#8 The Archer and her Wolf

Chapter 20


I realized my mistake the second the mischievous glint turned Xaiver’s eyes black. He encircled me in his arms, running his rough hands up my back and caressing me through my shirt. Once again, he ducked his head so his face was in my neck. His warm breath and soft nose brushed against my skin, sending goosebumps scattering up and down my body. I bit the inside of my cheek, keeping myself from gasping aloud.

“You won’t miss me at all?” He mumbled, a low growl rumbling deep inside his chest.

I felt myself shiver when his lips pressed against my neck as light as a feather, again and again until he was at my jawline.

“Speak, my love.” Xaiver chuckled, kissing his way up my jawline.

His teeth grazed against my earlobe and then he was nipping at my marking spot. I shuttered, my hands involuntarily reaching up to grab his arms. I dug my fingers into his biceps and I knew that, without his arms around me, my knees would buckle and I would be on the floor.

He removed his face from neck and our eyes met. His were burning, flashing between black and deep blue. His hand moved to cup my face, his thumb rubbing against my cheekbone. He pressed his lips to mine, gently at first, and then more hungrily. I felt my body responding to him, my lips matching his pace. When his tongue asked for entrance, I gave it to him, allowing him to explore the inside of my mouth.

Before I could stop it, a soft moan escaped my throat. In response, a deep, feral sounding growl built up from his chest and filled the space between us.

“Say you’ll miss me.” He purred, his face still so close that our lips were almost touching.

“I’ll miss you.” I croaked out, hardly able to form a coherent thought.

Xaiver’s crooked smile lit up his face as he used the hand not gripping my waist to clear some loose strands of hair from my face.

“I knew you would.” He chuckled, “Can I help you pack?” He asked, releasing my face and stepping away.

I resisted the urge to whine at his absence before shaking my head to clear away those thoughts, get a grip, Thea.

“Okay.” I squeaked. Xaiver laughed at me again before taking my hand. He led the way upstairs to my room.

“You sure I can’t go with you?” Xaiver asked as he sat on the corner of my bed. I was inside the closet, packing my suitcase. I stuck my head outside the door,

“You’re the Alpha.” I state obviously, surprised by his question.

“Yes, and the pack can stand to run a few days without me.” He said, his eyes begging me.

“You really want to come with me?” I stepped out of the closet completely to get a good look at him. Xaiver jumped up from the bed and reached for me.

“I never want to leave your side. I would’ve asked sooner, but I was afraid you would think I was begging,” He said, caressing my face, “But, sitting there, I decided that I didn’t care.” I giggled at his response and his eyes lit up.

“It’s really nothing. Just a few days of observing some werewolf dominance.” I said,

“Then, you won’t mind observing mine, as well.” He said, his eyes hardening.

“What do you mean?” I asked,

“A camp full of alpha males fighting for the ultimate Alpha position? A beautiful, capable, sexy, smart judge like yourself will gather all of their attention. I have to be there to ward them off. It’s for your own safety.” He tried to sound nonchalant but I could see the truth seething behind his eyes. He was dead serious.

“Oh, my safety, is it?” I smirked and he nodded seriously.

I thought I would be offended, disgusted by his possessive dominance. But, instead, I felt something twitch inside my chest that felt suspiciously like desire and…..pride? I wrestled with myself. I didn’t need my mate following me around like my keeper. Then again, it might be a sight to see. I sighed loudly and Xaiver’s face scrunched up in curiosity.

“What does that mean?” He asked and I laughed at his expression.

“It means yes.” I said and Xaiver grinned,

“Yes?” He asked, just to be sure,

“Should I change my mind?” I dared him and he shook his head quickly.

Xaiver wrapped his arms around my waist and swung me around with a giddy smile. I couldn’t help but giggle.

“I love it when you laugh.” He said, sitting me down.

“I’m not sure I’ve laughed this much in my entire life.” I confessed in a quiet voice.

Xaiver’s expression changed, but before he could respond I slipped out of his grip and disappeared inside the closet again,

“You better go and pack yourself.” I called out, not wanting to see his face again. I knew that those eyes would make all of my stubborn resolve collapse at my feet.

“I’ll find you later?” He said and, by the sound of his voice, I knew he had stepped inside the closet. I refused to turn around.

“Okay.” I agreed, poking through my clothes. Xaiver sighed and the sound of his footsteps carried him away from my room.

I felt my body relax as I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. I grumbled to myself as I finished packing my bag. I grabbed the bag that held my bow and other weapons, and sat all of my things by the door of my bedroom. I flopped down on the bed and smashed my face into the pillow, using it to muffle my screams. Just then, there was a knock on my door. I rolled over and glared at it,

“What?” I snapped. I heard a chuckle and then Lion entered,

“I heard you yell.” He said, plopping down on the edge of my bed.

“I didn’t yell.” I said,

“You just did, into the pillow.” Lion nodded towards my pillows.

“You had to be outside the door to hear that.” I cocked an accusing eyebrow at him and he shrugged,

“Guilty. I am the Gamma.” He stated,

“You really don’t need to follow me around.” I grumbled.

“I really do.” He argued.

“You’re not coming too, are you?” I glared at him.

“Coming where?” His face scrunched together curiously.

“Nothing, nowhere.” I shook my head quickly, jumping off the bed. Lion laughed and grabbed my arm,

“You know Xaiver will just tell me about it later. You mindswell get it over with now.”

“I’m going to the Warrior pack in Maine to help Alpha Sal find his replacement. Xaiver wants to come with me.” I sighed.

“Well, of course he does. That’s a lot of male testerone and you’re unmarked.” Lion said, releasing my arm, “I hope you agreed because, otherwise, he’s going to be insufferable around here.”

“Yes, yes, I agreed.” I grumbled.

“And of course, I’ll be coming, too.” Lion said and my head snapped towards him,

“What? Why?”

“Where you go, I go, Luna.” He shrugged like it was obvious.

“Someone’s gotta stay here with the pack.” I said, throwing my hands up in the air in frustration. Lion laughed at me,

“That’s Frankie’s job.”

I yanked open the door and stomped out of my room, grumbling and complaining the entire way through the house. Lion was behind me, laughing the whole way. By the time I made it to the living room, the entire packhouse knew about my displeasure. Shay and Yaya were on the couch with Logan playing on the floor. They were already laughing at me as I entered.

“Something the matter, Thea?” Shay smirked.

I rolled my eyes at her and dropped down on the chair, crossing my arms over my chest like a pouting child.

“Yaya, can’t you make your mate leave me alone?” I complained and Yasmine laughed at me,

“I’m afraid the only woman who comes before me is you, Luna.” Yaya said as Lion came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. I scanned her face for any signs of anger or jealousy, but there were none.

“Feel free to take him back.” I said which only made the girls laugh harder.

“Complaining a bit loudly, aren’t we, my dear?” Xaiver appeared in the room like a silent ghost, leaning against the door jam with his arms crossed. When I looked up at him he smirked and joined me on the chair, sitting on the armrest.

“I really don’t think Lion needs to come along.” I said and Xaiver glanced towards his Gamma,

“I didn’t order him to.” Xaiver had a curious look on his face, “He decided that all on his own.”

“Well, you’re the Alpha, call him off.” I huffed.

“He’s the Gamma, Thea, it’s his instinct to protect you. I can make him stay behind, but it’ll go against his very being.” Xaiver said and my frown deepened.

I just grumbled unintelligently in response. I knew he was right. It wasn’t fair to Lion to keep him from his primal duty. But, that didn’t mean I had to like it.

“Such a charmer of a mate you have, Alpha.” Lion laughed and I glared at him.

“If she kicks your ass, I won’t save you.” Xaiver warned and Lion held up his hands in surrender.

“Shay and Yaya, will you two be able to look after Logan while we’re gone? It’ll just be for a few days.” Xaiver asked as he played with my hands absentmindedly.

“Sure thing.” Shay agreed just as Frankie entered the living room.

“No one invited me to the party.” Frankie frowned, joining his mate on the couch.

“It’s only a party because you showed up, Frankie-boy.” Lion grinned.

“Frankie, Thea and I have to go away for a few days. You’re in charge while we’re gone.” Xaiver instructed his Beta. Frankie didn’t even hesitate,

“No problem.”

“There, all taken care of, love.” Xavier said, kissing my temple. I sighed and rolled my eyes at him, but I couldn’t help the smile that plagued my face.

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