#7 The Twins of Satin Moon

Chapter 29


“Family meeting in the dining room, please.” I mindlinked my entire family.

I was already in the dining room as the rest of my family started to trickle in.

“Is everything okay, son?” My mother looked concerned as she kissed the top of my head.

“Yes, Mom, everything’s fine.” I smiled at her and motioned towards a chair.

Once everyone was there, I filled them in on last night’s activities. I told them how I decided to fight for Maizey and our matebond and about Maizey’s past. I left out the details, the parts that belonged only to Maizey and whoever she decided to share them with.

“Oh, poor Maizey, that’s just terrible.” My mother was crying. Dad handed her a handkerchief from his pocket. He looked as angry as I felt,

“No father is capable of that. He’s a monster.” He growled.

“I’m just glad that you finally wised up. You need her.” Mel huffed at me.

“Care to explain why Maizey already knew about Archer?” I glared at Mel who suddenly looked guilty.

“She was so upset and kept asking why you changed so much. I had to tell her something!” Mel cried and I laughed at her,

“It’s okay, Mel, I’m not mad.” I laughed even harder at her face and she kicked me under the table.

“What about Archer?” Winter asked and I was reminded of our conversation.

“Let him come. I’ll keep Maizey safe no matter what. But, I’m hoping that he’s charmed by Maizey just like I was.” I sighed.

“You think that’s possible?” My mother looked up with a hopeful expression.

“I don’t know. It’s obvious that his wolf is very passionate about the matebond because of what happened when he was 15,” I paused and took a breath. Talking about Thea was still a sore spot for our family and the entire pack, “So, maybe his wolf just needs Maizey to be satisfied. Maybe he’ll become moral again.” I couldn’t hide the hope from my voice.

“Just don’t get your hopes up, son, stay vigilant. We love Archer, but you have to put your mate first. If anything were to happen to her, it would destroy you.” My father said and I nodded.

“I know that, Dad. Maizey comes first, second, and third.” I said sternly.

“What about that man?” Mother spat, referring to Maizey’s father, Paul.

“I doubled her guards and I’ve asked her to come stay here on the grounds, in the hotel. She’s thinking it over but I can tell she’s not very comfortable with it, she thinks it’s moving too fast. But, I also can tell how terrified she is of Paul, so hopefully she’ll come around.” I sighed.

“What about finding the man?” Father asked.

“If I find him, I’ll kill him.” I stated.

“Yeah, and?” Father shrugged.

“I’m not so sure that’s what Maizey wants.” I said and my dad grumbled.

“She’s not a werewolf, Wesley, murder is just murder to her.” My mother said, patting her mate on the back. Dad grumbled some more.

“When do we get to meet her?” Winter asked.

“When she’s ready. We’re going on a date tonight and then we’ll see what happens next.” I said, determined to let her lead the way throughout this relationship. I had already screwed up enough.

“Smart boy.” Dad nodded at me. I could see my mother pouting next to him, she was so eager to meet my mate.

“Well, I don’t wanna meet her!” Zane spoke up for the first time. I had almost forgotten he was even there. The entire table started laughing.

“Why not, Zane?” Mom asked.

“She’s too much trouble.” Zane huffed. I stood up and crouched in front of my youngest brother,

“She’s worth the trouble, Zane, someday you’ll understand.” I said seriously, ruffling his hair. Zane swatted at me,

“I hope not!” He snapped and I stood up, laughing.

“How’s the baby, mom?” I asked, kissing my mom on the cheek.

“Nice and big, just like all my babies! Should come in about two months.” She grinned, rubbing her swollen belly.

“You’re still not finding out if it’s a boy or a girl?” Mel whined and both my parents shook their heads.

“That’s not fair.” Winter grumbled.

“You’ll find out in two months with the rest of us.” Mom laughed at her daughters.

“Alright, I’ve gotta go get ready for my date now.” I laughed at my bickering family before heading towards my room.

I was going to take Maizey on the date I had originally planned for her before everything went to hell. I was having a picnic basket prepared by the kitchen staff so we could have a picnic lunch at one of my favorite spots on the pack grounds. It was right on the edge of the grounds, nowhere near the packhouse or village. It was a short hike to a beautiful watering hole at the base of a waterfall.

Originally, we were going to take the day to hike the trail. Now that she knows I’m a werewolf, she can ride Watcher to the top. He was beside himself with glee at that idea.

I pulled on a pair of gray joggers and a loose fitting navy blue V neck. I grabbed a backpack to put my clothes in when I shifted and stuffed a towel in it just in case we decided to go for a swim. I was about ready to head down to the kitchen when my phone rang. It was an unknown number which meant that it was Archer. I sighed and answered the phone, better to get this over with sooner rather than later.

“Hello.” I grumbled.

“What the hell are you doing?” He was growling at me, “You kissed her?” Of course he felt that.

“Yes and I’m going to be with her. We were stupid to think that I could just stay away from our mate when I’m so close to her. Besides, you don’t know what I know now.” I said.

“What are you talking about?” Archer sounded irritated. I dove into the story about Maizey’s father and her childhood abuse.

“Is he dead?” Archer said after a long moment of silence.

“Who? Paul?” I asked, confused.

“Yes.” Archer stated.

“No, I don’t even know where he is.” I was confused as to why he cared about Paul’s condition.

“Why the hell not?” He growled again.

“Maizey’s human, murder isn’t justice to her.” I repeated my mother’s earlier statement.

“I don’t give a damn what she is. That man defiled what is ours, he should be dead. I’ll handle it.” Archer snapped.

“What does that mean?” I had a pit in my stomach.

“You want her to be a part of your life, fine, then she is. But, that means she is also a part of mine. Without even seeing her, the connection is growing and I have a wolf to sustain. He won’t allow a man who harmed her to live.” Archer sounded bored.

“I won’t let you take her, Archer, my wolf won’t let it.” I replied.

“I’m not going to take her, Hunter,” Archer huffed in annoyance, “My wolf is already calmer just knowing that you’re with her.” He admits and I was shocked.

“What?” I didn’t know what else to say.

“I thought you being around her was making me weaker, turns out that avoiding her was even worse. My wolf needed to know that she was safe and untouchable. You’re the only person he trusts to accomplish that other than us.” Archer explained.

“Are you….coming home?” I was getting more confused the longer this conversation went on.

“Yes, after I deal with Paul. I’m not a threat to our mate, Hunter, I promise you.” Archer sighed and he actually sounded genuine.

“Uhm, okay.” I stammered.

“Is she…..is our mate happy?” Archer asked and I was rendered speechless until he cleared his throat.

“Oh, yes, I think so. She took the news about werewolves and the matebond fairly well. We’re going on our first date today so hopefully that will help lighten the mood.” I am rambling now.

“You told her about werewolves?” Archer sounded surprised.

“I did, last night. It was the only way to explain away my behavior the last few months.” I replied.

“She’s strong?” He asked simply.

“Very strong, she’s survived a lot.” I nodded even though he couldn’t see me.

“Good, she’s going to need to be strong. She can’t be some delicate flower.” Archer huffed and I rolled my eyes at him.

“She’s perfect.” I snapped defensively.

“Don’t be such a sap, brother. She’s human so she isn’t perfect.” Archer said.

“You’re just saying that because you haven’t met her yet. Just wait until you see her and look into her eyes. She’ll have you and Ryder as her puppy.” I smirked and I could practically hear Archer’s frown.

“I’m not a puppy, neither is Ryder. See you soon, brother.” He ended the call abruptly.

I was slow to bring the phone away from my ear, still reeling from the fact that he called me brother twice, something he hasn’t acknowledged since we were 15. I shook myself out of it and checked the clock on my phone. It was 11:15 and I had to get moving.

I jogged down the steps and into the kitchen where Francine was finishing packing up the picnic basket.

“Oh, young Alpha, I just finished packing the basket. I hope it’s to your liking.” She smiled at me. Francine has been working in our kitchen since my dad was a boy although she didn’t look a day over 50.

“I’m sure it’ll be perfect, Frannie.” I grinned, kissing her cheek.

I peeked inside the basket to see enough food to feed an army. There was fruit, cheese, chips and pretzels, two slices of pie, chocolate covered strawberries, two turkey sandwiches, a bottle of wine, and two glasses. The basket wasn’t a traditional picnic basket, instead it was styled like a backpack so I could easily carry it.

I swung the pack over my shoulder and carried both bags out to my truck. I tossed them in the back and started driving towards Maizey’s house. I pulled into her driveway and hopped out, knocking on their bright yellow front door.

Nick answered with a particularly sour expression.

“Greyback.” He nodded stiffly at me.

“Afternoon, Nick.” I said in greeting.

“I don’t like you.” Nick said plainly, refusing to let me inside.

“I’m sorry to hear that.” I stifled a laugh, “I hope I can change your mind. I know Matt told you about me and why I was so cold towards Maizey the last few months.”

“He did. I still don’t like you.”

“Nicky, knock it off.” Matt appeared behind him, shoving him out of the way. Nick grumbled and sulked towards the kitchen.

“Come in, Hunter.” Matt shook his head at his brother and motioned for me to come inside. He shut the door behind me, “Thanks for all the extra protection for Maizey, by the way, we owe you one for that.” Matt said, opening the fridge and offering me a beer. I politely declined.

“You don’t owe me anything. Keeping her safe is my responsibility.” I said.

“It’s our responsibility, has been since she was born.” Nick snapped from the kitchen table.

“Right, I’m just helping out now.” I said, trying not to stir the pot any further.

“She also told us about your offer to move into a hotel on the reservation.” Matt completely ignored his brother.

“Yes, that offer is for all of you, of course. Eventually, it’s my hope that she’ll move into the packhouse with me and you two can have your choice of homes on the pack grounds or you can stay here. Whatever you prefer.” I said, “I’ll pay off your house, of course.”

“We don’t need you to pay off anything.” Nick was glaring at me again.

“That’s thoughtful, Hunter, but we are able to provide for ourselves and our sister.” Matt was more chivalrous.

“I know that, I’m not questioning your abilities to provide. I’m just offering to help. We’re all family now.” I said.

“We can discuss all of this later, once Maizey has made up her mind.” Matt said just as Maizey’s door opened and we all turned our attention to her.

She looked ravishing in her tight blue jeans and dark purple tank top. It had a scoop neck and thick straps, leaving her shoulders and chest deliciously exposed. She had soft, touchable olive skin that was the perfect shade to compliment her chocolatey hazel eyes and fiery red curls.

I quickly moved towards her and kissed her cheek, offering her my arm.

“You look beautiful, little red.” I smiled at her and she blushed.

“You said to dress casually so that’s what I did.” She shrugged, looking down at herself.

“You look beautiful in anything.” I said, walking us towards the front door.

“Call us if you need anything, Maze.” Nick kissed the top of Maizey’s head, glaring at me.

“I’ll be fine, Nicky.” Maizey pushed him away, sensing his hostility towards me.

“Have fun, sis.” Matt said, giving her a hug from the side, “Take care of my sister.” He said to me and I nodded.

“We’re just going on a date, guys, chill out.” She rolled her eyes at the pair of them, “Let’s go.” She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door.

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