#7 The Twins of Satin Moon

Chapter 51


“Are you sure about this?” Hunter asked me for the millionth time.

“Yes, for the last time.” I snapped at him. Hunter raised his hands in surrender and backed off.

“Do you want me to come with you?” My sweet Luna asked, walking over to take my hand, “I wouldn’t mind.” She smiled sweetly.

“You shouldn’t be burdened with my mistakes.” I squeezed her hand tightly.

“Our souls, yours and mine, have survived the same darkness. I’m with you, forever.” She kissed me, reminding me that I wasn’t alone in my fight. Her and I fought everyday not to be swallowed whole by our pain.

“You make me strong, little Luna.” I whispered against her lips. We walked hand in hand towards the front door of the parents whose daughter I murdered when she was just 14 years old.

I knocked on it once and it opened slowly. Thea Mobile’s mother, Winnie, was wearing a stone cold expression while her father, John, looked simply emotionless. Still, they both bowed their heads at the Alpha and Luna.

“Luna Maizey, we are delighted to have you at our home.” Winnie said, ignoring me.

“Thank you for giving Archer the chance to speak with you both. I hope it’s okay that I came along.” Maizey smiled gently.

“It’s an honor to host you.” John opened the door widely for us to enter.

They brought us into the kitchen and motioned towards the table. There were four cups of steaming hot tea already waiting. Maizey and I sat next to each other with Winnie and John across from us. Maizey held my hand under the table.

“Mr. and Mrs. Mobile I just wanted to come here and apologize. I know it’s far too late and that it doesn’t change anything, but I know that I owe you one. I left before you had the chance to look me in the eyes and before I had the chance to own up to my sin. I have no excuse and I won’t dishonor Thea’s memory by making one up now. I only wanted to be man enough to stand before you and take whatever it is you need to do to me.” My voice was low and husky as I tried to keep it from cracking with emotion.

John and Winnie looked at each other and at me for a long time before Winne spoke.

“We were angry with you for a very long time, Alpha Archer. We blamed you, we cursed your name, we wished you harm. But, one day, we just started hating you a little less until eventually it went away all together. It took a long time, but we came to realize what Thea has been trying to tell us from her new home with the Moon Goddess. She wanted us to forgive you. She knows, as we do now, that it wasn’t your fault. You were given a curse when your wolf awakened too early, you and he both were. You’ve had to deal with a lifetime of pain and you have honored Thea by saving countless lives as a Warrior.” Winnie’s words left me completely speechless.

“And you continue to honor her by returning home and serving your pack. You are giving our pack members the chance to defend our nation proudly for generations. You have made amends with your family and our great Alpha Hunter. The Moon Goddess has demonstrated her forgiveness by gracing you both with such a kind and beautiful Luna. We cannot say that we are capable of forgiving you, Alpha Archer, but we no longer hate you.” John said, holding his wife’s hand as she silently cried.

I looked over at Maizey, at a loss for words. She smiled at me, sensing my struggles.

“I hope that one day we are able to show our children the same love and acceptance that you have shown us today, Mr. and Mrs. Mobile. I never knew your daughter, but I’ve heard stories from my Alphas and I know she was a beautiful light to this world. I hope that one day that light touches our children as well.” Maizey reached her hand across the table and both Winnie and John reached back. I was astonished at my mate’s words.

“I don’t know what I did to deserve so many blessings from the Moon Goddess. Between my Luna and your words, I am overwhelmed. I vow to fight everyday to be worthy of all of this.” I stammered, completely beside myself with emotions I never thought I would let myself feel.

John and Winnie stood and so did we. John held out his hand and I shook it, Winnie allowed me to hug her. We walked towards the door.

“Can you give me a moment, Archer?” Maizey asked as I opened the door. I looked at her strangely but nodded,

“Of course, love. Thank you both, again, for your kindness. If you need anything, do not hesitate to ask.” I nodded at John and Winnie before leaving their house.

Hunter was waiting across the street. He stood up and ran over when he noticed Maizey wasn’t with me.

“Where is Maizey?” He looked worried.

“She wanted a minute alone with them.” I shrugged, just as confused as he was.

“How did it go?” Hunter asked.

“Better than I ever could have imagined. They don’t hate me, they said that they don’t forgive me but they don’t hate me. They said they think Thea is with the Moon Goddess asking them to show me mercy.” I explained breathlessly, still overwhelmed by their kindness.

“I guess I was wrong then. Meeting with them was really good for all of you.” Hunter slapped on the back just as Maizey walked out of the house. We hurried to her side.

“What was that about, baby?” Hunter asked.

“You’ll both find out someday, maybe.” She shrugged, winking at us both. She walked ahead of us, swaying her hips in a way she knew drove us both crazy.

“What does that mean?” I asked Hunter who just shrugged, licking his laps as he started at our mate’s butt.

“Problem for a different day.” Hunter smirked as he chased after our mate. Maizey ran away laughing and I joined the hunt.

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