#8 The Archer and her Wolf

Chapter 12


I was pissed at how my body reacted to Xaiver, especially when he looked at me like this. His lust filled eyes made my knees weak and his crooked grin fogged my brain. That’s how I found myself agreeing to give him a chance. His stupid face clouded my judgement and suddenly I was saying yes to spending a month or two at his packhouse, attempting to make our matebond work. I was pretty sure this man was going to be the death of me.

“Your mom said you haven’t been home in a year.” Xaiver’s voice drew me from my daydreaming.

“Yeah, that sounds about right.” I shrugged.

Xaiver had my hands in his and was drawing circles on the palm with his thumb. Every time he touched me, it sent a new round of sparks over my skin. It was annoying as shit.

“That’s a long time to be away. Is that normal?” He asked.

“For me, it is. I take a lot of back to back missions.” I said.

“Why?” He was trying to keep his expression emotionless but I knew an interrogation when I saw one.

“Because it’s just easier that way.” I pulled my hands from his so I could focus.

“What’s easier?” His voice turned to a whisper as he looked at his now empty hands.

“You ask a lot of questions.” I said.

“Oh, are questions not part of the deal?” Xaiver clocked me with that stupid grin again and I had to fight the smirk that threatened to take over my lips.

“I think you’ll have a limit as to how many you can ask in a day.” I grumbled and Xaiver chuckled, I felt my resolve waver at the sound of it.

“You should stay a while and be with your family. They clearly miss you.” Xaiver said, changing the subject, “You can come to the packhouse whenever you’re ready.” He started to walk towards the door but I grabbed his wrist, forcing him to stop.

“Oh no. You got me into this mess, there’s no way you’re getting out of it so easily.” I said, but Xaiver wasn’t listening to me, he was too busy looking at my hand around his wrist. “Hello?” I waved my free hand in his face and he blinked, looking up at my face.

“Sorry, baby, your skin distracts me.” He smirked and I glared at him.

“I am not a baby.” I snapped and he started laughing.

“Would you prefer something different?” He was mocking me.

“My name is Thea.” I answered plainly. Xaiver shook his head at me but ignored my comment.

“You don’t want to spend some alone time with your family?” He asked.

“No. There’s a reason I’m gone for a year at a time. You’re ass showed up here uninvited, making me portal jump home before I was ready. So, your ass is staying here and dealing with the consconsins until I’m satisfied that you’ve learned your lesson.” I was scolding him like I would one of my Archers. Instead of looking fearful, he looked amused.

“You talk about my ass a lot. Do you like it?” I shoved him away, hard, which only made him laugh harder. “It’s okay, baby, I’ll take my punishment from you without complaining.” His dirty eyes made me blush, and I never blush.

“Go to hell.” I growled, yanking open the door. His hands snaked around my waist and his lips brushed against my ear.

“Don’t be mad at me.” His thumb was running circles over my hip bone.

“I’m always mad at you.” I snapped, trying to keep my voice from cracking. I felt his chest rumble as he chuckled.

“Oh I don’t know, I smell something different on you right now.” He kissed the soft spot under my ear and his teeth grazed my earlobe.

I pressed my thighs together to try and get my body under control. My hormones were betraying me. I jabbed my elbow into his gut to get him to back off. He grunted and stumbled away from me.

“Feisty thing, aren’t you?” Was he seriously still laughing?

“Let’s go, I’ve got a hoard of siblings for you to meet.” I said before stomping out of my room.

Xaiver was hot on my heels, recovering quickly from my assault and snatching up my hand like he owned it.

“I met your oldest brothers, the twins.” He said.

“Yeah, well, I’ve got three more and my parents show no signs of stopping anytime soon.” I said as we walked towards the steps.

“Well, I guess that’s what happens when you have two mates. I mean, I know I can hardly keep myself in check around you.” Xaiver laughed.

“This is you staying in check?” I grumbled.

“It is.” His voice was low and husky again, and my body immediately reacted. I groaned loudly and fought to free my hand from his.

“Don’t run away from me.” Something in his voice made me stop struggling and freeze on the spot.

I looked into his eyes and saw that they were pitch black. There was a little wrinkle on his forehead and there was a small twitch on his left cheek. I pressed my lips together, knowing that I was now face to face with Xaiver’s wolf.

“Hello, mate.” His wolf’s smirk was even more dangerous than Xaiver’s, “I wanted to see you for myself.”

“What’s your name?” I cleared my throat, trying to make my voice level.

“I’m Cain, my lovely mate.” He stepped closer to me and stuffed his nose in my neck, breathing in deeply, “You smell so heavenly.” He purred.

“I’m sorry I don’t have a wolf for you.” I mumbled and Cain’s eyes immediately snapped towards mine.

He cupped my face gently in his hand, running his thumb over my cheekbone.

“You have nothing to be sorry for, my lovely mate. You are absolutely perfect for me and for Xaiver. We love you.” His eyes were so filled with love and desire that it made me uncomfortable, yet I couldn’t look away.

“You love me?” I replied in a small voice.

“Of course we do, we’ve loved you from the moment we first met you. You saved our pup and you stole our heart.” He smiled at me, pressing his lips against my forehead. “Xaiver wants control back now. Just remember that I’m here, too, if you need anything.”

“Sorry about that, love.” I don’t know how, but I could tell the difference between Cain and Xaiver’s voice. Xaiver stepped back, but kept his hand on my face.

“Sorry for what?” I asked.

“For letting Cain take control. I should’ve fought him back more.” Xaiver frowned, dropping his hand.

“Why?” It was my turn to interrogate him.

He opened his mouth to speak, but the sound of someone clearing their throat distracted us.

“Sorry, Alpha, Luna.” A voice I didn’t recognize spoke.

I spun around and faced the intruder.

“Lion, I almost forgot you were here.” Xaiver chuckled.

“No shit. You abandoned me with all her brothers. Dude, do you know how many she has?” The man, Lion I guess, replied.

“Lion? What kind of name is that?” I asked.

“What kind of name is Crimson?” He fired back. I felt Xaiver stiffen behind me but I started laughing.

Touche. It’s Thea to you, now. Don’t call me Luna, please. I have enough names to live by already, I don’t need another.” I said.

“Lion, Lional, is my Gamma.” Xaiver spoke up.

“Lional? Yeah, you’re right, Lion is better.” I mocked his name and Lion grinned at me.

“Oh, I like her.” He said, glancing over at Xaiver who was grinning from ear to ear.

“Me, too.” Xaiver smiled and I rolled my eyes at him.

“Anyway, your family threatened to come up here so I thought I would volunteer instead.” Lion said.

“Look at you, already stepping up as the Gamma.” I smacked his arm before walking past him and towards the steps.

“How many brothers does she have?” I heard Xaiver ask Lion behind me.

“Four, man, she has four.” Lion answered. I stopped halfway down the steps and turned towards him.

“Four?” I asked with wide eyes.

“You don’t know how many brothers you have?” Lion laughed.

“Are there four here?” I asked again quickly.

“Uhm, yes?” Lion was looking at me like I needed to see a doctor.

“Oh, hell.” I grumbled, stomping the rest of the way down the steps.

“Well, there you are little sis. You totally ignored us in Dad and Papa’s office.” Tigris grinned at me from the bottom of the steps.

I groaned as he and Theo tugged me into a group bear hug.

“Let me go, you heathens!” I shrieked, wiggling out from their grip.

“Awh, sissy didn’t miss us.” Theo pouted, rubbing my hair with his knuckles like he’s done since I was a toddler.

“I hate you.” I shoved him away and earned a round of laughter from the twins.

“Where’s your boyfriend?” Tigris teased me and I glared at him.

“He’s not my boyfriend, you idiot.” I said as Xaiver stepped around me.

“I’ll take boyfriend, it’s better than nothing.” Xaiver shrugged.

“Don’t encourage the baby alphas.” I said.

“Thanks a lot, Thea, now I’m going to have to stroke their egos all night.” My sister-in-law, Nora, walked around the corner.

“Nora, I love you, but I don’t want to know what of my brothers you’re stroking.” I groaned, covering my face with my hand.

Nora started laughing hysterically while Tigris and Theo looked like they wanted to crawl in a hole.

“I’m going to go die now, thanks.” Tigris grumbled, stomping away.

“Tate and Quinny are here.” Theo added before following after him.

“Fantastic.” I mumbled. Nora gave me an apologetic smile before following her mates.

“Who are they?” Xaiver asked me, placing his hand on my back.

“My brother and his bitch of a mate.” I muttered.

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