subtle. Zeke was the lowest ranked tribute, but there was something about him that made you want to listen. Carver wasn’t the most intelligent but he was one of the best fighters, hailing from California. Corbin from New York was probably my least favorite, he was snobbish and prude, especially for a Beta. Angelica was up next,

“I’m Angelica Beezly from the Gold Pack in Indiana. My father is the Alpha and my brother is next in line. My strengths are archery, dagger throwing, and alchemy.” She looked and sounded quite like her name, angelic.

Her voice was melodic, her eyes sparkling blue and perfectly outlined in black mascara. Her lips painted a pale shade of pink and a rosey shade of pink covered her cheeks. Her blonde hair was pulled together in a high ponytail without a hair out of place. She was perfect.

“And why do you want this position?” Female Alpha Blossom asked. Angelica puckered her face before she replied,

“For power, of course.” She answered and the mood in the room shifted. I crossed her name out in my journal.

“Thank you, Angelica.” Alpha Simon Landry sighed, dismissing her. She smiled like she didn’t just blow the interview and left.

“Hello everyone, I’m Ferb of the Sparrow Pack in Michigan. My father is the current Beta, my elder sister next in line.” Ferb introduced himself.

“And what do you believe your strengths are, Ferb of the Sparrow Pack?” Alpha Briggs Greystone asked, leaning back in his chair lazily.

“Hand to hand in both human and wolf form as well as strategy.” Ferb replied. Several members of the panel nodded their heads in approval.

“And your weaknesses?” Female Alpha Lexi Oxford spoke up next.

“Oh, sword fighting for sure.” Ferb smirked and some of the judges chuckled, “I’m so great at archery either, sorry for that, Archer.” He said, looking towards me. I shrugged,

“We can’t all be Archers.” I teased him.

“And your reason for wanting the position?” Lexi’s co-Alpha, Levi Oxford asked next.

“I’m a leader and I want a pack to lead. It’s what I’m meant to do.” Ferb answered matter-of-factly.

I wasn’t as impressed with that answer as some of my fellow judges. I sliced through his name, counting him out of the running. Alpha August dismissed Ferb and the next candidate entered.

“Coleen London of the River Pack in North Dakota. I’m an omega but I come from a long line of fighters and Warriors.” She explained.

“And what makes you, an omega, qualified to be an Alpha?” Alpha Kade asked, leaning forward on his elbows to look at Coleen.

“I have seen good leaders and bad leaders, I have spoken with the little people who submit to either. I know what they need, I know how to connect with people.” Coleen’s answer was impressive, if not a bit bitter.

“Why do you want to lead this pack?” I asked, curious about Coleen’s answer. Her marks, according to the notes in my journal, were good enough to leave her in the running.

“This pack has the ability to make waves in the werewolf world, to make change and take down bad leaders.” Her eyes narrowed as she answered.

“I see.” I mumbled.

I added notes to my journal and then, ultimately, crossed out her name. She was bitter, with a chip on her shoulder, and just as power hungry as Angelica, even if she doesn’t admit it as openly.

“Thank you, Coleen.” Alpha Simon said, nodding at her.

That left one last tribute.

“Queenie Gene from the City Pack outside of Chicago. Daughter of the Alpha and sister to the next Alpha.” Queenie spoke confidently, her chin pointed in the air and a kind smile on her face.

“Why become a Female Alpha, Queenie?” Beta Bourne Greystone asked.

“I could stay in my pack and help my brother lead. I could wait for my mate who may or may not be an Alpha of his own pack. Or, I could do something now. I don’t like to sit and wait.” She smirked and Bourne returned her smile.

“What about the mate business?” Beta Kol asked.

“I haven’t met him, or perhaps her, yet. But, when I do, if they’re not okay with me being a Female Alpha then the Moon Goddess got something wrong.” She shrugged.

“What direction would you lead the Warrior Pack in?” I spoke up, eyeing Queenie curiously.

“I would approve on what’s already here. The Warrior Pack is already doing the job it was designed for, no need to mess with that. But, I reckon it could do more. Reach more packs, help more wolves.” Queenie replied.

I smiled and sat back in my chair, writing a few more notes and placing a star next to her name.

“That’s it then everyone, thank you for your time. Dinner will be in 30 minutes.” Alpha Sal said, entering the room then. He sat out of the interviews, wanting us to have unbiased opinions and questions without him present.

“Thea?” Xaiver stood up and looked sideways at me. I nodded and took his hand, letting him help me stand.

“What do you think?” Lion asked as we walked back to our cabin to change for dinner.

“Queenie, Grim, Zeke, Jane, Phoebe, Vince, and Carver are my top choices. Felix, Angelica, Corbin, Ferb, and Coleen are out.” I replied. Xaiver and LIon both nodded.

“I agree.” Xavier said,

“Me too.” Lion agreed.

“I was hesitant about Coleen at first, I thought she would be a good candidate. But, something about the look in her eye set me off.” Xaiver said thoughtfully.

“That girl was a psychopath hidden behind a smile.” Lion laughed, “And what about that Angelica? Hot damn, she was a mess.”

“Ferb just wanted a pack. Probably jealous of somebody.” Xaiver shrugged, “And Felix was a bit odd, don’t you think?” He asked me and I laughed.

“Hence why he’s a no.” I said,

“I liked Grim. He was straight to the point.” Xaiver added as we neared my cabin, “And Phoebe, she’s intelligent.”

“I thought Queenie’s answers were thoughtful.” I said, unlocking the front door and pushing it open.

“Of course you did.” Xaiver chuckled.

“And what’s that supposed to mean?” I whipped around to glare at him.

“She’s a lot like you, that’s all.” Xaiver shrugged.

Lion threw his head back and laughed before plopping down on the sofa.

“Off you two go, I’m on guard duty.” Lion declared, stretching out on the couch.

“Oh, I feel so safe now.” I rolled my eyes and climbed the steps to the attic.

“I’m going to hop in the shower. Didn’t have time this morning.” Xaiver said, coming up behind me.

“Too busy running after me?” I teased him as his arms looped around my waist and he rested his chin on my shoulder.

“That’s my job.” He mumbled, his breath blowing across my face.

He kissed my cheek loudly, making my face scrunch up in disgust. I whipped his slobber off my face as he laughed the whole way to the bathroom. I heard the shower switch on and I walked over to my bag for a change of clothes. Stripping out of my old clothes, I began pulling my dinner clothes out of the bag. I laid out a pair of dark jeans and a nice, dark blue T-shirt. I was shimming into my jeans when I heard the bathroom door open behind me.

I tensed up, not expecting Xaiver to be through the shower so quickly. I didn’t turn around, but I sensed when Xaiver came up behind me even before his hands found their way to my hips. He spun me around in his hands and I saw that his eyes were black with lust. Clad in only a bra and my jeans, Xaiver’s eyes slowly scanned my body. I couldn’t help myself from exploring him as well. He was wearing only a towel wrapped around his waist, hanging low off his hips and his skin was dripping wet; his sopping hair was dangling just over his eyes.

A low growl escaped Xaiver’s lips and I felt myself blushing, heat rising from my toes all the way up to my face. His fingertips carefully grazed every inch of skin he could reach on the way from my hips up to my face. Cupping my cheeks, he ducked his face and covered my mouth with his. My eyes fluttered shut as droplets of water fell from his hair to my eyelashes. I tasted the wetness on my lips just before Xaiver consumed them.

His hands dropped from my face and his arms circled around my back, his palms dragging all across my skin. Involuntarily, my arms found their way around his neck and my fingers into his wet hair. I gasped and he took the opportunity to invade my mouth with his tongue. He pushed against me, walking me back towards the bed. My knees buckled when they hit the bedframe and I toppled backwards, Xaiver hovering over top of me. He carefully braced himself on his elbows as if not to hurt me with the weight of his body.

He buried his face into my neck, which seemed to be his favorite thing to do, and his lips assaulted my skin. I gasped again and began exploring his skin like he explored mine, running my hands up and down his back.

“Oh, Goddess, woman.” Xaiver groaned into my neck and I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped my lips.

“How do you shower so quickly?” I asked and his throaty laugh vibrated against my skin.

“I wasn’t finished. I had just gotten in and realized I didn’t have any of my things. I came back out to get them and I was enchanted by what I saw.” His eyes came back to mine and his hand started stroking my face.

“Oh, terribly sorry.” I smirked and Xaiver rolled his eyes,

“I’m sure you are.” He laughed, “I’ve gotten you all wet now. You mindswell join me.” He said with a mischievous expression.

Xaiver pulled himself from the bed, taking me with him. He started tugging me towards the bathroom door while I protested.

“I don’t think so, Alpha.” I cried out, planting my feet firmly on the ground. Xaiver threw his head back and laughed, releasing my hand.

“You’ll be missing out, my dear.” He teased me, winking one of his mysterious blue eyes at me.

I shook my head at him, my hands on my hips as I watched him shut the bathroom door. Even after the door was closed and the shower was running again, I stood there, wrestling with myself. Half of me wanted to join him while the other half, the rational half, was kicking me violently. I grumbled and rolled my eyes at myself, turning back towards the bed and grabbing my shirt. I tugged it over my head and stomped down the steps.

“You two stirred up quite the scent.” Lion called out from the couch.

I picked up the nearest object, which happened to be a lamp, and chucked it at his head. The cord yanked out of the wall and traveled behind like a tail. Lion jumped up when it bounced off his head and glared at me.

“You threw a lamp at me!” He cried. It was my turn to laugh at him.

“Yes, that I did.” I replied smugly, walking into the kitchen, “Don’t comment on my scent.” I warned him in a dangerous tone.

I started fixing myself a cup of tea. Lion walked sheepishly into the kitchen,

“Didn’t mean to offend you.” He said in an almost serious tone. I looked up at him and saw that he was still wearing his usually sarcastic smirk.

“Sure, when do you ever mean to offend?” I huffed at him, “Tea?” I asked and he shrugged. I filled the kettle with enough water for three cups.

“Thank you.” Lion said suddenly. I looked to the side and was surprised to see him leaning across the counter, his eyes locked with mine.

“For what?” I paused what I was doing, the seriousness of his tone and expression drawing me in.

“For just being you, I guess. For giving X a chance. He needed you so much.” He whispered, “So much more than even he realized.”

I didn’t say anything, I couldn’t. I just stared at him in disbelief, seeing a new side of Lion. Xaiver came downstairs then, shattering Lion’s seriousness like glass.

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