#8 The Archer and her Wolf

Chapter 15


I looked around and noticed that their parents had left the hallway. They took the youngest siblings with them. From what I heard before, the four oldest siblings were incredibly close and it was probably best to let them work out their own issues. I imagined that an Alpha like Archer demanded that his children handle their problems on their own, especially the future Alphas.

By the time my focus returned to the siblings, Tate was stomping towards the front door with Quinny behind him. He opened the door and slammed it shut. A few minutes later, we heard his car speed off. Tigris and Theo were staring at me, trying to get a look at Thea. They knew better than to approach a possessive Alpha. I turned around to face Thea, holding her in my arms.

“Are you okay?” I asked her softly and she shook her head.

“I don’t understand what’s wrong with him. It’s like she’s poisoned him.” She sighed.

“Sis?” Tigris spoke and Thea looked around my arm to see him.

She offered me a small smile and stepped around me so she could see the twins. I kept my arm around her waist and she let me.

“I didn’t think things would ever go this far. I thought for sure Tate would speak up against Quinny.” Tigris sighed, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

Nora stepped into the hallway then and started comforting her mates. She was in between them, with a set of arms wrapped around her from both sides. She didn’t say anything, she just allowed her presence to sooth her twin alphas.

“What did she say?” Theo asked with his head resting against the top of Nora’s.

Thea looked up at me with an almost nervous expression. She was biting her bottom lip and her cheeks were slightly rosey. I smiled at her,

“What’s wrong, love?” I whispered.

“She spoke out against you.” She admits and I couldn’t help but grin proudly at the fact that my mate was defending me.

“What did she say?” I echoed her brother’s question.

“She said that if you were a real Alpha you would force me to resign as an Archer and get me under control. She called you weak for letting me do what I want. She also told me I’d be a shit Luna because I don’t know my place.” She practically spit the words on the ground, anger bubbling up inside her again.

“You know none of that is true, my love.” I picked up her chin and forced her to look me in the eyes, “None of it.” I repeated more sternly, bending down to kiss her cheek softly.

“He’s right, sis. Honestly, I can’t believe she actually thinks like that. There’s no way Tate is controlling her.” Tigris said.

“He’s not, but she’s acting like he is so she can be the submissive little mate. He gives her whatever she wants and she does nothing, she’s not even a Luna.” Theo spat.

“Xaiver, the three of us are lucky to have been gifted with the most amazing Lunas.” Tigris said, smiling down at Nora and kissing her forehead. Nora blushed at his words of affection, but my eyes were focused on my own mate.

“You’re right about that, Tigris.” I nodded in agreement and smiled as I was rewarded with a blush from my Luna, “Maybe we should get going, love? It’s been a long day.” I suggested.

“It’s only been two hours.” She laughed and I looked at my watch in surprise. She’s right. It’s only been two hours since I arrived here.

“Even more of a reason to rest.” I chuckled and she nodded in agreement.

“I need to say goodbye to my family.”

“Of course, love. And, remember, they can come visit anytime.” I said, brushing her hair from her face. She gave me another smile before slipping away to find the rest of her family.

“You’re good for her, Xaiver.” Tigris observed once we were alone.

“She’s already relaxing with you here, the lightness in her eyes is starting to come back.” Theo said.

“I just hope that she lets me prove that to her before her fear gets the better of her.” I sighed.

“The fact that she’s let you stick around for this long already is a good sign, man. She knows her own mind. If she doesn’t want something, she pushes it away immediately.” Tigris’ voice was convincing.

“If you need any advice on how to speak Thea, give us a call.” Theo said, handing over a business card with both his and Tigris’ phone numbers.

“I’ll definitely take you up on that.” I laughed.

“The biggest things you’re already doing. You just have to be patient and listen to her. She doesn’t want to be controlled or bossed around, you have to give her room to breathe. There might be days where she doesn’t want to see you, she wants to be alone and you have to give her that space. If you do that, she’ll always come back.” Tigris offered me a bit of advice and I smiled gratefully.

“Thanks, man, that helps a lot. Honestly it goes against all my instincts to give her space and let her walk into harm’s way with the Archers, but I know that, if I want to keep her around, I have to. It’s good to be reminded of that.” I said.

“Yeah, I’m sure it’s not easy. The idea of letting Nora out of my sight is enough to make me go feral, let alone allowing her to go off and put her life on the line.” Tigris grumbled, pulling Nora closer to him.

“But, Thea isn’t a typical woman, Luna, or mate. She’s in a league all her own.” Theo added with a chuckle, “It ain’t gonna be easy, I’ll give you that.” He winked at me just as Thea returned to the hallway.

“You all better not be talking about me.” She glared, calling us all out.

Theo and Tigris tackled her, crushing her to their chest and ruffling her hair. She cried out but I knew she wasn’t really in any danger, so I stood back and watched. Nora was laughing as she walked over to me.

“The three of them have something special. It used to be the four of them, Tate, too. My heart breaks for their lost connection.” Nora said, watching her mates and mine.

“Hopefully it’s not lost forever.” I said. Nora frowned,

“You didn’t see how they were before Quinny. I don’t know if it’ll ever be like that again. It’s not fair for Tate either, I mean, could you stand against your mate even if you knew she was doing something wrong?” Nora looked sideways at me and I shrugged,

“Honestly, I don’t know. My instincts are to have her back.”

“Right, same for Tate. It’s hard all around.” She sighed but her face lit up when her mates released Thea and looked around for her.

“You vanished on us, princess.” Theo frowned, grabbing her by the waist and pulling Nora into his chest.

“I was literally right here.” She giggled.

“Too far!” Tigris whined, nuzzling her hair with his face.

“You three are as bad as Dad, Papa, and Mom.” Thea scrunched her face up in disgust.

“Just wait, Thea, once you get your stubborn head out of your ass, you’ll be just as gross.” Tigris roared with laughter at Thea’s face.

“Are you ready, love?” I laughed at her and she rolled her eyes at all of us.

“I hate all of you.” She grumbled, stomping towards the door.

“Love you, sis!” The twins yelled in unison as she left the packhouse.

I met my mate on the front porch of the house.

“You okay?” I asked, wrapping one of my arms around her waist.

“I’m okay. I need to go back to Base and get my things.” She sighed, looking down at my arm and then back up to my face.

“Should I go with you?” I asked and she quickly shook her head.

“Civilians aren’t allowed. I won’t be long.”

“How are you going to get to the packhouse?” I asked, concerned that she would have to walk or trust a stranger to drive her.

“There’s a portal not too far from it, that’s how I got there the first time.” She shrugged casually.

“I didn’t realize that there were so many portals.” I confessed.

“There weren’t before the Archers, but they’ve put more and more in to give us better access to the world.” She explains.

“So, you can have a portal put in at the packhouse?” I asked, thinking about the mirror portal she had here.

“Yeah, sure, I mean, I can put in the request. It’s typical for Archers to have portals put in their houses and families’ houses.” She said,

“Well, that’s good then. It’ll make it easier to see each other.” I said thoughtfully. She nodded absentmindedly just as the door was flung open again.

“Seriously? You guys forgot about me, again.” Lion whined, crossing his arms over his chest as he pouted.

“Sorry, Lion.” I couldn’t help but laugh because, honestly, I had forgotten about him.

“I don’t even know why I’m here.” Lion huffed.

“You’re the Gamma, your job is to protect the Luna.” I stated simply. Lion rolled his eyes at me,

“Yeah, well, say hello to the most useless Gamma in existence. Our Luna can kick my ass from here to the werewolf realm, let alone anyone who threatens her.” Lion grumbled, earning a laugh from my mate. I looked at her in awe, like I always did when she let her guard down just long enough to smile or laugh.

“Awh, it’s okay, Lion. I promise to let you get a punch or two in next time I take on a wolf by myself.” She smirked and Lion grinned,

“That’s all I ask, Luna.” He bowed dramatically and she shoved his arm, making him stumble and almost fall.

“Anyway, I should get going.” Thea said.

“You’re leaving? I thought you were coming back to the packhouse.” Lion looked panicked.

“She has to get her stuff, then she’s coming home.” I assured him.

“Where does the portal come out, love? I can have Lion come and pick you up.” I directed my attention back to Thea.

“I can walk, it’s fine.” She waved her hand at me, but I snatched it out of the air and planted a kiss on her palm.

“Nuh-uh, you’re not walking to the packhouse. I’ll send Lion with you if you won’t tell me where.” I warned her and she huffed at me in frustration.

“Fine, in the woods north of the camp.” She gave in to my wishes.

“I’ll head straight there and wait for you, Luna.” Lion replied and she glared at him.

“I told you to call me Thea.” She orders and Lion nodded, having the decency to look afraid.

“Sorry.” He grumbled before walking off to pick up my truck.

“I’ll see you soon?” I was terrified to let her go, but I knew that I had to trust her if this was ever going to work. She smiled softly at me,

“Yup.” She answered so casually that I actually felt relieved.

“Can I kiss you goodbye?” I asked, stepping towards her.

“You didn’t ask before.” She raised an eyebrow at me.

“I know, that was my mistake, I should have.” I replied guiltily.

“You don’t need to ask permission to kiss me, Xaiver.” Her voice was low and her hazel eyes began to switch from brown to green. I pulled her into my chest abruptly and pinched her chin in my hand, tilting her head up to cover her lips with mine.

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